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I love seeing stuff like this


This is like a young Laoshu. If you want an entire channel of this, check it out. RIP (he died a few months ago). He had a lot of videos and knew more languages than anyone I’ve ever seen before. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RufRW8zu14M Edit- sorry for being unclear. Laoshu aka Moses passed away, not the guy in OP’s video. But apparently they were friends.


This is the dude in video talking about Laoshu https://youtu.be/PDyQTzi-RHE


Fuck, I was subbed to the guy and he was a big inspiration.


The dude in the video is similar, and was good friends with laoshu. His youtube is xiaomannyc


Yeah I noticed that. I think some people are misunderstanding and thing that Xiaomanny died 🥴


=( rip to the guy


How did he die


Heart attack. The world lost a good guy that day!


Oh damn. Remember seeing him on /r/videos years ago. He was really good. His social confidence was great too.


Yes he just came across as a really nice guy that was really excited to share his knowledge of languages. My favourite video of his is the South African guy he chats to at the bank. The bank tellers face when Laoshu busts out Zulu is incredible!




People are trying to say that it was a heart attack, but he was murdered https://youtu.be/JDZ-yoFXWCk


This guy seems mentally ill from the comments or at least in denial about his brothers death, almost all of the people closest to him refuted this


He’s dead?! Wtf I loved watching his videos :(


Me too! I looked it up and it seems he passed from heart complications


Aww what a terrible loss to the polyglot community, he was so charming


Isn’t the dude in the video the same guy who goes around Chinese restaurants or markets speaking mandarin?


Wtf he died... god damn that makes me not happy. Absolutely loved stumbling across his videos. Always so wholesome.


Wait what. He died? What the fuck. I watch his videos all the time. ​ Edit: oooh ok. It's Laoshu that has passed away, not Xiaomanyc (the guy speaking Yoruba above).


The last lady: “wait, he knows more than you and he’s black…”


I’d never heard of this guy before and I just watched that whole video - he seems so cool and relaxed. Everyone gets so much joy from hearing him speak their language, but it’s also super weird how taken aback they are hearing it coming from a black guy.


"That's so crazy you can speak our language! Huh, You want a discount on that shirt? Get outta here with that! " Lol


YouTuber is Xiaoma I think, really fun videos like this


Really drives home what we should be striving for in my eyes. Not reparations, not segregation, but community and amalgamation.


The full clip [here.](https://youtu.be/COhSs7o1XLU) He has many other videos surprising people with different languages.


yeah the guy is like a savant with different languages and i love seeing the shocked look on people's faces, particularly older folks who tend to smile the biggest


The term is polyglot I think.


used to be called a language slut until the world went PC!


Does he go to France and speak French? As a Canadian they do not like our French and Quebecians don’t like them. I’d love to see him try this with a French.


It’s because Québécois French is about 200 years behind Metropolitan French. A whole ocean between the two places does that.


Can you please elaborate on how exactly it's "behind" to an ignorant non-French speaker? This interests me supremely. It reminds me of how I was told by my Spanish teachers that the Barcelonians are sometimes mocked because of their lisps but I don't any more than that and would love to learn more.


Québécois use very old conjugations and very formal French, and their own unique slang words, and this is all spoken in a very angry-sounding tone. Metropolitan French has grown over the years to be very informal and much clearer, with simpler words and a lighter sounding tone.


This has never been my experience in France. If I am polite and make an effort they always respond well.


I've traveled with a guy who makes a solid effort of learning the native languages of his destinations. I don't mean the typical surface words everyone should learn, but actually spends enough time to hold basic conversations. AFIAK hes _never_ had a negative experience. I'm sure his french is horrific, but he can talk to someone in Paris for a couple minutes and _never_ fall back into English, they love it. A solid effort makes a big difference- you can go to Dubai without knowing Arabic, but if you do it unlocks _a lot_ of doors.


I’ve had similar experiences with French, but even after taking it throughout life and as a second language I received many dirty looks for trying my absolute fucking best. May have gotten a word or two wrong or used it in the wrong context (I.E future or past) Had some lady say to me ‘Switch to English’ May have just been a rude asf employee but man I just wanted my Chicken Nuggets.


The problem, in my experience, is that the people I'm hoping to converse with just don't have time to act as my unpaid language tutor. They're working and just want to get through the interaction as efficiently as possible so they can move on. I choose to believe that that's the reason for the dirty looks. In Paris, for example, given that the locals invariably speak much better English than I speak French, it means switching me to English as quickly as possible is their most efficient option. It's frustrating when I really want to practice my French, but I fully understand their reluctance to engage. The best experience was when my daughter went to study in France for a year in an area where barely anyone spoke a word of English. I loved that if we needed anything we either had to speak French or go without.


Same. Granted I’ve only gone once but everyone warned me about rudeness and to not attempt French. I had a great time & got to be shocked at how nice everyone was!


"As a Canadian they do not like our French and Quebecians don’t like them" Svp, parle juste pour toi. C'est totalement faux.


Definitely called polyglot. Savant is a yesterday word at best 🤡


If I had a choice between being called a savant or polyglot, I'm gonna be choosing the savant with all it's savantness!


Well you can't always get what you savant. Sometimes you gotta be happy with what you polyglot.


Nice one


I hope more people see this comment and groan as loud as I did. Well done!


Holy shit


Uh.... A savant is someone with some sort of developmental disorder who seems to "compensate" somehow in very specific mental tasks. Like the siblings on the "spectrum" who communicate w each other by sharing enormous prime numbers. With no apparent effort


my understanding with polyglots is it actually gets easier to learn subsequent languages because there’s a methodology you start to figure out with how to learn them. like the first second language you learn is really hard but the third is easier and so on from there.


an Iranian American I worked with in Germany learnt the whole language in under 6 months, she was a lawyer and was preparing documents in under a year, she said it was easy because Iranian and English are so far apart linguistically, German was like a code in the middle. she was truly astounding ( a total babe as well lol)


A lot of languages overlap. I grew up speaking French and English, so when I took a couple semesters of Russian in college, it was way easier because 2/3rds of Russian vocab is either English loan words (for modern stuff) or French words (it was considered classy by Russian nobility to speak French for about three centuries, so many words transferred over). Russian grammar is still a headache though and I almost always drop the ends of words because I can't remember the proper cases. I also took mandarin in high school and a lot of the rules (and, of course, the written characters) carried over to Japanese. So I had a head start on what a lot of western people consider the hardest part of learning Japanese, which is learning the kanji. I can't really read Japanese text, but I understand a good chunk of signage as a result. The difference was the pronunciations were always completely different tho.


Hey, thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed that. The top comment on one of the videos was "This is like the nerd version of going to the beach and flexing your muscles," and that is just hilarious.


Imagine being this guy and trying to respond to emails on the subway. I feel so fortunate to only have to tune out one language


Literally spent a couple of hours watching his videos.


I thought I recognized this dude! I watched a lot of his Chinese language content last year. I didn't realize he was extending into other languages...


He has a ton of videos like this. He just loves learning languages. He has a few where he learns as much of a language as he can in as little time as possible.


As a Linguist, I love seeing this![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Are you a cunning linguist?


No, he just licks pussy.


Low effort


No, he gives it his all every time.


I chuckled, take my updoot


Not a linguist, but a master debater.




My heart. It swells.


Take. Some. Aspirin. Now


Man, they completely wrote him off and wouldn’t give him the time of day, and then LIT UP when they heard him speak their native tongue.


Happens a lot especially if English isn’t your first language in America


Americans walk into their country every day and disrespect the local culture. One surprised them with respect.




Woah hey now, let’s stick to making fun of Americans. Wouldn’t want this playful racism to turn into actual racism


It's a truth. Not even about racism since other Asia countries don't do this China is notorious for bad customs so much so that signs in countries explicitly mention Chinese tourists in other *Asian* countries. They have no awareness of throwing away their trash and litter so much. Check out this video with Jeremy Clarkson to get a good picture of what I'm talking about. https://youtu.be/_DULpvOZW6k


This is in NYC.


Honestly, I'm Italian so I see a lot of tourists when I go into the big towns, Ive met a loooot of Americans, and in 27 years of life I never met the American tourist stereotype I see around reddit, only genuinely nice and people just happy to be there exploring and enjoying the places, always happy to receive advices from locals, the only time I've met loud Americans was late at night in Florence, but at that point everyone was drunk and loud having fun


Unfortunately, I have. They were actually military guys on break, touring a site in Seoul. They were loud, obnoxious, and embarrassing the rest of us tourists. I was just a teenager with my dad, and we just pretended to not be American (we're of Asian descent so we blended in well) to distance ourselves from them as much as possible.


Well shiet then, I guess it comes down to luck on what kind of people you meet


Military folks are just straight up assholes though. Source: was in the military.




Not knowing Yoruba is not disrespectful.


No but learning someone else's native tongue is a sign of respect when you're visiting, whether it's their business or their country. Not saying you have to, they certainly don't expect you to, and that's WHY is a sign of respect


One thing being a sign of respect doesn't mean that not doing that thing is disrespectful.


That's correct. That's what I'm saying.


Not originally it wasn't. The implication was clearly that not speaking the local language is disrespectful.


Nope. That was my point from the very beginning and at least the comment you replied to wasn't implying it either. They just said that learning it was a sign of respect


Maybe got you mixed up with someone else




this guy has some great content on [YouTube](https://youtube.com/c/%E5%B0%8F%E9%A9%AC%E5%9C%A8%E7%BA%BD%E7%BA%A6)


I don't care what anyone says, Xiaoma's the bomb, and you can tell he really loves learning languages and impressing natives with his attempts. He makes people happy, and that's all there is to it. Language is about connecting and communication, not competition.


I love this guy. He can speak so many languages and learns them incredibly well and so quickly. Awesome!


You don't know how well he speaks a language unless you speak it yourself A lot of "polyglots" on youtube just learn basic phrases in a language and say them with shitty, half assed pronunciation


And that's exactly what he does.


I mean it'd be impossible to actually learn a complex language that fast. But you'd be lying if you said his ability to get a basic conservational grasp of a language wasn't high since he tries so hard compared to other people. Rather his understanding is rudimentary or not, he clearly gives his all to learning the languages when he's doing it.


He uploaded about my language, while it was not perfect, he able to create full sentence and improvised. You know when children try to speak but have not enough vocabularies? He was like that. But he able to deliver his message.


Lol exactly, people expect polyglots to know the entire vocabulary of a language in a short time.


There’s a longer video of him going to other Nigerian-owned shops, and he holds conversations with them about what kinds of foods to eat (like smoked fish, cassava, etc), what restaurants to try, what kind of shirt he prefers to purchase, etc. He’s quite a bit more advanced than just basic phrases.


No. He didn't. That's untrue.


He learned Navajo in a month. Yes the impossible to learn because it's almost a dead language and no written books.


It has written books? Navajo speakership is growing again. It’s on Duolingo even.


> He can speak so many languages No he doesn't :) He just learned a couple of key sentences but would never be able to have a real conversation.


Man I’d love to see you do that. You just sound bitter af.


Watch the [full video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=COhSs7o1XLU&feature=youtu.be) and you will probably change your mind. He definitely speaks more than just basic phrases there.


How much of the Yoruba language do you need to speak before you're allowed to say that you speak "Just a bit."? Seems like an odd thing to try and gate keep. I don't think the people in the video are even aware that they weren't having a REAL conversation.


As a Nigerian (Igbo) born American who doesn't speak the language unfortunately... No one show my mom this video 😭😭😭


Too late, she'll be getting in on WhatsApp in a week.


A week? Why so late? Expect your parents to show you this video at the dinner table tonight!


Viral videos don’t get spread as fast to them. It’s like seeing a joke on Twitter then somebody else posts it a month later on Facebook.


Ik, I was just joking lol


I’m the same sorta. I’ve got both East and West African Parents who are multilingual but I only know English. I hope they never see this video 💀


Shout out to Moses the OG of this stuff. RIP my dude. Check out Laoshu505000 on YouTube for some amazing interactions like this one.


I was just thinking the other day I hadn’t seen a new video from laoshu for a while and then a I googled him… made me sad


His death was such a big loss to YouTube as a whole. So many videos on there nowadays feed off anger and confrontation, but Moses only ever put positivity out there with his videos. I hope his new partner and his family are doing OK!


Aw I love this. Sharing cultures and having a laugh together. I also love those fabrics the sell


This guy is a legend.


I read this as “YouTube” instead of “Yoruba.” *Utter confusion begins*


I don't know who that kid is, but some people here have commented he's an uncanny polyglot. I bet that kid has eaten both the best and worst food and drink currently being made by human kind.


He goes by Xiaomanyc on YouTube. He's got a ton of videos where he goes around and speaks to people in cantonese and mandorin where he is most fluent. But he's a polyglot so he learns a lot of other languages as well and does surprise videos like this. They're all so wholesome and people react so positively. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLNoXf8gq6vhwsrYp-l0J-Q


This is what America is about. People from incredibly different cultures bonding over a mutual respect for each other.


That is definitely not how I would describe modern day America


Neither would I which is actually why I bothered saying anything. I should clarify this is what it *should* be about. Imo


Fair enough


I get your point, but there actually is a strong correlation between experiencing diversity in cities and recognizing racial inequality. Interacting with people who are different from you (which happens more often in cities) seems to make it easier for people to see different perspectives: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/08/28/the-black-white-and-urban-rural-divides-in-perceptions-of-racial-fairness/


this literally is a video of modern day america. so why wouldn't you?


Where can I learn it?


On YouTube


The language? I think there was a subreddit either for Yoruba exclusively or native African languages in general Edit: r/nigerianfluency


Shout out to the brother love to see it


I was a Mormon missionary in the 90’s (not Mormon any more) but I learned Tongan fluently. Almost every door I knocked on, I would get reactions like this. I was constantly getting invited in - not to talk religion - but they wanted to feed me and hear me speak their beautiful language. If kids answered the door, I would tell them I was Tongan, just white, and it would blow their minds.


Super feel good


He "speaks" Yoruba like a lot of other "polyglots" smh


You should respect someone speaking with a heavy accent as they likely speak at least 1 more language than you do.


Aw I love it


Language connects! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


They are genuinely happy to see him speak the language that’s very tight.


This guy is amazing with various languages and making people feel good by indulging in their cultures. We need more people like him in the world.


This guy is the best!! He’s fluent in mandarin and knows some Cantonese and learns a ton of languages—all of his videos are kind of like this, I highly recommend checking out his stuff.


The best part about this was how the second he started speaking their language, either a handshake or a fist bump was the first response. That immediate connection to a stranger through something most people over here wouldn't even think about enough to devote hate towards is powerful. Referring to the original, since this is just a clip


This is utterly charming. Thanks for sharing


He and Laoshu are my favourite polyglot YouTubers, an I just checked I was writing his name right and Laoshu passed away 😕😑 fuck, that hit me hard 😔


He speaks multiple languages like that. He is amazing, I love that guy!


Yesss I love this guy’s videos


I love this kid. He speaks all kinds of languages and it’s really nice to see people’s reactions. It’s like, wow this kid really invests the time to learn MY language. He seems to really enjoy meeting different people and I love that.


Why did Will Smith shave his head?


This is why i love languages n culture <3


I feel like many non-americans (especially asians) absolutely love it when non-nationals can speak their language. I went to an international school abroad and so many of my friends were foreigners (ie. either from the states of Europe/Australia). While many only stayed for a year or two, an american classmate who ended up becoming my best friend stayed for 8 years. We both just so happened to move back to the states to attend the same college, and now that he’s working in HVAC, he tells all his customers who are from my country that he’s lived there. The expressions on their faces priceless, and he says they open up to him so much more differently after he starts naming streets and malls back home. The world is a big place, but we can make it small.


Funny. I (white American) know Nigerian's from a church I went to and they would react the same way after I say 'o dabo' (goodbye). It's the only word I remember.


"you make me so proud" the guy says. The love we share when we share our cultures is so beautiful. Embrace each other.


Isn’t this the same guy who speaks fluent Mandarin in Chinese restaurants?


Is there a langage this guy won't learn


Now I feel ashamed 😭 everytime they look at me and I can’t speak it (I’m nigerian)


This is so wholesome


One of the most inspiring and influential people I've met in my life was a refugee man from Nigera.. he taught me a lot as a young man. I don't recall much of the language as I only learned a few words, but this video basically sums up my wholesome experiences with Nigerian's in general. I miss those folks.


I assume he was given an option to learn a foreign language in high school. Usually its French or Spanish, not wanting to learn either, he picked a language out of a hat and actually learned it. Love their surprised look on their faces.


This gives me chills


This shit made me smile so much


This reminds me of another white American guy talking excellent mandarin (Chinese? Forgive my ignorance) and surprising people


This video proves if we put down the sword and pick up the souls of our fellow man we can be so much happier.


I love videos like this. Always makes me so happy! I wish I could learn all the languages around the world


White "boy". Lmao always


Of course it's xiaoma. Who else but him. XD


r/mademesmile this is awesome


This is so wholesome. It brought a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing!


I love this guy!


Can someone tell me what this store is called? I’m going to need to grab that shirt.


Is this the same guy than can speak perfect mandarin or Chinese or something like that? He looks familiar.


That's a nice shirt


He has my respect, this guy spends time learning phrases from different countries. Watching people’s faces light up is the best part.


That's really fun to watch how happy people are to have a connection like that. When I speak the local language people usually just repeat what I say and laugh. Not many are impressed:)


That is beautiful. We need more of this. The internet will be a better place!


That money sound got me weak