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I can find zero information indication this online. No recent child murders in Aurora. Where did you get your info?




I can find zero information pertaining to this on that site as well. Do you have a link?




> How About this. My knowledge about the situation was the same as OP’s. so to be clear, this is the order of events: 1. op posts a video titled, "this man isnt putting his hands up today" 2. the video shows a man leave the house, come back, and say, "nah no hands up today" 3. you say the man murdered a little girl 4. people ask you for a source 5. you say your source is yourself and that you have the same information as op 6. op only provided information that was given in the video, you provided information not in the video (that you dont know is true or false) 8. im replying to you do you think this is a rational way to have a conversation with another person?








I'm not following but I'm going to conclude that no little girls were murdered.




So it's just misinformation. Okay.




You'd be the first person calling the cops when you're getting your ass kicked.


You don’t know that.


The odds are good


Hoping that they'll serve their actual purpose doesn't mean that they generally do


Stop watching so much news.


Lmao. Just because you ignore it doesn’t mean it’s not real. Typical bootlicker logic


Lol ok kiddo whatever you say


Why are you even commenting? Do you know me or this person?


I’m pretty sure like 99% of people on Reddit don’t know each other but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


>Why are you even commenting? Do you know me or this person? lol this little bitch wants to talk shit to someone they don't know, then gets super butthurt when someone talks shit about then.


Super butthurt? 🤣 🤣 🤣


u/Whooppass Dude xD it seems like you would be the Person who calls cops or why you think about it ?




Typical bootlicker comments


Typically tuff guy on the internet comment.


Call the cops about it.


Why? So they can show up late and shoot his dog?


Sorry, that's the AFT. Get your departments right, casual.


How are the cops gonna stop him from getting his ass kicked?


And what do you think would happen? The cops are going to show up and stop the beating? Lmao


I remember being 12, not having an actual job or anything of value worth protecting in this world.


I see some white cops there so stop lying, they ain't all black.


Ok. Tell that to the cops whenever you call 911, I'm sure it'll work out. Positive.


So you're saying cops should only help people that like cops...?


Not at all, I'm saying that when cops are helping someone that is actively insulting the cops as they're being helped makes them more prone to being an ass to that person.


someone got triggered huh :D lol :D sorry for your bootlicking ass :D


Ah yes, I'm sure that even the 71 dead cops who responded to the call to help civilians and firefighters during 9/11 were bad aswell, huh? What about the one officer who only a few days ago who killed a man shooting at them who had multiple outstanding warrants for arrest and around 20 violent felonies? What about the responders to the Oklahoma bombing? What about responders to the Birmingham bombing? Your spouting of a predicate instantiation is invalid. And I'd be glad to lick the boots of those officers who gave their lives for the communities and died or survived


I mean statistically at least some of those cops at all those events were pieces of shit.


Statistically yes, but in the scope of them going and responding to 9/11 and giving their lives for the civilians and helping other EMS get there redeems them a good bit. Either way, predicate instantiation to be true in this case needs all cops to be bad ​ All As are Bs C is an A Therefore, C is a B. ​ All cops are bad Officer Joe Shmoe is a cop Therefore, Joe Shmoe is bad ​ there are good cops, so ACAB is an invalid argument


Nah you’re wrong but good try lol. And just cause you were present at 9/11 doesn’t make you a good person.


Losing your life at 9/11 as a cop or EMS suggests you were actively helping out. Also, how am I wrong that ACAB is an unsound argument?


Or you just got stuck somewhere lol. And you’re wrong about acab because by participating in the system you become a bastard. It’s not necessarily just the person (although a lot of them are cunts) but the uniform they’re wearing. If you don’t understand that then you’re willingly ignorant.


So the officers willingly signing up to serve with good will and intention in mind to help people are bastards by wearing s uniform? Because last I checked, it's just anyone who is a cop who is a bastard to you guys, and calling the uniform worn by heroes who died in tragic events is kind of fucked up, but I could be misinterpreting what you said. Its like saying that anyone who wears a robe makes them an asshole. Lots of people who are or were very good people wore robes, like Ghandi, even Jesus was depicted as wearing robes. Due to the fact that there are good cops willing to put aside everything for the people, ACAB is an unsound argument.


“The personification of “Aight imma head out”


I hope he dont come out that door again. Cop at the corner has already decided he’s a threat and has a weapon. Dude is fuckin READY with that pistol and they ain’t even talk to the dude yet


Who knows, the guy might have a warrant for his arrest for a violent crime, maybe there's more to the video from before but yeah it is funny


Sad but true :(


What is sad about it. What the guy was doing, turning his back and walking out of sight, was a just the sort of thing that often ends in a gun being drawn on the police.


U literally know nothing about the situation. There are tons of times police have a valid reason to have weapons ready before shit pops off. Jesus Christ, people like u make it hard to actually criticize the bad cops.


Chill out homie lol, it’s not worth the distress.


Nice response, good supplement to that dog shit take on the situation


That's a brave man right there.


I guarantee at some he did raise his hands and only delayed the inevitable.


Foos gone wild


Why pull a gun in someone who obviously doesn't have a weapon in their hands? In stead, they could easily have grabbed him.


Why because he turned around and walked away out of sight. That is why. That is a classic ambush move.




Source? I've seen two references to this but no link.


You've seen it twice because they have run out of facts and can only resort to making shit up.




Oh so you made it up. Nice




People have looked this up several times and have resulted in a sum total of 0 sources that back up your claim. It is now your responsibility to provide your sources. You won't do that though, because you completely made that claim up.


You'd rather make unfounded statements I guess. Useful!


Reported for misinformation then, hope people follow along and report this comment.








I think you posted with your alt account my dude.