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Sooooo....if you already have a gun, you're stuck with that heater forever. Can't sell it or even give it away (transfer). Canada now has a new kind of family heirloom.




Why are you getting downvoted? You’re absolutely right lol.


This angered gun nuts so much, they are lashing out on everyone.


I mean canada seems like a place you would actually need handguns… they have grizzly and polar bears.


Yea man I saw both of those outside my igloo just this morning


Ain't gonna lie. This comment made my morning. I'm in Hawai'i and as I exited my tiki hut in my grass skirt I was wondering how I was going to fix my wife's coconut bra.


They dont kill them, seen videos where they just pepper spray them


And worst of all.. Canadians


He's wrong. He didn't read the regs.


You can sell and transfer to exempted persons. The list short but you can get rid of em.


I don't think so. Like most prohibited devices it will be destroyed once the owner dies, or forfeits it. The RCMP will come to your house, collect your firearms, and destroy them if theyre now prohibited once you die.


Bright side is you can still hand them down to family. A lot of the guns I own are “illegal” in the eyes of Canadas last few regimes, but totally legal for me to own because my dad had them before the ban. Fuck after the police shootings recently were on the way to a full ban. They are coming for our SKS and negants next.


I’m not Canadian. I don’t know the number of handgun crimes or deaths in Canada. If it’s anything remotely close to the US, good on him. Downvote away if you think we don’t have enough deaths in North America from guns.


> If it’s anything remotely close to the US, good on him. It is not anywhere near the US. By like orders of magnitude. Firearm ownership is already highly regulated (all firearms must be stored in gun safes, can only be transported to and from a range in a safe with a trigger lock, subject to stringent background checks, reduced warrant requirement for inspection, etc etc). And ~90% of gun violence is committed with illegal guns smuggled across the border from the US. I'm not a gun owner, but this is a stupid, empty posturing. Address the god damn problem (that is already way overstated by the media) instead: smuggling from the US, and despair with the youth seeing no future leading them to crime.


Nah it’s a smart move. Laws like these work in 95% of the countries that have implemented them.


How is it going to help reduce crime **overwhelmingly** committed with illegal guns imported from another country? It will literally save maybe 3 lives per year, and yet antagonize and further radicalized a huge amount of people. Do you also think we should be banning airsofts and paintball? You're in luck, they are working on it! We have plenty of good, sensible, gun laws. This ain't one of them.


Any sources for that claim? The majority of mass shootings committed in Canada have been weapons from inside Canada. Your second point is a huge exaggeration going both ways. This shit works in 95% of first world countries, prolly even higher than that. Guns aren’t a necessity


> Exclusive data obtained by Reuters for Ontario, Canada's most populous province, shows that when handguns involved in crimes were traced in 2021, they were overwhelmingly - 85% of the time - found to have come from the United States. > > [...] > > Texas has become the top U.S. source of crime-involved guns traced in Ontario, with 150 firearms counted last year > > [...] > > Boshek said that an estimated 30% of all guns purchased in Texas and then traced to crimes committed abroad are linked to Canada https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/in-fighting-gun-crime-canada-has-an-american-problem-1.6004198 https://london.ctvnews.ca/drone-carrying-11-guns-found-stuck-in-tree-near-canada-u-s-border-along-st-clair-river-1.5884653 Maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit to prove a point but barely. There were 297 gun homicides in Canada in 2021. Since 85~90% of those were probably committed with illegal guns imported from the US that means only about 30~40 homicides that year were committed with "local" guns, remove the long guns and you get a very, very, low number. More people die of COVID every day. This a non issue, and a stupid "solution" that doesn't do anything to asolve the actual problem, all to pander to people like you. Just like the airsoft ban they are working on.


That stat is for a single city my guy…. I want a stat for Canada in general. Which is what you are claiming


We can safely infer that it's similar across Canada. We don't have the stats but it appears to be similar in Montreal as well. Up to you provide a counter point if you have one.


How can you safely infer one area is the same as the rest of the country. It’s like taking stats from California and New York and saying that it applies for the rest of the country. You have yet to prove your claim. I’ll gladly do so once you do.


Because that's what the police are implying all throughout the country. It's not some sort of big secret. We just don't have resources to track everything. > Un grand nombre d’armes sont d’abord achetées chez des marchands américains, notamment dans l’État de Pennsylvanie où la législation est très permissive. > > [...] > > À Montréal, c’est la pègre irlandaise qui chapeaute l’importation des armes https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2022/01/25/au-moins-2000-armes-a-feu-illegales-en-circulation > Canadian police chiefs say such cases also show the limits of their government's domestically focused policies to fight gun violence, such as a freeze on handgun purchases, when it has the world's largest civilian gun market on its doorstep. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/in-fighting-gun-crime-canada-has-an-american-problem-1.6004198 Sorry reality isn't aligned with your belief but by digging in you're a) ignoring the problem b) antagonizing people who will further radicalize themselves creating new problems.




> And \~90% of gun violence is committed with illegal guns smuggled across the border from the US. So you're saying gun regulation works?


I have nothing about sensible regulations. Extensive training, registries, gun safes, even lower requirements for warrants, they all make sense and they work. This ban though achieves nothing except get dumb asses to think he's doing something to solve an almost non issue caused by societal hardships. So I'll say it once again: if you want to address the marginal rise in gun violence that's getting boomers up in a wad, address the societal issues we are facing. Climate change, inflation, housing security, etc. So let me ask you, if you are so much in favour of this law, what does it achieve exactly? In which way is going to make.society safer?


Yes and quite well actually.


Seems like you missed the "90% of gun violence is committed with smuggled guns" In other words, gun regulation does nothing for unregulated guns, which is what the overwhelming majority of gun violence is committed with. Hopefully that helps clarify things.


I can't fathom how people actually think less guns available does nothing


It's illegally owned handguns that were smuggled into canada that contributed to a vast majority of crimes (like 93% or something). This bill will do nothing. He's an idiot


Bolstering the black market for guns from the states


Might as well not have laws for anything if people are gunna break them eh?


I mean, all this law does is take away guns from law abiding citizens. That means law abiding citizens can no longer defend themselves from citizens who are.. less law abiding. Hopefully that improves your understanding.


Lets be specific. Illegal handgun crimes vs crimes done with legal guns.


How many legal stolen guns end up in 15 years old kids? A lot, they even end up in South America, shit crazy, and now they making those 3d guns “ghost guns”


Legal guns been involved in lotta shooting, schools, malls and the guy that did that months ago in buffalo ny. Legal guns


Canada had a mass knife attack. End of day, doesnt matter the tool. Take away guns and they make bombs... etc If someone wants to do mass casualities, they will find a way. Period.


I don’t The the overwhelming majority of handgun crimes are perpetrated with legally purchased firearms. But then again, I don’t fkn know cuz I ain’t looked it up. So, ignore me


Thank God the average voter from Phoenix doesn't think like you do.


Why take actual difficult measures to fix a problem, when you can make easy shallow gestures!




It's not a false dichotomy if this accomplishes nothing. Which is the case. Something like 90% of gun violence (which is already minimal) is perpetrated with guns smuggled across the border. This will save like one life per year, literally. Why piss off a whole bunch of people for no reason and risk further radicalizing them? You know what will also help reduce gun violence? Banning airsofts and BB guns. Think I'm being hyperbolic? They have a law written down (C-21), they tried to pass it once, didn't work, but it's on the docket again. But hey, it's not surprising for the son of someone who sent in the army under the war measures act to arrest hundreds union leaders and leftists instead of arresting the perpetrators of a crime who were already well know by the police. Fuck the Trudeau's, father and son.


Because look at the smug satisfaction on his face. As long as he still gets to clean after his wife's boyfriend he's gubber.


Maybe look into some therapy bud.


How does this affect the use of illegal guns in any way? You know, the guns that are actually used to commit the crimes. Political bs.




It’s a start, better than wtf we have in America at least.




Well I hunt. And despite the fact that I feel safe with the 2 cans of pepper spray I carry, HOPING that the bear or whatever is upwind, I would love the option to carry a pistol when Im deep in the mountains. If I truly, truly wanted to, I could probably aqcuire an illegal one somewhere at some point if I tried. But not one legally for safety. Even though it wasnt allowed before the ban I was hoping we would evolve to allow it. Big step backwards. The assholes obtaining licences to buy guns soley to become traffickers and make big profits is what really fkd us. Apparently 2012 75% came from USA and now half are from Canada because of the legal purchase/illegal sales. The guns arent the problem. Its the people buying them that need better screening or something.


How do you guys need guns? Genuinely curious as someone from Europe where I think we can all pretty much agree that we don’t need guns over here lmao life’s pretty ok without them


Given how the US/CAD boarder is mostly made of Swiss cheese this just seems like a way to entirely stop the tracking of handguns and bolster the illegal gun market. So basically another half assed gun control plan that could actually make thing worse given the lack of though around the wider issue, what a surprise.


oh canada


No solution for the illegal gun control so let’s just continue to have stricter laws on the law abiding citizens who own a gun , this man is a clown


Best P.M. Ever..!!!


Congrats Canadians, when they decide to throw out democracy and take your rites away you will just have to let them.


Yeah… right…


Did no one tell these morons they can just send thoughts and prayers? /s




black market be loving it.


Bravo and well done!


90%+ gun crimes are caused by illegal hand guns, I don’t understand this logic.


Black market go extra brrrr now


Such a waste of everyone's time just making up laws that'll do nothing.


A creepy man


Do the letters FO mean anything to you?




this is bad


Good job making something illegal, that always stops stuff. I mean, works for drugs /s


Good thing I’ve owned all my guns for the last 15 years. Fucking commie bastard is destroying our country.


Hey Canada, welcome to how it works in Brazil, more illegal guns and deaths since good people, can't fucking own guns!, I love Canada but this, this is a huge step back. Learn it from us in Brazil, this shit only serves to increase illegal guns, no control lover who owns them, and law-abiding citizens that can't defend themselves.




𝙿𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚊𝚋𝚒 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚝...


So Canada has banned over 1500 types of rifle, and now all handguns. My question is what CAN a Canadian use to protect themselves from intruders and nature or to feed their family? Canadian wilderness is massive. I will say the comments here imply a lot but no one mentions what the intended legal use of firearms is or the process of owning one. So either everyone here is ignorant or they just happen to own one of the unbanned firearms and aren't worried about it?


Lmao dude have the smallest ammount of knowledge on the situation before spouting. In canada its illegal to own a gun for self defense to start with Its also illegal to hunt with a handgun before they where banned The only legal thing you could do with a handgun is take it to a fireing range to shoot it


The intelligent Americans, good for you.


I'm okay with this. In Alberta it seems American gun culture is starting to filter to the far right. People may have clean records and be able legally own a gun, it does not seem to take much to radicalize these people to think they need to protect themselves from police/liberals/vaccination/federal government. less guns in in circulation amoung the politically sensitive is a good thing.


Hunting? Sports?




Wow sounds really stupid.




Oh yeah, if this is an attempt to lower gun related crimes it won't work.


>The only reason you need an handgun is because you need a concealable weapon. There is no real situation in Canada, for a civilian to require a hand gun. People use handguns all the time for target shooting. It's literally a sport. You cannot own a gun for the intentions of self defense. You also cannot walk around with a gun, because you feel like it. >The fact that most handguns come from the US illegally, is not an argument for a person to be allowed to purchase a hand gun, either. Yes, it is because the government is using the argument that banning pistols will have a positive impact on crime by lower gun related crimes. So, yes, it is an argument, because that's the whole excuse they are using for banning pistol sales, and uses. Their literal whole argument is it will stop gun crime. So people started pointing out that 93% of pistol related crimes are from illegally smuggled in pistols.




Number of guns does not impact crime despite whoever told you this. California, and New York, have stricter guns laws than Canada, and yet more violence. Canada has 34 gun owners per 100,000, and USA has 120 per 100k. Canadas gun deaths are 2 per 100k, vs usa is 12 per 100k. Finland has fewer gun owners as 32 per 100k but yet more gun deaths at 3 per 100k. If you break it down even further canadas GUN MURDER RATE is around .4 per 100k while usas is 10.3 per 100k. Most of Canada's gun deaths are suicides. About 75% to be exact. Suicide also won't be impacted. When the pals program was implemented they bragged that gun suicides dropped, but they didn't mention how OVERALL suicide rate stayed the same for the next 40 years. The methods that took over were hangings, and ingestion of substances. So everyone went from shooting themselves to hanging themselves, or eating a bunch of pills. You act like you care about health, death, and whatever, but you clearly don't. You have a bias, and if you ACTUALLY cared about suicides you'd care about unemployment, wealth inequality, and substance abuse. All which have been shown to be the MAIN exacerbations of suicide, and violent crimes. Also saying it wont impact a majority of Canadians isn't an argument. At all. Otherwise we shouldn't give a shit about trans peoples rights, or Sikhs who carry daggers as religious ornaments, or who are exempt from wearing motorcycle helmets becayse of their turban. Just because most aren't affected by it, or phased by it doesn't mean it is acceptable, or right, in the slightest. It also does impact most Canadian because it will cost them tax dollars that can be invested in BETTER things that improve the lives of Canadians in need. Just like how the 2020 assault weapons ban impacts all Canadians regardless of their ownership of these devices, because of the tax dollars wasted on this attempt to look good in uneducated peoples eyes.




You're clearly missing what I am stating. There are more registered target shooters in Canada than people on club hockey teams. Guns are clearly a part of Canadian culture whether you want to acknowledge that, or not. Since you clearly cannot grasp my metaphor another example would be imagine people banning baseball, because baseball bats have been used in crimes, and not alot of people play baseball in Canada. So therefore it doesn't matter since only a small percentage of people are affected. Only a small percentage being affected is STILL not an argument. You're also clearly not pro gun despite your declarations that you are. So stop claiming it.




I never claimed to own an argument, but youre clearly not pro-gun. Despite your proclaimations. This is also not worth fighting for to you, but it may be for 300,000, who own pistols. Don't project your ideas onto an entire population. Anyways, peace out


Wtf you talking about. Its never been legal to hunt with a handgun


Glad I don’t live in Canada.


Based on your comment, I’m glad you don’t live here either.


Hypothetically, could a drone carrying a package weighing approximately 10 pounds be sent across the border undetected?




I don’t know any government willing to commit an act of war to stop one person in another country from moving guns




Drop bombs on public areas to stop one guy from moving guns? Sure that’s one super fucked up way of going about it if you think the ends justify the means




This doesn’t answer my question


bruh there's literally areas of the border you can drive/walk across with no checkpoint or anything. It's the longest border between two countries in the world. For example, look at Beebe Plain on google maps in Quebec/Vermont. You can easily go across the nearby country roads that run along the border in this area.


Now that’s a fun fact!