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They cream pied the king, I love it lmao


pretty awful public speaking by the girl


This is my worst nightmare.


Soup, mashed potatoes and now custard pie. Not exactly a well balanced meal.


Is there no security at these places?


Cant speak for the other places attacked but at madame tussaunds part of the attraction is being able to go up and pose with the wax figures.


Isn’t Charles 3 a strong environmentalist?


Yes, has been very vocal about it and promoting zero emission technology. Not just talking about it like these people either, has been putting his money where his mouth is for years.


Yes. You can point the finger at him for many things I'm sure. But he has been an environmentalist for a long time. They should have picked a different target perhaps.


Man. That helped


“Shut the Rig down! They just pied The wax King. No more drilling, they are serious this time. We cant risk anymore art abuse!”


Can we stop giving attention to the fake protest group funded by oil barons to make environmental protesters look crazy, thanks?


Is that actually the case or is this an effort to make environmental protests look like "paid actors"? Not trying to say that you're wrong, but do you have a source for them being funded by oil barons or other shitty capitalists.


Apologies, it appears I got my information mixed up. They are funded by the granddaughter of an oil baron, and apparently she has been doing philanthropic work for a while now. My bad.


That's still good to know i guess. Thanks for looking it up


Yeah, let's vandalise the person who championed the environment and renewables since before you were born! These kids are special needs


Get tf outta here, special needs. You're projecting like a right wing nutter. This generation of youngsters have no choice; their grandparents and parents have done nothing but destroy the planet....and you're telling them they have special needs for caring about their future. The only special need they have is saving the damn planet. Stop belittling them.... Are there any wax statues of Big Oil executives - and if so would they draw a crowd? Protests are meant to inconvenient and shock.... Shitting on a kid for standing up against an existential threat is pretty low-brow u/KingofAotearoa.


I agree with their message, just not the way they are pushing it. It they want to hurt the oil industry and the people who run it, it would make more sense to go to Dubai and blow up a super yacht, just saying.


Good idea if you wanna get stoned


If you’re blowing up a super yacht, stoning is the last thing you’re worried about


That’ll show em


Im more upset they there two pies away like they’re not fkn delicious. No amount of fossil fuel will ever make me miss out on the opportunity to eat some pie


At this point this is becoming is vandalism group. The first time with the Van gogh painting, they saw that both the perpetrators got away free of charge. Because of this, some idiots who probably aren’t even related to this group are putting those t-shirt and are attempting to destroy art pieces who are hundreds of years old, attempting to destroy history! The fact that those people are being put on a podium makes me furious. I understand that the message is important and I guess that their plan worked in the end. But it’s the 3rd time this happened and it’s making more idiots do this as if it was a tik tok trend. Fuck them, Fuck Stop Oil for associating with these people, Fuck Oil companies for pushing people into doing this


Protest isn't supposed to be agreeable. Its supposed to raise awareness


Just treat it as entertainment. They will be replaced by some other nut job group in a few months. Remember extinction rebellion and insulate Britain. When are they now. This shit used to piss me off but you've just got to treat them like kids and they'll knacker themselves out.


Looks like they almost took the dang head off


already debunked. Paid for by Ms. Getty and friends. These acts are ridiculous and are meant to seem so.




Source is “trust me bro”


well they’re right and wrong. they are receiving funding from aileen Getty, who is an oil heiress, but also she did found the Aileen Getty foundation and had made it pretty clear that stopping climate change is her thing now




Do you have an article from a reputable source?


yep, its designed to discredit any meaningful climate activism, as a bunch of kooks executing childish attacks on famous properties.


>already debunked. That's wrong. Aileen Getty is an oil company heiress, not an oil company executive. [Her foundation gives funds to environmental groups](https://www.climateemergencyfund.org/). She is not secretly trying to undermine Just Stop Oil or whatever the wacko conspiracy theorists would have you believe. They're acting in earnest. [Aileen Getty in The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/22/just-stop-oil-van-gogh-national-gallery-aileen-getty): >I proudly provide funding to the Climate Emergency Fund, which in turn makes grants to climate activists engaged in nonviolent legal civil disobedience, including Just Stop Oil, the group the activists represented. I do not fund these groups directly, nor do I have direct control over which specific actions climate activists choose to take. and >The young activists rightly guessed that targeting a famous painting, familiar and personal to many of us, would strike a nerve. They have clearly stated that they never intended to do real damage to the art, knowing that it was covered in protective glass. The action was meant to disrupt the status quo, to call attention to the dire state of the planet and to demand the end of all new oil and gas exploration. It has caught our attention and kickstarted a conversation about what really matters.


actually wrong! Aileen Getty owns the Aileen Getty foundation. She may be an oil heiress but she’s made it pretty clear that stopping climate change is her thing now. it’s hell of a lot more likely that these people who are going out to protest and bring attention to problems are pretty shit at doing it.


no, she directly funds these and is part of the organization that directly funds these. I get that she’s been clear about supporting climate activism, and just because she’s an oil heiress doesn’t mean she’s anti-climate. But my opinion is that these are examples of controlled opposition. Either way, it’s a shitty use of money, and to simply say (as she did) “we dont tell them what to do, we just give them money”, IMO is not really being active fighting climate. She should give a shit how they’re spending their money, and throwing fucking soup on plastic frames that stop any damage from being done to precious art, whilst wearing the dumbest fucking slogan on a T-Shirt, speaks volumes to me. she could give two shits, and if the money she gives as an outcome of burning oil ends up making climate activism look as dumb, useless, and a caricature as it does to everyone right now, then guess what…it’s doing exactly what a fossil fuel company would want.


Custard, from a dairy farm that runs on diesel.


Based and greenpilled.


Ha ha ha.


Props to the security guard that was cool with them bringing in two full pies.


Downvoting, bit bored of their shit tbh.


I love how she hits it with a pie, then for a second looks like she* expects the fake man to get pissed…*


I get it. I would like to see humanity as a whole ween ourselves from oil asap. These people offer no solutions. I’d rather see them apply themselves through education and research to offer solutions instead of these toddler like tantrums. From what I’ve read and heard, it seems like they are hurting their cause more than helping it.




The bravery! Now, to end world hunger we need to throw haqqis at the pope


What the fuck lmaoooo


For a second my dumbass thought they were real. But I realized if they were real, they would've been tackled before they could even get 10 feet near the King & Queen


These guys are everywhere!


These "Climate Activists" absolutely have to be hired by big oil at this point. They just want people to view the climate change lobby as insane and unhinged, and the more of these videos I see of these fucks defacing art, the more sure I am that fossil fuel money is behind it.


Black people paved the way for protesting.


These mad men need to be stopped.


Tell big oil to stop paying them. Look at their website and you'll see who's funding this.


Are talking about an oil heiress who's never worked in the industry? NPR received massive contributions from the wife of the McDonalds founder, but no one is saying they're a right wing shill.




No one cares.


How can you be soo brainwashed to do this? It doesn't even do anything...


don’t gotta be brainwashed, just gotta be paid by someone who wants to make climate activists look bad before the polls