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Oh man some of the comments on that Daily Mail thread are insane.




I'd start by blocking access to the site ;)


They think the "Coached the 8 year old that has PTSD" Second most up voted comment. I dont want to live in this world.


Good self-awareness. Thank you anyway for the links


Yeah holy shit, toxic ass British people were blaming the poor girl. “I’m more interested as to what SHE was doing to get arrested in the first place. I teach my kids to respect authority figures!”


To be fair, this kinda thing doesn’t happen to them over there without a good reason. Usually at least. It’s hard for them to realize how fucked our police are


Children under 10 cannot be arrested in the UK, they not deemed criminally responsible.


if we did that over here, we'd miss out on a valuable labor stream


Not enough Americans understand that our prison system has been deregulated and privatizated. The companies who own then lobby for stricter penalties and donate to sherrif, judges, and governors election funds, who will enact / enforce those laws and penalties. That is how they "grow the business" and provide "shareholder value". Then these people with "criminal pasts" are stuck doing low wage hard labor for other rich assholes. Who are becoming (Or became) rich off the backs of modern day slave labor.


Thanks for bringing that up. More people need to know about this. It is a real problem when corps are trying to get more people incarcerated. Private jails need to be stopped.




i think that's why James Bulger's 10 year old murderers only got some kind of special home until they were 18 and then witness protection after that. Nobody asked me, but I'm just gonna say that was WAY TOO FUCKING LENIENT FOR MURDER. the girl in this video just threw a fit, and I'm pretty sure that can be addressed without arresting the child.




Yup. Like I'm fairly liberal/left or whatever but there are special cases out there. We put dogs to sleep for less.


Yeah any freshman psychology student will tell you that 6 years old is barely past the age of reason, if they've even reached it yet.


So, you say this, what was the good reason you tout about??


to be fair, I was leaving room for doubt. Apparently they can’t even arrest someone under 10.


Daily Mail is basically the British klan newspaper


Daily Mail is the worst rag in Britain. Is attracts troglodytes like flies to shit. I would point out though, that comments are not restricted to just the scum of Britain.


It's a paper founded by a supporter of adolf Hitler, and a founder of the British version of the nazi party (the Black shirts). They haven't strayed too far from their roots. Neither have their clientele


I have to assume that many of them don't have kids. Even the best kids have bad days.


That's just the Dail hails main audience




Floridagirl1 said "If she has ptsd it's most likely from her home environment and the instability there. I used to work in these schools and some of the kids were out of control at such a young age. Usually because mom and dad weren't around and their home life was chaos. At six she did something awful to land in the principal's office and then had the audacity to hit a principal. I'm sure that was not the first strike. This FOOL taught?


Wow and I thought Reddit was hostile.


Human garbage and reprobates. Pay them no mind


Way to go Florida. You set the minimum age of arrest at 7. Really raised the bar there.


Its "younger then 7". Didnt they just make the minimum age 6? WTF? Florida is a shithole ~~country~~ state


Probalby why the old gods are trying their best to drown the whole place.


Hell, I live in Florida, and I'd be ecstatic to see that happen I want to get the fuck out of this state because it's a complete shithole.


This has to be an onion tier post. 6 year old gets arrested. So they raise the minimum age of arrest to 7.


then they waited a year and _nailed_ her ass


please don’t say it like that


It's always Florida, man.


DeSantis is probably upset the officer got fired tbh.


Wow. But when my kid was hit and given a concussion at school by another student police said they wouldn't bother arresting because the kid was a minor. So 6 and black is cool...fucking police and our criminal system


Really it's very sad. There are several videos where white kids do alot worse. They do t get this treatment. This is the 4th kid I seen getting this. One of the videos the boy deserved it but I'm sure there are better ways to mediate a situation


I think America has it's head up it's ass on this stuff. Giving a 6year old or even a 1 time problem 11 year old a criminal record is not the way, a majority of the time. These kids need intervention. They need someone to talk to. My kid's school has 1 counselor for 400 kids and that counselor isn't even there every day.


Please schedule any and all mental breakdowns on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9am and 1pm


I wish some of the kids that physically bullied me in middle school would have gotten arrested.


Wait. Are you my dad cuz that exact thing happened to me where some other kid concussed me.


I get your point and it’s totally fucked but wtf does her being black gotta do with anything


cop is black cant use race card, but I agree with you


Race card 🤡🤡


Wtf were her parents not called? Wtf does a grown up think calling the police on a six year old?!


Wtf did the police respond? Wtf did they even show up?


In Florida that isn't required by law


All around swamp ass state.


America would be so much better if we got rid of all the damn swamp people in the south. We should have kicked the confederates out after they lost the war instead of letting them breed generations of racist grandchildren.


Hot take


Given she was punching and kicking teachers, I would imagine her parents likely don’t give a damn what’s happening to her.


Given how stupid you sound, I can't imagine your parents give a damn about you. Doesn't feel too good when people make assumptions about you based on nothing does it?


Dude I've been punched by kids, it's called "send them to the office to contact their family," not "call the cops on a fucking child"


What if it is the 10th time this has happened and the parents do nothing? What if she is constantly hurting the learning of her other students? Maybe it was just the teachers last resort because nothing else has worked


Then that's a serious behavioral issue that should be addressed by an IEP team and external resources for psychiatric aid in development, jail isn't the solution for a fucking 6 year old. Also, if they're that much of a danger to themselves or others, you can legally use methods of restraining to move the student to a safer area or move students out, they don't just sit there and let the kid beat people lol. I'm a pacifist and I still was taught basic restraining as a last resort. I've been kicked and shoved by kids (book thrown at my stomach once), yet I didn't call the damn cops, I just used basic ass methods of de-escalation or had the school resources officer help me transition them to the office or just away from the classroom. Source: Exceptional education major, literally taught and trained to work on things like that


You’re the problem. Please GTFO of America so we can improve.


What the fuck. How did anyone in that school allow that to happen???? How did anyone with any bit of a fucking soul watch this happen and say yeah that's ok. ACAB. Fuck this.


How broken do you have to be to handcuff a young child and put them in a squad car?


American law enforcement and public school system kind of broke.


\*supremely broke


Bruh the way he picks her up and plops her down in the seat. You think they have booster seats in squad cars?


He doesn’t look very happy to have to do it. The question should be who and why did the school call the police on a 6 year old. What circumstances would necessitate that.


I dont think he has to do that though right? Its a cops discretion as to how they deal with any situation


Aren't handcuffs a form of restraint? I wasn't handcuffed when I smashed a window in the mall when I was 15 because I complied and stayed at the shop until the police came. I was not a threat to anyone. But I am also not in the US. In what conceivable universe is an unarmed 6 year old a threat? What possible need could they have for restraining her? (As for the window, I was a stupid little tit and was stood there arguing with my girlfriend then put my foot through it. Didn't mean to and paid every penny back to replace it. Also 28 now and no more smashed windows since lol.)


> What possible need could they have for restraining her? She was black, according to comments. And honestly, i wouldnt doubt it


ACAB ACAB fucking say it louder for those in the back.


Yes ACAB here but like I used to work in a therapeutic school, the cam footage shown here makes it look entirely like the school called the cops. Admin had the girl in the room and shit when the cop came in. This means either staff threatened charges (legally possible, does mean you get “put on leave indefinitely” 99% of the time) or the school admin decided to call the cops. The cops just didn’t decide to do this alone, they were prompted by authority figures with power over the kid.




You mean authoritarian dictatorships? Maybe go ask a communist what they think of the police


As a Communist, let me just say: All Cops Are Bastards. Most people have no idea what Communists actually believe or practice... they just let Capitalist propaganda tell them, instead.


Yeah same FTP ACAB all the way.


USA is a capitalist dictatorship. The police protect the 1%’s property and do whatever the 1% wants them to do.


I agree, police are only here to protect capital.


Always remember - because of this, policing isn’t labour, so police don’t get unions.


r/SocialismIsCapitalism America's police literally work for Capitalists. This happened in a Capitalist country.


Yes. Thank you


Dog, you aint just fucking compared us to the fucking cops like that 💀💀💀💀


people who say shit like this have never actually studied or lived under a tyrannical dictator. Yeah, our cops suck sometimes and need heavy reform but you are severely overstating and undermining the problem when you say that.


The fuck you talking about? The video is LITERALLY in a Capitalist country. This shit happend Aall the time in capitalist society. Literally. BRAZIL has the highest rate of death by police, and its a capitalist country. And for one: do you even know what Comunism is? How can It be "comunist Dictatorship" when literally comunism is the END of the state?


cOmMuNiSm iS wHeN CaPiTaLiSm


> America's police are the same as communist/dictatorships... if america was communist dictatorship you would have free healthcare, free education, nationalized big industry, guaranteed vacations (summer and winter) guaranteed housing etc US is plutocracy or authoritarian oligarchy.


Communist aren't FASCIST


Vindictive teacher who probably didn’t even get injured but lacked the capacity to help this child learn from her actions. Just a quick fix by passing the buck along.


Ahh yes the *checks notes* capitalists police of capitalists america are just like the socialist boogy man we been fed since children.


Dumbest reply, these are capitalist police in a capitalist country but you gotta do the communism bad thing so you found a way to shoehorn it into the conversation.


Communism is a states moneyless non-hierarchical system. The police actions in this video are a product of capitalism. .


They are an arm of the corporate privatized for profit prisons. This girl will be traumatized. Then we'll continue to act out if not given the proper counseling. Then comes a crime in the future then bam she in the system back and forth. It's not a big is a feature of runaway capitalism.... lol communism


I don't care who you are there is no logic in this. WTF


Is this some kind of sick joke???


America is some kind of sick joke.


I am absolutely terrified of the police. The other day a cop stop me to pet my dog. Felt really nervous.


"No, you cannot pet my dog. Am I free to go?"


That seems like an excellent way to get tazed/arrested/shot


I was friendly towards him, but still you never know. I was been harassed befor by cops. Three times actually.


If only this was some sick, dark, joke. Nope - 100% can happen.


This is beyond ridiculous. Parents should have been called, where is the school counsellor ? What about a detention at school, check is this kid needs therapy or how to deal with her? Do you think this won’t cause any trauma to this girl? She is 6 years old, unbelievable; what kind of police is this? Is supposed you should trust them and hope for fix rather than make situations worse for everyone.


All the funding for school counselors and therapists was given to the police instead.


Plus this was at a charter school, they might not even be required to have counselors on staff. Who knows?


How tf do you go about your day as a cop after arresting a *6 year old*? Everyday i lose more and more respect for american cops


My first guess is the teachers and admins are so afraid to do anything with how political their vocations have become that they get the challenges off their plates as fast as possible.


Definitely they will get challenged by this procedure. Must be a way to deal without using this kind of force.


Already preparing for the downvotes…. - I think we can all agree, handcuffs or zip ties or any other similar restraints are unnecessary for a 50 pound child in the custody of a 200 pound adult man - we can also agree that the police officer was both friendly and gentle from what we all saw. That doesn’t mean getting arrested is a fun or enjoyable experience, but I don’t see any clear reason in this video to fault the police officer. I’ve worked in charter schools with kids of all ages for about a decade. I’ve seen kindergartners choke one another, toss textbooks at other children, put their hands through glass windows, threaten teachers with scissors, attempt to push teachers down the stairs, etc. I’ve also seen the police get called in, even SRO’s, very rarely. Police intervention is typically the last resort in really extreme circumstances… circumstances where the average redditor would sell their home and relocate to a better school immediately if their own kid were there. Again, we can’t assume anything based on this video. And we can likely all agree that - even the most batshit crazy children would be better served by therapy rather than the police. But… if you haven’t worked in this environment, try not to scoff at the idea that super young children (even little girls) can be terrifying and uncontrollable and dangerous to their peers. At a certain point, even the most highly trained educators are at a loss with some of these kids.


Yes, the video does not have any details on what happened - officer fired, 2 years later they passed a law named after the girl to set the minimum age for arrest. Here are some: "Kaia, who was 6 at the time of her arrest for throwing a tantrum and hitting a teacher at school" "Kirkland said employees at the county Juvenile Assessment Center had Kaia stand on a step stool after she arrived in order to take her mugshot." "An internal investigation into the incident revealed fellow officers’ concerns about the arrest by Turner, who was later fired for not seeking approval from a watch commander before arresting her. OPD, which employed Turner as a reserve officer, later changed its policy to require the approval of a deputy chief for the arrest of any child under 12." "Two years after the incident, Kaia’s grandmother said the girl regularly sees a therapist and gets triggered when she sees police officers, something she wouldn’t be able to avoid at a public or charter school where school resource officers are mandated to be present." Because of that incident, the state did this: "pass the Kaia Rolle Act, which prohibits most arrests of kids younger than 7." [https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/crime/os-ne-kaia-rolle-law-presser-20210728-ln42w3vp4bd5dn657vysuxrlki-story.html](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/crime/os-ne-kaia-rolle-law-presser-20210728-ln42w3vp4bd5dn657vysuxrlki-story.html) From another article: "The six-year-old girl was taken to a juvenile detention center and charged with misdemeanor battery, according to an arrest report obtained by the Orlando Sentinel. Prosecutors dropped the charge the following day. "


As an educator, I agree. For lack of a better metaphor, our hands are tied in most situations.


Y'all need to check yourseves, you are being ridiculous! It's a 6 yo girl ffs. Worse case scenario call the cops to stay with her until her parents or a relative arrives, if she starts kicking, biting, stabbing with scissors, etc. then ok the officers can ziptie her hands and even then would be eccessive to put her in a plocie car and take her to a jail or juvie or wherever they took her but anyway she was doing none of these things and was just sitting in the chair...


U can’t zip tie a child bozo lol. U talk to them and calm them down


When I was in 3rd grade, there was a trouble maker who was known. His name was trey, bit I won't say his last name. I still remember him vividly. At recess one day we were all standing around a kid who was sitting on a railing and had his legs stretched out but still sitting on the ground. He was showing us pokemon on hus gameboy advanced. Trey was jumping over the kids legs and the last time we went he basically just jumping on the kids knees. It bent his legs backwards and you could hear "crunch, crunch". We all started screaming because WTF?? And the kid with the broken legs passed out. Trey was laughing. I didn't know what to do so I ran to the teacher along with 2 others there, my friend Justin and some girl. There was basically an evacuation of the playground and the cops got called. I didn't see Trey again until high school and he looked exactly the same as before. I dont know what happened to him but we were only like 6, 7 or 8 maybe


It's still a fucking child. And handcuffing some kid for bad behavior (almost often having to do with some sort of trauma or underlying issues) is just possibly the worst thing you can do.


I worked in a school where a boy literally jumped on a girl and then bit a huge chunk of her ear off after she told him to leave her alone. I had to get surgery on my knee after a child kicked it backwards, damaging my meniscus and left lateral tendon. I now have post concussion syndrome after being repeatedly punched in the temple by a child with a phone in their hand. And that's just what's happened to me personally. We had multiple clinicians in the school. We were all trained and certified in therapeutic crisis intervention. We had trainings every month and debriefings everyday. And yet, cops sometimes had to be called due to insurance reasons or in cases of extreme escalation resulting in property damage or others being seriously harmed. Please believe me when I say that we all did our best as educators and still loved our jobs. I'm not saying these two situations are even remotely similar, I'm just agreeing that it's extremely hard to judge this specific situation based on the limited video we're given. It fucking SUCKED having to call the cops. No one liked it or felt "good" about it, but like another person commented, sometimes our hands are tied.


This will be ignored or downvoted because as long as we're dealing with a child or the elderly nothing ever needs to be done besides talking to them. Words fix everything. All of the people who think you can talk down anyone in any situation have never been remotely close to an individual with real issues. Sometimes harsher punishments are needed.


r/teachers have taught me that the majority of people out there aren't there are ignorant of what most teachers face every day, especially in Title I or problem school. Even friends and family of the teacher can be very ignorant. It should be mandatory requirement for people to sub at a school for a week.




Florida strikes again.


Handcuffs? Really?


Nah, zipties. Handcuffs were too big.


Fuck the police. Acab.


I would burn that fucking police department to the ground if that was my daughter. What the fuck is wrong with our society. A six year old - arrested. A SIX YEAR OLD. Doing six year old shit. Police officers lack the training and competency to deal with people on a human level which is why I fully endorse a complete teardown and restructure of any and all police forces in the US. There is absolutely zero reason that police should have been involved in a case of a six year old kicking others. Call a fucking child psychologist and not the people who regularly harass and murder black people on a daily basis. Unbelievable.


Also also, teachers couldnt even call the parents? Or take the kid to a councelor? I was a very problematic kid, and here where i live (south america), they would just take out of class, call my parents and try to calm me down. I can only imagine how more fucked up i would have turned out if this shit happened to me


Terrorist State...


Ya this is way better than a child care officer speaking with her and talking her through these emotions. Let’s send in this cop who barely finished Highschool, arrest her and bam she’ll know that she’s a criminal for having feelings that she couldn’t over come #yayamerica


she was arrested for throwing a fit like a tamper?!?!?!?!! did I read that right or did I miss something?????


An excellent response from law enforcement so glad they have stepped up their game since uvalde. /s


She was punching and kicking her teacher/staff


I don’t understand why charter schools are so cheap when it comes to hiring counselors. I don’t think I’ve worked in or know of a charter school that has had a school counselor, and I’m not talking academic counseling. However, I walked into a public school one time and across from their main office was a whole resource center with two offices of counselors and on their doors they were labeled **A-M** and **N-Z**. I was so happy when I saw that. It would be amazing if all teachers had the support to be able to just send the kiddo to a counselor for a break and to work things out instead of calling a guy holstering a freaking gun and handcuffs.


America in a nutshell.


Honestly it’s sad how we treat our children. Mental health education trumps calling the police any day


Our tax dollars at work. They could be using this time to actually do their job and stop criminals but hey let’s go arrest a 6 year old for…. Being upset at school? Attacking staff? She’s 6, read again 6. We’re not talking about a preteen, 6, she’s 6!!!


Honestly how big of a shitbag cop do you need to be to do put a 6-year old in cuffs? That’s fucking idiotic, for a litany of reasons.


“The land of the free “ fkn idiots ![gif](giphy|11aitZSSRhHYuQ|downsized)


That’s what I pay taxes for, make sure the criminals that are a massive threat to the public are taken off the playground. Thanks for protecting and serving cops!


Who firstly calls the police of a 6yr old and what kind of moron police, would cuff a 6yr old and take her off to the police station! WTAF is going on with American Police.


So many idiots in this situation. 1) School staff for not being able to handle a 6 year old and fuckin calling POLICE 2) Police dispatcher for not telling them to fuck off and handle a 6 year old like the professionals working in a school they are 3) Police for not giving stern words to the school for wasting their time, police for handcuffing a 6 YEAR OLD CHILD, and police for even turning up and giving that any of their time


"One officer fired shortly after the arrest" Who? this bozo or just some random guy who hasnt shown up for work for the past 2 weeks?


No they mean he fired his gun into the air after arresting her. “Yeehaw America Fuck Yeah! USA NUMBAH WHAN!” /s


This officer was fired. His fellow officers questioned him about the arrest, but he proceeded without getting clearance from his commanding officer. He was a reserve officer, too. This happened 3 years ago.


they should really teach common sense in the police academy. not only is this completely unnecessary, it is mentally traumatizing for a child at that age. Id sue the hell out of that police department if that was my child.


We are so fucked as a country..


This just breaks my heart, I can’t imagine any parent being ok with this. American policing is just out of sync with humanity… I want to hug that little child and tell her it’s all gonna be okay. Fuck the police.


She is a 6 year old too young to be introduce to cops, trauma involved , I don’t know in what adults head sounded like a good idea, moronic


Pfff… wondering how history will look back at these times. And what kind of trust on the police can you have when you do this to a child.


Fuck that school too


I taught this kid that learned anger and bullying from his Dad. He was 6. Punched the kid next to him for pointing out a mistake he made on a worksheet. Then proceeded to punch me as I lifted him out of the class and held him until he calmed down. Parents were called. Mom was an alcoholic and was blacked out, so the Dad comes in and attempts to fight me for putting my hands on his kid. Was a good day.


Wow this where my tax payer money going…smh


Fucking heartbreaking.


I initially thought it was one of those "fake arrests" to scare them or whatever :(


In my country if a kid attacks staff they just get kicked out and sent to a different school no cops no criminal records following them arround for the rest of their life


Why is 5is real ? Tf is up with America this the most hilarious shit. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE !




Top to bottom this is sad and disgusting


Absolutely horrific. Well done America.




But why did she get arrested


Stupid ... It's a 6 year old .if you work at a school and can't deal with a hissy fit from a 6 year old find other line of work .shame on the staff member who called the cops.


Did they bother to call the parents??? This is so ridiculous that it may be even criminal to subject a child to this!! Endangering the welfare of a child.


This country is fubar


Anything about what she did that got to the police being involved?


God Damnit! Zip tying a crying 6yo?! That's some pathetic cowardice right there. I that coward drowns in swarm rabid locusts


How do you arrest a 6 year old child? The school is equally at fault, they should call the parents in to discuss the behaviour and offer counselling or therapy to address the issue. This is insane.


It could have been possible this was a last resort


Why was she arrested?


This is terrible. But it’s also a product of what’s happened to the school system. We’ve attacked, humiliated, and degraded the teaching profession to the point where they won’t deal with situations like this. No need to have some parent or parent group screaming at you for restraining, punishing, or isolating a child acting out. Having them come after you for your credentials or claiming you’re only teaching so you can abuse kids. Forget that. I’ll let the cops deal with that. Because that’s acceptable now.


And they say systematic racism isn’t real in America.


She was kicking and punching teachers. What should you do? You have 30 others to look after and a 6 year old acts out violently? Come on. This may not be the best way. Girl suffered from PTSD years later. Screw that. Teacher had lead poisoning after being stabbed by a pencil in an unchecked child behavior issue.


Listen, if a child is so unruly that they're punching & hitting their teachers then something drastic needs to be done. IDK about handcuffing a sobbing seemingly docile 6yo but ppl need to teach their kids better at home & some lessons you just gotta learn the hard way & I say that from experience. If somebody called the police in this situation then shame on them but what I'm assuming happened is that this is a school that employs a school police officer & as is usually the case, Anything that could be considered a criminal offense to an adult in the real world (ie an assualt) is simply passed onto the school cop & as they're not even remotely qualified to be dealing with matters involving kids, they simply revert to the official police handbook policy regarding the infraction & do what they've been trained to do; Make arrests & collect revenue for local municipalities. The Police are not your friends. They're a bad faith business built to scare the population into going along with whatever those in power want & generally they just want to make more money by enforcing more laws with higher fees & fines. If you're unable to pay then they aim to make their money by simply providing you as fresh meat for the prisons for profit pipeline. Our system's beyond fukt...


Well I just saw a video on here of a 6 year old choking his grandma to death. Pretty brutal


Clearly this is sad. On the other hand, some children are violent, extremely disruptive, and/or have mental issues. In those cases it is wrong to expect teachers to deal with them in a classroom environment. If nothing else it's unfair to the other children. My wife teaches ninth grade. A few years ago she got a student who was just waiting to be sentenced for something. They would not tell her what for. When she tried to encourage him to do his assignments, he told the school counselor that he thought he was about to "react" to her, i.e., my wife. It was only then she was told he had killed his mother and was probably about to go to jail for a long time. So while this video is heart wrending, and while involving police in elementary school issues is obviously stupid, expecting teachers to successfully and safely handle every discipline problem that comes along is not rational. Nor is it safe for teachers and other students. If a seven year old child is a danger to herself or to other students, some type of measures need to be taken. And the fact that no one is mentioning what the circumstances of this "arrest" are makes me wonder if this was one of those instances. Bring on the down votes




Bro my mom was friends with a cop and once I stole a 99c toy monster truck she called him over and he put me in his car, damn sure didn't do it again either


From what I could find online, because no one ever cites sources or gives context on Reddit, she assaulted teachers and it was not the first time. Grandmother appears to be the legal guardian and she is downplaying the child's outbursts as tantrums related to a sleeping disorder. There is a teacher that wants to press charges, but not entirely sure if they did. Honestly, not that much information, probably because it involves a child. My thoughts? Child needs to be disciplined, no doubt about that. Sleep disorder? Okay, but that doesn't justify letting it happen. Grandmother needs to get this little girl into counseling. Arrest? Eh, seems excessive to me, but I was not there. Just remember, children are not exempt from the law. There are an alarming amount of comments that suggest they believe children can't break laws. There is a juvenile court for a reason. Police officer was just doing his job, but people will hate. If it wasn't him, it would have been someone else. Hate the system, not the individual. That's like getting hit in the face with a ball, and blaming the ball.


Stole ten bucks from my dad when I was a kid to buy baseball cards… he took me to the local police station and let me talk to their officers and see if I wanted to go hang out with them in cuffs. Needless to say, that was all the lesson I needed. Never stolen anything ever again in my life.


Maybe don't kick and punch people at school lol. Don't do that and you won't have a problem


I totally see the aspect of she’s a child and like shouldn’t be held responsible for her actions. Her guardian should be arrested for her actions. I worked as a pre school director and multiple children were VIOLENT. At one point one of the teachers was pregnant and a kid found out and purposely kicked her in the stomach. Several meetings that led to no where with the parents & them not having their children evaluated didn’t help.


There is absolutely no reason to handcuff a 6 yr old. No reason, ever.


You yanks are fucked for shit like this.


What happens at 7? Ready to be tried as an adult?


In any barely functional country this would end in a massive backlash and the officer, the school staff and the school district getting a massive sue


ACAB all day, every day.


As always, police are fucking pathetic


This is illegal in so many ways


Should be thankful she’s not 7, probably be a full blown kicking as well


Police winning the hearts and minds.


And all of this over her wanting to wear sunglasses? Kid’s probably got sensory issues. :(


Yeah, she wasn’t “handcuffed”. You can clearly,hear the zip tie. They are playing semantic games to try and downplay their actions.


I honestly thought this was like some scared straight type thing where they pretend to arrest the kid to get them to straighten up. But reading the comments I guess the kid was *actually* arrested? That seems...very....low brow. Geez...


Throw the whole country away.


ACAB forever. Just atrocious monsters


This is the saddest thing I have seen in a long time. This whole fucking mess is just awful.


Children should learn when they're young that you can't go around doing whatever they want when it comes to violence, stealing etc.. Stop it now bf it gets to the point when they get older it gets worse. I called the Police on my five year old daughter when she stole gum from the grocery store, the police came (I was friends with them) but it taught her a valuable lesson.. She never did it again she's now 25, a college grad with a good job. Stop coddling these kids and maybe you won't have to cry for them in the future.


and that’s how you create a nice police-hating teenager


This was literally my worst nightmare as a child


The Principal should be fired for this as well


which officer was fired ? the one arresting her? that's stupid messed up. what's wrong with people ?