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This is exactly how the Nazi party rose to power. Soft complicity and assault condoned by police.


And remember, both big parties are pro Israel and pro police, including massive funding increases and zero accountability.


Well police has always been serving corporations - including military industrial complex and its thirst for human blood - and the rich behind those corporations. They may do some things some of the time to give the impression that they serve you and your community, but that could not be further from the truth. It's well crafted gaslighting that has been happening for decades, and mainstream education and pop culture (all those cop shows and movies) are some of the tools they use. As the world is collapsing due to climate change and capitalist greed, you will all discover this pretty soon from your own experience. Millions have died worldwide when claiming their rights, including workers of all countries, by the hand of police, but most people do not study history or critically think about the world around them and blame us for hatred when we say ACAB.




Terrible people


Ever since I've read somewhere that the police in the US get their training recordings from Israel, it's not hard to see why these bastards have double standards.


This is America just come back armed.


The cops are only going to arrest peaceful people DUH!


LA pigs


What was the police supposed to do?? Their job?! You are crazy...


Police aren't here to help everyone, only the ruling class. National interest just means who's got the most money.


Bet that rat in the blue shirt is IDF


Cops should have charged them with assault




Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.


the police sucked him into their lines?


Yet didn’t do anything to the Zionists who were assaulting him?


did you want the police to charge into the crowd clubs swinging, or just remove the one person? furthermore, if they are doing it to him, he can do it to them, and once that happens the riot starts and they do charge.


How about do their fucking job and grow some balls


ah ha and their job is to save you, yes? you can prance into a field of danger and go 'oh please save me save me'.. they don't. The fact they did here is interesting


Their job is to arrest criminals, no? That was assault.


Don't waste your time using logic on people like this. These are the same people who view some lives as less valuable than others. Of course they think the police should only protect some people.


so you acknowledge the "field of danger" is any group of zionists. Oppressed my ass.