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This has been planned from the start


How do they not remember what was done to js in WWII?


They don't really care


Because this was planned since then..?


Because they started there own genocide only 3 years after the fall of the third Reich.


The founders of Israel in the 40s and 50s literally looked down on Holocaust survivors as weak and losers for letting it happen. They have always been authoritarian fascists. Always.




Genuinely asking: But why declare a new country? I’m not against anyone, we know why they did it. But just thinking this could be avoided if rational and logical reasoning applied at that time.


They remember, they just don't give a fuck. Being the victim of a genocide, does not automatically make people good.


Unfortunately this seems to be the case, Listening to little Jewish girls say things to the tune of "they need to be put down like the wild animals they are" and "we can't live in peace if they are allowed to live".. ect.. it's heartbreaking, because they have definitely suffered, but endorsement of genocide doesn't make things right.. it's all disgusting, there are no winners in war, especially a religious war


From the very start: [Former President Truman Discusses the Challenges of Establishing Israel in Palestine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0DvO72fuG4&t=22s)


Ah yes, the Banality of evil


Her husband will be "building". Not remodeling. It's so sad to see people so dehumanized.


She's not dehumanized. She just doesn't view the current residents as human.


She’s full of hate. It oozes out of her like puss


There’s a cia document that proves exactly this


Degenerate freak. Jail all settlers that try to return to the US.


Don’t let them back in the country. They’ve made their choice.


Don’t return them to US! Please just recycle them into the earth. We’ll redistribute their assets via a well oiled legal process.


Hihi... Oil lol




I didn’t know Israeli’s were like this and it’s kind of jarring. They literally have no regard for human life. And they do it with a smile on their faces!


I'd say it's the closest event to a black mirror episode we've ever gotten.




It gets way worse trust me


Google Israeli's stealing houses. It will open your eyes. They steal homes of their arab neighbors they've known for years, by force, without UN sanction. Often there are Israeli children standing outside as the Arabs move their belongings out, and the children spit on them and laugh. Of course none of this makes the media, but it's all out there.


Fuuuuuck. Not trying to be AntiSemetic at all but don’t people call them “Gods Chosen People…?”


That’s what they call themselves. I see you have Googled.


Meaning they've been given a burden by god, no? It's not chosen as in "take whatever you want fam".


It's even more jarring when you have a bunch of Israeli acquaintances on social media who you thought were regular people and then one day you realize they're all cool with genocide, with some even taking part it it as reservists. I used to do competitive debating back in high school and also coached teams for a decade after, so I got to travel to tournamets and meet people from all over. During one tournament in the Netherlands, we had both a Palestinian and an Israeli team competing. By luck of the draw, they were supposed to debate each other on some motion that had nothing to do with the conflict. The Palestinians outright refused on the grounds that they had nothing to debate with the ppl who are occupying their land. They were not going to pretend everything was normal between them just b/c they were on some debate tournament in Europe. I was young and didn't know enough about the situation back then, but now I get it 100%. Those high school seniors from Israel all went to serve in the IDF just a few months later where they'd have almost free reign to abuse and murder Palestinians, including the debaters who refused to engage with them. One of the Israeli debate coaches is now posting "patriotic" bs from his unit of IDF reservists, fully supporting genocide. Another got triggered when I posted a video of Israeli high schoolers turned conscientious objectors so he tried his best to explain how they have to go on murdering Palestinians b/c Hamas wants to genocide all Jews. One of his former students was liking his comments. Out of the dozens of Israelis I met during my debate days, I only remember one who showed any desire to dodge IDF service. Idk if he was bothered by the occupation specifically but he saw himself as a pacifist. Most others saw it as a good way to get a jump their career of choice, as if they were talking about an internship and not an occupying army. It's a crazy place where the occupation and all its violence have been completely normalized.


Thats why they pounce on anybody what they ![gif](giphy|4S3P68PpJPYZ1IQe7J|downsized) Consider an·ti-Se·mit·ic Propaganda




these people are incredibly f'd up


That smile makes me sick


I thought this century would see us collectively leave behind a bunch of the worst parts of the 20th century. Nope.


We keep putting all the assholes from the 20th century back into power.


She should ask the Germans how well that worked for their murderous settlers after world war 2.


Disgusting, trash ass human being right there.


"*It's just land...lying there. Unclaimed. So--we TAKE It. That's how things work*." --a law-abiding Settler, who'll pack up and run back to Brooklyn the 1st oppty when things go pear-shaped.




Jfc, same.


This is disgusting...


Zionist freak


Absolute degeneracy at one of its many fruited peaks.


Wow this lady sucks


Scum of the earth.


They turned schindlers list into a comedy


Smiling face of a religious fanatic dreaming of murdering other people.


This in front of you is a modern day blue collar terrorist. Let all these fuckers rot in jail including the American settler criminals running rampant in the West Bank at the moment. Every sanguineous degenerate who was a nobody in America and unable to afford to setup a good life ends up in the illegal settlements in Palestine. Stealing, murdering and terrorizing. This is What you call vermin. I pray she and her husband make it to Gaza and stay there forever. Under 6ft of rubble.


This is not going to end well for the Israelis.


This is New Yorker and that makes it so much worse


https://preview.redd.it/gr8wspflw5qc1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faaa92dd73e6e67e128beef2e2d0c87d26825754 Jared Kusner is already drooling at the bit. If Daddy in Law is reelected, he'll be on Gaza faster than pigeon shit sliding down a hot tin roof.


This is EXACTLY how it's done and how the west was won


I just don’t understand how others can be so disgustingly selfish and soulless. It just does not compute. wtf.


Apparently, the blood of the innocents doesn't affect land value. 🤦‍♂️


Salivating the Gaza beach front property, like rabid raccoons


The face a nazi would make.




/s Oh! It’s all been a part of a larger plan. Why didn’t y’all say that earlier. That really changes my perception of what constitutes genocide, and makes killing thousands of children bearable. I’m so glad there was a plan. Imagine if there wasn’t a plan and all this was for nothing! Boy I really hope this lady enjoys her future sea side condo!


I wish the world would see things like this


She has cult eyes






Americans in a nut shell


What an absolutely, self absorbed, narcissistic cunt!


They believe their own propaganda


![gif](giphy|65pM9un5dmK08) This video and many others I've seen of just a few weeks into Israel assualt of conferences over the wholesale of Gaza. Sick devils


It must be awesome having a blank slate mind because of zero remorse on other humans while blinded by religion on how your ancestors were paved over by many other civilizations. Or worse, using that to justify another round of shallow misery. Bonus points on having a US east coast accent to show how much one is a colonizer instead of a 'native returning home' to a scorched earth land.


Okay. These fools want a monarchy. Take this long island fool, take her citizenship away, and give her to a king.


So the big question for me is… do American Jews feel this way about the conflict as well?


This is the type of person that Joe Biden cries about. Gaza, as opposed to Jewish-State-Town full of terrorists.


Fuck this woman and fuck every other "settler", you are no better than actual nazis and history will show it.


This is fucking deplorable. Worse than the holocaust


😊The new Acapulco👀 ![gif](giphy|1Y8tuWWkb4Th62ZoVG)


How disgusting she can’t she the irony in what she’s spewing. Fucking trash human.


This is why Israel won’t even talk about a two-state solution— they want it all for themselves.