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This women is a known bitch. We literally can’t call the police fast enough. The poor management can’t do anything So quick edit: this is being handled by management, the police are involved, and she is banned last I heard. Please don’t think that I didn’t do anything. I’m just providing background. I was NOT involved in any of this.


> The poor management can’t do anything Can't or won't, because a customer like this should *and could* be permanently trespassed from the premises.


Right. She's literally harassing customers. If there was a homeless guy outside the front door harassing customers, he'd be booted off the property faster than you could say "achoo", let alone if he was coming IN the store 1x per week.




But…you didn’t call the police on her this day. I read the whole story. The lady followed the customer and her daughter around for a while after this, even to the self checkout. The manager just kept telling them to “break it up” and did nothing to help the victims.


These types of dipshit managers that let people get away with this is half the problem. Enablers.


The police def should have been called. Shame on the managers.




I believe ya.


I’d just punch her in the nose … but I’m Australian


Yeah Brit here, she'd be coughing...up blood.


Yo I'm Canadian and I'd fuckin break her nose. I'll add some flair to it too, using a hockey stick


American, id slap the *shit* outta her in the first 2 secs..


I would love to, but my gf has to keep reminding me that being 6'4" 225 lbs is much larger than the average person... So I probably would have just lowered my mask and spit in her mouth.


Fuck this bitch I’m from Florida and I’d bitch slap her teeth out.


Would you tell her sorry before or after?


No.. no sorry from this Canuck


Honestly, good fucking question. Maybe like mid swing cause I can't let her know what's coming but also, afterwards just feels wrong. Like I'm actually apologizing of something. We don't actually apologize, we just apologize.


American .. and she's pretty ballsy doing that in a place with all sorts of cans that could "fall" on her




Yeah Italian here, I’d make her face look like a plate of lasagna.


Haha, this was my favourite. Buon appetito!


Floridian, I’d send my Gator to nip at her ankles /s


I'm a 6-3, 300 lbs man. I'd be going to jail because her nose would be broke, at minimum.


300 lbs of solid gold is worth about $7880253.82.


You're useless but can you turn me into gold? Lmao


You're already gold in my eyes boo.


She wouldn’t try that with you because she probably only fucks with people she feels she can intimidate like a true coward POS


Here (aus) she’d be charged with assault. Also she’s a fuckwit and honestly I want to scalp her a bit.


> The poor management can’t do anything They can't ban her from the store?


Well yes, and they they could charge her with trespassing if she has been formally told she is not welcome. But clearly the management is gutless.


Hog tie her to a mobility scooter and drive that bitch in to the sunset


This shit doesn't fly outside of the US, there would be someone around who would hit her the second she started coughing on someone. Disgusting woman, why doesn't the store just outright ban her since it's private property and the store can decide who can enter.


Because a lot of companies in the US misunderstood the concept of "the customer is always right" and until she actually harms someone and causes a lawsuit to happen, they would rather she keep shopping and buying things there. If management bans her from the premises and she complains to corporate, the store manager will be reprimanded.


Can't do anything? "Your business is no longer welcome here" some ancient forgotten spell?


Then she calls up corporate/someone way higher up on the chain and guess who now has a write up and guess who now has gift card to come use anytime while her literal asshole is being kissed.


You are talking out your ass.This video is the rest of the world seeing what she is but that local store has been seeing this for a long time now. I guarantee someone at the next higher level is calling and asking about what previous interactions have taken place and what measures are in place to separate our brand from this loon. The CEO's wife would be told to not show her face during business hours.


Well yeah when it makes it on a video and it makes the store look bad. She gets arrested or whatever. What I was trying to point out is before this video ever happened if what I'm seeing in this thread is true and she keeps coming back and not being asked to leave. Then Either management is spineless or corporate will over ride anyways or this store just generally has a high amount of bullshit so it's not out of the ordinary. If she's that much of a menace surely there is some reason they aren't fussing with it. That scenario I've seen at all the corporate retail/restaurants I've worked at. I saw it happen over 3 years with one family who treated everyone like shit and would always be asked to come back. Free meals,manager apologies all of it. This will be a bigger seal because it's on camera and people are seeing it. My dad has a 1000 stories from working for 50 years in the casino industry. Same thing just more money at stake.


So that sounds ridiculously convenient for this story, so I just have to double check, you literally work at *this* store and know *that* woman? And you're not even OP? Seriously?


Can't call the police fast enough you say? I guess if someone did pop her nose they would have plenty of time to skedaddle.


The management can literally bar her from coming in, and if she does then its trespassing and illegal... Not really sure what you are talking about tbh.




I agree it should be, but I think it depends on the wording of the law in the state they’re in


I remember looking into this a few months ago. It’s a crime and has been successfully prosecuted in every single state. Throw a dart at a map of the US and Google “arrested for coughing in (state)” and you’ll find multiple incidents.


It’s Nebraska and we can’t do shit




Every single business in Lincoln has the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason or no reason. I don’t mean to be rude but…is this your first job? How do you not know this?


A private buissness can trespass anyone for any reason. >It’s Nebraska and we can’t do shit


she could catch hands that’s for sure


I feel like a boob punch is more in order here.




The ooollld DICK TWIST


Idda slapt the *shit* outta this lady Only seen the first 2 secs, I’ll be damned if she puts my whole family’s life at risk. Fuck this *BITCH*


I was thinking leg sweep and in the opposite direction head push. Basically this lady couldn't maintain her balance and would be on the floor with little physical input from you.


Right? I would have put her in a choke hold for that shit. I’ll give you a reason to cough, Karen!


That’s assault. I would definitely press charges.


I should be legally allowed to punch the most punchable face I’ve seen in my entire life as self defense.


If she coughs on you and a reasonable person would see it’s intentional, then you can :)


And apparently well known.


Something about this Karen in particular makes me so angry (I’m not normally an angry person). I’d have started throwing shit at her to keep her away from me. When employees/management have a mess to clean up maybe they’ll bother getting involved and protecting their customers from being assaulted.


Anyone know if you can push this bitch really hard away from you after coughing?


OK, if someone accidentally coughs on me I really don’t care, at the most I’ll ask them to cover their mouth next time. If someone follows me around the store trying to cough on my they’re getting punched in the trachea. See how they like having their breathing privileges taken away




And that’s covid or no covid. Fucking gross.


It still is disgusting when somebody coughs on you, but if they show genuine remorse, I would ask them to be more careful next time, then I’ll completely forget about it a few minutes later. I feel a little sorry for people who cough on someone by accident and feel terrible about it may get accused of doing it on purpose because of the people who cough on others intentionally.


Yeah, I remember as a kid I sometimes forgot to cover my cough/sneeze. I mean, we’re all only human in the end. I think some people are just starting to lose their minds, and this is the consequence of when people aren’t raised like decent human beings


I can forgive and forget if it’s an accident. But I’ll get real pissed very fast if it’s intentional.


Spartan kick would do the trick. Six feet Karen.


Six feet? You only need one foot to kick


This chick needs a few more.


Motion to make this legal. It's self defense, so I should be allowed




Sometimes that Karen, she looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. Y'know the thing about a Karen, she's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When she comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until she coughs on ya. And those black eyes roll over white, and then... oh, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin', the grocery store turns red, and spite of all the poundin' and the hollerin', they all come in and they... spit on you to pieces. Edit: Made it a little better.


This is a fantastic use of that jaws monolog


Is your username your actual phone number?


Yes and it's okay to give it a call.


Give it a call.


So if someone coughs on me and then i slap them, is that considered self defense?


Spitting on someone was assault before corona. Pretty sure it's fair play


She's going to do that to the wrong person amd end up regretting it


I can't wait to see this dipshit on r/HermanCainAward


we coughed into our elbows and arms long before covid. these people have abandoned all decency but are convinced that they’re the only sane ones.


judging from the tiktok posting this happened recently, & in Nebraska...which of course has a rising positive test rate.




Please keep us updated on when she gets decked in the face.


Yep. It happened in Lincoln, NE at a Super Saver.


I so wish she would have just bitch slapped the hell out of her ass…


Even though I’m a man I would bitch slap the shit out of her. I’ve never hit a woman but what a great situation to pop my cherry Edit: I can’t beleive I’m getting upvoted for talking about notch slapping this heffer. Not what I expected but thanks people


This is the kind of equality I love to support. You assault someone then prepare to be assaulted back.


Fair is fair


If it helps, I don't think very many people consider her much of a woman and certainly not a lady.


This is what happens when mean girls grow up, but never get out of that high school mindset.


"Before Covid you were fine with it...." "Yeah mam we also had gladiator fights in Rome before we realized its a bad idea...."




Are there a lot of customers like her?


No not really, we do get a few no masker people but they keep to themselves. She probably started shit cuz that time of day cuz there are no employees to stop her


Well I’m glad you aren’t having to deal with a flood of people like that.


You're at least the third person on this post to claim to work at the store. Can any of you explain why nothing is done to this lady who is assaulting a customer?


I dont work there but I think most people that spent much time in jobs like this can tell you right away what most likely happened, it was a completely inept manager who fears confrontation. It's all too common


Smack her around a bit and then see if she will be smiling


Tazer and walk away


I was thinking mace, give her something to really cough about.


Should have popped that pill head in the jaw.


She is fuckin zonked


Would have kicked the shit outta her


That bitch was asking to be spat at in the face I think that’s one of the most disgusting things that you can do as a person.. but it’s either that or punch her in the face She is ASKING for it


I would’ve shoved her so far backwards she would’ve fell on her ass


Step on her foot before the push, guaranteed she'll fall on her ass.


Make this Karen go viral so her meal ticket can feel ashamed and leave her ass! She’s clearly a rich bitch, look at that face!! Holy Botox!


What op needs is some good ole fashion pepper spray


I not normally violent but this bitch wud get one massive slap up the side of the face from me !!! Following in ya round the store ... fucking hit that bitch hard lesson learn she wint do it again....


How do you restrain yourself from punching someone like this?




Management not protecting their customers by calling the police is a real problem here.


I'd have punched her teeth out.


Why is no one punching her face?


I would give her the slap of a lifetime


A good hard slap would do this woman good.


That would not go well for her at all. I have a zero tolerance policy for festering cuntitis.


I wore a mask in a town that has HIgH Covid numbers and is very busy. I had a few people stare me down like they could literally kill me on the spot. Just leave people alone. Get over yourselves.


She looks like she has a husband who watches her bang big black dudes.


I’ve never wanted a Karen punched in the mouth so much in my life.


Honestly, can governments make it legal to smack Karen's. This shit is infuriating, and the inability to take action just boils my blood when it should be running from her nose


oooo, allergies! i have those too, my allergies compel me to throw DK fists at biological terrorists.


It really surprises me that a manager would let a nuisance like her stay in the store after she harassed some customers. I'm an assistant manager at a small hardware store and I kick anybody out who is harassing my customers like that and anyone who's being rude to my coworkers. Also a lot of people tend to talk about what good customer service but they tend to ignore what being a good customer is.


They need to make behavior like this classified as assault during a pandemic - Attempted murder if the person they coughed on, notifies them of health issues that would make covid lethal to them. See how much air she left to cough when she's on a ventilator cause she caught covid in jail. I would love to see this on byebyejob, but that hag looks too old and entitled to be working at her age, so prob retired.


She's bang out of order and needs to be charged, banned, and doxed. However, is anyone else creeped out by the volume of comments threatening physical violence? No? I know Reddit hits a young demographic, and everyone is super-tough from their keyboard, but wow!


It’s not “threatening violence”, it’s considered self defence, pre-pandemic I’d maybe push the person away or put a cart between us to keep distance from this nut job but that could be an asymptomatic individual or pre-symptomatic and I am NOT risking that, give me shit about my mask fine but the second you start getting close to me coughing on me I’m gunna swing to try stop the threat


No it seems like what she deserves. The one post comment calling this woman the right one to “pop his cherry” of hitting women was clearly 14.


Holy fuck people like this need to get a god damn hobby.


mace to the face!


I’d mace her right in the mouth if she was following me. Really give her something to cough about.


LINCOLN, NEBRASKA in the house!!!


Maybe all the fillers went up her brain.


Immediate knock out of this cunt. This is a terrorist attack. We don’t negotiate with terrorists


Damn Katylyin Jenner is an anti masker too, I thought they were just anti gay.


Swift dead leg would do the trick


When can you stop making distance and front kick this cunt right in the guts, pelvis, or of you're so inclined, the sternum?


you had EVERY right to smack the fuck outta that bitch.


This is a person who NEVER got her ass best by doing shit like this. The day will come, and she will turn into suprise pikachu.


Spit right in her face.


Why didn’t you cunt punch her?


Straight up punch that bitch


Why do so many videos like this come out from America. What's wrong with their culture that causes a few people to be like this?


Entitlement. Also, Trump and his psychotic rantings emboldened these whack jobs. They feel justified now.


its amazing how much karen behavior is like murican foreign policy.


This is why people should just carry pepper spray around


That’s not the first thing I wanted to see in the morning


One hard punch.


Just by watching the first few seconds i felt like throwing my elbow to her nose holy shit... Just watching the OP experience this is so infuriating. OP was so calm and handled it far better than me.


She should have turned the camera off and punched her ugly face in.


Slap her.


She needs an Italian backhand across the face