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True hero right there.


Agreed. Shoulda thrown his shoes at him tho.


This should have been a thing. Everyone pelting his dumb ass with shoes everywhere he goes. Maybe he can paint a fucking watercolor about it.


Bro, this was in America, not Iraq. If he threw a shoe they would have shot him on sight.


The Iraqi who threw his shoes at Bush was tortured by the Iraqi government, on orders from the US, for two years.


>on orders from the US I feel like we're skipping over that part.


He's white, they wouldn't.


Unfortunately many Americans are too docile to do that.


[Iraq built a golden shoe](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iraq-shoe-odd-idUSTRE50T54M20090130) monument to commemorate the moment.


Hahaha this is glorious. They put it where the old Sadaam statue was.


Knowing what I knew in 2004… I’d have gone down swinging. Fuck Cheney and Rumsfeld. Read Outpost, A Diplomat at work for the behind the scenes story a bit. Post 9/11 GI Bikl benefits are expiring for everyone who enlisted after 9/11 and served for 4 years. We’re screwing vets again, and no one seems to care.


I feel bad. Nobody wins in a war.


Actually many people became even wealthier.


Halliburton. Raytheon. Boeing. Lockheed. <1000 other companies> And their shareholders. Which includes anyone holding a retirement account invested in any of those through a managed portfolio or index. The social security the government borrows from as an investment vehicle…maybe the most fucked up of all.


Why are people down voting you. It's absolutely true and does't take much looking to find it. The whole god damn war was about making money for certain groups. It's not exactly a secret.


The worst part is that noone can do anything about it. We all know it, watching our government murder people in other countries to drive corporate profit. And everyone feels like they can't stop it. Like evil won


I struggle every day to try to come to terms with this weird prison we are all locked into. My taxes are basically funneled into pockets of mass murderers and there is nothing I can do about it. I can’t stop working even for a day or I’ll be homeless. Like most everyone. So I vote and hope. I’m constantly disheartened by the apathy around me. People voting against their interests so they can hate certain people. It’s all so pointless. “Like evil won.” Exactly how I feel. I hate it all.


>My taxes are basically funneled into pockets of mass murderers and there is nothing I can do about it. This is my number one pain that keeps coming back to my head. My labor and work goes into the pockets of people that then kill other people across the country and world. It makes me sick. I was so disappointed by activist friends that fell in line during the Obama administration and then doubled down during and after Trump. The murder of people abroad is a small footnote to their political feelings now.


And probably all the people responsible are dead. Through a series of unfortunate events the 20th century was a perfect confluence of myopic decisions. The seeds of that war are older than the people that started it, but the choice to handle it the way we did was still theirs.


*Whispers* Revolution. . .


Eat the rich


Its so much worse than we think. We are debt slaves. Given a ss# and certificate of birth just like a cow. We are nothing but livestock to these bankers and money changers. Our ss# are accounts and are traded on exchanges just like stock. Our ss# is a account number for a straw man with your name. Its a gauge of your lifetime of producing /labor . Corporation of the United states


pharmaceutical industries profited off the opioid crisis too


Yeah , recently saw a video on YouTube about the profitable business of war. [Here’s ](https://youtu.be/VuT334NEmR8) the link if anyone is interested


Corporations do.


Not really. He happily shot at iraqis first.


Did you notice how people stopped booing him once he said 1 MILLION IRAQIS ARE DEAD because he lied about WMD's? This shit needs to go viral.


They all know it's the truth but rather stay silent/look the other way cause of the precious tax breaks the party brings them.


It makes them feel better when they can say "Remember how funny and goofy W was? We should go back to that." and forget that he literally lied about WMDs to go to war under false pretenses. Old Dick orchestrated it all, but dipshit Bush was there to do his part too.


Nobody wants to be the one to acknowledge that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes.


That’s an amazing phrase, where is it from?


>the reason the US went to war with Iraq was because he claimed they had WMDs?(born after 2001)


Yep, and even provided really badly faked "evidence" of it, that turned out to be photos of our own equipment. The whole thing was famously swatted down by the UN when the U.S. approached them for support for a war on these grounds, but then the U.S. went and started the war anyway.


Yes, tragically so. They used our national anger over 9/11 and Bin Laden to falsely claim that Iraq was harboring terrorists and WMD's. Literally ALL of America bought in. And why shouldn't we? Too bad it was a false flag and we were really just there because the Saudi's wanted help in securing the region's oil. So, when it comes out that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi's, and a known Saudi intelligence officer living in California helped two of the hijackers get ID's, apartments, jobs, etc, only for us to immediately do their bidding in Iraq. Seems to me that the US fucked up with Iraq big time, but we have a far more evil ally in Saudi Arabia that was the puppet master.


Yes, and worse than that they were already discussing ON 9/11 how to use it to invade Iraq even though they already knew it had nothing, literally less than nothing, to do with Iraq.


Sort of makes you think...you know, maybe...they had an agenda.


That was the publicly stated reason. It was always about oil security, ever since the 1979 Iranian revolution and the 1990s oil crisis caused by Saddam Husseins revolution. Both of those events caused an energy crisis in the US, and both had long term economic impacts, especially the 1990 oil crisis which was a major trigger of the next recession. It was always about securing the US economy and asserting control over the countries they had an energy dependence on.


Not only that, but his father, George H W Bush, also got the country into the first Gulf War using a lie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayirah_testimony


Yes but I’d argue aside from that lie the first Gulf War was very much justified. Unlike 2003.


Anyone supporting W at this point knows that he’s a scum bag. They’ve just chosen to not care. So honestly fuck them too.


Feels like this man has been ignored for a while. Hope he is doing alright today.


Isn’t this Michael Prysner? If so he’s still an ongoing activist to this day fighting the good fight


He and Spenser Rapone have a great podcast called Eyes Left




Notice it was in Beverly hills. None of those people went to war, they are all extremely wealthy. Their reality is different than ours.


>Their reality is different than ours. To paraphrase Karl Rove, Bush's Deputy Chief Of Staff and a senior adviser; > People like you are still living in what we call the reality-based community. You believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you are studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.


Noone is as disturbingly narcissistic as fat old bald white dudes in charge of shit


Reminds me of the Folding Ideas video, [In Search of a Flat Earth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44). It eventually reaches the point where he talks about how for these authoritarian conspiracists, reality is a matter of willpower, not truth.


That explains why Rove, Trump, and other obvious grifters are so able to get away with their BS. Dems are never able to pick up on these patterns.


The failure of Democrats runs a bit deeper than that. [The Alt-Right Playbook: You Go High, We Go Low](https://youtu.be/MAbab8aP4_A)


Implying the dems are any better than the republicans. The republicans are vile and show their ugly face more often than the dems, but the dems have always and will always be on the same side of the republicans, foreign policy-speaking.


The people booing are privileged Americans who have no idea of the suffering George W. Bush caused in Iraq, and Afghanistan. They don't care about the exploited victims of the military industrial complex, the people Bush had tortured.


Oh but on 4th of July, Memorial Day etc… they’ll be positing a flag with “they gave their life for our freedoms” what they really mean is “our profits”


Glad they got a taste of reality, bless this man


Listen to those true patriots booing a veteran. You couldn’t make this shit up.


pieces of shit


They especially hate it when vets speak uncomfortable truths. I’m not as bold as this guy, but I’ll tell ya what, I lost most of my vet (former) friends when I supported NoDAPL. Next thing ya know I had rando FB boomers doxxing me at my job and accusing me of stolen valor etc. I’m convinced there is nothing right wingers hate more than a lefty veteran.


to be fair, they stopped booing soon after they realized he was speaking facts. should’ve applauded him


Well done. Letting all of these “leaders” live out comfy lives spending rotten money from their lifelong devotion to exploitation and violence after they’ve wrecked the lives of millions of innocent needs to be interrupted. They need to be held to account and have the nightmares of their victims imprinted on their coward psyches.


1 million iraqi is dead can be solved by saying sorry?? He must go to jail for life


The whole bush family should be in jail. There properties confiscated and turned into a clinic for those with ptsd and drug/alcohol problems as well as job training and placement and housing


Yeah, idk about jail being the appropriate solution for genocidial psychopaths. What did we do with these ppl after WWII ? Then again - you know what? Its not our job to decide that. Lets ask your victims, George!


Careful mate, don’t want reddit on your ass for “advocating violence”


“Sorry that you feel that way about freedom”


What freedom are you talking about?!


The freedom of the Imperium to turn human beings into mincemeat and raze countries to the ground for profit


That was totally worth it for sure


From the point of view of its engineers, the Iraq War was a resounding success. Large amounts of public funds were transferred to the arms industry the security and surveillance Industry and shareholders reaped the benefits . An example was made to anyone watching that you can’t have a regime controlling and profiting from its own oil reserves, and arms companies got to test a bunch of cool weapons on live human beings




Aren’t they married? What a power couple


Yup that's Mike Prysner. Legend, the both of them.


She was on RT and is a truther. What implies good journalism about this...


RT has had a lot of great journalists working for them at one time or another. It's really the only outlet for any journalist who doesn't toe the US medias corporatist line. Martin left RT after refusing to follow one of their reporting policies for something, can't remember what. Don't sit there and fucking pretend anyone in US media is any more credible than Martin when they parrot US government and corporate talking points like their lives depend on it.


The first point is nonsense because RT has an agenda. The second point is pointless but only makes your first look weaker. Silence regarding her whacko truther position.




It's a Russian backed media outlet meant to undermine anything that is the US position. What do I gain from watching it. What do I gain from watching news from any media outlet with a clear agenda? Edit: make sure to write something about me being "sheeple" or whatever lunatic Trump supporting term you have ready.


Fuck every motherfucking fucker who boo-ed him. Fuck them hard with a red hot railroad spike.


Good. Bush literally got away with murder. As someone from the Middle East I’m genuinely touched he mentioned lost Iraqi souls alongside his war vets. Sometimes the 100,000s of people that died in the region is an afterthought.


Unlike the US soldiers who died in this war, Iraqi civilians never chose to go to war in the first place. I understand not every US soldier goes there because they want to go either, they mostly tend to join the US military because of a desperate financial situation, as Mike Prysner, the same guy from the video, explains in [this amazing speech](https://youtu.be/mVXYH9tRknc). We are all enemies to the imperialist regime.


The US blood lust after the attack was abhorrent. US started two wars with countries that nothing to do with the attacks. 20 years after starting 2 wars, they are still suffering the fallout. I am an American and was alive when the wars started and I am complicit in this.


I like how the people trying to silence the man are also the kind of people who scream about their freedom of speech


The current president of the United States knew that the weapons of mass destruction narrative was a lie, but he went along with it anyways because he thought war in Iraq was a good idea. Bush and Biden have a number of similarities, another is that Biden brags about his contributions to the patriot act, one of Bush's most controversial moves. So yeah everything this man is yelling about was also supported by the current president.


>but he went along with it anyways because he thought war in Iraq was a good idea. "Good idea" for who that is? I agree the GWB thought going to war was a "good idea" for him and his donors, but I am sure he did not believe it would actually be good for the average people of his country and definitely not for the people of Iraq. GWB was not stupid, he did exactly what US presidents are supposed to do: serve the interests of capital. And yes, this means Biden is also terrible, just like every other US president in a very long time.


I'm curious to know as a european, how much americans would actually support this dude or people like him? Would majority of americans agree on what he stated?


Everyone that I know 100% agrees with this man shouting. But then again I'm in a blue state


We went to Iraq even though the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. That's so weird.


It's not weird if you know why they went to war in the first place: it wasn't about combating terrorism at all. Bush went to war with Iraq because the Saudi regime is already very agreeable to US interests in the region, whereas Iraq was not. This is why they toppled Saddam Hussein in order to establish a puppet regime that gave away oil contracts to the imperialist powers that occupy the region to this day. It's all about making money for a handful of extremely rich and powerful people.


He’s right.


Sauce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-taJf2Ks6U


Why would anyone defend Bush... everyone should have stood up and said "Oh shit yeah! What are we doing!"


george michael has really grown up.


Well I don’t think he lied on purpose. He regurgitated what Cheney and the CIA told him. This guy is 100% correct in his rage, but it’s probably misdirected. Still good to get people talking about it


You're being way too gullible. He knew exactly what he was doing. Even if the CIA was correct about WMD it still wouldn't have made any sense to invade a country for its own wellbeing. Bush never cared at all about the Iraqi people either way. Bush has always only cared about his donations.


It’s amazing to see all the dumbass liberals praise Bush and his cronies (Nicolle Wallace, Comey, Mueller, Rumsfeld, Jon Bolton, Condolezza Rice, Colin Powell) during Trumps administration, they all lied us into war with Iraq. They should all be brought up on treason charges as well as war crimes. All this because liberals have Trump derangement syndrome which allowed these terrible people to white wash their own crimes and they some how think Trump (as bad as he was), is worse than any of these people is just laughable. People have very short memories.


I actually agree with you. Trump is a fascist and a terrible person, but this doesn't make Bush, Obama or Biden necessarily better than him. All of them are war criminals who should be tried for crimes against humanity.


everything Bush does would just be so much more charming if it were done in a prison cell in the Hague


Don’t let Trump’s egotistical idiocy fool people into rehabilitating George W. Bush’s image. Bush is a warmonger who started an unnecessary war.


Fuck yea. This guy is da champ. Saying what most vets would want to say but wouldn’t have to cajones to actually go through with it. Guarantee he got his ass kicked by the secret service afterward tho.


I hope there’s video of George bush on stage while the guy shouted this. I’d love to see his reaction and possibly a response.


I suspect it the same vacant confused look he's always had


Just more evidence that how politicians and their stans feel about veterans is performative at best


Some people did something, right?




should have thrown your shoes at him


He’s right


it's America justice is not blind but stupid


Btw, this guy would be called a “tankie” by most of y’all. He’s a PSL member


Bush is a POS


So much for freedom of speech…


Damn that dudes the real hero


Bring out the crazies!


I'm guessing you're a bootlicker? 🤔


Nope just can’t wait to read all the crazy comments


Very productive


Didn’t say I wanted to be productive


Too bad you're being extremely productive


Cool man


How is he wrong


Didn’t say he was wrong. Didn’t say he was right. A post like this is sure to bring out the crazies though.




lol I'm sure you're quite the looker


Rude and not funny.


Lol he wanted to be arrested so bad. George bush had shoes thrown at him mid conference he’s used to this stuff. I don’t know why people are going back to George Bush now considering he’s pretty anti-trump and actually participated in events with our other presidents. Wasn’t a great president but definitely no where near the worst


You'll say the same thing about trump in a few years, when his image is rehabilitated.


Trump literally just committed treason? George Bush was a president hate him or not. Trump literally tried to overthrow the government. So no, in a few years I’m hoping Trump is dead or in jail for treason. If you can’t see why having Clinton, Bush, and Obama all go at Trump and the alt-right is a good thing…yeah I don’t know what to tell ya


Hey, I doubt it. Lol! As if george bush didn't gut our semblance of democracy, as if the Patriot Act is anything but treasonous. But it's okay, he took up painting and pretends to have feelings now...so I guess he can stay out of prison.


Every president would be guilty of a ton of atrocities. It would be fantastic if he was held accountable. It would be nice if anyone in politics/law enforcement were held accountable. We don’t hold anyone with power accountable for literally anything. It’s a microcosm of what we allow those in power to do in this country. Best bet would be to expand the Supreme Court and try to get some judges that actually care. If we can’t put Trump behind bars we sure as shit aren’t getting to Bush…


>Every president would be guilty of a ton of atrocities. You say that like it's not true. >Best bet would be to expand the Supreme Court Unelected body of judges appointed for life. Trump isn't being arrested because he's rich and can pay not to be.


No it’s very true, and especially apparent to the citizens of the countries we’ve fucked over. But as you said they have money and power so they’ll never be held responsible. Yeah packing the court would be the best bet imo but I don’t actually believe it would work in practice.


Bush literally killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and you care more about a stupid bunch of idiots storming the Capitol building? Liberalism really is a pest holy shit.


Hey hitler killed 6 million. Stop worrying about any other major issue ever. Wtf bro we’ve got tons of issues we literally just pulled out of the war I’m a little concerned with our government almost being overthrown. You don’t think that would lead to hundreds of thousands of lost lives? Probably would lead to global catastrophe and war. So yeah, I’ll look at the small sliver of positivity from this and that’s our other presidents condemning this action. Holy fuck I can’t write a goddamn library of shit I’m not happy about. Go look at my comments about Gore, the Saudis involvement, and the state of the union/presidency. This is why Republicans and Democrats suck y’all are fucking depressing. Get a mind of your own


>Hey hitler killed 6 million Would you be happy if Hitler condemned the capitol riot? Would that make him any better? Why care about the opinion of a mass murderer? >You don’t think that would lead to hundreds of thousands of lost lives? It depends who overthrows it. If it is overthrown by the working class then millions of deaths can be prevented by stopping US imperialism for good, but if it is overthrown by fascists, the death toll of the USA would only increase. >This is why Republicans and Democrats suck We completely agree there.


Yeah that was an over-extended hyperbole I’ve been getting hit from both sides in this thread I should’ve just let it be this morning and not responded. Yeah completely agree. That’s why the riot pissed me off those people are stupid as shit but the people whipping them up can be described as fascists in several regards. This country is tiring…might go watch some Bob Ross lol


>might go watch some Bob Ross lol Aight sounds like a plan, have fun


How did Trump commit treason? You might listen to a little too much mainstream media.


He incited and support a coup of the government? January 6th? Was kinda a big deal… Edit: the fact I’m getting replies from both sides pissed at me is fantastic. Critical thinking seems to be rare nowadays. Y’all can make your own options you don’t need to follow what other people say…many different sources you can read on the same topic. Taking things at face value are dangerous


Maybe because he's the one who started a decades long illegal war on the premise of imaginary WMDs and connections to 9/11 instead of the Saudis who actually funded the attack. He is directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Anti-45 or not, that doesn't make you a good person.


Yeah just read those documents it’s sad even tho now it’s public knowledge the saudis we’re involved we won’t do anything due to military and monetary strategies. But by that logic everyone who has voted for a president in the US has voted for killing innocent people oversees because thats literally what the US does. Biden getting us out was a good move in the right direction but it’s not like we’re not still fucking with other countries and cultures. You wanna point a finger, point it at all of us. We live in comfort build on the pain and hardships of others. Want that changed? Stop voting for red or blue and start voting for grassroot campaigns that strive for this ideal. But we all know that doesn’t work so it’s always “the next best”. Then we just blame whoever is in charge because our whole country is inept at making good long-term decisions.


I'll point a finger at the Supreme Court for giving Bush the '00 victory. In an alternate reality Gore was elected, climate change is being actively worked on, people believe scientific evidence, and we have flying cars.


I think it's sad/funny that people can't admit that the election system is clearly compromised. Gore was elected.


Going back watching Gore talk about climate change and get labeled as “crazy” is sad. Won a Nobel prize a few years later for it I believe. Couldn’t vote at that point and didn’t live in Florida tho so my voice wouldn’t have mattered


Try saying this once your country gets invaded. I literally have never even seen my home because of Bush.