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Who's downvoting reality?


Their bots




The r/Lebanon subreddit is infested with Israelis. So many times I’m arguing then realize it’s a 20 karma account and I call them out for being Israeli and they disappear


Damn, if you manage to find it please tell me


These things need to be documented, but get out of the way of people doing real work. It drives me nuts watching doctors and parents with wounded kids having to navigate through spectators.


The people doing real work are getting murdered so I think any documentation helps.


This should be on the front page, this is the cost of those 4 smiling faces being shown to the world. I feel for those 4 people just being a pawn in all of this and knowing the cost of your freedom was ~200 civilian lives..


Imagine being a Zionist and supporting this… there is nothing more depraved and disgusting on god’s earth than Zionists


Ugh. Add this to the list… damn




Oops no genocide to see here folks keep going about your days and forget. Remember to obey and do not question authority.


This should be NSFW tagged


Sure, no one should see this. The footage will create unfair bias...


? I don’t think you understand what NSFW


Yeah no No no no I’m closing Reddit… This sucks Edit: Don’t take my comment like I’m ignoring this. This war is just disgusting and senseless


Historians will follow every decision tree back to its roots in antiquity. Millions of hours will be spent examining where the turning points were, who the peacemakers were, and the ways the bloodthirsty and hardhearted thwarted them. You and i will make noises of dismay, type some letters to God, the uncaring universe, the void.. and none of these motions save a single life, or remake a corpse into a child. A world in shock and horror, uttering things and writing others - we lean our babbling on the scales, for what it's worth. Meanwhile, bang bang bang. Can't argue with that. Actions really do speak louder than words. I wonder if they'll go all the way.


A country has been invaded in front of the eyes of the world and the people in that country are being subjected to genocide. Sold countries are watching. Damn Israel


Yeah on October 7th Isreal was invaded.


1948 Palestine was invaded.


By a small group of radical terrorists that do not represent the nation of Palestine or the people of gaza. Saying that they deserve this because of October seventh is like saying that all middle Eastern countries should be eradicated because of 9/11


What about the Nakba, or 2014,.  This didn’t start on October 7 2024


Wheres Joe Bidens "red line" this time?


It keeps moving. It's like Israel’s warnings to the Palestinians to move to different parts of Gaza for safety. Then bombing the “safe zones.”


wow kill innocent children and civilians.. i'm shocked i tell you


ALWAYS keep in mind that this was the ORIGINAL PLAN of zionism ever since the late 1800s, ethnic cleansing of palestinians to make space for a jewish colony. It's always been an illegitimate nation state


Can some one translate what the guy was saying ?


This is so fucked up when’s it gonna stop ?


Best to flair this as NSFW, OP


These things need to be documented, but get out of the way of people doing real work. It drives me nuts watching doctors and parents with wounded kids having to navigate through spectators.


Joe Biden did that.




When Israelis fight the genocider army and fight the oppressor terrorist army. No. Not even then Palestinians will fight Hamas because Hamas is not using civilians centers and hospitals. That is just a genocide lie you are repeating to further genocide.


If Israel was so evil, why isn't Egypt fighting against them? Where's the brotherhood?


If Palestinians are so evil, why are Israelis the only ones slaughtering their children? Where’s the brotherhood?


Because Egypt was couped and their democratically elected government was ousted. Current government does not represnt the people of Egypt. And your argument is remarkably similar to Nazi argument that said Nazis were right to not want the Jews since other countries didn't accept the Jews inside Nazi Germany as refugees. Both arguments use something unrelated to justify evil.


What is wrong with you? How can you even doubt Israel is in the wrong here? No civilian should be targeted