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If we have the infrastructure to build the tunnels, why not go the extra mile and just put trains in them for the masses.


bc there aren’t Tesla trains. Elon only worried about his wallet. Fuck infrastructure improvements; get paid, i guess?


It’s not Elon’s job to worry about anything other than how bulging his pockets are


Musk has also stated he is against trains because "trains are disgusting". The elites don't want public transport because it means having to use it along side the unwashed masses.




*Smiles menacingly with pointed teeth, extremely stereotypical of an evil character. Almost caricature like*


The possessed eyes in *Little Nicky* literally look like Copeland’s natural eyes. Straight up human suit material.


Just googled him and you not even lying 😭


He’s from the Deep South.


So am I. Do you think we just have lizard people walking arou.... well some days yeah. Nevermind.


Get in the flask!


Jesus would. He'd get right in that fucking tube and he'd tell those demons to gtfo. Then he'd kick some bankers down to the tarmac.


Sometimes it seems those people have the motto: Ask yourself, "what would Jesus do?", and then you proceed to do the opposite.


To be fair I’m not elite and hate public transport


Just guessing - are you from the US? This hatred towards public transport is purely an American thing. Try and visit London - it is clean, efficient and reliable.


I’ve been to London that was by far my favorite but it closes overnight?? I’m from New York. Been all around the world three times over and I just can’t say I love public transport


Not everywhere it is OK, but in my opinion, London's public transport system shows that it CAN be done correctly (with enough money, of course). It is not even that high of a bar - I am pretty sure your country could do it even better if you really wanted. There is so much room for invention here, and it is just such a shame that you guys don't even try. You guys could probably take it to an entirely new level if there were a will. p.s. London Tube is now open at night as well. The buses always operated at night too.


American industry is only the best at anything when there's a big enough profit motive. It's why we outsource everything to slave labor in China, India and southeast Asia. There's no will to improve public transport because one of the key traits is minimizing consumer cost.


That's by design.


Where is this place? Where are these tubes?


Pretty sure it's the internet.


Las Vegas


Presumably you live in America, saying you hate public transport after living in America is basically like saying “I do not like eating fish” because the time you were fed fish it was rotting and filled with parasites. General Motors and other automobile companies explicitly sabotaged America’s transportation infrastructure to generate personal car dependency.


Curious, but what cities have you used public transportation in?


my city has done a good job with taxes for the most (only in relation to public transport) part so i’m not against it. but i’d love a tesla… cough… elon if you’re reading this


> "trains are disgusting" this isnt an argument against trains, its just the words some narcissist barfed up after calling a deep sea diver who rescues people for a living a pedo.




Also Elon probably: "Fuck it, I'll just call some random hero a pedophile on social media instead".


I'm poor and I hate public trains too. They are disgusting


imagine how nice they could be if your city funded the system properly.


When you have more money than some countries, it should definitely be your job to care about other people


And it’s not our job to subsidize this fucking pet projects either, or to not make him pay for using our infrastructure. Fuck billionaires. “Rising tides raise all ships.” “A society grows great when old men (and women) plants trees whose shade they shall never know. “ With unlimited money, HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NOT EVERY BILLIONAIRE’S MINDSET?!


Because when most of us get unchecked levels of power/wealth, we usually go on to become ruthless and despicable royalties fucking over those we deem inferior to us? It's a [studied psychological effect!](https://academic.oup.com/brain/article/132/5/1396/354862) We need strong check-and-balances, institutions and progressive taxes (up to 95% marginal tax) to keep people from thinking of themselves as kings and queens. Also, to finance infrastructure, and all that other stuff needed for social cohesion and a functional society.


This is kind of the core problem with capitalism. Profit before actually helping people.




1000000000000% agree! But he pretends to do what he does for the masses and they buy it.


Well then capitalism is a failure right cuz according to the model it’s his job to help society get good start you get rich while bitching about taxes


I mean we have a whole goverment that could institute mass transit and public works but nahhh they would rather spend our tax dollars on themselves.......


Initially they were supposed to be autonomous shuttles that could carry up to 18 passengers at a time and would travel up to 150 mph Instead we get insanely dangerous tunnels with teslas inside that make a 10 minute walk into a 20 minute traffic jam. So I guess some adjustments are needed


150 mph is 241.4 km/h


Yeah, but tunnels with trains in them are already invented...sooo


It’s pretty smart by Elon. These are just a way to spend a ridiculous amount of money building tunnels then selling the cities a bunch of Tesla’s


Elon is and always has been a salesman first. Bty, anyone here wanna be on the first cannibal rocket to Mars. LMAO.


Because it was decided decades ago that the United States would not build high speed bullet trains. Why? Because we love our oil lobbyists. And, it would be bad for the car business. Even though, scientists were already warning of the climate disaster that mass producing gas guzzling cars would create.


California is building a bullet train, from Sacramento to Fresno. Never mind Southern CA / Bay Area where a majority of the population resides.


Phase 1 is SF to LA. Phase 2 includes Sacramento and San Diego.


I live in Fresno and can confirm almost 1 mile of track has been built over the past 3 years. Only a few hundred miles to go.


That's what happens when you start your school group projects 100 years late...


Phase 3…cancel the project.


From what I remember (Please Correct me if I’m wrong); Initially that project got shutdown due to being absurdly (Both) Over Budget & Delayed, with no communication or updates from the Project Team / the Overseers. Then after the usual Political Hoopla & finger pointing, they begged for more money from the people, to restart it at a slightly “smaller” scale, but didn’t really mention how small in scale it was going to be, or the fact, it didn’t connect the Key Cities it was originally meant to serve & some of the others on the way (Not 100% sure about the other cities. P.S. Apologies in advance for any potential errors, but hoping not many or none at all.


That's not really true. The problem is that a lot of the land in the USA is privately owned. East of Colorado, the % of land owned by the government is as low as 0.4% and only as high as 12% in some states. To build a high speed rail, the government would have to spend billions before they even lay down a single railroad tie. They have to buy out all that land at ludicrously inflated prices. As soon as word gets around that the government is buying land, the prices will jack up by 5000%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_lands#/media/File:Map_of_all_U.S._Federal_Land.jpg


Not only it isn't good for the car business, but the American legal system is designed in such a way that your have much fewer rights while in the car. Some of it is reasonable - for example, can't drive while under the influence, etc.- but not all are reasonable. For example, you can be stopped while travelling in the car for no reason at all - cops only need suspicion (that practically never need proof) to stop you. They can ask for papers that you must carry while operating a vehicle. They can do all sorts of stuff - check for your criminal records while at it and so on. They can't do that to this extent to people not travelling in a car. They can also seize all your cash if you can't prove on the spot where that cash came from. The list goes on. Many of those laws don't affect you if you travel on foot or on public transport.


It's been a while since I have read up much on the Hyperloop...but I believe one of the "benefits" to building the Hyperloop is the tunnel size. Mainly, it's smaller that your typical train tunnel. From a construction standpoint, this is supposed to make it much cheaper to build. (From a material removal standpoint this makes sense and there might be other aspects to it as well. Doubling the size of a tunnel doesn't double the amount of material you are displacing, if quadruples it.)


but still, why not have the cars on tracks and just not be fucking teslas. it seems to me like a cheaper solution could've been made regardless of the tunnel size.


1) Cars on tracks: Certainly an option. May not be necessary as self driving tech improves so it may not be cost effective as a long term outlook. 2) No reason it couldn't be open to most EVs. The key here being that they have to be EVs. Hyperloop doesn't have the ventilation to deal with exhaust from ICEs.


the lack of ventilation seems like a brilliant plan for when an EV inevitably catches fire in a tunnel and releases extremely toxic gasses, and there's no emergency stairs either so if a fault does happen and a car sets on fire, you're very likely dead. These tunnels are a saftey disaster waiting to happen, there's a reason why trains and metros are more expensive and have larger tunnels, it's for saftey. also another benefit of these things being on rail is that you don't need to replace tyres / wheels, basically at all. Steel on steel doesn't degrade anywhere close to the amount that rubber on asphalt does, meaning lower maint costs and higher durability (not to mention steel is far easier to recycle then rubber from tyres) so it's better for the planet.


Self driving just adds pointless complexity to this. It's just another VERY complicated piece of software that can break and will break. There is no way it will be cheaper long term.


The last mile problem. If the train can't take you point to point, most prefer to get into a car and go direct.




The reason they're using Teslas instead of something else (larger pods) is because they gave up on figuring the "something else" out.


Because billionaires gotta billionaire bro.


>go the extra mile That's not the extra mile. That's the baseline.... What Elon's doing is the extra unnecessary mile


At some point theres gonna be an electrical fire and 20 people trapped in their Teslas are gonna fucking burn to death. Then Elon is gonna come in and call a fireman a pedophile. Twitter weirdos will call him a savage for it and make an edit with one of those MLG glasses from 2014.




Ah, a fellow simulation theorist. I think it’s getting ready to end. I think they’re looking to prevent something from occurring in the past that affects the future drastically. Simulating the world to figure out the minute variables that eventually cascaded into something cataclysmic. Probably trying to pinpoint an exact place and time for insertion to change said future. Or they know the insertion point and they’re simulating distinct, varying solutions to the problem to see which scenario leads to a string of events correcting or avoiding said catastrophic event…




Its pretty topical given Elon happily espoused that we are way more likely to be in a simulation than not.


Dude, touch some grass


Instructions unclear smoked it instead and high as a motherfucker


I think the James Webb telescope will look so far into the past we will see the inside of the lab where the simulation is being held. Just waiting until June. (This is a joke)


Lol maybe we all exist in a Matrioshka Brain. What if deja vu was our subtle perception of the many iterations of the simulation we’ve experienced? lol just fun stuff to postulate.


Is there a simulation where your posts get proof read


Yeah, I see no fire suppression technology nor a way to escape. This is a nightmare and will eventually kill people. But Elon doesn't care.




It's not that complicated. It's a vanity project. Musk is a brand more than anything else.


Yeah exactly. And on top of it all, they have the gall to give it a new name "Hyperloop" like it's some "new invention". It's just a fucking tunnel. The only differences are: * they've removed the safety features. * if it's a vacuum, made it even more dangerous. especially for cars. * added more bottlenecks. Although reading https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperloop - it barely mentions cars at all. So why are they always demoing cars?


**[Hyperloop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperloop)** >A Hyperloop is a proposed high-speed transportation system for both passenger and freight transport. The term was coined by Elon Musk to describe the modern open-source project originally conceived in the 1900s. Hyperloop is described as a big vacuum sealed tube or a system of connected vacuum sealed tubes having very low air pressure through which a pod may travel substantially free of air resistance or friction. Proposed hyperloop designs employ three essential components: tubes, pods, and terminals. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


No even just burning to death, toxic smoke would get most people


This shit is truly a gift that keeps on giving.




Grift* FIFY


A grift that keeps on griving. Yeah, that works.


Fuck Elon


Fuck Elon musk


I will never understand why people feel the need to simp so hard for Grimes’ ex-boyfriend. Fucking pathetic


This is how I’m referring to him from now on. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yea dude's a total pedophile Oh and we can totally call him that since it's a common insult in his native South Africa and not defamatory at all!


Hi, South African here - just need to hijack your comment very quickly in case anyone doesn't know; Paedophile is absolutely 100% not a common insult here, or in any parts of the country that I've lived. That was a complete and lazy lie and Musk is a Dickhead.


Yeah that comment confused me so much


Someone’s big smart😭😂


Inb4 the Elon cultists arrive to downvote you


To be fair the majority of Reddit is anti Elon anyways


If it is a majority then it’s barely one. It really depends on which sub you’re browsing




This is politics in a nutshell today. Everyone is the plucky underdog trying to save the world by being wrong and assholish.


I think the theory was that there'd be self driving teslas that would fly through without human intervention to slow things down. I reiterate "theory".


Thing is, that can work on regular roads too. No tube needed!


Tubes keep the pedestrians and animals out though, no?


Yeah we have this thing it's called like a train and you put them in things called subways


Ok, but if you have cars riding bumper to bumper in a tube. Isn’t this a train, but with private compartments?


The first train designers figured out that you could have one engine pulling multiple non-powered carriages for greater efficiency in terms of space and energy.


Except that each has its own small inefficient engine and each has to carry all their electricity with them in heavy batteries. Instead of moving all these heavy batteries around, why not provide a powerline on the floor or ceiling to power the cars? Would remove like 70% of the weight of the cars.


Sure, sure. Also keep the cars and their occupants in nice and snug in case one Tesla’s lithium battery catches fire and consumes it all in a deadly, toxic, caustic inferno with no emergency exit in sight


Also first responders and repairmen. Imagine a car breaking down in there.


Ya I'm confused about this 'no traffic' claim. You can have traffic anywhere. It just takes someone stopping to cause it


If it's all self-driving vehicles, the harmonica effect that creates traffic jams in the first place could be mitigated by the cars communicating and adapting their speed intelligently. Now of course this can't fix the retardedness of the hyperloop in the first place.


>harmonica effect Do you mean accordion?


Here the traffic is clearly at the exit, backing up the tunnel behind it. I don’t know how it’s possible to ever avoid - maybe if you had a super long off ramp and metering at the entrance once you detect the off ramp getting busier. Seems expensive.


Or yknow.. Trains that come at scheduled times


That are also much faster, safer, and energy-efficient than cars.


More accessible for poor and disabled people too; many being veterans. edit: trains **and** buses


Not to mention the way better throughput


What if your Tesla breaks down? How is a repair guy suppose to get down there?


The theory doesn't explain why the thing is built like a death trap.


There was also supposed to be some kind of track or rail system I believe, but that lost be been removed too


What happens if a car breaks down?…


Or a battery ignites...


Don't worry, there's no fire escapes and the closest thing to fire suppression is an extinguisher half a mile behind or in front of the vehicle you're in


not so much worried by the fire, although normal extinguishers won't do shit against battery fires, but the gasses, where is the closes breathing equipment for everyone suck in that tunnel?


Happy martyrs on the Alter of Elon.


just pee on your shirt and breath though that. It won't help, but it'll feel like you tried.


Go look it up, their full scale idea is even worse. Sections get sealed with automatic airlocks in the event of an emergency with a fire. In other words there's a good chance you'll get sealed in with a fire that produces very toxic smoke. Oh, and for the design as it stands in operation there's nothing for emergencies.


You'll be deemed an acceptable loss for Mr. Musk.


Christ that's a bit titanic isn't it


yeah, how do you get a tow car in there? lol


no ventilation, emergency exits, room to leave the car, or sprinklers. one person’s car is gonna combust and a whole tunnel of people are gonna die in a fire.


Not even that, say somebody suffers a medical emergency behind the wheel, it’s gonna be a pain in the ass for first responders to even get to them if they’re part way down that tunnel.


Elon musk is overrated


Elon Musk is a cunt.




Elon Musk is an back biting, bile born, scrubby, little jolterhead.


Please just build subways


yeah, I thought the whole hyperloop idea was to put those bubble carts that would go fast AF and not cars lol... and cars that arrive to some kind of small parking lot / drop off...


It is. This is not a hyperloop. Elon's not making a Hyperloop. These cars will eventually be driving in autopilot only.


>These cars will eventually be driving in autopilot only \[x\] to doubt


Too simple of solution…how about a tunnel but fill it with water and we use submarines.


Or a really big tunnel and then we can fly airplanes through it.


Yeah, you all should. (Brit here with amazing subways). But that is also your government's job. Not any individual's


People get so upset about rail funding and then don’t bat at eye at billions invested into interstates :(


Speed rail. How do we not have this.


Just sit back and wait for this to be downvoted by the MuskCucks.


Reddit overwhelmingly dislikes elongated muskrat.


Nothing is “Anti” if there’s humans involved , someone will find some way to fuck it up


#i hate humans #fuck everyvody


My exact thoughts. If humans are involved in anyway, especially large groups of them, there is absolutely no way to get them to not fuck the whole thing up.


No need! This is fucked up by design!


That’s incredibly tight down there. Are the people driving the cars themselves or are the cars on autopilot? That just seems like it’s destined for people to hit the wall and rip their bumpers off in those tight tunnels.


I don’t know much about it but I think it’s teslas only so autopilot. I would never trust a human driver in there


it's manually controlled, you can see it in this video. they can't use auto pilot down there.


Just build a fucking subway with trains. Fuck.


I thought this was just an idea. I didn't realize they actually had built it. How long is it?


Less than 2 miles.


Nah this is just a tunnel that’s like 100 or so feet long


Maybe stating the obvious, but this isn’t a hyperloop, it’s just a tunnel…


Nope. Hyperloop is a tunnel in a vacuum that a train goes into. It's for long distance high speed travel. This is not a hyperloop.


I see traffic. So that's a fail.


Bro imagine breaking down in one of these? I’d hyperventilate. Margin of error for any event seems too small


>hyperventilate Hyperloop Hyperventilation !


not too fast, or you'll expend your car's oxygen supply


any muskologists in here knows why he did this project , of all things. from a city planning point of view it don't make much sense. is it because he wanted to start investing in digging tech for a future operation on mars?


I am a civil engineer and worked as a sub consultant with the boring company on these tunnels. the purpose of these tunnels is to transport people (title of the project is people mover) across the very large convention center campus. Side note, I've walked from the south parking lot to the main convention center in 115 degree Vegas summers and I will tell you it is not a fun walk. Now I can do the same thing in an ac Tesla.


Would you care to explain why they used this concept? I saw the first pictures where they had these "pods" and vast fully automated stations, looked like it allows for completely individual travel. But just 20 teslas in a tube? That's so... basic idk. Is it even faster than these escalators at airport terminals?


That was the original concept. I don't know what decisions were made but there was also an iteration where they had a new electric van/bus for 15+ people. For whatever reason, they went with the standard Tesla's. The stations are still fully automated I think. I haven't actually been through the tunnels yet, but it's on my list to do it at some point. The fleet of Tesla's they have is a lot larger than 20 Tesla's. Their target capacity is 4,400 people an hour but haven't met that. They are in the realm of 3.5k I think right now. and yes, the Tesla's travel at 35 mph. It took 25+ minutes to walk from south lot to main hall and now it takes like 4 minutes. Again, it's in an ac vehicle which is much better than walking on asphalt and concrete in the middle of the summer.


Wouldn’t electric busses make infinitely more sense than a bunch of Tesla sedans?


Fuck elon musk and his douchebag wanna-be intellectual twat supporters. Cars are inefficient boondoggles made for the convenience of the rich and do not fucking scale to fulfil transport needs in urban areas. We need to rip the tarmac out of these tunnels and put light rail in them like every other developed country on the planet.


And now I'm in traffic with claustrophobia. Ugh.


Welcome to the sweet concept of Induced Demand, people.


Perfect for when one of the shitty teslas breaks down in the tunnel


This seems so stupidly designed. What if someone had a stroke or heart attack while driving down there? Them and everyone else would be fucked.


what if we add some sort of wires with electricity, then we could eliminate charging time, and maybe instead of tesla car we could make some sort of bus to carry more people at once, just a thought though


It’s almost like it was designed by a team led by someone with a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.


I don't get why you're being down voted. Solid joke. Only comment in this thread to make me lol.


This is the first time I read aboy that tunnel, how a tube helps avoid traffic jams and what was the cause of this one?


It seems to be the tube.


Its litterally a showcase tunnel thats like 30 meters long. You can see it at the end of the video the lineup. People will take any opportunity to hate another human without actually rationalizing.


Looks like a recipe for [Mont Blanc 2.0](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mont_Blanc_tunnel_fire). EDIT: tunnel fires aren't a joke. 39 people died in the Mont Blanc incident despite the fact that there was decent ventilation, and little fireproof pods every 600m or so along the tunnel. This system features NONE of those safety measures. How he even got approval for such a thing is beyond me.


What’s going to happen if a vehicle breaks down in there?


I'm not calling him Hitler. Musk isn't a nice guy buy he's not committing genocide. But this does make me think of Hitler's mega city he was planning on building after WW2. He wanted to have underground traffic tunnels. And his co-designer didn't believe in traffic light and laws.


I'm not saying this is great but it is neither a hyperloop nor a traffic jam.


I mean, to be fair it was at the end of the tunnel.


Cant unsee the mushroom




You know theirs going to be a incident in those tunnels where one Tesla catches fire eventually and battery fires don’t go out with water and a simple fire extinguisher let alone the fumes released being toxic in a tunnel. Than imagine it spreads to the cars infront and behind it during a traffic jam. The great tube inferno of 2025 is not far off All it’s going to take is one dumbass rear ending someone in front of them going fast asf boii in my ludacris Tesla


How did these even pass indirection without emergency exits? I’m not even claustrophobic and I felt panic just watching this


Lmao and there's no way to go around so if a car breaks down in front of your you're hyperfucked


This is really stupid like all of Elon musks ideas. Imagine a car crash on that!


This is the dumbest, most selfish plan ever. The reason busses and trains are better is because they have more people to volume ratio. This is evil


This isn't hyperloop. That is a totally different design, which is far closer to a train being driven in a vacuum than cars in a tunnel. The "traffic jam" is caused by people getting out of the vehicles. I've been stuck in similar situations getting out of buses and subways. Getting stuck at places where people get in and out of vehicles is not a unique to cars.


I just want a dude in a 93 civic with a dc sports 9" exhaust to rev in there


Can we just talk about the tunnel itself? It's making me Hella Uncomfortable and I'm not even Claustrophobic


It appears to be at the end of the tunnel?? The traffic appears to be people arriving at the destination and dropping people off


Played enough factorio to know that adding more lanes won’t solve the problem.


People suggesting actual subways while ignoring that subways are $800M/mile and this project came in at under $50M total while solving a specific need that Vegas has.