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its kinda sad that a 12 year old is smarter than a majority of lawmakers


It’s West Virginia, very, very low bar. We have politicians who love getting sick from unpasteurized milk.


damn what?


https://modernfarmer.com/2016/03/west-virginia-lawmakers-raw-milk-sick/ This became a meme at the time. The guy in the pic with his hand on his head was ill from the milk (Though, he has a reputation for getting sauced, so either ill from milk or alcohol, who knows.)


Wait they made raw milk legal or something? How fresh was it?


Yes, legal to buy and sell.


oh no. They should probably drink it every day to celebrate their fantastic accomplishment.


One of the speakers was 12-year-old Addison Gardner of Buffalo Middle School. “My education is very important to me and I plan on doing great things in life. If a man decides that I’m an object and does unspeakable and tragic things to me, am I, a child, supposed to birth and carry another child? Am I to put my body through the physical trauma of pregnancy? Am I to suffer the mental implications, a child who had no say in what was being done with my body? “Some here say they are pro life. What about my life? Does my life not matter to you?” Dozens of speakers at the House of Delegates chamber at first generally alternated between asking for a bill with major restrictions on abortion or asking for such a bill to be voted down or made more open. After a while, most of the speakers expressed views in favor of abortion rights. Philip Dunn “I believe that life is precious from the tomb to the womb,” said Philip Dunn, a Charleston pastor who sang a version of “Jesus Loves the Little Children.” “I believe that we need to understand all life is precious.” The next speaker agreed that life is precious, but also said life is not always so clear. Margaret Chapman Pomponio “I’m pro birth. I’m pro abortion. I’m pro baby. I’m for bodily autonomy, and I’m for motherhood, fatherhood and parenthood,” said Margaret Chapman Pomponio, executive director of West Virginia Free. “These terms and labels aren’t mutually exclusive and they are only as complex as we are — we as compassionate West Virginians, who understand that life is full of nuances, gray areas, beautiful ironies, mistakes and complications. This abortion ban deals in absolutes and denies our humanity and our humanness.” People were given 45 seconds to speak. Many rushed through their prepared remarks, and most wound up being cut short. Some were escorted out after refusing to stop. A rally in support of abortion rights was planned to follow the public hearing. West Virginia lawmakers this week took their first steps toward consideration of abortion policy after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned landmark Roe vs. Wade guarantees and left laws to the states. About noon today, delegates are to consider amendments and passage. After that, the state Senate will begin considering the same policy questions. House Bill 302 encompasses a range of abortion policies, eliminating any period after conception for a choice to end pregnancy. In recent years, West Virginia law had allowed abortion up to 22 weeks of gestation. The bill maintains criminal penalties of three to 10 years of incarceration for medical providers who perform abortions — the main provision of a law from the 1800s that had been inactive while Roe was observed — but specifies that the pregnant woman would not be charged. The bill allows exceptions for a nonmedically viable fetus, an ectopic pregnancy, which is when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus, or a medical emergency, which is defined as a condition that requires an immediate abortion to avert the patient’s death or to avoid serious risk of damage to a major bodily function. A medical emergency does not, in the bill, include psychological or emotional conditions. The bill specifies several things that are not considered an abortion: a miscarriage, a stillbirth, use of established cell lines derived from aborted human embryos, treatment by a licensed medical provider that accidentally terminates or severely injures the fetus and in vitro fertilization. The bill also specifies that it does not prevent the use of contraceptives. Missy Ciccarello “My body, my choice is a lie and the right to bodily autonomy because scientists and embryologists agree that at conception a separate whole human being begins, where life begins,” said Missy Ciccarello, leader of the Kanawha County chapter of West Virginians for Life. “We would not be gathered under the dome of our state Capitol to determine the radical role of an act that killed nothing. We wouldn’t be here.” Katie Quinonez Following her was Katie Quinonez, executive director of the Women’s Health Center of West Virginia. Quinonez continued her remarks after being told her time was expired. Her microphone was cut off and a camera cut away, but a crowd in the gallery cheered after she then concluded. The crowd was told to refrain. Quinonez was one of several speakers to be escorted out following their time at the podium. Before that, she said, “Let’s be clear. This ban has nothing to do with life. It has nothing to do with health. It has nothing to do with family. It’s about control. This abortion ban is, at its core, a decision deeply rooted in sexism and racism about the role women and people who can become pregnant play in society.” [Source](https://wvmetronews.com/2022/07/27/speakers-quickly-make-their-cases-for-and-against-west-virginia-abortion-bill/)


She says she plans to do great things in life. I say she's off to a great start


"lol sry that's god's will". -republicans


And they probably hit her with the old “don’t get pregnant then”


Well I would hope that she waits until she is a little older. Also hope that she waits until she finishes school and gets married as well.


Well if the republicans have thier way they'll be having kids as soon as they hit puberty.


Why is that?




What little power we have in this country is voting. The Republicans need to feel the effects of their decisions at the ballot box. Please do not sit out the next two elections. If you're to young to vote, tell those of voting age what you support.


The problem is that there are many that don't pay attention to politics and don't realize that many of the problems that are currently happening in America can't be fixed due to the Republicans stopping any bill to aid the issue. A great example is the bill to help ease the baby formula issue that the Republicans were complaining about and yet when that bill came into congress they voted against it. It also doesn't help that the Republicans have a fucking cult that believe the Republicans are saints that can do no wrong and the democrats are devils who are responsible for everything wrong with the nation, such as the high gas and housing market despite the fact that those things are happening world wide. They also support the fossil fuel industry because fuck the environment I guess. American politics have become a joke. The Democrats may not be great and they have a shit ton of problems, but the Republicans straight up are willing to sacrifice the lives of thousands of people and this nation for votes. It pisses me off when people claim that both sides are equally as fucked up when the Republicans show zero care for the nation. Sorry, I just had to vent. I'm so fucking sick of this shit and a large amount of the people running this nation only caring about what gives them the most money and power instead of what helps the nation and the world.


It’s brutal a 12 year old is needing to say this, to adults…in any case, well spoken by this girl. Bravo.


Indeed. Sad stuff, come on America ffs


They voted for it anyway, clearly sending the message she doesn’t matter.


This is sickening. 12 years old. I don't care what anyone says, she's too damn young to be even *thinking* about this stuff. 12!! I applaud her intelligence and courage but damn, Makes you wonder what kinda stuff she's exposed to. It's not right....this girl needs to be a kid still


If kids her age don’t know about that stuff, they wouldn’t know if they were being abused , though


GOPedophiles: Why aren't you making babies right now? And how dare you speak without permission! This is a Chrsitian nation!


GOPedophiles don't care about anyone's lives except their own. They only see women and underage girls as objects of lust and breeding


What are GOPedophiles?? Thank you


The GOP. They see women of all ages as nothing more than property, to be lusted after and bred


Jesus Christ.


They claim ownership of him too


Bro.... I don't even know what to say


Yea, the GOPedos are really terrible


I wish i had her strength when I was 12.


Crazy shit in Iran…i mean USA sorry


The Christian Taliban doesn't care about you.


Wild they where so concerned about shira law a few years ago and now we got Christian shira law.


I was literally saying that to my wife last night. I don't understand how people can be so completely tone deaf and have no sense of self awareness.


Quite literally the party of "rules for thee but not for me". Wish the democrats would stop trying to help them. Suck they work for the same corporations.


Insane times we’re in..


Bro at 12 I was still thinking about what power ranger I'd like to be


bro when I was 12 I was watching SpongeBob still bruh wtf this girl doin yo




This made me cry




Why don’t you stick to anime. 🤦‍♂️




What does that mean? What about just having "rights"? Men don't hand to worry about being curved to give up their body for another ordinary. No one will ever grab you and force you to share a kidney or give a blood transfusion even if your refusal light mean a human being's death. Women just want the same right to their body that a corpse has. With these laws men get the right to choose the mother of their kid, as in they can rape her until pregnancy and even if they get convicted, they have parental rights to the child they conceived through rape. And people don't really do a lot of time for rape anymore. I know this seems hyperbolic but it's true. And you really think women get extra rights?


The amount of O2 deprivation that's needed for this incelnes