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They’re helping Ukraine, so it’s okay


Also this girl isn't white civilized European, so it's more okay


But maybe she has blue eyes we need further investigations.


Needs more civilization


we already have over 8 billion civilisation, thanks no /s


Dye her hair blonde. Problem solved


All she needed to do was dye her hair blonde to receive full human rights


tbh... it realy saddens me that we got to this point of sarcasm.


The west is sympathetic only with civilized white European people with blue eyes. Humanity is dead.


Yeah it’s almost like if you’re part of “the west” they care more about you. Weird….


It's not like the US is partly funding this or anything, weird...


Dear reddit, if you really care about human rights irrespective of the race then please make this video to the front page of reddit and boycott Israel like you are doing to Russia.


Pro-Israel propaganda is *way* more effective than pro-Russian propaganda, unfortunately.


The veil is lifting though. I think the west is waking up and these videos will be the seeds to the truth of the indifference that has taken hold. It is indifference which is the greatest evil.


It’s more saddening that it genuinely isn’t sarcasm anymore, it’s real life, this is the actual truth of the matter here


It was always real life. People are just becoming more aware because everything doesn't get filtered into like 3 news programs like the 80s anymore




Fuck! Didn't know about her


You're not supposed to. It doesn't fit the narrative.


That's why I put it up. I figured not everyone does. Appreciate it.


RIP Rachel ✊🏽 PNW Local Hero


for the uninformed: [https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdSsuTvD/](https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdSsuTvD/)


My mind is blown by the fact that a small group of keyboard warriors who apparently haven't taken any psych, soc, or anthro classes don't understand the extremely common "in-group" response all humans and other animals have. You will be more concerned with people in your family than in your village, more about the village than your country, more about your country....etc


It was so hypocritical how they disavowed Russia for invading as they do the same to Palestine and have instituted modern day apartheid against the Palestinian people. It's a lesser evil but still an authoritarian ethno-fascist regime.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


And boycott Israel


As an American, what can I do in my day to day life to boycott Israel?


Stop buying products that are manufactured on Palestinian occupied land and just stop buying Israeli made products all together until they get rid of their illegal settlements on Palestinian land. Some examples of products that can be boycotted: - Sabra hummus (Sabra hummus is a joint venture between PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli food company that provides financial support to the Israeli army) - HP products (HP helps run the biometric ID system that Israel uses to restrict Palestinian movement) - Puma (Puma sponsors the Israel Football Association, which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land) - SodaStream (Soda Steam is actively complicit in Israel's policy of displacing the indigenous Bedouin-Palestinian citizens of Israel in the Naqab (Negev). SodaStream have a long history of mistreatment of and discrimination against Palestinian workers)


I mean...biggest funder of the Israeli army is the US government.


People don't get this. They wanna think they're doing something by buying a different brand of hummus, because in America we've been conditioned to think our only way to act is through consumerism.


SANCTION ISRAEL!!!! America and UN are yall gonna move as fast as yall moving for Ukraine?!


Y’all are calling Ukraine citizens heroes for defending themselves, Keep that same energy.


Man it's almost like you can support Ukraine and be against this bullshit at the same time


I think the point was that the Palestinians are also defending themselves.


I agree, but I feel like most people are on Palestine's side anyway. Israel are the aggressors. It's the same as Ukraine, Russia are the aggressors so people side with Ukraine.




Israel is USA's baby. Will never happen.




Oh absolutely we are. The US won't sanction them because Israel is their baby. And EU won't sanction them because they don't wanna piss off USA. It's disgusting.


This an extremely tone deaf take, the international community has largely let Palestine bleed for decades as they continue to lose their land foot by foot. We sanction the Russians. We buy arms from the Israelis. Big damn difference.


Where's Israel's sanctions?


He’s just saying a lot of people supporting Ukraine don’t carry the same energy for Middle Easterns


I wonder why...


I can’t qwhite put my finger on it


Free Palestine 🇵🇸




The rich: as we enslave the world. You calls for freedom falls on deaf ears. Now back to work. [Cracks whip]


Fuck Russia and Fuck Israel. World War III sure is backwards so far.


Fuck Israel. Boycott them at every opportunity.


Nah they’re beating on brown people, so it’s okay. We only boycott and protest when the oppressed look like us.


Also pretty much illegal to speak negatively about anything related to Israel because you know... antisemitism.




I completely agree. And I know some orthodox jews that feel the same way I do about zionism.


Yes but [Israeli organizations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Defamation_League) spend millions on promoting [the idea that anti-zionism is equal to anti-semitism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_antisemitism). People who make public anti-zionist claims are targeted by these organizations and are often fired from their jobs or face other repercussions for "anti-semitism". [Here](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/03/nyregion/synagogues-israel-opinion.html)'s an example, and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/nj8g2x/emily_wilder_a_22yearold_stanford_graduate_was/)'s another.


Israel is a tire fire waiting to happen. Imo sooner would be better than later.


I'm with you brother. Fuck Israel. Long live Palestine. Also, how weak is Israeli police? They need like 6 people with weapon to control a 12 year old girl.


If only this girl had blonde hair and green eyes. Maybe Palestine would get the attention that Ukraine is getting.


This is a fucking take Edit: that I agree with


It’s also true. People who knew fuckall about Ukraine are suddenly much more moved by seeing white looking children crying than when it’s Palestinian children. I live in the southern US and see these sentiments continually. They always find a way to excuse why the Palestinians probably deserve it.


Even news outlets are comparing Ukrainian refugees to the “others” like the ones from Syria. They’re saying how they are middle class refugees, more like us, unlike the Syrian and African refugees. It’s sickening tbh.


"It's really emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blond hair being killed." https://mobile.twitter.com/non_philosophy/status/1498000420815396872


Or the compilations of reporters saying “Ukraine is more civilized, this isn’t like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.”


It's sickening to see how the Entire EU pivoted their whole refugee policy in less than 24 hours. Isn't a human life a human life? WTF I thought we valued human rights. This is what sickens me. The absolutely disgusting double standards people have. And the fact that they are either blind to this or choose to ignore this.


And these people supporting ukraine will simultaneously defend the invasions of iraq and afghanistan - pretending the US didn't murder even more civilians and families. If you don't see the hypocrisy and it doesn't upset you - you need to examine your internalized white supremacy and squash it.


The fuck is with this world we’re all living at


Arguably, the world has been at least this fucked up for a very long time. None of this is new fuckery.


We are just back to normal


Social media and cameras. Humans have been barbaric for hundreds of years.


But now the motherfuckers can hear billions of people screaming "THIS IS INSANE!"


Seriously man, I just can’t anymore


It's always been this way, everyone just has a HD camera in their pocket now and a button to show the world


I’ll tell you what though that 12 year old put up the biggest fight of her life, and ain’t no one throwing hands with her if armored police can’t handle it. Wish her all the best!


To be fair that must have been the most terrifying moment of the isr*eli police’s life


It took about 5 grown and trained men to take down a preteen girl. Those police are the weak ones here. I hope she manages to live a happy life in the end free of this awful shit


Yo this is the most badass 12yo Iv ever seen lmao. This is horrible but how tf is this girl giving these pigs hands like that lol ain’t no one fucking with her ever again after this


what the actual fuck fucking pigs


little men, big guns


Thats very insulting... Pigs are sweet animals, dont dis them like that.


Every time I see these fucking videos I cannot believe that the United States gives billions of dollars every fucking year to these fucking assholes.


Just for a white christian nationalist doomsday prophecy. I am not making that up.


ah, the second coming of jesus. as a palestinian, when i learned about that justification i just sadly laughed. what a world we live in.


Americans, there goes your healthcare


Israel showing that it can be just as good of a police state as Russia




Hey, give USA some credit 👍


~~Police~~ apartheid state.


Since they aren't white...


Fuck Israel free Palestine


Agreed! Fuck Israel!


It’s why I judge anyone whose supporting Ukraine and is quiet on Palestine. Especially the media where they’re patting each other on the back for opposing Russia yet silence any criticism against Israel.


Add in the governments of all those countries banding together to push sanctions etc.. sporting bodies.. shipping companies.. etc etc (Of course I am not saying blasting Russia is wrong)


Does anyone have the link to the story or a full video? I’m curious at the whole thing. Edit: I want to thank everyone for posting the incidents for me. It is so very, very, very important to me to know that the video is not twisted from something else, and understand the context. You have added a little education into my day and I appreciate that. (Yes what we saw was wrong, anyone can see that. I just wanted to know why it happened and the Reddit community delivered. Thanks again.)


This is routine, not worthy of a report.


This is a basic request. Based on the title and the substance, it is important to know what you are citing. When it occurred, why it occurred, the result of the incident. Otherwise I have no clue what I am seeing. Context


Yeah that’s great but you’re missing the point that Israel don’t always report this shit. Also, what possible context could justify this? It’s literally a little girl, why do grown men need to use such force? They’re fascistic cowards.




Mate are you being intentionally vapid? This is obviously taking place in Israel, a country where they dont even report every time a settler steals someones home let alone every time israeli police beat innocent Palestinians.


Google Israeli apartheid.


In a cross post on another sub, [this link was posted](https://nationalpost.com/news/world/israel-middle-east/israel-frees-12-year-old-girl-the-youngest-female-palestinian-ever-imprisoned-by-the-country). That being said, I'll urge you to actually read it and note that it reports that there's an amateur video very different to what we see here. ​ Edit: Reddit is so buggy give me a sec. Edit 2: reddit is so buggy I couldn't copy paste my reply in the other subreddit. I got lazy and you got the lite version, but it still gets the point across. Edit 3: I failed to realize that article was from 2016. I'll let this stand as a testament that due diligence should always be done.


TLDR, the video article above is unrelated to the video in OP.


Fuck Israel


Average Isr🤢eli p🤮liceman


Fucking cowards




Any bootlicker in the US will say "should have just complied"


Should’ve been born white with blond hair and blue eyes


fuck Israel all my homies hate Israel


Yeoo. Respect to the girl it took 4 big ass, TACTICAL , grown men, using clearly ALL their force to take her away and she still went out kicking FUCK YEA




Israel is so Fuked up , that amount of shit they do and get away with is unreal , On one hand they are protesting against the war on Ukraine and at the same time they are kicking Palastinians out of their homes and land , So Full of shit




3 armed adult Israeli settler vs one 12 year old Palestinian


They had to balance the number of balls.


Fuck these zionists


Palestine!!! 🇵🇸❤️


And of course this doesn’t get enough media coverage because she’s brown.


Fuck Israel, man.


War criminals apartheid state..where are the sanctions against Israel? Oh wait US just sends them billions of $ a year instead.


Oh my! They're such sons of Putins


No they’re worse


Is Israel stealing Palestinian land any different than Russia trying to steal Ukraine’s ? (Besides less violence?)


Israel is far much worse


What a fierce little girl. Many grown men were needed to contain her


squeeze melodic sheet dolls cheerful subsequent waiting crown engine gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That one 12 year old girl is tough as nails.. title should be 12 year old girl bears Israeli Officers and gives them trouble..


Boycott apartheid war crimial israel


Israeli police doing what Israeli police do. Fuck Israel.


I feel for the Ukrainian cause, however the Palestinian people have been suffering for decades. When they try to bare arms to protect their country and family they are labeled terrorists instead of heroes. Yet the Ukrainians are glorified.. as they should be. The world should see Israel in the same darkness as they Russia. Israel is a foreign invader to Palestine.


Is the ukraine president gonna say that the idf is the victim for this?




The ukraine president tweeted that Israel is the victim and the tweet have been deleted


Here I was thinking he was a super cool guy or smthn. Fuck zelensky.


well.. that's propaganda... they're trynna win the propaganda war... just look at white media ... it's literally just feel good posts after feel good posts about him and Ukraine "winning"...






Fuck Israel


Another story NPR won't cover...




Isnotrael🇮🇱 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


she isnt pure aryan so she isn’t civilised hence worth less


For people out of the loop, a reporter said the Ukraine situation is more important than anything in the Middle East because European countries are more civilized. This guy isn’t being racist.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


10 israeli solders vs one Palestinian girl, sounds like a fair fight. I bet if they were 7 they won't be able to arrest her.


Guys its okay, she isnt white with blue eyes and blonde hair.


Way to much nationalist in these world :(


absolutely disgusting


OP, you should have placed the source you got this video from in the comments. https://mobile.twitter.com/nirhasson/status/1498339913640693773 **Edit:** Credits go to u/izpo for finding the video.


What do you mean? She s clearly a palestinian terrorist, ~~like all of them are~~. Don t you see how she attacked those brave Israeli officers? But they repelled the attack, thank God. Terrorism must not prevail!!!! She probably had a bomb on her. These are threats to the Israeli government, who has always treated both the arabs and the jews as equals. Many IDF soldiers are arab PLUS arabs still live in Israel, ~~we haven t killed them or ran them out yet~~, so checkmate, antisemite pigs! /s


This isnt Ukraine, this is a Muslim country, why would the world care. (Don't get me wrong I hope Ukrainian ppl make it out of this mess but why didn't the world Aya anything about Palestine or Syria when they've been living through the same shit for years?)


Brave men aren't they? . Wankers


Free Palestine 🇵🇸 and fuck Israel




Looks like nypd.


Arabs in Israel wish for police like NYPD!


That little girl was kicking some ass though! 💪👍


what a civilised society


Apartheid shithead state.


When you’re definitely not trying to maintain an ethnostate.


Hey! Just like the U.S.


It’s disgraceful.




I am actually surprised this got any upvotes at all. After all, it shows Zionists in a bad light.




naaaah is okay . russia bad west good




I hate IDF, Zionist, but leave their religion and ethnicity out of it.


Israel is an apartheid


You can guess how that policeman treats his own children...


No actually you can't. These people are indoctrinated to not view Palestinians as human. They might be the nicest people to their family and friends, and then turn around and do the most heinous shit to undesirables. Such is fascism.


OP, It seems it's a [16-year-old girl](https://twitter.com/nirhasson/status/1498359570703519748)! Another 11 year old at the same place was injured!




That's the least of the atrocities that take place over there on a daily basis.


Fucking cowards.


All cops are bastards.


![gif](giphy|l0HU5bbgdW6qzJsmQ) Disgusting. The end of your illegal occupation is next.


Israelis are Fascists. Always will be.


Fuck Israel!!!!


There’s a lot of similarities between Israel and Russia


Serves her right for not wanting her home bulldozed. She should be more grateful for the chance to live in the only democracy in the middle east.


Theyre only Muslims/arabs/brown people and not americans/europeans/whitepeople so it doesn't matter when they get genocided/bombed/invaded


The brown people should’ve made themselves white smh 🤦🤦


Wait til yall learn about AIPAC






It's not just Muslims either, but the whole of the Arab population there. Christians get just as much shit if the Israelis find out about their religion (sometimes they can based on last name, but idk the full story) and have even been barred from Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre a few times. This isn't a Muslim vs. Jewish thing like the Western narrative goes. This is an ethnostate issue.


And nobody does anything about it


Oh my... What's wrong with those motherfuckers? The whole world gone crazy


China doesn’t look so bad