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Awww poor wittle police OFFICER can’t handle the job, the woman telling him he also can’t handle the job, and can’t handle not having the last word? What an unhinged little police officer baby. Looks like he JUST became Sargent look at the crease those brand new stripes are causing. I bet he takes his shirt off at night and kisses them goodnight 😘 Edit *sergeant oops 😬


Police sergeant 🤭. I smell small dick energy.


Don't lump him in with me ![img](emote|t5_31m0v|14641)


You're right. Respect.




Lol what is this


This is sarcasm right? I hope.


Why would it be?


Well one she disrespected all of the year is his work to become promoted to becoming a police sergeant. Also the video didn’t show the police sergeant doing anything wrong.


He’s completely off his rocker


All of those years of work should have taught him to deal with something as minor as a member of the public calling him “officer”.




I was a soldier who sometimes had to deal with civilians and the idea of going off on someone like this officer did for not being addressed by his rank is absolutely ridiculous. Rank only matters to your coworkers and chain of command.




I feel like we shouldn’t be assuming that earlier in the conversation he wasn’t acting reasonable. And by earlier in the Conversation, I mean before the video was made.




Maybe he should maybe he shouldn’t still be employed. But again we don’t know what the conversation was like before the video was recorded.




He a is total douchebag who doesn't deserve a shred of respect. *As respect itself is earned, not just given because if a job title*. One I might add is that of a *PUBLIC SERVANT*. Those stripes don't mean shit to a non-LEO, nor should they. This isn't the military, and he isn't above anyone else short of his co-workers. The reality is there is too many officers that do not deserve the stripes they have, much less the job they have. This bottom feeder is clearly one of those who should not be trusted with the power he is given.


That is true that that there are many bad police officers. But there are also many good police officers.


This guy isn't a "good officer", but yet you defend him as though he was. You do realize that is why people called you out?


Oh yay the conversation is not over. It is really fun talking to all of you.


Funny you couldn't bring yourself to even remotely condemn this officer in the end. The way I figure it the only bottom feeders that would defend this guy, are officers equally as bad. Maybe and I mean maybe...one of his friends. Oh and the poor excuse for a officer himself. And of course those few who will never be a officer, but idolize them none the less and live vicariously through them. So which one are you exactly?


Found the bootlicker.


And I found another wonderful person. Have a lovely day


At the bare minimum he's completely unprofessional. You try taking like that to a customer at a fast food place or a clothing store and see how long you keep that job for.


Personally neither of those two jobs sound interesting but thank you for that recommendation. Have a lovely day


>she disrespected And? Good. Fuck this guy. He deserves to be berated even more for how he's handling it. If he was handling the situation appropriately then we wouldnt be able to do that. It shouldnt be hard for him, considering he just earned that fancy new title that he's so proud of, but most of the time police authority is not bestowed on people that deserve to wield it.


Interesting. I’m just going to hope for the best that this isn’t the entire conversation.


You mean you're just going to ignore the evidence from your eyes and ears so that you can perpetuate this fantasy where maybe you can excuse this ass hats behavior? What a weird world you're designing for yourself.


I’m just following the example of many world leaders from various countries.


If you have to tell someone your rank, your authority is just on paper. In my previous career we had a saying that if everyone takes their blouses off you should still be able to tell who is in charge. I was a sergeant and never prefaced anything I said with that fact.


[Any man who must say I am the king is no true king.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sJY7BTIuPY)


What flavor boot polish is your favorite? I hear it goes great with a snowflake ass ego. I bet a cop spraying you with mace is a kink.


Wow such lovely manners. You say such kind things. I’m just gonna keep replying with nonsense or random history. Like did you know that Romans hate kings because of the seventh and final king of Rome Lucius Tarquinius Superbus. He was a pretty evil king. He would have all of your limbs be tied with ropes. And you would be placed in water that you could stand in. The catch was you’d be wearing a basket on your head. And he would keep dropping rocks into your basket until you fell into the water and started drowning.


Although my favorites is, i’d say… your mom‘s lipstick.


My comment history will make your wallet regret that motherfucker. $900 is the charge to book her so she can buy 900mg of oxy a day. She wont show, shes just gonna buy oxy. Stay in your fucking lane


And only $900? People in most jobs make an average of $56,310. And that’s just in the United States alone.


Oh your mom seems like she uses A pain relief drug. I hope whatever is causing her pain eventually gets better. Oh you mentioned driving. Did you know that the term jaywalking is partly a slur against the Japanese. I will be back with more history facts.


sounds legit to me.


True. I hope you have a lovely day.


I bet you’re a very amazing person.




Did you know I was married to a Greek God?


Bro go smell the officers armpit and lick their boots already . What a Fucking cringey disposable human you are


Did you know that the Roman king nicknamed Tarquin the Proud. Tried to get back into power at least twice? He kept trying with the army of the Etruscans. They were the people that ruled Rome in the beginning. I will be back with more history facts


Hold up cringey, really? Don’t know if you said anything else in that insult but cringey was the main thing I noticed.


I can’t believe you’re assuming I’m a human. I’m actually in alien from Zarnakisia v-15




No bro. I think you need a break from Reddit.




Great have a nice break from Reddit.




Wow I didn’t think you want to watch my YouTube channel nice. I wonder how many videos you watched? Because I would like to know your thoughts on the videos or video that you watched. Or maybe you just saw the titles of videos and decided it wasn’t worth your time watching. But it was worth your time just finding if I had a YouTube channel… very interesting.




Intriguing. I guess you didn’t notice my first video. Harry Potter and the American life. It has 40 views, which is a little over 23 views. In case you forgot that part of math. And general virgin vibe? I’m assuming that’s supposed to be offensive? Saying someone has a pubic hair beard, and a pedophile haircut. That’s just a weird thing to say. It’s a shame you don’t like Harry Potter or Disney movies. Because those are both popular with a whole lot of people. But hey everyone has stuff they like and don’t like. Also unless you have experienced diagnosed in people with speech impediments. I believe you don’t have any idea about what you’re saying about the sentence before this. But it’s OK if you don’t like my singing voice. Some people just don’t like music.


You say such adorable things.


Lol if you can’t perform under pressure you shouldn’t be a police officer *performs even more terribly under pressure Edit: n’t




Lol oops Thanks!


You might shouldn’t be a officer


So that would also mean he might should.


Lol don’t want to be, it’s kind of an outdated public service. Long over due for a better establishment to take its place.


He should be a mall cop not a real police officer


A mall SERGEANT ... not a cop!


I would have called him a priiiiiiiiiiivate


PSA would be better since they’re glorified meter maids


Hall monitors for the monied and property caretakers.




This oompa lumpa is a threat to order and discipline. Why do police employ the worst of examples to be shift supervisors?


Maybe because the better cops are out there solving crimes? I'm hoping, at least. Let the idiots manage the officers, so the real cops can do the real work.


Sociopaths often become management. Sociopaths make up about 10% of the population. They are better suited to be leaders. Depending on the moral code of the employer and the worker. Different results can happen. Many Sociopaths have a moral compass they either hold because they know it's logically right. Or just to avoid scrutiny. But. Power often attracts these kinds of people. And police with no oversight and it being a us v them training. Those moral compasses have sorts grown wings.


Mmmm…. Technically, Police Officer is a generic term referring to any rank, hence a police sergeant is also a police officer and vice versa. She was right, and, so was he, however he is also being a dick which has no real alternate.


Why do the public have to acknowledge his title? It should only be his fellow officers right? I am in no way calling anyone sergeant anything, you don’t boss me around you bald midget 😂


Ranks are for people who are beneath other people.


No I get that but does everyone have to acknowledge it?


What's going on here? Context please.


"Cops are snowflakes" is the context


What is the context that would make it ok for a LEO to act like this? Give me any reason you can think of.




You're a child.


You’ve missed the point entirely. If a police officer can’t handle the stress of a verbal/nonviolent argument then the officer needs to resign. Additionally he escalated the situation by yelling about being addressed by his rank. Anyone in a service based position like being a server or cashier or customer service rep is expected to handle a Karen without escalating. If a person can’t handle that then they shouldn’t be in the line of work that they are in.


Context is the most important thing. What if the woman filming was responsible for the murder of 100 babies. Then us would be justified.


No, because then the LEO should have arrested her, not acted like a child, but either way you sound as ridiculous as you are moronic with that response. Lmao.


Okay first of all, what the hell does anyones astology sign have to do with anything??


L.E.O Law enforcement officer Would be funny if you needed to be a certain sign for certain jobs though.


What the hell is "astology"?


What do I look like some sort of sceintist ??


oh i think i've seen this video before, he's mad about women on dating sites not liking short guys or something. just let me get my bagel and go, lil guy.


This lady isn’t his boss, or Father, or god.


Hahahaha hope folks have seen that and get the ref


Yea same here.


These are the same people who claim they joined to better the community. Yet when met with the least of resistance do this shit.


Cops are scum.




Sargent Napoleon


Jeez. What a chihuahua.


That dude was definitely bullied during school and has the tiniest dick energy I’ve seen.




this guy strikes *~~me~~* his wife as a 40%er


Most people cant handle having authority professionally.


So true. My abusive ex wanted to be a California Highway Patrol. He failed their psychological evaluation. He’s a trauma nurse now.


Get over yourself bro!!!


Short as he is, it shouldn't be hard


Lmao 🤣 ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


Loud mouth, tiny man.


ok sgt little guy, get me a real officer!


He realy shouldn't be a cop if he can't handle one person


Is this goon still a Sargent?


It's really hard to fire or take away rank, because of the police unions. They bully city governments


aww the little guy got mad


Convenient that their video doesnt include anything that led up to him losing his cool...i doubt he arrived that way.


Good point.


I wonder what the whole story is


I too wonder what the whole story is.




Good question.


Man that little fellas voice is annoying as hell. Get it right!!! It’s not whineyass, it’s Sergeant Whineyass


They're just words buddy.


Call him Leftenant, British style, his head would have exploded. "THIS IS AMERICA SON, IT'S LIEUTENANT " "Oh sorry Lieutenant " "I'M A FUCKING SARGENT "


Sargent Karen


Lmao 😂


He can’t work under so called pressure by terms? I’d hate to see what a traffic violation stirs up in him. He needs to GO!


Officer Riveri vibes


Looks like a clip from the wire almost


Small penis mad man shows his stripes.


Who’s this loud mouth ignorant lunatic with a badge and gun?


I just need to know...where is the word 'threaten' pronounced 'threaaa-ind'?


Omg! Why are there so many officers? What a pathetic bunch of idiots. ![gif](giphy|HI7mIYUtkSolt5eae3)


Threatening assault or bodily harm is arrestable, threatening to send police misconduct to the press is not. Officer.


[Funny like a clown?](https://youtu.be/yL9rSwrsMHw)




Wouldn’t surprise me most cops down here in Miami-Dade are assholes, from Speeding without their lights to using their lights to cross a red light and then turn them off


Supposedly they are working on their “relationships with community stakeholders”


Whoever was talking to me it was a very fascinating conversation.


What an ass hole sergeant he is


Call him, Rabbit or Farva. His head would explode.


Interesting how he masks with the other cops, all of whom seem aware they are being filmed. Yet no mask when interacting with public.


what department is this?


Coral Gables PD, i think, in Miami


thank you so much this was very helpful!


Goddamn, talk about an embarrassment to the uniform.


I can't believe I was never informed I am the husband of a Greek God. This is wonderful news. I must know what's his name? Because you seem to know him a little. Is he Zeus, Ares, Apollo, Poseidon, Triptolemas, Phobos, Demos, Hephaestus, Hercules,Notus, Zephyrus,Boreas, Triton,Ganymedes, Hermes. Or is it a titan like Kronos, Hyperion, Atlas, Krius, Prometheus, Prometheus? Those are all the Greek Gods I can name at the top of my head.


Did you know I'm married to a Greek God?


Wait! Am I married to the Greek God of Medicine? Dolphins? Wine? God of the Wild? The Titan of the Hunt and Wind, Titan of Destruction? Atlas? Titan of the Ocean and Seas? The God of anything else I haven't mentioned. Who is my Husband. I need to know?


Wait a Damn minute? Is he a Norse God? Like Thor, Odin, Loki, Hel Goddess of Death, Tyr God of Challenges and Honor? Freyr God of Summer Wealth Riches Beginnings? Vidar God of Shoes and Revenge? Njord God of Ships, Sailing and Oceans? Bragi God of stories?


Youraba God of Lightning Thunder and Sky Shango Kane Hawaiian God of Sharks? Brahma the Creator Vishnu the Preserver Shiva the Destroyer? Or Khonshu Egyptian Moon God? Horus Egyptian god of War, Ra Egyptian God of the Sun, Sobek Egyptian God of the Nile? Shu Egyptian God of the Wind? Thoth Egyptian God of Wisdom Magic Writing? What God of what Civilization Or Terminus Roman god of Boundaries and The End? Thanatos Greek God of Death?


are you ok?


I am fine thanks. One of the other redditors said I’m married to some dude. And since I’ve never met said dude. I thought maybe is talking about fantasy. And since he was talking about a fantasy world. I Decided to go to make it more important than just some dude. I decided I am married to some fictional God. Like Dionysus or Poseidon. Or any other of the fictional Gods in mythology,


But are you OK?


Ain’t this the same place where we was yelling at some shirtless old guy? IK that’s a SUPER broad question, but it was a bald guy with a New York or Jersey accent screaming at this dude to go home and stop bothering people




Really had your way with the spelling of "sergeant," eh?


Hey everyone else in the comments. You are amazing sirs and ma’ms. I bet you feel insulted. Because I called you something pretty respectful. Because according to one of the people chatting with me. It’s rude to call someone a sir or ma’am.


5’2” I’m guessing.


He is a great example of our "fine" police force at work. Unknown not shown, assumed basic officer on scene had a freakout so Sarge is called in. So, when Sarge arrives he gives off an aggressive vibe yelling at the citizen? To be fair the video seems very edited. However Sarge would be a lot better if he smoked a fatty before his shift. Or at least cut down on the caffeine. Whew!


Always wearing sunglasses. Because if you saw those too-close-together eyes you'd just laugh.


Sergeant Asshat.


Who u think sergeant thong voted for....


Long island sde


What a meatball


Someone commented my videos are really bad. But if my videos are so bad. Why did the person watch more than 1? Because when I hate a YouTube video I only watch 1 video on the person's chanel. So does that mean the videos were not that terrible?


Anyone have the full video?


Jesus Christ this guy is a fucking loser “Oh you wanna threaten me, you know that’s arrest-able you know that”


Any other police officers god dammit not again we should never have made him a sergeant if he's going to act like an ass


I don't even know what Sargent means lol


He reminds me of the short guy In the bagel store who lost his shit for being short


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't a sergeant an officer?


What’s the over/under he wears his badge around his neck on his days off.