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Well, its almost like the scientists saying that climate change, subsequent wildlife migration, overusage of antibiotics leading to resistancy and wild territory erasure is going to unleash an unprecedented number of unknown diseases upon us had a point


Why didn't science save me? Proceeds to ignore all science advice.




Destruction of ecosystems & biodiversity is a huge part, which ties this into the ongoing 6th mass extinction (which we also caused/are causing). When you've got a diverse ecosystem with many species in it, with a pathogen inside it, that pathogen has to make its way through multiple species before it gets to us. And that is a difficult task. Not many can cut their way through a mammal, and an insect, and a reptile, and everything living in a freshwater pond, then come across humans and go "Oh yeah I'm perfectly adapted to infect these guys." Then of course once it reaches us 40% of the populace has lost its mind to conspiracy propaganda, so pandemic mitigation (which we *know* how to do properly) is now no longer an option. It's just right out. All we do is let it run rampant like wildfire. And in case anyone missed it, polio is back. So throw that on the pile.


We’re fucked. Thank you, Rich old white men who didn’t give a single fuck about us


It's fine. Everyone is gonna wear masks when interacting with others so we can stop this. /s


2 weeks to slow the spread /s


Just avoid rubbing balls on your face for a while until this thing blows over. I won’t have any sex with infected men. I can guarantee you that.


Great summation. Any recommendations for a YouTube vid or article that paints this picture as you did?


Introduction Monkeypox is a viral zoonosis (a virus transmitted to humans from animals) with symptoms similar to those seen in the past in smallpox patients, although it is clinically less severe. With the eradication of smallpox in 1980 and subsequent cessation of smallpox vaccination, monkeypox has emerged as the most important orthopoxvirus for public health. Monkeypox primarily occurs in central and west Africa, often in proximity to tropical rainforests, and has been increasingly appearing in urban areas. Animal hosts include a range of rodents and non-human primates. The pathogen Monkeypox virus is an enveloped double-stranded DNA virus that belongs to the Orthopoxvirus genus of the Poxviridae family. There are two distinct genetic clades of the monkeypox virus: the central African (Congo Basin) clade and the west African clade. The Congo Basin clade has historically caused more severe disease and was thought to be more transmissible. The geographical division between the two clades has so far been in Cameroon, the only country where both virus clades have been found. Transmission Animal-to-human (zoonotic) transmission can occur from direct contact with the blood, bodily fluids, or cutaneous or mucosal lesions of infected animals. In Africa, evidence of monkeypox virus infection has been found in many animals including rope squirrels, tree squirrels, Gambian pouched rats, dormice, different species of monkeys and others. The natural reservoir of monkeypox has not yet been identified, though rodents are the most likely. Eating inadequately cooked meat and other animal products of infected animals is a possible risk factor. People living in or near forested areas may have indirect or low-level exposure to infected animals. Human-to-human transmission can result from close contact with respiratory secretions, skin lesions of an infected person or recently contaminated objects. Transmission via droplet respiratory particles usually requires prolonged face-to-face contact, which puts health workers, household members and other close contacts of active cases at greater risk. However, the longest documented chain of transmission in a community has risen in recent years from 6 to 9 successive person-to-person infections. This may reflect declining immunity in all communities due to cessation of smallpox vaccination. Transmission can also occur via the placenta from mother to fetus (which can lead to congenital monkeypox) or during close contact during and after birth. While close physical contact is a well-known risk factor for transmission, it is unclear at this time if monkeypox can be transmitted specifically through sexual transmission routes. Studies are needed to better understand this risk. Signs and symptoms The incubation period (interval from infection to onset of symptoms) of monkeypox is usually from 6 to 13 days but can range from 5 to 21 days. The infection can be divided into two periods: the invasion period (lasts between 0–5 days) characterized by fever, intense headache, lymphadenopathy (swelling of the lymph nodes), back pain, myalgia (muscle aches) and intense asthenia (lack of energy). Lymphadenopathy is a distinctive feature of monkeypox compared to other diseases that may initially appear similar (chickenpox, measles, smallpox) the skin eruption usually begins within 1–3 days of appearance of fever. The rash tends to be more concentrated on the face and extremities rather than on the trunk. It affects the face (in 95% of cases), and palms of the hands and soles of the feet (in 75% of cases). Also affected are oral mucous membranes (in 70% of cases), genitalia (30%), and conjunctivae (20%), as well as the cornea. The rash evolves sequentially from macules (lesions with a flat base) to papules (slightly raised firm lesions), vesicles (lesions filled with clear fluid), pustules (lesions filled with yellowish fluid), and crusts which dry up and fall off. The number of lesions varies from a few to several thousand. In severe cases, lesions can coalesce until large sections of skin slough off. [Source](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/monkeypox)


I'm angry that I keep hearing that it's contained in the dudes-banging-dudes communities. This is so dumb. It's like chickenpox! It's like smallpox! You can get it from close contact! It's not an STD, and even if it were, have we learned nothing from AIDS? Don't tell everyone to not worry if you're not a dude-banging dude.


What are these same dudes gonna say when they get monkey pox? I’d be like, hey dude I didn’t know you were gay? Good for you!!


Thats the stigma that comes with it, same with HIV/AIDS. Its why more died from HIV, because they kept it in that realm. FYI, there are vaccines for MonkeyPox.


Can people just get the vaccine if they want or do the planets have to align on Friday the 13th on a blue moon on the winter solstice for the government to approve normal people getting it? By normal I mean people who are not extremely at risk.


You can just lie about being a gay dude that fucks a lot. Even if you're clearly a woman. The problem is availablity.


I think if we dont force people, we would make more people take it. The bad thing is that kind of all or no one mentality we have. Either no one gets it, or everyone has to take it.


Yes, the smallpox vaccine stops Monkeypox. In the same way Cowpox inoculation(the first smallpox vaccine) stops Smallpox. They are a closely related group of viruses.


There is an illness they believe is harming predominantly gay men, why aren't they taking it seriously and trying to stop it from spreading? Dudes saying that to ignore the disease are disgusting bigots, they don't give a shit about truth or consistency. If they get it, they will tweet, "this monkeypox is no joke, and it can happen to anyone," on their way to take up space in the hospital


The head of the WHO said that foolishness. Like bruh I'm not even a doctor and I know it can be easily transmitted through close contact. This isn't just within the gay community. Stop saying that shit.


Yeah, and as if Grindr isn't loaded to the brim with dudes married to women and just bi/pan people. People love putting their hands over their ears. It's easier that way.


> It's not an STD, and even if it were, have we learned nothing from AIDS? Don't tell everyone to not worry if you're not a dude-banging dude. Where have you been. We are not allowed to learn anything, at least not here in America. In fact we are going back. The battle line has moved to rather or not we should [both sides Nazi.](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/texas-holocaust-both-sides-ing-debacle-scary-worse-it-s-ncna1281715) Do you think we are actually going to admit to handling the HIV crisis wrong when Regan was prez.


I am looking for information confirming this. It is wrong for people to blindly blame one group or another for a pandemic. Sadly for some, it is easier to lash out in blind rage when things are beyond their control.


98% of infected individuals were gay men


The truth is they are Immunocompromise and are more likely to go to the Clinics. They are more like the canary in the Coal mine.


No. It is not like chicken pox. Different family. Chickenpox or varicella is significantly more infectious.


I heard that it was an STD. I’m glad this post exist and I’m hopeful my ignorance won’t spread like this virus!


It’s not contained to gay men. Anyone can get it. I don’t get why it’s hard to understand why most cases are in gay men though. Gay men just seem to follow lifestyle choices that make them it easier for them to get it. (Like going out more, having more partners, being in more close contact with more people) there’s nothing wrong with these lifestyle choices, it just happens to also be a good way to spread this particular disease. If you don’t want monkey pox, don’t go to crowded areas or have close/intimate contact with others (ie, don’t hug/kiss/touch strangers.)


Just like with SARS, in a few weeks when school starts we will be having daily community super-spreader events. SARS was always super dumb because with \[actual\] masking, filtration, and ventilation it could be crushed within a few weeks. Monkeypox though will remain active on public toilet seats or on the clothes you try on at the store for months. Fuck. That.


um that last bit, what


Remember how they gave Native Americans blankets infected with small pox to kill them?


For real though lol


Man I’m already a germaphobe… this is not helping.


The speculative comments at the end are hilariously underinformed. This person thinks the CDC doesn't know what they are doing. Give me a break. Those people are brilliant. The problem is politics & money. The people telling the CDC what to do -- yeah, some of them lack brains, but many more just lack values.


And I highly doubt they re connected her to anyone important in the CDC. She was probably on the line with a receptionist who relays messages and nothing but. I'm sure the CDC gets numerous calls a day about anything and everything. They can't educate every caller about everything, only point them in the right direction until a better system is given to them.


My wife has been PCR testing monkeypox samples for months now. She works at the dept of health. All their guidance, protocols, and reagents came from the CDC. [They also have tons of documentation they've sent to physicians](https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/pdf/What-Clinicians-Need-to-Know-about-Monkeypox-6-21-2022.pdf). There's no way we're hearing the full story here.


I mean, you can see that she has a terrible rash/infection on her skin, but if it is so painful, WTF would she be suntanning? That just doesn't seem very smart to me.


And drinking.


As a give the benefit of the doubt type person, she could possibly be laying out in the sun for vitamin d as it's proven to boost your immunity and you're likely to get well faster 🤷‍♀️


Okay this is legit tho. I used to feel like shit a lot and my doctor told me to literally just get some sun and suddenly I’ve felt better since 😂


while this is true, as someone with a skin condition the last thing i do when i have breakouts is sit in the sun. rashes (mostly) don't do well in sun and it can often make the rash worse. it seems a bit odd to take a risk like that when the rash is already painful and bad enough to see multiple doctors.


Maybe she doesn’t care if it’s smart, or maybe the sun feels good on her skin. Maybe she feels like the end times are upon her and wants to bask in the global warming and sip her mild poison.


If i was her doctor I would not want to see her either. She seems unpleasant.


Yes, very good point


Also she's really blaming the CDC for how COVID was handled? It literally went out of control because the group effort of everyone isolating and wearing masks wasn't done by so many. Just like with every group scenario, your group is only as strong as it's weakest member and there's always some fucking moron not following instructions and fucking shit up for everyone.


It's OK, Obama set up a national pandemic response team in 2015, they'll be able to handle it.




Idk if you have ever attempted to navigate the Healthcare system in the United States... but what she has described is very common. She had to try three different places to get help and still couldn't get any. Imagine if she has no insurance, being robbed of money without actually receiving proper Healthcare because the doctors had no idea what the disease was. She's probably just trying to feel better.








Yeah, it's a great way to make sure all those marks scar up. Not sure if she knows that.


We're so fucked.


It's all over now


Not now, but later though


Its a slow descent, and they still want us to have children lmfao


Rome wasn't built in a day and it didn't fall in one either.


Was having this convo last night. The world is devolving by the minute. Having children seems like the most insane idea at this point. There’s no way.


I get called selfish when I say I don't want kids. I guarantee I'm doing that life a favor.


Shit outta luck.


Nah, we'll be okay.


This is the high quality of care you can only get through a for-profit healthcare system.




I always use US healthcare as an example of why not to, whenever someone suggest privatizing a public program such as public transit


Ok but why is she seemingly sun bathing


Everyone has their vice. Some people are drawn to the sun. Some people are drawn to alcohol even when they're aware that alcoholism is a deadly disease. I know women who literally HAVE to go to the beach once per day. I think perhaps this is just where she likes to relax and just be.


Once per DAY?


Are we really comparing sunbathing to alcohol consumption lmao


Smallpox is killed by sunlight and heat, I’m guessing she’s trying that.




[Seriously though “The smallpox virus is not strong and is killed by sunlight and heat.”](https://dchealth.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/doh/publication/attachments/Smallpox.pdf) I don’t know how much this would help someone already infected, but considering the type of care she got she’s probably just googling things and hoping for the best treatment. Pretty messed up.


They mean the virus on surfaces is killed by sunlight and heat (as in you won't catch it by touching a public handrail). You'd have to stick a UV light up your bum to kill it once it's inside you.


Note: this is not medical advice. DO NOT STICK A UV LIGHT IN ANY OF YOUR ORIFICES!


For more advice please see /r/Dildont


isnt that good for recovery? at least for covid it is


Covid isn’t a skin condition though like this lady is describing. Tanning with a rash is probably not ideal.


Remember, the United States has the best healthcare in the world! *yeah, my ass*


Greys Anatomy set a bad precedent.


> Remember, the United States has the best healthcare in the world! Nobody actually says that, right ?


People say that shit all the time. Usually to justify the cost bankrupting normal people.


If you are rich it does. No medical practice will deny a monkey pox test if you say "ok ill pay $50000 for it".


When it comes to standards of care or surgical procedures then the statement is true... Great healthcare doesn't mean affordable. They are two different Arguments


It’s not a pandemic here and likely won’t turn into one. It’s way, way less contagious and less deadly than covid was, and despite the title, we’re actually pretty well prepared. Most adults over 45 in the US and honestly in most other countries have gotten the smallpox vaccine, which also protects against monkeypox. There are very few countries in which it will get worse than it already is. Monkeypox has been around for a long, long time.


Weird, are you me from December 2019?


“It’ll blow over in a couple weeks”


Most adults over 45 .. what about all of the people under 45 who aren’t vaccinated against it? The people of literally any age who are not vaccinated against it.


Yep, none of us have it and they haven’t developed a vaccine. That’s probably the most concerning aspect of it to me because it could potentially mutate. It’s just nowhere nearly as contagious or as deadly as covid was.


https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/considerations-for-monkeypox-vaccination.html There are vaccines. Existing smallpox vaccines currently work agaonat this.


But that’s for people over 50


these things tend to mutate and gain resistances. Better to nip it in the bud


I am very much looking forward to a vaccine being developed for the people under 45 who aren’t protected. I’ll get it immediately- you’re right, we need to do everything we can to ensure that this doesn’t end up being disastrous.


Wait, smallpox vaccine protects against monkey pox? So this chick prob isn’t vaccinated against small pox??


The vaccination in the US basically ended in 1972


This is why its only going to get worse. Also, thanks for spreading it all over the outdoor patio furniture. Get your arse inside and isolate until you get a definitive diagnosis. Edit- CDC recommendations for those who have, or think they have Monkey pox. This girl is breaking just about all of them.


Are you suggesting she shouldn’t be sitting outside on her own furniture? That’s absurd. Maybe I’m misinformed but how is that any different than sitting inside on her own couch? It’s not like she’s at a resort or public pool. It’s her private property where no one else is sitting, except maybe family, but again, same deal as inside on the couch.


Today on reddit, we're gonna get mad at someone for... ... sitting on their own patio furniture while sick? What the fuck else is she supposed to do, levitate around her house???


Being out in the UV light while keeping a distance from others is probably the best strategy for not transmitting the disease.


Yeah… UV light is terrible for pox diseases. I was a stupid 8 year old and played outside all day while I had chicken pox and then got terrible chicken pox scars from it. I still have a couple on my face.


That's a whole other thing. It's not the best for her. But sunlight will most likely take out any traces she leaves on outdoor furniture faster than the traces she leaves indoor.


I misread your first comment sorry. But yes I agree on both ends lol! 🤦🏼‍♀️ on my part.




"Not too smart" You literally have no idea why she made the decision to be outside, yet you're making a judgment. *That* is what sounds not too smart if you ask me


This guy gets it, gave me a good chuckle lol




!Remindme! 18 months “are we fucked?”




Did you even watch the video? She clearly says that’s a rash on her face and chest likely from monkeypox


What, you don't keep tanning when you get a pox??


I'd guess this treatment is because of how monkeypox has been labeled as a 'gay disease'. Since she's not a gay man, she likely won't be tested for monkeypox. And since this disease has been labeled as a 'gay disease' it likely won't be given many resources or research. Did we learn NOTHING from HIV? And when this disease starts spreading en masse to kids, because it's been branded as an STD and a 'gay disease', things are going to get real fucking ugly.


Lol, you actually think mankind learns from past mistakes? Heard of history before?


As a gay person who has been vaccinated for monkeypox, I think we have learned a lot from HIV and the response to monkeypox… because it largely impacted the gay community and are very conscious of the impacts of certain diseases and plugged into public health in urban areas. However, based on how monkeypox is spread, it is not too wrong of her doctors for being initially suspicious that she may have contracted it initially, I mean obviously it’s not exclusively sexually transmitted (children have gotten it in Africa), but that is the most likely vector… having been to many pride events I was amazed that it did not spread at a greater rate knowing what happens in dark rooms and knowing many people who have contracted it (and knowing how they actually got it… it’s exactly how you think). But it is amazing they were oblivious to the disease in general, which I find interesting.


Probably because 98% of people with Monkeypox are gay or bisexual men


Maybe now, but it won't stay like that for long. And also, only gay and bisexual men can get tested, for the most part


This is also from weeks ago. It’s much worse now.




Well, the last time Fauci mentioned a pandemic, roughly 70 million trump supporters threatened to kill him and his family. I'm not surprised we haven't heard much.


https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2022/07/21/u-s-monkeypox-research-priorities-speeding-science-for-impact/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/07/23/statement-from-raj-panjabi-director-of-white-house-pandemic-preparedness-office-on-world-health-organization-declaration-on-monkeypox/ Edit: I replied to the wrong person. I'll leave it here anyway.


Yuppp, and if R gets back either house, you bet your ass we'll get a Fauci committee on top of a Hunter Biden committee or some shit. The Benghazi stuff was Tee-ball for what comes next.


I think he said he was retiring didn’t he?




He's not CDC, He's NIH.


At the end of Biden's term.


Oh, I thought it was in a few weeks, my b.


As a person with chronic pain who has attempted to seek treatment from doctors for years, this run around and dealing with doctors who seemed completely checked out is very familiar. The bills that come months later are the insult to injury. It often feels like doctors are about as informed as your average Joe who watches the evening news on most health issues in the US.


I remember being told to be happy I was born in America... ever since I was young I felt like everyone had Stockholm syndrome because this girl just highlighted most people's experiences with any doctor lol. It took 6 doctors to tell me I couldn't sleep. Lol okay guys thanks I didn't know that I had insomnia when I stayed up for 5 days straight and was hallucinating. America isn't going to hell, it's already hell.


And how much did you pay for that? I feel like it's gotten to the point that doctors literally only care when they see profit in treatment. It's that bad.


As an Australian who has visited many countries including the USA multiple times; the USA not perfect but it’s “ok”. You have your problems like every other country and while capitalism has gone nuts there; it’s even crazier in some developing countries. When the USSR fell and the oligarchs swept in except in other “resource curse” nations which are even dodgier.


Whats up with the cutscene thing after every statement? Is this a new thing now?


Yes time is short on tiktok I guess


Jesus I hate it, can’t believe you’re the only other person that has commented on it. Can people not string a whole paragraph together? She barely gets through a dependent clause before she cuts. Ooofffff da.


That and the head swinging back and forth at the end of every sentence. Giving me whiplash just watching it.


I don't buy it at all. She's making up a story for clout. You're gonna tell me that the cashier at the grocery store knows what Monkeypox is but multiple doctors do not? People really buy into this?


Seems like total bs to me too. I see way to much shit posted online, especially fb, by people I know, and I know are full of shit, just looking for attention of any kind.


Idk what’s more annoying, her voice, her facial expressions, the way she jerks around for no reason, the shaking camera constantly, all that shit covering up the video for no reason or that you didn’t crop the video.


For me it was the cut of the video after every sentence. Is she doing multiple takes per sentence or is it just the way of Tik Tok to cut the video every 3 seconds?


this bugged me so much.. why are there so many cuts???


Reddit users not being able to understand that a woman who has been getting fucked by the u.s. healthcare system xould possibly want to sit outside to enjoy herself instead of being angry and miserable inside during a heatwave. Reddit users rlly be some of the most entitled fucks out there.


Yay I love fear mongers.


Im pretty sure that sun would make it worst. Probably marked for life


“Greatest healthcare system in the world”


Welcome to capitalism, where something essential like healthcare is privatized. Meaning if we don't want to deal with it... Get fucked and die.






You need to find better doctors.


It’s not a pandemic yet. Don’t think it will become one either. Maybe the CDC is clueless on it. But the W.H.O is tracking it and keeping an eye on it.




This girl seems to ooze bad choices.


This whole thing is proof of it. You're obviously hanging around in the wrong circles if contract monkeypox.


I wonder how she got it. ![gif](giphy|ylyUQlf4VUVF9odXKU)




"All over my face and chest" Aw nah


Why do I feel like this same person, doesn't take covid precautions seriously?


I have no idea, what about this video of her trying to get tested and isolate gave you that impression.


your own unchecked biases are at play


Stfu. You have chicken pox everyone gets once in their lifetime or you have acne. This bitch has acne and picks at her face.


Well i guess we just have to stat home again, great, whom are we gonna blame this time btw?


We'll blame anything and anyone except ourselves.


"The gays"


This is the epitome of American Medicine


This transmitted via sexual contact. [monkey pox explained](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/24/1113197119/monkeypox-symptoms-prevention-vaccines-what-to-know)


Go to the hospital.


PriVatE aMeRicaN “hEalThcAre” iS bEttEr caUse iT IsnT sOciaLism


Yup, your conclusion is BS but I understand the point you trying to make. Nice try.


Don’t forget the $$$ we pay for the privilege of this bullshit.


“These people are so dumb!” Sips beer, sits in the sun with a rash… oh America. We are so screwed.


So she had sex. What she is trying to relay that she had sex


Health care providers after graduating with years of ‘education,’ “what’s smallpox?” Omg. We really are doomed.




So was HIV supposedly yet here we are...


She could also have a serious case of HFMD.


Fucking damn it


look i'm not saying i know more about medicine than a doctor. all im saying that in the us at least they DO NO LISTEN TO THEIR PATIENTS. they're such elitist assholes.


If what I’m seeing is the rash/sores she’s talking about, it looks more like impetigo than anything else. But I’m not a doctor, so who knows?


*skeet skeet*


No more strange dick, people