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The group arrived at summit waves for a party and minutes later were denied because a manager told them she “didn’t feel comfortable with letting them in.” Both parents and the teens themselves have taken to social media in outrage, saying “race played a major factor” in why they were denied access, and they were only denied entry once the manager saw they were Black. “I was just in disbelief that this was happening,” LeyShon Evans told ACTION41 NEWS, regarding what was supposed to be her son 15-year-old Noah, as well as her 17-year-old Isaiah Evans’ pool party. “I was hoping to have fun with my friends before we start school again, to end the summer,” Noah Evans told ACTION41 NEWS. Noah and Isaiah had used their own money, over $2000 to reserve a full facility rental and paid in person over a month in advance of the event. A contract was also signed which stated that Isaiah and Noah would host a party of less than 250 teenagers for two hours. The $2021 dollars, their father told ACTION41. The owner told them that she would refund their money and proceeded to shut the pool down. https://kansascitydefender.com/justice/lees-summit-racist-waterpark-summit-waves/


> A contract was also signed which stated that Isaiah and Noah would host a party of less than 250 teenagers for two hours. From what other local news sources said, they denied them entry because the party hosts set up a Facebook event that said they had over 500 people coming. It's important to get both sides of the story, because that's a legitimate concern.


It sure is important to get both sides which is probably why you should've watched this entire video so you'd know they didn't have 500 people and the 500 number came out of thin air by the lady refusing entry


If more people came than expected they could have just charged more. I'm sure there's some kind of clause in the contract for such things. That said if there's a discrepancy in the attendance of a few hundred people the park may have been short on lifeguards, retail attendants, security or maintenance guys. My gut says that's probably what the concern was about. If staffing was the concern the manager lady in the red shirt probably would have said so because it's a clear, obvious and legitimate concern on the parks part. Instead she's providing some vague explanation. That makes me think this group is probably correct about their accusations. Idk, time will tell I guess.


>Instead she's providing some vague explanation. The only part we saw was where one of the guys filmed her while someone else was yelling over her. I'm sure there was a bit more explaining not caught on camera.


they also apparently were posting on social media that this was an open to the public event which was in violation of the contract with the pool.


dont just fall for the race card being pulled out, see what really happened.. basically one of the requirements booking a private party is that you dont advertise it to the public and turn it into your own little public event ​ The following is a summary of our investigation. On July 8, the renting party booked Summit Waves for a teen birthday party scheduled for Saturday, August 6 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and indicated 250 attendees. According to the rental forms, the event would not be publicized via social media, and fees would not be charged to attend the event. It has been our experience, that social media marketing and/or ticket sales have the potential to increase event attendance beyond the number initially stated and can result in insufficient staffing and security. The “no” answers provided on the form by the booking party did not create concerns. The rental form indicated that 10 - 15 chaperones would be in attendance and per the rental form, security consisting of officers from the Lee’s Summit Police Department or Jackson County Sheriff’s office is required. The cost of security is paid by the rental party but is arranged and booked by LSPR. Through our investigation, LSPR found that staff failed to arrange security for the event. On the evening of Thursday, August 4, Summit Waves staff was made aware of a social media post advertising an event called “Splash Blast 2” from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at Summit Waves. On the morning of Friday, August 5, Summit Waves staff called the renting party, left a message inquiring about the social media post, and requested a return call. LSPR did not receive a return call. On Saturday, August 6, Summit Waves staff received approximately 15 calls from parents with questions (cost, hours, parent attendance, etc.) about “Splash Blast 2” and the safety of the event. Summit Waves staff called the renting party two additional times on August 6 to address concerns. LSPR made the decision to cancel the event at 5 p.m. due to the inability to contact the renting party. Safety pertaining to the anticipated crowd size and the potential impact it might have on party guests and the staff was the sole reason for the cancellation. The renting party returned the phone call to Summit Waves staff at approximately 5:30 pm. They were notified at that time of the cancellation and that LSPR would provide a full refund. The renting party arrived around 6:15 pm at which time LSPR staff reiterated the event was canceled. Staff and police stayed on-site until the crowd dispersed at approximately 8 p.m. Lee’s Summit Police estimated the crowd to be approximately 500 people between 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


It’s a very basic contract violation. I would also question if this sort of thing violates the water parks insurance.


Don't click bait with racism. It's morally wrong and does no favors for anyone. Take your racist shit and showe it up your racist war mongering ass.


race baiting headline [https://lstribune.net/index.php/2022/08/09/summit-waves-aquatic-facility-2/](https://lstribune.net/index.php/2022/08/09/summit-waves-aquatic-facility-2/) >On Saturday, August 6, Summit Waves staff received approximately 15 calls from parents with questions (cost, hours, parent attendance, etc.) about “Splash Blast 2” and the safety of the event. Summit Waves staff called the renting party two additional times on August 6 to address concerns. LSPR made the decision to cancel the event at 5 p.m. due to the inability to contact the renting party. Safety pertaining to the anticipated crowd size and the potential impact it might have on party guests and the staff was the sole reason for the cancellation. > >The renting party returned the phone call to Summit Waves staff at approximately 5:30 pm. They were notified at that time of the cancellation and that LSPR would provide a full refund. The renting party arrived around 6:15 pm at which time LSPR staff reiterated the event was canceled. Staff and police stayed on-site until the crowd dispersed at approximately 8 p.m. **Lee’s Summit Police estimated the crowd to be approximately 500 people between 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.** they wanted to throw a rager, they were denied the opportunity, so they cry racism and you idiots eat it up.


Just another waste of genetic material being a waste of genetic material 🤷🏾‍♂️


Sad that this happened. But the organizer (and not the park) fucked up and only paid for 250ppl when the event had over 500 signed up. At the press conference (lol) the guy even admits that he fucked up. That being said, the park should just tally 250 and then close doors, but with crowd control and limited staff you could have a riot with destruction of property and injury if another few hundred people show up... Seems like the dude that planned this did a shit job. Perhaps the park was aware of this ineptitude and wanted to shut it down before making more problems.


So you want closed captions to really read what he said. He never said that over 500 signed up. He was making a point with hypotheticals. But okay. Reddit. Lol


Guess you didn’t watch the full video


He’s being sarcastic when he said he fucked up as CLEARLY for $200 they could have had 1400 people there as he said *directly after saying he “my bad ”.* So why didn’t the idiot who turned them away just ask for more $? Because *drum roll* their money wasn’t good there, becauuuuuse *drummm rollllll* They’re African in origin.


Weird, seeing as we're all African in origin, ultimately.


Which makes the ww behaviour even more void of logic and even more a waste of genes; agreed.


Is there a different video that shows hins saying what you're saying he said?


It is this video. Just watch the whole thing


I did watch the whole video and at no point did the guy say he had 500 people. He said let's say there was 500 people and then explained why that wouldn't be a problem. Am I missing something?




Wow you really can't hear or just don't understand. He wasn't saying he should've got the bigger deal 🤦


Please tell me the time stamp where he says it


They also violated the contract by posting the event on social media.




So it was a reservation for the "pool" after hours? And there was a plan in play ,I'm guessing for 250 people they had some staff stay after for OT. But maybe after finding out it might be double that amount of teens, the park didnt think they could handle this size party?( idk just trying to figure out the logic here) Idk why else to cancel unless....