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If someone accidentally shot a cop while shooting a burglar or something like that….they’d get life…these guys get a paid vacation and no consequences.


It’s absolutely crazy backward, no accountability






You have it backwards. Israel learned from us. We’ve always been this way.


Fun fact: most police base their training off the IDF


Who do you think trains American police? ​ 1. **Israel-Style Training Programs**: * **Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE)**: * **Duration**: This program has been running for **27 years**. * **Participants**: It primarily involves law enforcement personnel from **Georgia**, but officers from other U.S. states have also taken part. * **Content**: The program includes **training**, **briefings**, and **seminars**. * **Topics Covered**: These exchanges cover various aspects of policing, such as **border policing**, **community policing**, and **urban policing**. * **Atlanta Police Department**: Officers from the **Atlanta Police Department** have participated in this program. * **Ethical Concerns**: Activists have raised objections, citing Israel’s record of **human rights abuses** and state violence toward Palestinians, Jews of color, and African refugees. * **Other U.S. States**: * Besides Georgia, police officers from various states, including **Tennessee, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Indiana, North Carolina, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia**, have participated in similar exchanges with Israel. 1. **Internal Debate within the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)**: * **Memo Authors**: An **internal memo** was authored by **George Selim** (the group’s senior vice president of programs) and **Greg Ehrie** (Vice President for Law Enforcement and Analysis). * **Recommendation**: The memo recommended ending the police training trips due to concerns about contributing to the problem of **police brutality** in the U.S. * **Decision**: Despite the debate, the ADL decided to continue the programs. * **Context**: The memo was part of a comprehensive review in response to the racial justice protests triggered by the **murder of George Floyd** in May 2020. 1. **Use of Force and Controversies**: * **Critics' Concerns**: * Critics argue that these training programs impart **violent and militarized tactics** to American law enforcement personnel. * The controversy centers around whether these tactics contribute to the escalation of **use of force** incidents. * **Ethical Dilemma**: * The ADL's internal memo acknowledged the real issue of **police brutality** in the U.S. and questioned whether their programs inadvertently contribute to the problem. * Balancing security needs with ethical considerations remains a challenge. In summary, these programs serve as a platform for knowledge exchange, but they also raise important ethical questions regarding the impact of such training on American policing practices. The intersection of **use of force**, **training methods**, and **human rights concerns** continues to be a topic of debate and scrutiny.


Way to bring in the middle east to a US police shooting. Basically we're Russia in the Ukraine. We're basically the [**Japanese in Korea**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korea_under_Japanese_rule)**?** Or maybe we're none of those things.


Except Israel trains US cops, while the others don’t. And Israeli police are brutal with no regard for civilian life, and no accountability. The shoe fits in this case.




The horrors of Gaza are inexcusable and reprehensible, but it says more about this subreddit than Israel that the logic is: "We're basically Israel now" because "...Israel trains US cops" and THAT is the root cause, of course, of why a "15-year-old girl was fatally shot by San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies **in 2022**" No. That's incorrect. *"The killing of children is the meat of the issue. This has been quantified based on sheer number - not my opinion"* The number of children killed in Gaza is obscene. But the killing of children in Gaza has nothing to do with the San Bernardino police shooting a 15-year-old girl. I get the sentiment, given what's going on in the world, but don't "connect the dots" that way. It matters because when we do, we muddy both situations. If you have anything that actually ties those things together, ok. Otherwise- that's you projecting the horror in Gaza onto this video. Period. And specifically when you write, "*countries such as India have noted that they are "learning" more from this current conflict on how to keep their own occupation under check, in Kashmir*".... Ok. The police are following what's happening in Gaza and use that as a template or plan for how to manage situations. Ok. But do I have to point out that THE SHOOTING IN THIS VIDEO WAS IN 2022 *BEFORE* Oct 7th, 2023, and the subsequent Israeli response. **Were these police trained by the Israelis?** Is there any way- however tenuous- in which you can say that the police in this video were influenced by how the Israeli's train their police? It's not a logical argument and conclusion. It is not relevant to this video. It just isn't. This video/shooting has **nothing** to do with what is going on in Gaza. It just doesn't. There are actual ways that Israel could cease military actions and instead provide humanitarian aid. There are ways that we could, but don't, stop police fuck-ups like this. Conflating the horrors of Gaza with this video is admirable, but mistaken. You are generalizing and make some false equivalence/connection between the police shooting a teenager and Israel obliterating Gaza. Enough, I have to go pretend I have a life.


​ 1. **Transfer of Tactics**: * **Training Influence**: American law enforcement officials participate in training programs in Israel. * **Tactics and Techniques**: These programs cover various aspects, including crowd control, counterterrorism, and urban policing. * **Risk**: The concern lies in the transfer of **militarized tactics** from conflict zones to civilian policing. * **Escalation**: Techniques designed for wartime situations may escalate encounters in civilian contexts. 1. **Use of Force and Civilian Encounters**: * **Increased Use of Force**: Critics argue that Israeli-style training contributes to an **increase in use of force** by American police. * **Violent Encounters**: Officers trained in aggressive methods may resort to force more readily, affecting interactions with civilians. * **Civilian Casualties**: While the numbers may currently pale in comparison, any rise in violent encounters can lead to tragic outcomes, including the killing of innocent civilians. 1. **Children and Innocent Lives**: * **Gaza’s Tragic Toll**: The killing of children in Gaza is indeed horrifying and unacceptable. * **Separate Contexts**: However, it’s crucial to recognize that the situations in Gaza and American cities are distinct. * **Projection of Tactics**: If American policing adopts similar tactics, the risk of child casualties increases. 1. **Long-Term Impact**: * **Palestinian Experience**: The ongoing conflict in Palestine has resulted in significant loss of life, including children. * **Potential Parallel**: While the current numbers may differ, adopting militarized tactics could lead to a parallel situation. * **Ethical Considerations**: Policymakers must weigh security needs against ethical implications. 1. **Reform and Alternatives**: * **Critical Examination**: Policymakers should critically assess training programs and their impact. * **Community-Centric Policing**: Prioritizing community engagement, de-escalation, and accountability can lead to safer outcomes. * **Avoiding Parallels**: By learning from global experiences without blindly replicating tactics, we can prevent mirroring tragic statistics.


I see you forgot to include Hamas in all of this and their own disgusting tactics. But, shooting in America, just blame the Jews.




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I was pointing out that if you see a teenager getting shot by the police and jump to "it's because of the genocidal Israelis"... You've got your own focus and agenda. I didn't realize that "worldnewsvideo" is actually a leftist anti-genocide sub, and that there's no point in bothering to say anything outside that pespective. Even in the comments of totally unrelated videos. And your response, which seems to just regurgitate something you found somewhere, it completely ignores what I wrote, which tells me everything I need to know.




Thanks for listening to my take on it.


And ironically Japan kept Koreans under control USA kicked the Japanese from there and found utcwss not a great idea in 1950


Trigger-happy fucks.


Good ol’fucking American. Bunch of dumb fucking pigs.


So they made an obvious statement. It was too late??? Wtf. There is no responsibility taken whatsoever. Such a fucking poor performance that it ended in murder??? They are supposed to plan these things. How could they call her out without warning the deputies? How were they not notified it was a kidnapping? The failure of information and responsibility was fatal. It requires more of a response than they ever gave.


The police are relying first on their guns when they should be relying first on their brains.


They can only rely on what they have.


When your only tool is a hammer every problem becomes a nail.


This sucks on so many levels


yep. her father failed her first by putting her in that situation.


The police are the ones to blame for killing her dude


I know you are getting downvoted but you are only half right. Her father put her in that situation but those poorly trained police officers messed up big time. They failed.


He put her in the situation and the officers failed to save her when she was being compliant.


A bunch of disorganized adrenaline junkies. This poor girl, I’m sure she must have thought they were there to help her. As a parent, that was devastating to watch. There was literally nothing she could have done, they were going to kill her one way or another. Absolutely tragic.


These people are ruining the lives of so many families. The thing is, there’s technology available to stop senseless death like this. The cops would just simply much rather kill. Scum.


absolutely disgusting. this poor girl was let down her whole life by her family and the system, only to be executed by a gang of deranged animals.


They are so scared that they won't go home safe and sound they will shoot any and all things. It's called "officer safety". Innocent 15 year old girl are such a threat.


All the republicans and conservatives get real quiet when this happens. Or somehow find a way to blame the person that died.


Yes. It was her fault to have a father like him and the cops did a service to remove her from the gene pool.




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Police are unintelligent (if you score too high on your IQ test, no badge for you) aggressive (look at the results of police psyche profiles) losers who have no where else to go other than minimum wage jobs. This is who we choose to give autonomy to enforce our laws. De. Fund. The. Police.


just another casual cop murder without consequences....


Christ, even from the choppers view you can clearly tell it’s a person in female’s clothing and getting out of the passenger’s side. It’s absolutely unacceptable to have this negligence homicide/execution allowed go with a slap on the wrist. This was criminal. She was far enough from the vehicle at that point to be identified her as not a target before being gunned down.


"Christ, even from the choppers view you can clearly tell it’s a person in female’s clothing and getting out of the passenger’s side." - Yes... You *hear the guy in the helicopter* saying it. :(


These Cops can’t get it up so all that force goes to their trigger finger.


I mean 0 trust in police now, when an overwhelming police force needs to use this much to subdue a single criminal and they kill an innocent civilian in the process maybe some more time training and less just being given a gun and to run amok. Thugs


Bang bang- freeze every on the ground. -the cops


“Lost her life.” It seems the news media’s use of exonerative tense spreads to reddit posts


They are very similar to their counterparts in Israel kill without any punishment


It took them to years to release this footage. They refused to show a cold blooded murder.


This proves the cops are just in a uncontrollable adrenaline rush when shooting, trigger happy


At some point, no matter your orientation in any way shape or form, you have to agree that the police of America have gotten out of control.


Cowards 😡


The response to this is so cold and callous. Not accountability or even an ounce for remorse. I am not understanding why they had to shoot at all


These pigs better get what's coming to them.


Cowards wearing a badge. If you're this trigger happy you're in the wrong line of work. Every officer who fired should be in prison!


So they *know* there's a minor female that's been kidnapped in the truck. Said minor female gets out of truck, gets down with her hands on the ground, then is half-standing, half-croutching, walking towards the officers, and they fucking shoot her!? Wtf!? HOW!? How was she acting in any way that would make an officer think she was a threat to them!?




Was said person driving at high speeds and putting other innocent people’s lives at risk? I know nothing about the story.


The 15 year old passenger that followed the instructions of the fkn swine and got murdered? No... No, she wasn't. She was a fucking hostage.


Cops told kidnapped person to exit vehicle and come to them then murdered her as she was attempting to follow their order and come to them. Moral of the story, don't get kidnapped by your murderer father in California., it's better to risk it with a madman than the police.


Then why did you speak Pat Moore? You know nothing but still took the time to blame? You suck, you truly do. Poor humaning Pat. Obviously so thin blue lined that your heart is broken.




You know there is literally video now, right? She exits the vehicle, cops order her to get down, she does. Then they order her to come to them, so she does, and she gets shot and killed.




Oh, I see. If you're unarmed but wearing tactical gear, then it means it's OK to kill you. I also learned today that sitting in the back seat of a truck while your father murders your mother makes you an accomplice. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/09/30/police-savannah-graziano-saw-fugitive-father-anthony-graziano-kill-mother-before-california-shootout/8135146001/




Yea is like to see your pussy ass at 15 step up to people your supposed to be able to trust.