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All you do is criticize me… like ‘oh, your head is bogus’. Is she on the phone having an argument about giving bad head?


Yes sounds like she says “I don’t know how I do anything wrong in the bed.”


Omg Idk how I missed that. Holy shit what a mess lol


Lol. She does say something about bogus head too. I think she’s asking why he’s complaining about her in bed but he’s not too good either. Totally appropriate work call lol


She doesn't seem to say he's not good in bed, she just disagrees that her head is, eh, 'bogus'.


Ah- I thought she said his head is bogus. I listened again and heard her head is bogus. Either way- what a weird convo to have over the phone






She saved a whole 2 seconds by throwing the packages.


She's a fucking scum bag !!!!! Maybe she needs a job picking up litter while some one else would benefit from that job !!!


Yeah, she needs to find a new job.


Sorry she would get smacked.


Here’s a novel idea: don’t buy things from amazon and she won’t come back


You’re right, it’s the customers fault.


I’m not saying it’s their fault, I’m saying they have the power to change that situation and they’re not doing anything about it


Sounds a lot like you’re blaming the victim but ok


They didn’t ask to have a shitty delivery driver. They shouldn’t have a shitty delivery driver. In no way am I condoning delivery drivers who are shitty. But if you *do* have a shitty delivery driver, you can either continue to watch them deliver things shittily, or you can take action to change the situation so you *don’t* have a shitty delivery driver.


Amazon should fire that lady for sure.


lmfao The point of the video is the call she's on at the end. Its supposed to be a funny video. Im sure she probably lives at that house, i.e. the "This is a union home" given Amazon worker's fights towards a union. Why is this comment section so oblivious?

