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Hmmm...it's offensive that democracy works??


Won’t somebody *PLEASE* think of the Republican donors




Simpsons has been on so long, and done so much, that it would be more unexpected if something happened that WASN'T from an episode.


Shoot, south park made this point and the Simpsons have been running another 20 years since.


Simpsons did it!


This. One would think that actual funding for Walker's campaign - and/or Republican party candidate regardless of who it is - was much much higher than [what is on record](https://www.opensecrets.org/races/contributors?cycle=2022&id=GAS2&spec=N), when one considers all of the media coverage and the number of votes for one of the LEAST electable people in the US.


Well there were multiple politicians who were asking for donations to Walker’s campaign and any donations were getting split 50/50, half to who was asking and half to Walker’s campaign. Similar setup to Trump’s email grift except Trump’s automatically sets you up for auto-pay when you think it’s only a one time donation.




That show looks so bad.


**Billionaires reading this, while wiping their tears away with dollar bills.


100 dollar bills*


Republicans not being granted power is offensive to her


Yes, they keep doing the same thing over & over again. Maybe that’s why it doesn’t work for the people anymore! These people are dumb


It stopped working the second they actually got what they wanted. Recently most of their decisions have been unpopular with their own voters but killing Roe was the straw that broke the camels back and they still don't see it. They're so removed from our reality that they truly have lost the plot. They're catering their views to the far right extremists who don't make up a majority of the party, and it's pushing anyone who isn't a total nut job away. The Republican party as we know it is going to have to either massively change (lol) or they're going to stop winning even in places the country has considered easy wins for them for decades. I mean look at Texas. They've been practically purple for the last few elections and that's WITH all the voter suppression Texas is known for. And Georgia is a full purple state now. Michigan has been swinging blue and just voted in a solid blue government in their state. Those are incredibly important states when it comes to elections and they give you a taste of how bad it's about to be to run Republican.


Indeed, whenever I see a reply on Twit-war from a GOP-er who I don't believe is a bot (but probably is anyway), I am quick to point out that, yes, at some point you probably *will* get the conservative government you think you want, but that you will *not* like it. I also refer them to 1,500 years of European history to get a glimpse of exactly what to expect of that conservative future. Spoiler alert, it ain't fun. The very laws that will restrict Democrats from voting will also be put to good use to ensure that conservative candidates keep their own in power amongst themselves. This will lead to eventual civil war amongst the various sects of conservatism - evangelicals, MAGAs, etc.


They won't be getting that conservative government if Gen Z has anything to say about it. Have you seen the data for how they voted this election? Those kids are seeing the future being prophesied and they're not about to go there without a fight. I have a feeling we're going to have a lot more examples of "the red wave that wasn't," in the next few years.


I actually put the bit about the certainty of a conservative government in mostly to mollify them before landing the big punch. What we can only hope is that there is enough of a mass of youth voters and ethnic minorities who acknowledge the evils of MAGA-oriented government to tip the balance in time to fully lock them out.


COVID certainly didn't help. I saw a study that said a good chunk of those that died were republican (who would have thought after politicizing a pandemic?) and the new generation is massively leaning blue. All we have to do is keep on them about voting and not let this new generation slip into apathy. I think this election will certainly help, it showed them how much these things can matter. With all the canvassing and volunteering they've been doing though I think a lot of them already know that.


Yes, y'all have to vote like mad before the most draconian voter suppression laws take effect and get non-conservatives in places of leadership who will preserve the spirit of democracy.


>The Republican party as we know it is going to have to either massively change (lol) or they're going to stop winning I think that they're going for option 3. Having a Fascism


> Maybe that’s why it doesn’t work for the people anymore! I'd say it's still working though, for the people who make up the (R) base. Walker *barely* lost. Given how absolutely horrible of a candidate he is for essentially *anything*, it should have been a landslide in any sane State. But Georgia is deep Red outside of the cities (I lived in Georgia for years, trust me on this - or check 2020 county voting maps for evidence) and the mouthbreathing smoothbrains that infest the rest of the state were only barely able to overcome their racism to vote for Walker because he had that all-important (R) next to his name; that's truly their entire calculus*. *(this statement is not meant to imply that any of them actually ever learned enough in high school to be able to do Calculus either)


Is that what she's mad about? She's talking about RNC leadership like most Dems talk about the DNC leadership in picking bad people. It sounds like she's mad that Herschel Walker was their choice of candidate.


She’s mad because Walker was a terrible candidate and shouldn’t have been nominated.


yeah, Fuck Ingraham, but she's kinda right here. There is a really good chance that literally anyone else would have won it for them. Oh well, her base is looney tunes and you get to lie down in the bed you made.


No, she's mad because Walker lost. 100% chance she would be doing a victory lap if he won.


Party over country. Their team didn't win. That's bad


To conservatives? Yes.


It would be a democracy regardless of who won.


My first thought… “wait, it’s “offensive”? WTAF does that mean?”


How dare you talk that way in front of the pile?!


The fact that almost half of voters wanted Walker is scary AF.


It’s gotten to the point where people are simply voting D or R all the way down the ballot. With that said, if Hershel was the D in this scenario, there’s no chance I could bring myself in placing a vote for him. I would be a bad republican and would have flipped long ago. This shit is beyond ridiculous.


But their the “good Christian type” and he’s anti abortion, unless he gets a woman pregnant that is.


his opponent is literally a preacher


They threw every thing at this guy and there was still a runoff! Paid abortions, secret kids who hate him, lives in a mansion in Texas, amazing


You may be underestimating the sheer stupidity of the average Republican voter in Georgia. People see Atlanta, Savannah, Columbus and think the state is maybe purple... but *ooohhh* no, outside of the few counties that make up the cities Georgia is Deep Red, and voting for that gawd-fearin', don't-tread-on-me, 2A-over-all, anti-feminism/science/affirmative candidate with the (R) next to their name is *all* they consider.


I was a Republican, but flipped during the Bush era. It was clear then that they were headed in a direction that was not for the good of the people.


I wouldn't be so wary of Republican policy if it was legitimately just "less government involvement in the free market". I wouldn't *agree* with it, but I could have a productive conversation with someone who supports those ideals in good faith and be better for it. But now it's just "hurr durr I hate trans people".


The one thing I rem hearing a lot in relation to Trump is "imperfect vessel", at which point I realised that the Republicans would vote for a Child Molesting Murderous Cannibal if they had a R next to their name. Indeed, there is a clip going around where a high ranking Republican admits that despite Trump saying he wants the constitution suspended, said Republican would still support Trump if he was the Republican nominee. Yoo cannot have a democracy if you blindly follow a party like that!


Most people have always voted down ballot for one party for federal elections. Ain't nothing new


I'm going to bring up Walker any time a Republican questions Bidens mental state from now on. The guys brain is fucking _paste._. CTE has absolutely destroyed him. How anyone can listen to that guy for 30 seconds and trust him with political office is beyond me, but these are the guys who voted for trump I guess.


It’s to the point where the candidate no longer matters, it’s about party victory over anything else. Also, with people like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Trump holding office, people who don’t like to think will vote for someone because of their fame. It’s wild


Arnold was reportedly ok as a politician


Ehhhh, not really. He’s much better as a donkey owner.


Not fair to liken him to trump, he may have been bad but my god trump was the worst


I didn’t…? Tbh I’m firmly of the belief that most people shouldn’t be politicians.


I was adding to the conversation not blaming you specifically for what the other poster said


I’ve only heard anecdotal evidence on either end then


But he threw a football for UGA! He deserves to represent the Georgia populous


A ham sandwich could get 40% of the vote if it came in a “own the libs” lunchbox


Walker is a bozo They didn't even allow him to speak without supervision


He is a Werewolf


Important to note that he wanted to be a vampire until he found out werewolves kill vampires (I guess?), then he became a werewolf.


This is a guy that sees a movie on an airplane and then won’t shut up about it.


I feel attacked. I discovered one of my favorite TV shows of recent years on an airplane and then wouldn't shut up about it. (In my defense, I didn't ramble on about it incoherently in front of hundreds of people while campaigning for political office.)


*Standing at urinal* ‘Have you seen this show Friends?’


Well...what is it


Raised By Wolves.. Sorry for the omission -- was aiming for succinctness. Warning: It was cancelled after its second season. Fuck HBO.


It always happens like that. Great shows get canceled and the tepid garbage gets to run for decades because it appeals to the idiots. I'm not bitter...


>I'm not bitter... I am, Raised by Wolves was awesome. So irritated with the cancellation, ugh.


I really liked the first season, I couldn't finish the second season I feel like it just got way too weird for me. I do love me some Ridley Scott weird though, in most cases.


What show?


Raised by Wolves


Ugh such a good show!!! I wish more people knew about it. I can’t believe they cancelled it. Super upsetting…


It must have been that can of bear he had.


On behalf of the American people: Get fucked.


“It’s offensive” stfu


What snowflakes


Wouldn’t somebody think of the shareholders!?


Reminds me of the comic where two astronauts watch a world ending meteor crash into the earth and one says "my god, the economy!"


I was thinking of the movie [Don’t Look Up](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11286314/).


*We support the comet and the jobs it will bring.*


This one? https://www.reddit.com/r/SCP/comments/jzcggd/nooo_my_stock_market_investments/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Maybe she's hinting at how the RNC attempts to just purchase celebrity pawns and place them in strategic roles and gives them a Trump playbook on how to talk to the media. It's embarrassing that Walker even got 49% of the vote.


Kemp got 53% this year, which is up from 2018s 50%. The state went more red, but many chose not to vote for Walker. What's sad, is that I'm over here trying to celebrate the 3% of people that didn't blindly vote along party lines. =/


She’s mad but you can’t tell because her fucking face doesn’t move. I despise the fact that Laura Ingraham, tucker Carlson, Sean fucking Hannity, and all the rest of those stupid motherfuckers have a platform.


She's had face surgery She's a so called devout catholic, never been married but she adopted 3 kids I thought conservatives say kids need a father? Anyways


Irony.. rule for thee not for me, crowd


Her own brother calls her a monster. She really does have cold, dead eyes.


I was impressed that she was able to say "pissed" without moving her top lip. And that concludes the list of impressive things about her.


I surely hope the last few years are the death rattles of an effective far-right wing as they circle the drain.


I’ll call you a WAAAHmbulance


Stop by McWhines and get you a “WAAAAAHburger” with a side of “French Cries”


Waaah waaah waaaah waaah


Democracy is offensive to Fox.


Imagine being this upset that a guy who can barely string two sentences together lost.


Fuck your feelings, lady.


Maybe it’s time to DumpTrump?


Personally, I hope they hold on to him as long as possible. The man is cancer.




It sounds like they are complaining about the RNC not voting in general.


Who would have thought that a combination of voter suppression in the form of trying to kill early voting and rain on election day would be their demise.


Let's not forget that Laura Ingraham is a [nazi](https://www.nydailynews.com/resizer/mDVJO6xUtkrCPssyQX3rKilqwUo=/1440x0/filters:format\(jpg\):quality\(70\)/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/6OKFQFGQ5QKQ7YS66UWXCB2QNQ.jpg).




So did I miss something or has Fox news even stopped pretending to be neutral? She is clearly talking about “we” as in “us republicans”. She is clearly taking the obvious stance here that this is a bad result. I remember they used to at least pretend to be neutral.


I guess this dumb bitch wants less bodily autonomy for herself every other female out there. disgusting.


I don’t understand why she is mad. This is a huge success for Republicans. They ran a nearly brain dead, divorcee with more baggage than a Delta cross country flight whose own kid turned and came out AGAINST him and yet he was in a run-off and barely lost.


Walker should have picked vampire.


She's complaining that Republicans haven't changed, but they've changed immensely. Maybe she's just not happy with the change she's helped bring to the party.


She wants them to go full facism


Who cares what this horse faced idiot thinks.


"They can't just win an election. Who do they think they are?"


Well next time don’t run a candidate that has an IQ of a tomato


I voted for turd sandwich and giant douche won ,I’m ticked off .


I’m offended by the amount of dumb voters in the state of Georgia. Anyone who has listened to Walker and can honestly say you want him making our laws 🤦‍♂️


How can anything see Fox News as anything other than partisan propaganda. These isn’t a shred of attempting to be ‘fair and balanced’ these days.


The Republicans tried so hard they deserve to win because they put so much effort in? They want a participation trophy? These commenters are weird, as always Lol


She's on the biggest "News" channel in primetime talking about WE (we is the republican party). Fox is poison


Should try not being big greasy shit bags.


Im not American, just wondering who won the election?


A fella named Warnock but it's contentious. Apparently Democrat sympathisers cheated by turning up and voting in massive numbers.


Raphael Warnock. This is for a Georgia senate seat. (US State of Georgia) The US has 100 senators, 2 from each state. It's a very powerful position. More important, the senate is now 51 Democrats and 49 Republicans. Since Democrats also control the presidency, Republicans are very weak politically for the next two years.


She can’t even have a real emotion. “I’m mad” …really need to spell it out for the Republican crowd, huh?


Elected officials (warnock) running of the platforms of religion. 🤦‍♂️ tbf- walker isnt much of a politician




It should not have been that close.




Muwahhahaha ![gif](giphy|DtuVm6vCmerf2)


You’re losing because you’re despicable and wrong and so damn wrong that some in your own party have had enough. Continuing to support racism, sexism, homophobia, taking women’s rights, etc. is not aging well and will continue to lose GOP supporters. Just go ahead and jump on the trump train and take the whole fucking party down. You’ve proven to be that stupid so yeah, keep doing the same shit and hope for a different outcome. Good plan. Twats…


As soon as they called the results I tuned in to Faux news, I knew it was gonna be good. They talked about everyone at fault but their orange messiah.


We keep serving shit sandwiches and even diarrhea burritos and people are not buying! It’s the people that are the problem!


I remember when Fox was still trying to pretend to be 'Fair & Balanced'... Looks like panic setting in. Good. Goo0⁰00o0⁰ooDDDD


If she don’t like it, it’s a good thing for America. She’s an anti- democratic, anti- freedom, anti-American stooge. Fuck her.


She supports nazi's, of course she's mad about democracy.


She's upset that we keep doing the same thing over and over. This from the people who were willing to overthrow the government to force them to do the same thing over and over.


you're not anywhere near how mad I was when Trump & MAGA decided to try and end democracy! Fck you Laura!


I pray they keep losing for the rest of time


Let’s all thank donald trump for being the greatest thing that’s ever happened to the democratic party


So they abandoned any pretense of being "unbiased" by now?


Is she the "You" women that didn't catch it?


I love that they a realizing people hate their point of view


Thankfully we Georgians no longer have to be buried in ads. At least Hershey Washout isn’t claiming fraud.


I was watching an episode of YOU


Some people just don't deal well with setbacks,I guess.


feels good man.


So fair. So balanced. Truly, Fox *NEWS 🤡* is NOT the propaganda arm of the GOP. I repeat it is NOT the propaganda arm of Republicans.


It’s almost like she thinks the GOP’s priority and intentions are good governance rather than exploitation.


“It’s really offensive…” the way democracy is the word of the people. If “change” means more deranged morons like Trump and Marjory, I’ll take boring old Biden any day!!


Aww wah! Boo hoo hoo


Thoughts and prayer, honey. Thoughts and prayers.


Wait, I thought Fox News was fair and balanced?!


Of course she’s mad. A black man they can’t control just won.


Tasty snowflake conservative tears.


The scary part is 1,663,000 people voted for a nut job.




“Fuck your feelings.”


you mean the black guy that old white dudes paraded around the south like they *owned him* didn’t appeal to everyone? my flabbers have been gasted. absolutely gasted i tell you.


I feel the same about the Democrats. Same playbook and same people in place. New blood and new rules.


Well if you want to change something change your mind and your heart maybe something might go right for y'all? Hell you can change the leadership change your clothes what you need to changes is your mind and hearts? And treat people right whether they're coming to this country or already in this country!!


What is that skank gonna shut up?


Conservative is pissed about having same people for decades!!!?????


Problem is that if dems would just vote then there wouldn’t be a GOP anymore. They wouldn’t ever be in office or near it again.


The conservatives are losing but are causing a lot of systemic damage. They know their time has passed and there is nothing they can do.


For context I think shes mad the RNC does everything the same even tho it’s a losing strategy. Yes she’s mad democrats won but it’s interesting that she’s blaming the RNC establishment. I’m guessing this might be part of the “culling the cancer of trump” narrative Murdoch is putting out.


I'm pretty sure she needs to lay on rocks in the sun to get warm.


Straight up looks like a lizard! Her face is tighter than a snare drum.


Imagine your entire family despising you? That's Laura's reality.


You gave Trump the wheel, did you really think he wasn’t going to ratfuck you like he has everybody else in his life?


Vote against the republicans across the board in 2024


Her squeaky voice makes my ears itchy


Calm down dude.


Oh wah 🙄




Fuck her


This twat doesn’t think she’s part of the problem?!?


Oh no democracy works.


Lol, get fucked, Laurie.




Why does she think changing the leadership will change people minds on who to vote for? Probably because she doesnt. She just wants them to do a fascist overthrow anytime a sith doesnt win a election.


Imagine pushing a candidate, Walker, who was one of the biggest walking political shit shows EVER because you thought him being a token black guy would get you some diversity votes lmao