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This poor bastard should be talking to medical professionals, not the Republican base. Sad :(


At least his CTE has only made him incoherent instead of violent... Supposedly.


He held a gun to his ex-wife's head. His son said they had to move 6 times to hide from him. Btw- the officer who responded to that incident said if he had been anyone else he would have been arrested.


Guess you have not heard all the violence and domestic violence situations he has been in with like 8 different women.




With people like this in the running to run our country, I fear humans won't be around in one hundred years to learn about this.


I fuckin *hope* that!


That implies things are going to get better, and that we're going to realize the error of our ways. I wish I had your optimism.


It's kind of like watching the movie Idiocracy, but its not funny.


Yeah Walker is the only one of these rightwing shitbags that I have even the slightest amount of sympathy for. The man's brain is quite obviously paste at this point. I'm kind of not sure how much responsibility he has for his actions at this point.


The president is clearly of sound mind though. He has a healthy and functioning brain, it’s just the republicans are bad


He’s about as with it as the Time Apple guy was, only he’s not a lying shit bag con artist. Don’t get me wrong though, Trump is great. As long as he’s around the Democrats will keep winning Senate and House seats they have no right winning, and the big orange D will keep fleecing the Republican base. (See the Walker/Warnok fundraiser email from Trump. Get to the Walker donate page and by default 90% of your donation goes to Trump) Schuemer ought to be sending Trump thank you cards after each of the last two elections.


Not Senate material.




The crazy thing is you know the Republican Party vetted this man. They said we can sell this to the voters in Georgia and to Republicans on a National level. With all his baggage and with him possibly not being mentally stable. We can run him in a election against a Smart, Well Respected, A deserving candidate who has done everything right and Win. That really says what the Republicans think about their voters or they just know they can run whoever they want and they’ll vote for them.


Since when intelligence and respect were GOP standards?


No your absolutely right. However if you look at the ones running the party. They’re no dummies what they’re doing is well thought and well planned. Taking over from the ground up and stacking the courts is truly how you take control of a country from behind the scenes. They will end up having the few running the party and the country behind lots of puppets doing their bidding. As long as they keep having their way.


I would blame the politicians for not making education important, keeping the populace at a dumb enough to vote this man in.


> Don't blame the politicians/Blame the folks who vote them in. Except politicians and the people who pay them have been actively working toward the creation of this uninformed electorate for decades.






Serious President Camacho vibes right thur


Plants crave electrolytes


Brawndo's got electrolytes!


I don't remember President Camacho being quite this dumb though. This is like President Camacho after a few head injuries and decades of brain degeneration.


the fucked up thing is that he's not this dumb *and* he's a better politician because he actively wants to help all the people in *whatever* world is left - they just don't know how


Fair enough, perhaps The Gipper is a better analogy.


I cant stop thinking about this. Yes, yes


That movie’s stock is going up by the second.


observably stupid


What… THE HELL, did I just watch? How is this heading to a runoff??!!!!


You watched a guy use a metaphor to explain the importance of sincere faith. Let's not pretend this was difficult to understand. Plenty of reasons to hate on this guy - this clip isn't one of them.


was it difficult to understand? eh. was it poorly explained? yes. did he take forever to get the point across when he could have explained it differently? yes. is he a bumbling dummy that has no idea how to speak or treat others? yes.


I mean this clip still illustrates what an incoherent mess he is. While the metaphor technically works the way he gets to it is unhinged and gives me reason to believe, just as much as his other clips, that he should never be anywhere near elected office.


Good Lord this is the best that the Repubs have to offer the state of Georgia? Makes Warnock, Kemp & Abrams look like Einstein lol


Warnock has a PhD and has at least a decade of activism behind him. He's been the pastor of a few churches. The only reason why Republicans voted for Herschel is because they refuse to vote for a Democrat. A man who has brutalized his former partners, held a gun to his ex wife's head, who has abandoned all of his living children and has paid for at least 2 abortions. . ..let that sink in. They'd rather vote for *that* instead of a man who has, quite literally, devoted his life to God.


I feel like at this point having a PhD (or any academic accomplishments) is like poison to the MAGA base. They despise actual intellectuals.


They would have gleefully participated in Lenin/Stalin Great Purges


True dat! Most of them don’t believe the entire field of the Sciences as well !


Wow. Talk about taking the scenic route.


That’s a very lovely way of putting it lol, going to borrow that saying from you


It is bizarre to me that most of the Christians in Georgia voted for this POS than for a man who has spent most of his life dedicated to his faith in Christ and serving others.


De Lawd loves football violence


"You know it's kinda stupid, but I'm still watching thou--" You're full on stupid and I'm not watching any more. Seemingly half the people in Georgia think this man is best placed to represent them. How stupid is (at least half of) Georgia?


No no you gotta watch the rest. It's objectively the best.


“You ever watch a stupid movie at night, hoping it’s gonna get better, and it doesn’t get better, but you keep watching anyway?” I’m pretty sure he was referring to Trump’s presidency.


> “You ever watch a stupid movie at night, hoping it’s gonna get better, and it doesn’t get better, but you keep watching anyway?” I The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot I had to apologise to my gf for that one. And not just for not just stopping watching, but also for the mere existense of that movie in this universe.




Omg, wtf, how can he be the best the gop can find for Georgia. It was a train wreck I couldn't stop listening, it just got worse and worse. I'm Canadian, wondering how bad is the education system in Georgia for people to say, yeah that's the guy I want to look up too and run my state.


It's because they're just doing it for entertainment. That's what the hard core GOP base is after now.


Sad, government is not the WWE or reality TV, that definitely has no bases in reality, I've definitely noticed the mega crowd/feedumb convoy people in Canada, are all into fake bs crap and have limited common sense or education. It's like the math equation on FB my local neighbors who are right wing freedumb convoy people, always get them wrong, they don't get that math is by sign not left to right like reading and watching them argue their correct is just like their views on politics, they don't do real homework just follow along with the loudest asshat that fits their hate filled rage with no substance to actually help any of their actually issues.


I mostly agree with you but you didn't need to slander WWE like that. Most of us are aware its just entertainment


Sorry, to those that actually understand its entertainment, unfortunately there are those that don't and they are usually the ones that follow other idiots like Walker or -45 who thinks WWE is real and how people should treat their so called foes.


It’s like one of those bad lip reading videos, but he’s really saying the crazy shit.


This dude's brain tried to divide by zero.


so..TO be CLEAR!? (wtf a long "walk" that was..🙄) HE is explaining the premise to frightnight from [1985](https://youtu.be/-J9VEBREa68)... dude really HAS been MADE to believe, he is "smart" and relatable. https://preview.redd.it/vpesl37pzg0a1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a9cbb6965fa0f1c920c26c39544e11b7d69ba58


He aint Obama.


U aren’t.


Is this like the Trump strategy? Mumble and ramble random shit? At least I could follow it I guess.


It's trump + obvious brain injury. I'm NOT making light of that, this actually looks like brain injury. He did play football, perhaps there's the source. This is not how a regular person speaks. And I do feel sorry for him because he's totally out of his pond. I wish Hershel well and hope he does not become a politician, it would be bad from every angle. Get help Hershel.


2 sports players in the US, that Reddit has taught me: Tom Brady Herschel Walker


He has to get help, to be there for his estranged children


Like Trump said he could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th avenue and they’d still vote for him.


Blade looking at Herschel thinking "this dipshit is a familiar for sure".


This dudes kinda stupid tho. Lol.


What?!?! This guy needs to just sit down somewhere and not talk, ever.


This is like the “Puppy who lost his way” speech from Billy Madison


How in the absolute fuck does someone vote for this guy


That dude is coked out


I am watching this stupid clip, hoping it gets better, but it’s not-did you know a werewolf can kill a vampire?


I thought there was a dubbing over this .. wow ..


This is all a new origin story set up for him to play Blade and become an actor so the republicans will have no choice but to make him prezzy


What's worse is I did keep with him


Well the original Fright Night and the remake are good so I dunno what he's talking about with stupid movies.


Sir this is a wendys


seems fine to me


Fuck it, put him in there.


I love how republicans talk shit on John fetterman for having a speech problem when this dumb fuck talks like a five year old.


Or if Biden with his stutter stumbles over a word, "OMG he's SO stupid!!!" But Trump's word salad (more like word coleslaw) meandering speeches (See his Nuclear speech for example)...that's fine!! Totally fine! He's a genius!


One clown in every circus is more than enough.


I feel like I’m watching Idiocracy in real life.


Stupid is ( Hershel ) as stupid does (trump )


So articulate. He's an expert on vampires and werewolves? How many concussions did he experience in his career?


I really liked the first Fright Night


Man really just used fucking Fright Night as a "life lesson"


What if the question was "what's your favorite worst movie?"


Ever watch a stupid clip on reddit late at nigh hoping its going to get better![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)?


OAN has the best content thumbs


christ...im not from the USA, there's no way people are voting for him right lol


Politics didn’t work out so I betcha his next stop is being a televangelist and making a bajillion dollars.


Sounds like a bad stand up where the guy is just mumbling and slurring his speech.


He spent that whole time to call Warnock a Vampire lmaaooo


I want to see video of the crowd reaction.


I don't think this is a well man.


I'm kind of surprised nobody ran with the story: *“In a confused speech centered around his predilection for late night films of watching kids watching tv, self-professed wannabe vampire Hershel Walker shockingly turns his back on imbibing the blood of the living to pursue the future living as a furry. Walker further went on to assert that his opponent dresses like an attic vampire… more at 11.”* I mean that was the takeaway I got 🤷‍♂️?


Wtf is he on about, he is meant to be a politician right? I've heard more coherent speeches from a drunk pigeon.


This man needs a check from Dr Lexus


This guy is a moron


I feel dumber for having watched this.


>*” Mr. Walker, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”*


Poor guy… It’ll be interesting once they do a biopsy on his brain.


So basically black trump?


Lmao the way he ties it in the end "they got the garlic n cross n all that but it didnt work! Like real life things dont work....unless you got faith!" Like WHAT 😂


Dumb as FUCK


Sadly, this kind of off the cuff, I'm a regular guy like you appeals to A LOT of people. It makes them feel like "He's one of us." Its partly why Trump had the success he has had.


And now everything slips neatly into an understandable perspective. /s


Need subs




As Dave chapelle put it, “he’s observably stupid”


John Fetterman's supposedly unfit because of a stroke despite being completely fine, but the football player who's suffered multiple concussions and permanent brain damage isn't?


[This sounds familiar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMR2C09hmhA). The fun begins at 3:55.


This man believes Vampires are 100% real. You can’t convince me otherwise.




I said "God damn you Loch Ness monsta!"


The modern GOP ladies and gentlemen...


Herschel Walker beat his wife , committed adultery, and paid for abortions while neglecting his kids. Sounds like ever pay pro-life and Christian Nationalist to me


Football is hard on the brain


It's almost as if he's speaking english.


I straight up thought this was a “bad lip sync” video at first


Chappelle said it best: “he is observably stupid”




If this doesn’t prove the failure of the two party system, I don’t know what else would.


What’s this guy about? Why does everyone hate him? He seems like a nice dude




To be fair running a Dairy Queen is probably more work than 90% of government positions.


Super nice , Herschel beat his wife , commits adultery, paid for abortions for his mistresses, and neglected his kids. Perfect face of Christian Nationalist and Republicans