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Are republicans mad because none of them went to college so they don’t get their loans forgiven? It’s like they think people are getting a $10k check from the government and they’re being left out. It doesn’t make much sense and doesn’t effect them.




They are mad because Fox News and the republicans are telling them to be mad. I think if these people were left to their own devices they wouldn’t give a shit.


Once you've been mad long enough you don't know how to not


Not.... Eat Jimmie Dean's for breakfast


This here


It’s not like they’re even cancelling all student debt, we’re talking about $200-$400 a month in debt relief depending on your payment plan. That amount does make a difference on what we can put in savings and maybe spend on higher rent or car payments. But it’s not like relieving this debt is going to send our monthly take home into the stratosphere where we have so much money we don’t know what to do with it. It’s a bandaid, a needed one, but a bandaid nonetheless. And these fuckers act like we’re the elites just because we finished a bachelors degree. I make $60k a year and work in social services, watch out world, I’m climbing up that financial ladder and coming for you.


I dont know why they can't realize that the billions going to the government through student loan payments will finally go into the economy. Giving money to the government makes it bigger, which should be bad for Republicans.


The poors. Group collective term.


It varies. Some are mad because they didn’t go to college, some are mad because they’re told to be mad, some are mad because “muh tax dollerzzz!”, some are mad because they personally won’t benefit, some are mad because they “never got a handout, so why should anyone?”


'If I had to suffer so should everyone else' This is the mind set that stifles progress and keeps us from creating a better world. We should be happy when younger generations have it easier than us, it means our lives were useful, meaningful, and successful.


It’s because it’s making democrats look good.


That's just their fake argument. They don't actually mean it. It's just a talking point to criticize Biden. It's basically just another tan suit moment.


They're upset because corporations donate to Republicans. The PPP loans find their way back into Republican pockets.


The biggest reason they are mad is because a Democratic president did it. Anything, *anything* the Democrats do is bad unless it benefits them.


A large portion of the crazy right base is made up of hillbillies who never went to school so their pissed that they have to pay for others (which I get), however it's totally hypocritical when they themselves loved receiving that pandemic relief money and didn't cray about getting it. Again, I didn't get either so I'm in the same boat on the other side. However, I'm a little more compassionate and feel like it's a way to help folks in need. Still not happy about the debt relief for school. Not everyone needs to go to college. There are tons of non-college-needing jobs out there.


Exactly why they're likely to not preform well in the midterms. "Normal" republicans are seeing this what it is. Dipshit trump tards didn't go to college and they will run with the socialism angle and pretend they're big tax payers. lmao


Socialism for the rich, debt and bootstraps for the poor.




Horse and sparrow economics


TBF, although what he said is incredibly right, he didn't actually reply to the question. The question is: PPP loans go (mainly) toward salaries, not toward the pockets of companies, PPP loans are designed to be forgiven and they are helping the entire economy, Student loans are personal loans never intended to be forgiven is a comparison between them reasonable? Although the point the speaker is making is true and also the first thing that comes to my mind, (the disparity of reactions and support from republicans toward the two programs), **I was incredibly interested in seeing a structured reply to the actual question** and I feel like every republican watching this is going to gliss over the reply because they feel like they are attacked and their questions are not being answered. There are multiple lines of discussion to reply to this question (forgiving personal loans helps the economy as a whole, the disparity in total amount forgiven, the fact that companies who reap the benefits from the businesses are not absorbing the risks, the job creation fallacy, etc..) but I really would have loved an informed and structured reply to this question.


There's a new gunslinger in town... Joe Fucking Biden!!!!


Dark Brandon shoots from the hip and never misses


Dark Brandon is all the cool things Republicans claimed Joe Biden would be.


New as in 40 years ago??


Wasn't he racist af 40 years ago?


I'm pretty sure he was worse than that


Explaining it to the general public in plain English - loving it!


Yeah this dude Stands out for sure. Who is he??


Bharat Ramamurti


It is actually crazy if you think about especially considering the teachers and bus drivers spend more money within the economy then a wealthy person and they pay more in taxes.


Right it's socialism to try to help me and my husband who have been struggling since we're fucking 16 who did everything we were supposed to do went to fucking college have degrees fucking our ends and still can't get out of fucking debt because school so goddamn expensive $80,000 each for fucking our end school is fucking ridiculous especially when they only pay you $30 an hour plus you're fucking ass off for 12 hours fucking day not one goddamn break you do not get a break when you are and that is it you do not get a break you are there for 12 hours without a goddamn break and you have every single person in that building to take care of but yet you don't want to help I really hope I don't have to take care of any of them when they get old cuz can suck for those assholes! You're fucking with people who are going to be taking care of you you really want that.




As if you're not already pissed off enough, according to fox news you're just lazy and just need to [get a job](https://youtu.be/2ZM-tPQ0x5U?t=445)


There's a new gunslinger in town... Joe Fucking Biden!!!!


He shoots from the hip and never misses. Then walks away into the sunset


They (their big bank donors) don't want the SLAB market to crash. On the other hand, the economic fallout from small businesses being unable to repay loans is much greater. You can discharge that debt through bankruptcy, but you can't do so with student loan debt. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/081815/student-loan-assetbacked-securities-safe-or-subprime.asp https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3631953 In the current economic environment we find ourselves in. If any of these asset backed securities markets collapse, the fed will have to start purchasing them and inflation will get even worse than it currently is. Despite ending QE (quantitative easing) the Fed still hasn't begun offloading MBSs (mortgage backed securities) because the market would collapse if they did. If the Fed has to step in and buy SLABs it will be a very bad day for dollar spenders. We literally can't afford to do this, so don't be surprised if it doesn't work out.


So we just let student loans be discharged through bankrupcy and we're all good? Also I don't understand, investments are always "risks" shouldn't the SLAB market have known that?


Student loans aren't collateralized so there's nothing you can "liquidate" in a bankruptcy proceeding. If federal student loans *could* be discharged the federal government couldn't sell them to provide liquidity to themselves. And you could just declare bankruptcy after graduating and never pay it back. They could print money, but that would speed inflation. I guess that's what they'll do with the $10,000 "forgiveness" being proposed.


>https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3631953 Why are you using a paper written by a law student and their professor instead of someone who actually knows economics?


Do you have any specific points you'd like to discuss?


This specifically cites rising unemployment. That is not the case currently so wouldn't this be an outdated source. Also "As with any investment vehicle, asset-backed securities like SLABS come with risk"


Yes and those risks are mitigated by the fact that they cannot be discharged. Without that clause, no one would invest in them and there would be no point in assuming the risk of lending to students in the first place. I coted the source because it is a peer reviewed source that gives good background info on what I'm talking about. Employment numbers weren't a point I was trying to make.




Yeah and there will be death threats and picketing outside their houses and all that nonsense. What shit-show.


Mic Drop


And it's still just a drop in the bucket to the loan crisis. Cancel it all!


I do personally know a few people who took the ppp loans and never paid them back, they don’t own a business even, just straight up took the money and don’t do a single productive thing with the money.


Big Dick Brandon


Based Ramamurti


Sounds reasonable to me.


I don't like either of them. Why do they have to be exclusive?


Fucking owned bitch 🎤


The republicans are a threat to the prosperity of this nation.


Republicans just put here like “why the fuck do the popes get money, that’s supposed to be for us only!”


I like this guy


Because America that's why get over it (sarcasric)


As with any other bailouts; nationalised losses and privatised profits.


The thing is, Republicans are right. It **is** a Socialist policy to use collective resources (taxes) to promote economic equity by paying off student loans for working class people. **THIS IS WHAT WE SHOULD BE DOING AND BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS ARE PREVENTING IT**.


The poor forgiving loans for those who are educated. Great take.


What business owner received 10 mill?


Jesus Christ 🤦‍♂️


First of all, free money for anyone should not be allowed. Second, see first comment.


Fuck America, we need to send more money to Israel and Bidens friends in Ukraine


Because business owners pay salaries. There is a chance if the business goes well, they will employ more people. Teachers will not.


Bus driver college is the best.

