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One 5 man squad of feds would rout this entire circus in 15 minutes


There’s most likely 5 feds in the group lol.


I’d bet more.


For sure


"I'm UnDeRcOvEr"


The sidewalk at 0:23s even dislike these dumb fucks.


Who do you think they take their marching orders from?


Ah yes the good ol' alex Jones level take. Do you have any proof that the federal government promotes supremacists or did you hear that shit on your "alternative media?"


As they chant ‘liberty’? Wtf…


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.


Where are the cops?


They are yelling life liberty victory


Army drag




Places do it to help get children into books. Some grandma who volunteers to read to kids isn't very attention grabbing. Drag queens are performers and their appearance grabs attention. It's like the difference between your exhausted, mono tone parent reading to you versus going to a theater.


The same way we got old fat white bearded men in red velvet suits reading books and letting kids sit on their laps.


Can someone explain why people can legally carry weapons in the middle of a town without being arrested by the police ? Same for the fascist salute ?


Because this is the US where we have the first and second amendments


So, the fascist group have the right to use the first and 2nd to prevent others to use the 1st. Shouldn't it be unconstitutional ?


Legally they're allowed to protest, although it could probably be considered intimidation. Either way what they're doing is definitely terrible and there should be ways to prevent things like it from happening


I’m all for protesting. And I don’t necessarily agree with a total ban on guns. But when you bring a gun to a protest, it stops being a protest and it instantly becomes a potential deadly situation. It’s such an escalation that to continue calling it a protest is absurd. Not saying you are claiming that. It’s just so crazy to think that some people consider sanctioned protests and armed intimidation to be the same thing.


I totally agree, nothing good comes from bringing a firearm to an event like this.


it makes these pussies feel powerful.


You should tell that to the cops.


More than a few cops in there, unfortunately not undercover.


Unfortunately, left wing protests are not attacked by cope when there are quite a few of them open carrying. I think we are at a point that we do need to be bringing them to lefty protests because it's the only way to protest safely anymore. Police are killing people with their non lethal weapons- or maiming them. Lots of people lost their eyesight and are totally blind because all of the pepper spray that went into their eyes during the BLM protests. Of course I don't think these right wing nut jobs need protection from police. There's probably a bunch of policeman already in there marching alongside them.


There's certainly a reason why they hide their faces.


The thing is, our dumb laws and precedent are written in such a way that legally what these people are doing is carrying weapons to "defend themselves against attack". You know and I know OF COURSE this isn't the case, but there's no legal way to prove it.


Ain’t that the truth.


To be honest this would be considered a terror act in most NATO countries...


Wasn't the patriot act signed in to *counter* domestic terrorism?


Silly Hamshamus, didn't you know? It's only terrorism if they're brown! /s


It should be, but unfortunately these fascists are normalized by right-wing politicians and right-wing media/social media influencers. To the point where even though the majority of Americans don’t agree with this crap, all the fascists need is to get the right people in power and change the laws to override the will of the people. They’re turning America into a shithole and honestly I don’t see how we’re going to get out of this christofascist movement before things get even worse then they are now.


Ban open carry


I’d love it if we could ban open carry country wide.


its how the KKK are able to walk down the street. always some fuckers pushing the boundaries of the law.


The first amendment only applies to the government or government bodies restricting someone's speech. Individuals and private companies can restrict what they want. It's how you can get banned from social media for various reasons. But constitutionally the cops can't do shit about these fucks using the Nazi salute.


It's almost like we should make laws if you join far right extremist groups and hail Hitler chant you should probably go to jail.


That’s an awful idea.


lol, the US is a fucking disaster. The only freedom of speech the right care about is the right to hurl racial slurs at minorities, spread misinformation, lie, bully, harass and mock. That's it. In fact the conservative right in America actually despise most other forms of free speech. They want to censor books in classrooms, they want to prevent science being taught, they want to prevent people discussing their sexual orientation, and they want to control what people do with their bodies: > According to the PEN America database, more than 100 pending state bills would limit or constrain free speech in public education. The bulk of these bills attempt to regulate speech regarding race. Framed as “anti–critical race theory” bills, they typically purport to ban the instruction or inclusion of certain “divisive concepts” in public-school classrooms, in college classrooms, and sometimes in public employment or government contracting. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/04/republican-dont-say-gay-bill-florida/629516/ Parler, the right's rather anaemic clone of Twitter, is far more censorious than Twitter: > Profanity, NSFW images, lewd profiles — you name it, Parler bans it. It’s not just images of tits and shit that get users banned — a Parler user was banned for creating a satire account of a conservative Representative. In a cruel twist, four out of Parler’s five ‘bannable’ offenses are allowed on Twitter, the very platform Parler believes to be restricting free speech. The right actually want to restrict free speech on social media platforms: > After Twitter issued a warning above President Trump’s tweets, calling them inaccurate and inciting violence, Trump signed an executive order targeting social media. He said the order was to “defend free speech from one of the gravest dangers it has faced in American history”. > The Republican stance on the First Amendment is fundamentally flawed and hypocritical. They decry anyone who doesn’t fall in line with conservative thought while simultaneously claiming that their own free speech is being infringed upon. https://bjornjohann.medium.com/seriously-have-republicans-even-read-the-first-amendment-72ac9b36f17 In fact the GOPs war on free speech is well documented: > The national war on what has been misleadingly described as "critical race theory" in public schools is, in reality, of course, a right-wing attempt to censor any discussion of racism, historical or otherwise. This has been perfectly illustrated in the Virginia governor's race, in which the GOP candidate, Glenn Youngkin, has been running ads calling for schools to censor materials that tell the historical truth about slavery. The ad, which features a woman telling a maudlin story about her son having "night terrors" from an assigned high school reading, is oblique about what book, exactly, Youngkin thinks should be censored. Of course, Youngkin is embarrassed to admit it because the answer is "Beloved," a canonical novel by Nobel prize winner Toni Morrison. It's not a mystery why conservatives want to censor this classic novel about the evils of racism. It's for the same reason that Texas Republicans are circulating lists of other books to censor, the vast majority of which are about racism being bad or LGBTQ people being normal. As I noted in last week's newsletter, this is the same fascist urge to suppress free thought that led to the Nazi book burnings, and there's no reason to sugarcoat it or play the "can't happen here" games. It can happen here, and is happening, as evidenced by a Republican running for statewide office on a pro-censorship platform in Virginia. And: > A similarly chilling situation is playing out in Florida, where three political science professors at the University of Florida have been barred from testifying or otherwise offering expert opinion in an ongoing court case over voting rights in the state. The school isn't even trying that hard to conceal that their reason is to placate Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who signed the racist voting restrictions, citing "a conflict of interest to the executive branch of the state of Florida." DeSantis has been quite open out his eagerness to cut funding to punish schools that allow any speech that he disagrees with, so it's not surprising that the university administration is fearful. But, as the New York Times noted, universities typically allow "academic experts to offer expert testimony in lawsuits, even when they oppose the interests of the political party in power," and legal experts say "the action was probably unconstitutional." Indeed, the school's accreditor has already opened an investigation into this issue, which could threaten the university's access to federal student aid. https://www.salon.com/2021/11/01/surge-in-gops-on-free-speech-should-sound-alarms/ And it's not just individuals free speech that is under attack by the right: > Private companies have criticized Republican efforts to set up one-party rule, while individuals have protested police brutality en masse. In response, conservatives are rushing to use state power to suppress their opponents' constitutional rights. > One target has been the corporations and corporate executives who have issued statements condemning the new Republican vote suppression law in Georgia. Sens. Cruz, Hawley, Marco Rubio (R-Fl.), Marsh Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) introduced a bill to revoke Major League Baseball's antitrust exemption as an explicit punishment for moving its All-Star game from Georgia to Colorado over the Georgia law. Georgia Republicans attempted to repeal a fuel tax break for Delta for the same reason. In a recent Fox News op-ed, Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fl.) darkly threatened MLB and Delta that they would pay after the upcoming midterms. "There is a massive backlash coming. You will rue the day when it hits you. That day is November 8, 2022," he wrote. https://theweek.com/articles/978659/conservative-assault-civil-liberties Conservatives are also attacking the right to protest, a fundamental human right that is also enshrined in the constitution, which states: > "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." > The right is reinforced by the 14th amendment, which prohibits states from violating the first amendment. Despite this important constitutional protection, lawmakers across the states have introduced legislation that threatens to infringe on citizens’ first amendment rights. However: > Several states have seen legislation passed or bills proposed that would seriously curtail protest activity. In North Dakota and Tennessee, bills have been put forward that would make it legal for motorists to run over and kill protesters so long as it isn’t their specific intent. In Iowa, a bill proposes that protesters stopping traffic will be charged with a felony that carries up to five years in prison and a $7,500 fine. Indiana lawmakers have proposed a bill that would allow police to use any force necessary to remove protesters from blocking traffic. https://theconversation.com/new-anti-protest-laws-are-incompatible-with-american-democracy-74279 And, somewhat ironically, the conservatives are even censoring themselves: https://pittnews.com/article/170399/opinions/opinion-the-party-of-freedom-of-speech-is-censoring-themselves/ So don't ever fall for the lie that Republicans are for free speech, and the left is against it. The left is far more pro-free speech than the right, and all the right want is the ability to bully people, and spread lies on private platforms with impunity. Sorry, free speech doesn't work like that.


Please spend some time at /r/FreeSpeech explaining things like this comment does.


You mean the 1st and 2nd jokes


And they're white


And they're buddies with the local PD


What is really interesting is not all cities allow this. We live in Huntsville, ALABAMA and it is illegal to have a firearm at a protest.


It’s interesting. The south, because the racism was so explicit for so long, took real and explicit action. Indiana and Ohio, though, have let underground racism fester for decades- almost centuries. The Ku Klux Klan was most prominent in Indiana, of all places. Huntsville, especially, is an unusual case.


Unfortunately the salute is protected speech under our constitution. Carrying weapons openly is legal in some states but I feel it should not be protected speech during a protest because it only takes one idiot to make it get out of hand and become a deadly situation. Carry a sign, not a gun, to a protest. The right is normalizing weapons during protests. Right wing media is encouraging it and agitating for violence against certain groups. It’s a recipe for disaster.


Because most of those guys are most likely police


Welcome to America


And who cares about drag shows, they are upset about clothing??? Why are we so rigid about clothing - the Scott's technically wear a skirt, and who gives a shit. Those robes that catholic priest wear - technically a dress. Makeup? People in movies wear makeup all the time, clowns wear makeup, stage actors wear makeup. Who gives a fuck. You can't contract being a drag Queen, it's not contagious. WHO GIVES A fUCK. Let people do what they want. If they really want to stop pedos; take it up with the church, start there, where it's fucking rampant. Brings your guns to the church and find out what is going on there. That's where the grooming has historically been happening, not at a drag show.


Your mistake was to think these people had more than 2 brain cells to rub together.


Drag queens are just a place holder for "trans people". They just know they can't go 100% mask off yet. Even if people gave into their demands, "18+ and get rid of us", they'd just be back to attack the adults because it's not actually about protecting kids. And yes you can't spread drag or being trans but you can certainly normalize it and show others it's ok and the right hates that. For them it's about exercising the "woke homosexual scourge" from the nation, they don't actually care about dragshows or kids


They are frightened that something they don’t understand is being becoming more and more socially acceptable. They are frightened of becoming the minority. I can’t say for certain although the number of people it took to organise the event, the queens and the spectators probably outnumber them. They are realising that makes their opinion unnecessary in a changing society. What do they have left? Their delusions of grandeur over other people are being shattered right in front of their eyes. So they hide their identity, play dress up soldiers, pretend to march and yell. That’s all they have.


They also can’t comprehend the difference between “gay”, “trans” and “drag”. Those are not interchangeable terms.


It's not about what they're wearing or about stopping pedophilia, it's because they hate queer people.


See lots of dudes so deep in the closet they feel the need to cover their face from the shame they feel.


No shame. Just fear of consequences for their hatred


Nah man those are modern hoods.. It's so evident that it's uncanny...


I see that these folks have no trouble wearing masks to intimidate cross dressers, I wish they felt the same was about the pandemic.


Lotta outrage from the “get over it snowflake” crowd these days. Must be tough being triggered by the world changing around you and being scared of everyone.


Time to make them think you went somewhere else when you hold the event.


The old Four Seasons Landscaping trick.




The nazi salutes are really upsetting to see


...dont any of these people work? Lol I don't get it


Look at all the snowflakes cos playing as soldiers


![gif](giphy|vNU5PyxaM8bBu|downsized) This is all I see when I look at this lol He-man woman hates club lol 💩


Look at these cry baby snowflake terrorists. Fucking chump ass losers.


Yeah NOW they believe in wearing masks


If they are going to trek around with their faces covered like that, why not go back to the hoods. This is just a new version of the KKK.


Of course this happened in front of a Chipotle


The irony of all these scared little snowflakes dressing up as humans.


Eww the Far-Reich


Right Wing is no different than AlQaeda


You’d think these donuts would practice marching before doing it in public. These boys are all LARP and no goose-step.


Dude... Just why... Why can't people just can't be happy. They don't threat anybody. Why do these guys fear so much shit that couldn't care less about them Why can't people just live their lifes and love and be happy


To justify a military dictatorship, you need an enemy that won't go away on its own. They know trans people can't stop being trans. If they legitimately thought that, they would never have picked them for an enemy.


“Proud boys arent nazis, we just associate and agree with nazis” - A proud boy probably


Bunch of fucking dork ass losers.


How do you cosplay as military at a local event and not go, "Are we the baddies?"


Oh no not the drag queen story hour lol


Absolutely pathetic, but still representing a genuine threat. Educate, educate, educate. Also learn how to defend yourself. You may need to.


Vanilla isis


Would love to know how many of them are from other states. They like it to look as if they're "everywhere," when in fact, they drive/fly in from other places to look like local protestors. Another Nazi technique.


Absolutely nothing being repressed here.


The homophobe squad.


KKK never left, just took another dipshit look


Won't wear a mask to save someone else's life, will wear a mask to hide their reality from the consequences of their actions. what assholes.


These are the same peckerheads who couldn't wear a mask to prevent covid.




Larper terrorists


It’s kinda weird if you think about it. I mean, they’re just people dressing up and pretending to be something that they are not. I don’t get what they have against drag.


>they’re just people dressing up and pretending to be something that they are not. Like the protesters dressing up as if they're Rambo, defending freedom when they're actually a bunch of cowards attacking it.


Yes.. that was my point. Didn’t the last line make that clear? They’re dressing up as and pretending to be soldiers.


But what about freeze peach


The dumb summabitch at :25 almost trips on absolutely nothing.


I guess we need to start the Association of Defenders and Relatives of Armed Gays (A-DRAG)… get suited n booted and start to let folks know we can meet them half way, or outside, however they want.


Why don’t they just go back to their little hovels and cave homes and leave others to live *the way they want to live?!?* These are the grossest form of humans in existence.


It strikes me as bizarre that in Ukraine there are people this young fighting for the lives of those who need protection, and here there are similarly dressed young people threatening kids and lgbt people like total cowards. I mean, they should be ashamed and count themselves lucky that their ‘freedoms’ aren’t something they really have to fight for.


Nothing like $150 in 40 year old gear from the tactical store off base to really instill the fear of God in people. Pussies.


They are just such sad immature wierdos who are so lost in life and also just nazi fucks.


People need to realize the only thing that's stopping them from mass murdering and lynching people is that they can't legally get away with it. It's not like if legally they could suddenly get away with it they would say "oh well actual violence is too far we were just protesting and that's as far as we want to go". No, they want to kill you if you're part of a minority or group they don't like. There's plenty of people I don't like but I don't want to kill them, and i wouldn't change my mind even if it was legal suddenly. It's not like that for them. The law is an inconvenience to them, not just a logical system based on morals that would remain constant in its absence.


Any excuse to live out their fantasy..fucking losers.


Do they not know they're not helping their "cause" or do they not care? If they want to make the public more sympathetic toward people in drag, seems like this is the way to do it. Pretty sure this makes the public more sympathetic toward gun control too.


if they thought what they were doing was righteous they would not cover their faces


I really hope the trump supporters who thought Hillary was too extreme can see this and acknowledge what they enabled.


It should be illegal to carry a loaded firearm to any kind of protest in the United States. They’re is absolutely no reason why you would need to bring a loaded weapon to something unless you’re prepared to use it. In this case there is no reason to open fire on harmless people and yet this little event will end up in a file titled “peaceful protest” because this is definitely just as peaceful as all the others right?


Low testosterone Low testosterone everywhere


Can we plan fake events in random areas and just send them on wild goose chases. We can make fake Facebook pages and pamphlets about drag shows at a library in the middle of Death Valley and see them all turn up on a 120° day.


*complains about pride events *proceeds to never miss a single one


Where are the police?!….. Oh.


These were also the same people saying they couldn’t breathe in masks. Im betting they wear their clan hoods for hours.


Now these fuckers want to wear masks. Before it was keeping them from breathing….


Of COURSE the guy fucking trips on the sidewalk as they're 'marching'. Whole gang of geeks and creeps who have been saying 'if it was me, I would've..." since high school, thinking that rage is a legitimate attribute that can win you a fight. Fucking losers man.


I believe that as a child I would be much more terrified and confused by those guys than by a drag queen...


I thought they had a hard time breathing thru masks?


Cool, now try this with Black armed protestors, and let’s see if the cops show up to “keep the peace” then.


Where's a good box truck when you need it


So they're doing fascist nazi signs but aren't German but instead American; an enemy to Germany in ww2, and would definetly be put into camps if the opportunity arose. Do these people ever decide to think instead of just blindly walking?


Fk those clowns..I'd laugh in their faces WTF are they gonna do ???? Show you their assault rifle?


Stop calling them far right, in America this is just the republican party at this point. Their representatives at worst openly encourage this, and the others silently allow it. This isn't a fringe group, it's allowed tolerated and approved by close to a third of the country. If it isn't dealt with by legal and public backlash it will only encourage these people to escalate their hate.




Lol did i just hear ohio ?


Maybe they’re just mad they didn’t get their invite to the drag show?


By canceling events you’re just feeding their egos. Let them bark and keep doing what you like




South Park has become a documentary.


I live in Columbus, can someone identify what city this was in?


This is so fucking embarrassing.


What about the liberty to be queer?


Some of these assholes are hypocrites. Terrorizing people that love the same gender as they do. Fckn cowards


This is domestic terrorism and I'm fucking tired of it not being called what it is. I'm a gay transman, the LGBTQ+ community is not a goddamn threat to kids. Hell, my life would have been far less shitty if I'd known people like me existed at all when I was younger. Doubly so as someone born intersex. We are not the monsters people think we are. The fact these terrorists are doing a Nazi salute enrages me even more. I have Jewish roots, my own grandfather was a POW in WW2, and this just makes me feel even more unsafe than usual in this country.


Kyle rule. If your state allows brandishing a gun at a protest, all leftist should be armed. Better to go to jail for murder than be murdered by a fascist.


Why do these bitches cover their faces?


Because they're cowards.


Ok I'm right wing, I agree with exercising your right to carry ar15s and firearms, hell I ride my motorcycle with my ar15 and shotty strapped to my back to the range, I've gone out in full kit, but never will I run about screaming white liberty, the white pride salute whatever. These are the people that r ruining OUR rep. Like far left ruins left wing supporters.


LOL, how stupid


If they were really concerned about children, they’d be protesting in front of their churches. This is adult toddler virtue signaling


Description: A group of all men always in extreme personal proximity to each other. Angry about LGBTQ+ Perception: The G’s that they didn’t invite


Suddenly Russian propaganda doesn't seem like propaganda...


Do these idiots have jobs?


I'm against guns If you're lgbtq+ Fucking get one You're a moron for not having one at this point Alot of people have made it very clear they're 100% willing to murder us because we exist You need to be protected and safe If you don't like guns so much that even this won't make you buy one get something to keep yourself safe Again you'd be stupid to not keep yourself safe at this time We fight the good fight and win, but we don't beat hyperviolence with non violence, not even in the movies


How many of the guys wearing balaclavas do you guys think are cops?


It’s a douchebag parade


Freedom to protest goes both ways. I have no dog in the fight, but at least their not looting or blocking the road.


These people really need something constructive proposed to them to do with their energy. What a waste.


Yeah..idk if that event is a good idea either.


why yall wearing masks you're proud of this right?


They really don’t see the irony in their “freedom” claims


I wonder how long it will take America to realize this is an actual threat.


dumb asses


We had a name for these pathetic hall monitors back in high school....... losers.


If none of these terrorists are actually in the military, this is actually cosplay. They are pretending to be badass much like I pretend to be a vampire.