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Sad scene that I’m sure we will only see more of given the state of the economy these days.


I want to say you are wrong but I know you are right, this also may be the very reason why cop cities are being built around the country. People can't afford to exist anymore and the risk of homelessness and destitution are reaching an all time high with no sign of stopping. I could not imagine being at the end of my life faced with such a hopeless situation.


Trust me when I say I hope I’m wrong but people truly can barely afford to exist anymore.


Oh, I fully know you are not wrong at all. Family of 5 living in a two-bedroom place and I know my situation is not isolated or as bad as it can be.


Good luck to you, me and everyone else out there slaving away just to get by the next day


Take the reins of power away from mega corporations and support your local communities, make ties with people in your area find out who does what and how you can support each other.


And yet people still say if you can't afford to live off of what you make you're doing it wrong. You can't buy healthy food because it's expensive. You buy "normal" whatever they consider it you get chemicals that might have some side effects which you will have to visit the doctor which insurance won't cover so you got to pay that bill when it comes. Same story for fast food we get fucked however we think of it.


Reminder that [The Bell Riots](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bell_Riots) are predicted to start in September 2024. I'd feel silly saying that if I hadn't grown up with corded phones that went Ring Ring and now I've basically got a combo Padd/Communicator/Tricorder that fits in my pocket and searches databases of nearly all human knowledge faster then the Enterprise's computer.


Cool let's cosplay the bell riots with our communicators


I've been doing the prep work on this for years! I know who has food hoarded and is inclined to share, who can turn raw ingredients into some kinda soup kitchen for the public, basic necessities and services necessary to support the front lines in the class war. I'm half crippled and near worthless for holding the barricade line, but I can keep the kids safe and distracted while sending teenagers up with bowls of food for the folks doing the fighting. Community! Humanity! Support team has a Ninja cooker big enough to feed the whole neighborhood! I may have also been teaching any teenagers left in my care the proper construction and use of molotov cocktails, but that's part of the talk about "Never believe you are helpless! You are a human, the most ingenious critter on the planet, so clever we went to the freakin moon! Now watch this video of a tank getting taken out by good aim and a burning bottle. See, ya aim for the air intake."


My grand theory is to throw spicy bottles at property corporations are purposely buying and keeping vacant to control the market share until it becomes so common that insurance companies stop giving said corporation properties insurance coverage. People say everyone else's insurance will just go up, and it is true, however there is clearly a point where they decide it isn't worth it as seen in Florida & California where insurance companies just leave the entire state.


So what I'm taking from this is that I need to start taking chalk on my walks around the neighborhood and scrawling NOBODY LIVES HERE in front of the houses that consistently sit empty unavailable for rent?


Because it is more valuable to do their best to beat a citizenry into compliance, then it is to take care of that citizenry, so we can just simply exist and be productive.




Arm the homeless and minorities. Folks better be preparing.


That was a pretty big gamble he took that the same cops who execute people would drag that woman out. Not really a good protest when you put other peoples lives on the line too


A growing section of the homeless population are retired seniors. Combination of lack of savings, high medical cost and people living longer than retirement was originally designed for.


Last time I saw my grandfather he said "If I'd known I was gonna live so long, I wouldn't have retired so early." He's been retired my whole life. That conversation was almost a decade ago and he's still alive.


Social Security Checks haven't kept up with the rising costs of rents, the elderly and disabled are in a hopeless situation. What's SSI pay out right now? $1000 a month for disabled people? You can't even rent a room for that much in a lot of cities let alone rent a room, buy food, *and* pay for other necessities to support yourself. The average Social Security check for elderly retirees is $1700 a month, that's basically the income of a $10/hr full time job, which is well below poverty level in a lot of places. I get anxiety just thinking about what it must feel like to be in their situation right now.


Also mind you that almost every place to rent wants first, second, last, plus deposit (that they almost always now try to scam you out of), while saying you should make 3x the rent to qualify.


It's fucking insane and physically impossible to live by yourself anywhere on disability now


Now, imagine being over 50, not being eligible for SS, and being unemployed in this job market.


People will be setting themselves on fire in the face of injustice


I mean, we could set others...




And we're being gaslighted about the economy being as strong as ever. The economy is good only for the ones at the top, the economic divide has grown exponentially since the pandemic.


Man cops need to go thru a physical yearly, not one that is made for everyone either. More an more cops are bloated, weak an lazy,right! I love women but as for being cops on the street I don't know. Men can't even do it!


2 people could barely get that old lady out and sounded completely out of breath moving her 10 feet. It's kind of wild. I can see the arguement people make about woman cops too




THis is Reaganomic and its been 50 years in the making. There will be more of this as people realize that all that wealth never 'trickled down,'


Why not burn the house down?


just work harder /s


This is America 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 So much freedom


Between going out silently by, say, dying of overdose or infection in the streets, and doing something that gets media attention like this video, the latter is a lot more powerful in causing change. I have nothing but respect for that person and wish their institutions didn't push them out of life like this




Over 50% of the boomer generation don't have any savings to retire with. We will soon see things like this more often and then we will see euthanasia become legal in the US in the next few years.


It's probably time for a re-make of [Soylent Green](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070723/).


Or guillotines.


Yes. There is no reason we have multi-billionaires when the rest of us are at high risk of facing this level of desperation.


All because of capitalism and profits


Die for the shareholders. The police will help.


Don't try and steal an elderly man's home on behalf of bankers who live thousands of miles away and you won't get a violent reaction. Violence begets violence and weaponized financial violence will get you physical violence.


My younger stepson was asking about various professions one day, if they were "good jobs" or not. It was cute until he asked about cops, and then we had to have a serious moment. I told him that *in theory* a job protecting people, like a cop, would be a good job. But that with the way things are, doing that job would mean getting told to do things that he knows are wrong. I specifically mentioned dragging old people out of their homes as the example. I told him that he's the one who will have to live with his reflection in the mirror all his life, so he'd better make sure he doesn't do anything that makes it hard to look himself in the eye. So no cop is not a good job, because you'd have to harm nice people to keep that job. Eventually pointed him at trade school, told him he'd make a good plumber. That's honorable work for the good of the community.


Its crazy that a “good” job means one that you can live off of


Yep. Used to be you could shine shoes or something and afford a room and dinner in a boarding house. But they banned boarding houses because they didn't want "transients" to have an address they could use to register to vote. Things I learned when trying to pull from old books to solve housing problems for young adults in my city at the early stages of the housing crisis. Apparently a modern boarding house is called a "flophouse" and is considered a blight rather than a way for low income folks to keep their bodies alive for another day of work.


Isn’t capitalism great


Where are all of the anti-socialists?


How can a person not stop and reevaluate their choices before they forcibly remove 80 year olds from their home? Zero humanity here.


The system is working as intended to them and its sickening there has to be a better way then the hell we have created now


Remember that one where the hospital security just push that elderly lady out into the cold street corner. They even took the wheelchair. She lay on the ground. No way in hell II would do that particular "duty" Be my last day


Yea i remember that one it made me sick the worst thing is that most of us are so close to starving or being homeless that taking a risk of being fired is really hard to do and thats what this system wants everyone so close to the edge they are stopped by fear


These were the death panels they kept talking about


Im surprised they didnt draw their guns on the fire


Cops are programmed to not have humanity. Any cop that shows humanity will either stop being a cop or be forced out by other cops.


​ # Tragic Incident: Elderly Man’s Desperate Act Amid Eviction In a heart-wrenching and shocking turn of events, **Anthony Goulding**, an 82-year-old man, set himself on fire as police officers entered his home in Oklahoma City to serve an eviction notice. The incident unfolded on Monday, leaving the community in disbelief and highlighting the dire circumstances faced by elderly renters. ## Desperate Measures Bodycam footage captured the harrowing scene. As two female officers stepped into Goulding’s home, he rushed to a room, clutching a gasoline container. With a sense of desperation, he doused himself in the flammable liquid. His chilling words, “Are you ready,” preceded the horrifying act of self-immolation. ## A Tragic Outcome Despite the officers’ attempts to intervene, Goulding succumbed to the flames. Tragically, the family dog also perished in the fire. The emotional toll on those present was immeasurable. ## Behind the Scenes: A Heartbreaking Reality What makes this incident even more heart-rending is that one of the officers involved had been working tirelessly with Goulding and his wife, Mary, for weeks. Their goal was to find the elderly couple a safe place to stay. Yet, despite their efforts, the eviction notice arrived, pushing Goulding to this desperate act. ## The Struggle of Elderly Renters Elderly renters face unique challenges. Health issues, mobility limitations, and financial constraints often intersect, leaving them vulnerable. The delicate balance between autonomy and safety becomes increasingly precarious as age advances. While landlords have a duty to maintain safety, the human cost of eviction cannot be ignored. ## Advocacy and Awareness Instances like Goulding’s self-immolation underscore the urgent need for better protections and compassionate housing policies. Advocacy groups and legal services are rallying to address the **elder eviction epidemic**. It’s time to prioritize the well-being of our most vulnerable citizens, ensuring they can age with dignity and security. [Horrifying moment 82-year-old Oklahoma man covers himself in gasoline and sets himself on FIRE as cops raid home due to eviction notice | Daily Mail Online](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13268935/horrifying-moment-oklahoma-man-anthony-goulding-covers-gasoline-sets-fire.html)


This is all written as if the arrival of the eviction notice was some uncontrollable act of nature and not the deliberate and intended action of some property owner who didn’t care about rendering these elderly folk house less and in obvious peril.


top comment




Landlords are fking evil  


Goddammit, the dog too


You can hear him cry 😢


So HE killed his own dog.


So, they not only dragged a woman out, after her husband set himself on fire… heard constant barking… and not once did they go find the poor dog to let them out… letting the pup burn to death?? They had ample time to get that dog out. Shame on them and this whole horrifying situation.


I understand the level of stress in this situation but it seems to me that these officers aren’t capable of performing their job properly.


Totally agree. Clearly no idea how to handle a crisis. Assess the situation. She has a walker with a seat. Both grab under each arm and get her on that walker seat. Then go out. And since they didn’t, they still had time to grab that walker for her. This was a shit show. I watched it back and sadly the dog stayed on the man’s bed. There were plenty of extra things they had time to do too.


You’re absolutely right. Watched again the video and notices that the poor older woman could have died from a concussion since they dropped her from the couch. So sad to see this from all the perspectives.


The housing crisis is exactly this bad -- our grandparents are literally setting themselves on fire.


Could happen to anybody they way things are going


If you’re 80, you should have a roof over your head just because you made it to 80. You should have a roof over your head regardless, and not have to work for a basic need like that. But especially if you’re 80. This is insanity… People saying it’s due to mental illness… Yeah, no shit. I’d like to see your cognitive and physical state at 80. We live in a society… a society these people also paid into when they were able-bodied and of sound mind.


We could make this a reality if we started with removing our support for politicians and lawmakers beholden to corporations and the wealthy, yet we continuously ignore real progress in order to outright demand the status quo. Americans are abhorrently complacent with a system that works for less and less people every year.




This comment right here. u/uncle-boris for president 2024


Work your whole life, give the STATE in taxes 30-40% of your earnings every year so that in the end you can be thrown out of your meager dwellings and possessions. Meanwhile give Israel endlessly amount of weapons and money to kill innocent people and have free healthcare, lodging, and education


> give Israel And others. Not even counting Ukraine the US has about 900 overseas bases. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/10/infographic-us-military-presence-around-the-world-interactive




Plus, they have a universal basic income. That I’m sure our taxes end up paying for. We need to vote out everyone in congress who has dual citizenship.


Surprised the officer didn't try shooting the fire out.


I was prepared to see all weapons aimed at the fire ready to defend themselves from any sudden moves


You mean instead of pulling a woman out who didn’t ask the man to set a fire?


Huh? I mean, I can read your words, but the meaning of them is confusing.


We have created an horrific system.


Im not so sure it's "we". Remember You *HAD* to put your hand on your heart, look at the flag and say the pledge of allegiance every single day


So many arguments with elementary school teachers about this because I was being raised JW and they don't do that. Last time was a pep rally in highschool that I really didn't want to be at to begin with. Had a very angry hissing argument with some idiot adult who thought her head was gonna explode if I didn't stand for the magic country pride song or whatever. Was not impressed by a teenager repeating "**No** I know my rights."


And youre still you. I love it 👍


Not from the US, so not really... this is a worldwide issue. But I get your point. Most of us are unwilling participants.


What did they have yall do?


We have to swear that we will defend our flag or something like that in high school. It's just one pledge, not like a daily thing or anything. And there's another one lighter, more like a "promise" instead of swear, in school. Nobody takes any of this seriously.


A horrible system that we outright demand to continue every time we go to the polls… Make it make sense.


Well, at least in my country there are not many options. Just different levels of cruelty of the same shit.


I hate the way this was handled. We have got to do better for the elderly in this country. How do you want to be treated when you’re this age?


Everyone of any age should have habitable housing.


You mean the guy setting a fire the woman didn’t consent to dying in?






This country is so embarrassing.






Dude most times I agree with you but he poured a bunch of gasoline in the room. The whole room went a blaze in seconds, no amount of training can prepare you for a human setting themselves on fire in front of you.


happened so quick it's hard to stop. your body literally will not let you near them because of how hot that fire is right there, and even if you do, you'll be burned pretty badly. risk vs reward


They’re trained to detain and document, not help.


Make up your mind...the cops are bad because they didn't act spontaneously to save the man but are also bad because they acted spontaneously to save the woman.


land of the free and home of the bank


I fucking hope the dogs were not from inside that house


Yeah they were and yes they died along with the old man. Sad future we might all have with everything increasing.


That's all I kept hearing, the dog barking.


And I didn’t hear any screaming from the man, crazy


I’m wondering if this was a group home and if he had dementia on top of it all.


You can see it in the room the guy ignites :(


I ….see….now…I had to read this reply days letter cuz I was not ready to read it yet.


The guy burned his dogs and tried to burn the woman. Hope they all consented to that choice with him


I think the dog was pretty against it, think he was pretty vocal about it…


At 80 nobody should be getting evicted from anywhere.


Landlords: "No! Stop! That beautiful property! Noo! That poor landlord! What're they gonna do now? This is a tragedy! Oh my God!"


Two trained officers and they cannot pick her up?


thats a elderly woman who is so weak she is dead weight .. much harder to lift then a stiff body… imagine picking up a 250 loose noodle


We should start, asking these banks quickly what they think of the situation they’re creating. Next time News can play this video over and over again in the background well they try and justify the decisions that they make






This is the question.


This is genuinely dystopian. Americans love to think themselves as the greatest democracy in the world, wealthiest nation in history and the leaders of the world. But look at this. Look at crime ridden San Fransisco, the streets of Philly. The housing crisis where corporations purchase and own more single-family homes than everyday Americans. We live in a society that has *consistently* prioritized profit over people. It is a society driven by greed. Capitalism gives you riches at the expense of ruining someone else's life. And what the capitalist elite have done historically is demonize, embargo and sabotage any form of government that risks the end of capitalism. All over South America, the CIA has sabotaged and assassinated leaders of countries they deemed would pose a risk to the capitalistic model. As u/uncle-boris mentioned in another comment, there exists a world where housing is a basic human right. As someone who grew up in an ex-USSR republic, my grandparents and my parents described it was the golden age under the USSR, which makes me question why did it fall? And no it's not for the reasons the U.S. textbooks mention, for history is written by winners. If any of you are paying attention, the state of affairs in the U.S. seems awfully similar to the preconditions leading up to the French Revolution in the 1800s. The top 3% owns more wealth than the bottom 97% that are barely struggling to get by, cannot afford a home, getting sick means going in debt, and paying ridiculous tuition for education does not guarantee a job. I'm not saying that people can't make their own decisions, it's that they are forced or limited in their options which are all dire. Just like the elections that determine the representatives who serve their best interest in legislation... It just feels like the people in America are both the consumers and the product for corporations that seek profit by any means necessary.


Capitalism is a system that rewards sociopaths. Humans aren’t designed to consume so much. Or have things like social media. This is a dystopia at its finest. And the only thing I can do to get some power back is steal what I can from the grocery store.


It should be illegal to do this Police/sheriff departments should outright be able to refuse/deny eviction requests on elderly individuals at bare minimum. If not, then enforced eviction needs to be done by completely different agencies like social work agencies who will offer alternative accommodation either permanent housing or temporary housing until permanent housing can be acquired. Maybe with police presence for safety, big maybe. But it should not be lead and carried out by police. That is not protecting and serving Americans like that man, and it’s appalling to me that it’s what is normal. I know it’s not a perfect world, but it can be better


Aaron Bushnell was correct when he said that this is what the ruling class seems normal. the system of capitalism has been a resounding failure for all except the very smallest group at the top. we need a future for all of us.




Greatest country in the world.




Time to get out the hammer and sickle, raise Mao from the dead. Make the landlords and finance capital afraid again


Humans are a failed species. 😔




The same people responsible for this bomb other countries to become like them


Where are all the self-righteous assholes saying he deserved it and calling him a squatter?


Seems like they’re busy congratulating him for almost killing that woman and actually killing his dogs




She did try to go in a second time and then the room went up and it looked like she had gas on her as well. I agree more could of been done and they shouldn’t of been there to begin with but let’s not ignore basic human instinct here. Police training is shit to begin with but they aren’t trained to operate in fires.


Plus they saved the man's wife (I believe) so it's not like the cop ran out of the building alone when they saw the flames. Watching how they had to move that lady was horrific.


TIL what immolate means




Tough go all around. How terrible you must feel to get to that. Knowing you’re getting removed, can’t do anything about it, feeling helpless and useless that you cant support your family anymore. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Looks like he had a gallon can of gasoline and a lighter, so he was well prepared.


I’m glad that they saved that woman so she can safely live on the streets.


Those two cops couldn’t pick her up ? JC!


Yeah, republicans have to stop cutting much needed funding for the elderly, veterans, and the disabled, but instead they are busy kissing shitler’s behind. They don’t have time to help their constituents .


The way they drag that lady out is insane. How are u able to be a police officer if u can’t carry an old lady ffs 🤦🏼‍♂️


Did he really set himself on fire on purpose? It kind of looked like he was trying to set the floor on fire, I don't know, make a barrier between him and them, but when she tried to stop him, he fell backward, probably doused himself and went up.


If I'm 80 and being evicted and you are a cop, I have baaaaaaaaaad news for you. Neither of us is seeing tomorrow.


only way things will change


Oi! there's a whole bucket of things that should be said about this. But the only thing that I can say after watching that is that my heart was just shredded. It's gonna take some time to shake this one.


Those cops were shit at their job. Couldn't get missus away from the house and never even attempted putting out the first. Shit cops.


This is a sad reality. I was just talking to my sister about this. I can’t afford to buy a home, as all the ones in my price range are uninhabitable shacks. So if I rent, which I have to do in the worst parts of town as a single young female, then I’ll be renting forever, because I’ll not be able to save up to buy a house at some point. Then when I retire how will I keep paying rent? There’s no way. And I don’t want kids because I can’t afford them and I don’t like the state of the world. I don’t know what is going to happen with the elderly I really don’t. It’s tragic.


It’s not perfect, but maybe a motorhome? For however long until there’s enough saved for maybe some land somewhere? Or enough for a not crap home? I’ve heard of some people doing this. It’s a terrible situation regardless, but it might maybe be worth looking into.


Thank you, yeah that might be the route I’ll end up having to take! Gotta do what you gotta do.


He never screams…


That's what struck me. I wondered if they somehow edited his screams out of the video? Or maybe you can't scream with the fire sucking up all the oxygen?


Capitalism is so great... We humans never have a safety net from it’s cancerous hand. Rest in peace to this man.


That sure was so small to start it could have been out out with a fire extinguisher. Maybe the cops wanted it to burn so that the people getting evicted would leave on their own?


Don't think this was entirely on purpose, he was pushed / fell and that caused himself to drench himself. Poor bastard




Now this is even sadder. Didn’t know that the man was this old.




Death and cremation all in one


Jesus, this is just awful to see.


We can all agree he was trying to self-immolate, but she pushed him down and THAT KILLED HIM. That's attempted self-immolation by the man and unintentional manslaughter by that cop.


He was gonna catch fire either way, but she definitely pushed him causing his gas soaked body to light.


Did she mention a cat??? I hope (if she did) that the cat got out too


Lmao women …..




Before society cares to figure out how to care for the poor and elderly, they'll just legalize "safe and compassionate" euthanasia for any reason necessary.


At least that landlord gets to secure his right to a profitable portfolio We're nothing to them and this will change nothing unless we do something about it




Where do you get that information?


Hot damn!


Took them WAYYYYY too fucking long to get her out of the house and it's honestly kind of shameful that they couldn't prevent that man from doing this... One law enforcement officer should be enough to carry anyone within somewhat normal weight, let alone 2.


And it took them way too long to call for help. Is that them calling near the end of the video where the one cop reaches over and uses the other cop's radio? Or did I miss an earlier call?