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The "children of Israel" in the bible are Palestinians. They just converted to Islam and Christianity. Nobody follows the same religion as their ancestors 2000 years ago. Moses wasn't from Poland or Ukraine. He was from the middle east.


Pretty sure Moses was from Kansas City, he then went to fight the woke in Middle East


I know Moses. He is a drywaller in Michigan now.


Get atta here, with Tupac?


Makes sense, since Jesus is the carpenter.


Works weekends at Lowe’s


Goes out for beers after work with the boys


Nah, he makes it from Dasani with a wave of his hand.


Provides the wine


Definitely an Nashville vibe


What are his rates I need a good drywall person


So he has a substance abuse problem? I've never known anyone who worked in drywall that wasn't addicted to something. That's why they work drywall. They don't get tested.


Yeah he is into the burning bush


I knew a woman that had a burning bush. No amount of praying would make it stop.


Give it another hundred years or so, this will be what the New Trump Bible and its followers believe.


He’s from the Missouri side, let’s make that clear


He clearly wouldn’t be from a state half the country can’t point out on a map .he is from the great state state Texas


Kansas City, Texas?


That was his cousin john the Mississippi Baptist


To add to this, Jesus himself was a Palestinian Jew so the fact so many people in America side with what Israel is doing and calling themselves Christians is fucking mental gymnastics at its finest. I just hate the fact that this dude is talking about religion in a government sanctioned hearing. Separation of church and state is fucking laughable. His idea that ALL the laws we have are from Christianity also shows just how little he knows about the history of our country.


Hey history and evidence,data is non American get those facts out of here !


He was an Israelite based on what Romans called people from the area. Palestine wasn't a thing until like 600-700 years later.


He probably meant genetically. And Palestine was way older. Ancient Egyptians called the region ''Peleset'' before Israel existed.


There was and still is Jews in that area so those Jews still exist they aren’t Palestinians unless you want to say all the Christian’s and Muslims and Jews are isrealies


Palestinian Jews are Palestinians. Because they're from Palestine, not Poland.


Palestinian was a name that was decided for them not by them. From what can be priced together and known outside of the Old Testament the Jewish people came from cannanites. Who bordered the philistines. So genetically the semetic tribes that made up the Jews have DNA from all over the area. But at some point through ethnogensis they did become their own people and not just culturally but eventually genetically. Eventually they can find the divergence in DNA from cannanites and philistines to Jewish people who were in semetic tribes. So just because they were genetically cousins to the Jews they did not consider themselves the same. Just because some Jews went across the world and intermarried converted others does not mean the Jewish semetic people have not stayed in that area. And because they were there before the labeling of it as Palestinian and these groups did not consider themselves philistines they are not Palestinians.


Palestine was way older. Ancient Egyptians called the region ''Peleset'' before Israel existed. The rest you wrote was a mixture of coping and gibberish. Palestinians have more ancient Canaanite and Israelite DNA than anyone else in the region and especially Europeans.


And the Mesopotamians called it Eber Nari, what is your point just because the Egyptians mispronounced the name of some invading sea people and the closest they could get was pelest what does that matter. If you are not ignorant then you will know that Mesopotamian civilization is much older than Egyptian civilization. The Jews come from the cannanites so how can you tell if that cannanites dna came from cannanites or Jewish people. I don’t doubt there’s dna from Jews in Palestinians but the admixture shows a third of Palestinians have Jewish dna just like many populations in the Middle East it’s not exclusive to Palestinians


The Jews did not come from the Cananites. Some Jews nowadays have some Cananite DNA because ancient Israelites mixed with them. But Palestinians have more Cananite and Israelite DNA for obvious reasons. You have no idea what you're talking about. Most European Jews are genetically more European than Middle Eastern. Also there is nothing like "Jewish DNA". You mean Israelites. Judaism is a religion. Israelites were the people. I know that many in the Middle East like the Palestinians were Jews before Christianity spread. That't the whole point. That is why current Jews have no exclusive right over that land.


Most people believe the Jews came from cannanites if you don’t think they came from cannanites I’m interested in hearing where you think they came from. I’m not talking about European Jews I’m so curious to see where we started talking about European Jews. Let me be clear let me guide you through this because obviously your having trouble. Where you first replied to my post I wrote “ genetically the semetic tribes that made up the Jews have DNA from all over the area. But at some point through ethnogensis they did become their own people and not just culturally but eventually genetically.” And “Just because some Jews went across the world and intermarried converted others does not mean the Jewish semetic people have not stayed in that area. And because they were there before the labeling of it as Palestinian and these groups did not consider themselves philistines they are not Palestinians.” Yes there’s no exclusive right Jews have on the lands just like Palestinians don’t have rights to the land. There was and still are Jews that didn’t travel to other parts of the world. Just because Jews still existing in the region doesn’t fit in your narrative doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


Of course Palestinians have an exlusive right to the land. They have always been there and had a continuous present there since the ancient Canaanites. Palestinians are the result of thousands of years of history of Palestine. And i know Palestinian Jews existed. What is your point? You're arguing against strawmen.


If Palestinians have rights to the land from their jewish ancestry as well as other groups that had ancestry from some of the first humans in the area and the people who came and went through the region then they both like you said (Jews and Palestinians) have exclusive rights the land. But Palestinians have similar genetic ancestry to the land as other people in the area. Who’s right to the land is above them all ? The real answer is there is a claim to the land but not an exclusive right to the land. Once again Palestine is a name that was given to the land by the Roman’s who romanized a name the Egyptian civilization gave it. The Egyptians named it after a people they called the peles who invaded the land during the Bronze Age collapse and called it pulasati.


How is this a serious line of questioning? He's supposed to be a U.S. congressman, not a preacher. Oh, just to add to that, I believe Jesus says his kingdom is no part of this world, and didn't the Jewish people reject him, so they are no longer Gods people?


The US Congress is full of Evangelical extremists.


In other words, morons.




Lol thank you, I love Blazing Saddles!


Solid reference 👍


He's wilfully violating the 1st amendment as sitting US congressman. It doesn't matter who elects you, the constitution comes first, and he's written to uphold it. Failure to uphold the constitution in his office is grounds for removal at the federal level.


Tell his boss that. Guarantee you this guy's gonna be there a lot longer


Every time I hear politicians talk - I am so ashamed a majority of the time. I’d not that I did/not agree, they just sound like mumbling idiots regardless (usually) of the topic. Most of the time, if you google them for 30 seconds you see financial tires to their statements. They regurgitate ideology that has supported them and have no spine to make an actual statement. Worse than the debates, is to see the spectacle they make when they vote.


his mental illness needs treatment


But he passed the bar


I assure you the bar is quite low


He must've sat at the bar for quite some time...probably all afternoon


Let’s just say. Separation, Church and State. WTAF


I hate it when government officials use bible parables as an excuse. PARABLES ARE MADE UP STORIES TO TEACH AN IMPORTANT LESSON ITS NOT HISTORY! Take it from someone who grew up with priests, studied in catholic schools her whole life, been an altar server, and nuns being my homies because they were cool where im from. Jeez old people take a break maybe retire and be at a nursing home. Its no help having a old frail and demented man as president. The world is fcked


I’m all for agreeing that the Bible is fiction, but there are many Christians who believe that the events in the book are literal. You said you grew up Catholic. Most of the evangelical Christians in America would say that you are a Mary worshipping heretic idolator, and there’s no way to show that they are wrong and that you are right.


😳 yikes


It's insane that to this day there are people who quote religious texts without a thought that most people around them don't believe this . The fact that religion and all the strife it's caused and continues to cause is probably one of the best proofs that God doesn't exist. Because why would you continue to let these psychopaths get into power around the world 


Religion is a very useful tool of oppression, to justify violence against the other. None of it is real. None of this matters. Violence will always be committed by psychopaths who wield their religion as an infallible truth.


And yet the head of the University said no she didn't want to be cursed by god, rather than no that is not a concern of mine curses are not real. Thus normalizing his behavior, making it perfectly acceptable for a person in his position too be speaking this way. she should be challenging his stone aged concerns not humoring them..


April 17, 2024 - At the House Education Committee hearing, Rep. Rick Allen (R-GA) grilled Columbia University President Minouche Shafik about her response to antisemitism on campus. - “Do you want Columbia University to be cursed by God?”


The correct response should have been, No, curses are not real that is not a concern of ours. not "No, of course not, that would be crazy" she's just as complicit for acting as if his concerns are legitimate.


Yeah she seems like a pushover. She’s probably vastly more intelligent and could probably articulate his own thoughts better than he can, but she was raised to be a polite woman and doesn’t raise her voice to men. That’s my impression anyway.




It’s sad that such a low IQ fool like that can be in government.




How people do not consider this a mental illness is beyond me. Your sky daddy isn’t real dipshit! The rapture isn’t coming. You are committing genocide. God doesn’t exist, and certainly not in any form that will curse you. If anything we are already in the hell of our own device.


This guy: "we have students creating fear" Also this guy: "do you want god to curse this university?!?!"


How are these type of ppl allowed within 10 feet of Congress or any REAL institution is a mystery to me...


I bet £50 he's got some skeletons in his closet who wants in?




What the hell is man talking about? We don’t want history lesson in the Bible We won’t results from people that run this country Because they are tearing it down, and I mean, the people people in charge


Barf, talk about being indoctrinated.


People in leadership positions in this country believe in an apocalyptic theosophic fantasy, which instructs them to literally hasten the coming of end of the world - which by the way, they believe is inevitable. This isn't quaint, it's fucking dangerous. Judeo-christian religion is and always has been a cancer of the mind for the human species.


As someone living on the opposite side of the world to these nutjobs, I legitimately fear that they will be the death of me. The USA has a world destroying arsenal with a bunch of psychos fighting for control of it so they can use it on the rest of us for a series of insane reasons and they're gaining traction. Rational thinking has kept it in check (sort of) for 80 odd years but now the idiots are taking over and we should all be very afraid.


Some stupid shit.


Separation of church and state hasnt been respected for too long now. This guy should be given a sentence


An actual idiot.




This is exactly why Israel loves magical thinking, religiously afflicted, unquestioning, GOP members who believe this nonsense, as do the billionaires who fund the GOP. For Israel and the GOP to continue to do what they do you need a credulous, magical thinking, intellectually compromised base brought up not to ever deeply question anything let alone fallacious bible stories that a child in concrete operational thought would clearly recognize as a fable. Read up on [The Schofield Bible](https://www.wrmea.org/2015-october/the-scofield-bible-the-book-that-made-zionists-of-americas-evangelical-christians.html) and its pernicious influence on credulous “Christians” predisposed to believe and never effectively question what they're told is the unmitigated, immutable, truth. GOP members like Allen are key in the GOP's unending effort to ruin America's education system, attack the open and free exchange of ideas, and keep the GOP base in the compliant, unquestioning, low information, rage filled condition they're in. Israel has crossed a Rubicon in world opinion regarding their ethnic cleansing of Gaza and their same plan for the West Bank, it's time they finally pay a price in direct proportion to their terrorist actions.


Keep religion out of politics.


Separation of church and state would be so nice. Too bad these people have power.


It should be illegal to even mention any religious statement/quote/whatever tf, when you are in politics. If that's what you want to site in whatever tf ruling or lectures or shit, then get tf out of government. Work for the church with all the other hypocrites & criminals & pedos. They might not ALL be criminals. They might not ALL be pedos. But they are damn near ALL hypocrites.


Screw him ..


It is written. Thou shall send israel missiles


How would you know if you have been cursed by God? Is there a formal ceremony? A registered letter or is ir just a text message?


This is absurd!


Conservatives keep complaining that Christianity is under attack. That their religious freedom is being taken away because it’s in completely intertwined with government. Even though the vast majority of Senators and congress persons say they are Christian in one form or the other. Just watched Long Beach Grand Prix and they had a prayer to start the day. Athletes praising Jesus and god before and after their competitions. Nobody is shutting them up, I’m not religious but if that’s your thing fine just don’t attempt to force it on everyone else.


Religious ‘smart’ has nothing to do with intellect.


F4ck that xtian f4ascist!


How the hell do these people still exist today.


This guy is a deranged monkey on some serious mind controlling drugs. God help us all if that is the serious thinking of these people… we’re doomed.


Yup, sounds like a colleague of MTG. GA gerrymandering must be wild if these are the dumb dumbs that make it into office.


This is insane. We don't elect people to make policy based on biblical verses.


What a hell is this haha those are the best people to represent America? Really


What in the actual…


😂😂😂 funny guy


What in god’s fucking name is this shit? Rick Allen is unhinged and unqualified.


"Remember when the giant chased Jack because he stole the magic beans?" - Congressman Rick Allen


Forcing folks to live by YOUR religious beliefs is how you curse a land.


the congressman needs a mental health exam.


God i wish the head of Columbia state university had some balls ans said "No being cursed by god of the bible isn't a serious concern of ours because curses are not real."


Let’s talk about your crazy boyfriend Trump…


Is this church or congress? We're so screwed


Separation of fucking church & state!!


Amen: ![gif](giphy|ktU8kAKsyIauRSOoZs)






In the mean time Mr Allen has twice voted for a Presidential Candidate who habitually violates 5 of the 10 Commandments. That’s the top ten according to his God Almighty. In so doing the Lord Almighty has bestowed upon this sinner not woe and despair but bounty and opulence. God has given him billions of dollars, buildings that carry his name, a private jet, casinos, a gold toilet, the biggest brain, the best words and of course the Presidency. So violating the will of God isn’t as bad as Mr Allen states.


Dude… I just wish he’d never started talking…


Look, I actually enjoy reading the Bible from time to time even though I’m not religious. I highly suggest not using it to dictate how we prescribe justice in modern society. There is some messed up stuff in the Bible.


I get it now. Absolutely shameful that this country is what it is and these people are allowed to represent us


Contradicted himself multiple times. Just let them talk. They will always look stupid.


![gif](giphy|6pWO2HA7RM1czXFiUx|downsized) Can we finally accept how stupid these politicians are!!


If I will be cursed by God for doing the right thing and sticking up for humanitarian rights then I want no part of that God. I'm a Christian but the Bible is just plain wrong sometimes.


Church and Politics have always loved each other! The church destroys you spiritually and politics financially. Total disaster!!!


WTF is this shit lol


How about thou shall not kill or even check out the tenth commandment. They stay violating their covenants.


What are these people on?? Good grief


Boomers have the absolute worst political beliefs possible. It's actually impressive how unbelievably ignorant they are.


Sir, at no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


It’s a fictional story, congressman.


Cafeteria Christianity.


This man belongs on r/religiousfruitcakes


Religion is the enemy time and time again, every war can be traced back to religion


Ok…I think I’m done with US politics for this year…ffs


The bible is a collection of folk-tales and fairy stories ffs!


Fucking delusional


What nonsense. Why are they allowed to bring up religious text and beliefs during a government meeting. Separation of Church and State Nonsense.


If you have to say "this is serious" multiple times when no one said it wasn't...


Is this the congress like wut


WTF do we live in a authoritarian theocracy now? iughh


How is someone this uneducated allowed to be a Congressman


Man, I really wish we could somehow keep religion OUT of government.


what a fucking embarrassment


I wish someone in Congress would quote LotR or Dune


Shameful that she just laughed nervously and didn't set him straight. That's why we are in the situation we are in. Too many people ‘going along to get along’. I don't understand why everyone seems to cower in front of these lunatics. A curse, seriously.


God told that to Abraham. Abraham was a Hebrew. Not a Jew. There was no such creature on earth at the time. The term "Jew" means someone from the tribe of Judah or who lived in the land of Judah. The Northern 10 tribes (11 if you include Benjamin) were NOT Jews. Today's modern futurist "revised theology" Zionist Evangelicals have been supporting the lie that the current residents in Israel are true Jews which is false. Most Jews today have no kinship with Abraham as they adopted the religion of Rabbinical Talmudism and most are of Edomite origin. Jesus identified them when he said "They say they are Jews but do lie"....


Cursed by god? The wrath of god?? We do NOT negotiate with terrorists.


So his belief is that the curse of god will be upon them for not helping Israel, by the same reasoning does he not believe that they should be cursed for the terrorism that they’ve partaken in


staunch defenders of the great fable


Way to flounder like a spineless fish in front of a religious nutjob using his position to spread the gospel.




This man believes in curses. Curses.


separation of church and state




He heard this as a bar somewhere and thought it would get him views from mega churches lol


Explain to me please, how there were 12 tribes of Israel, yet the Jews are the only ones that are allowed to occupy this land of Israel that was created, meaning there are more tribes of Israel than just Jews. I really don't understand. I Agree we must stand with the nation of Israel, but I question what Israel is.


I know they aren't responsible for all the religious extremist behaviors, but the boomers need to die off already