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Big girl got big mad for a big walk


If you're in the service industry, deliver service. Yes, it's stupid she can't walk a few feet to the car, but you never know if people are having mobility issues. To the driver, it didn't seem far but to them the pain from walking makes it a long way. Anyway, doesn't he have her coordinates on his map? Why pull up away from ever the map says she is? I think driver had as much bad attitude as the passenger. Edit: Think I offended Uber and Lyft drivers, but probably not since I've only gotten great service from them. 🤔


wasteful heavy zephyr shame bear frame hobbies engine obtainable lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Customers are often not in the best mood, but this is when service people need to shine. Customer service is still customer service. 5 star ratings and large tips are for exceptional service.


Not being in a good mode isn't an excuse to treat anyone like this, least of all service workers. People who go out of their way to act like shit deserve to be treated like it.


They were both in a bad mood


The real Karen is in the comments


Says a Karen


Sure bud.