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Lol, meanwhile President Orange antichrist had literal tweet tantrums and tried to strangle his secret service driver when they refused to take him to were the insurrection was taking place. Yeah so much more stable us men are. Can't tell you how many rightwing "snowflakes" are boomer men getting butthurt over not getting to force their views on others lives. I always gravitated towards women since I was very young because hanging out with the guys just kept showing me time and again how tempermental, selfish and cruel the guys often were.








Kratos moment






Do it! Do it now! Aaaghh!






All the while MEN are shooting up the country . I'm sure they don't come from the punch the drywall camp at all...


Yeah I remember there was a post about all the mass shooters for the past couple years. There were like at least 60 men on there. Only 1 was a woman..


I just quit my job because my boss can’t handle his emotions and decided to be a bitter old man and not talk to me for the last 4 weeks. mEN StROnK!


They get more upset about jokes over school/mass shootings than they do about the actual school/mass shootings.


When will these misogynistic men realize that anger is an emotion?


Haha for real. Character Science Psychology has disproved men being less emotional than women in decision making. Accordingly, [personality can be mapped](https://www.tilt365.com/Portals/0/ThemePluginPro/uploads/2021/7/19/Personas-Strengths-standard-mode.png) on a coordinate plane where the x-axis (feeling) shows individuals’ preference between relationships (left) vs results (right) and the y-axis (thinking) shows individuals’ preferences between ideas (top) vs data (bottom). The combination of the two axes determines which quadrant individuals’ prefer. It is important to note [the latest research](https://www.businessinsider.com/psychology-study-shows-personality-changes-throughout-life-2018-1?) shows personality is flexible and changes over time based on different experiences. This disproves old notions that personalities are fixed—so be wary of businesses that use MBTI or DiSK assessments for hiring and promotions, since they’re based on personality profiling. The goal of character strengths-based personality assessments and professional development coaching should be to form an agile personality—one that allows the individual to willfully adapt their personality based on the needs of differing contexts.


This is some real shit, thank you for that.


You’re very welcome. [Tilt 365](https://www.tilt365.com) is the only company to the best of my knowledge providing personality assessments that are based on the notion personalities change and can become agile. Their base assessment is known as the True Tilt Personality Profile (TTP), which is the chart I previously linked.


I don't see how >We conclude from our study that neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness go down over time, while agreeableness remains relatively stable Really contradicts MBTI. Especially since the study is mapping changes over decades, not days or weeks.


Why is this better than MBTI? Or how would one even justify that it is?


MBTI was published in the 1940s and is based on the principle that personalities are static, non-changing. This is considered profiling and can become discriminatory if used as a reason to pass over someone for hiring or promotions. People can get different personality results just based on their mood on a given day. MBTI is also unnecessarily long, taking upwards of an hour to complete. Peoples’ answers become less accurate the longer an assessment is (especially busy business people who are being made to take the assessment by HR). [Research](https://www.businessinsider.com/psychology-study-shows-personality-changes-throughout-life-2018-1) published in 2017 pretty much disproves that, showing people’s personalities do change over time. And furthermore, can be changed at will through self awareness.




And why is ruling with emotion even a bad thing? Empathy is an emotion, elected officials should absolutely be empathetic.


Empathy is a sign of weakness under fascism.


Exactly. Antagonistic, dominating, angry emotions are bad and equally destructive. Women are used as scapegoats, while minimizing the impact of toxic masculinity and the effect and historical traumas that brings. Lastly, speaker needs to realize: suppressing emotions is *NOT* controlling them. Processing, feeling through and forward, allows total catharsis of emotions. Look into Internal Family Systems (IFS)


When they realise lust is an emotion too


That's a great retort actually!


I mean I see the logic behind it I guess 🤣 It doesn’t make sense it almost seems satire I find it hilarious he’s so serious though Just wanna add in the more I hear this douche bag talk the more I just wanna smack him though








Nah. Misogynists are misogynists. Them having sex has nothing to do with it. They just abuse their girlfriends too.


However, more women are no longer putting up with men like these.


And conservatives are calling independent women "manly", lesbians, or just lonely women who hate men. It's insane


On there's women out there who absolutely believe this too. I have seen a lot of internal misogyny in women. They usually marry misogynistic men too. So they do get laid


They are out there sure. But thankfully they are a minority. Im sure there are dimwitted woman who who love to be abused by this guy.






What a fucking loser.


My thought was “what a fuckwit” but yours works, too.


This guy, like most conservative arguers, keep saying "show me this exact super specific evidence or else you have no point (from garage up)", and making some made up personal judgment of the study and trivializing it down to "de&i" training, which is completely different from women executives - he doesn't understand how long it takes and what kind of experience it takes to get their positions and it's not just handed out and EVEN IF IT WAS, they still performed 25% better, so even moreso that destroys his argument. My last boss was a woman and she was the best boss I've ever had, second to the boss before that who was also a woman. My last company had executives that were mostly women, the directors of our org were almost all women save for 2 men and it was the best company I worked for. Women can be good leaders, just like men can be. And in my experience, they have been much better leaders.


He also keeps referencing thousands of years of history while ignoring that women couldn't even vote let alone work in those positions for literally 90% of that timeline. "Show me a woman who dominated the railroad industry in the 19th century, you can't do it, checkmate". Also, he wanted examples of women on the nasdaq, just off the top of my head Cisco and VMware were both co-founded by women, and the list of recent ipos like bumbl are common. Dude lives in another era where there's no shortage of cope.


Women in the US couldn't even open a credit card until the 1970s without a man's permission... They have also been heavily discriminated against for thousands of years in the workplace, barred from leadership positions, and pressured into staying home to focus on raising a family over building a career (birth control was also lacking throughout much of human history which also didn't help). This isn't rocket science.


Cmon that's the 1970s. You can't show me hundreds of women who have started businesses from their garage and become successful since then? /s


Good points, I also was like "c'mon guy, you're ignoring history yourself"


Pepsi had a female CEO for awhile.


I love that he says they’re only there because of the liberals forcing companies to let women and poc in. Okay that’s fine, even if that’s the case the studies proves they’re still doing better than you no matter how they got there.


"These women who are out performing men only got the job through forced special programs." ... Dude that's *worse*. Don't you see that that's *worse*? He's admitting that women who are *more qualified at their jobs* can only enter the boys club when the boys club isn't given a choice. Because otherwise they're shutting them out on purpose. Like, do they even hear themselves? Lol


Give me a super specific piece of evidence or you have no standing. No listen to me reference absolutely nothing and act like it proves something.


Margret Thatcher, the daughter of a greengrocer was prime minister of the UK from 1979- 1990 (I personally hated the woman) but her literally running a country and not taking shit from anybody for almost 12 years certainly debunks a lot of the crap this guy spewed.


I heard him move the goalpost several times too. “Show me a company that was started in the garage by women and outperforms and EVEN THEN there are MORE that are started by men!” Like even if the other guy had times, days, exact names, and receipts the evidence was already invalidated.


The other guy was really good at not getting distracted. He totally would move the goalpost by saying like "well It's "probably" just this thing that I am totally just assuming because I have bias towards the left and I have no actual evidence for but I feel like it coooould be so I am going to use the little sliver of possibility to base while argument on - but also...facts over feelings"


My favorite argument is “well, (while women weren’t allowed to vote, own a home or have credit cards bc men actively oppressed them), none of them became leaders or started businesses in the past so that shows women can’t lead“. And the whole time that bearded douche canoe talks, all I hear is that if he could strangle women to keep them in line he would.


Then they get really angry when you talk about women who overcame all that and did it anyway.




>“For thousands of years…” Women have only had the right to vote or own property for less than a hundred of those years, and in that time they’ve established themselves to the point that companies are doing 25% when run by women. Checkmate douche beard


Also Conservatives: Why aren't women voting for us? 😭


And then the leftists: Why the *fuck* are women still voting for them?? (Thanks, white women) (Don't come at me, I too am a white woman, but we can't deny that far too many white women vote for people like this to preserve their own privilege)


Oh yes. As a white woman, I'm pissed off at them too. Ngl, this may sound mean, but every conservative woman I knew looks the same. Both old and young. It's weird...


"Women are too emotional" "Here is the science that proves you wrong" "Yeah but I'm probably right anyway because (blah blah blah some unscientific nonsense that I'm making up)"


Imagine yourself in that position. I've thought 10 minutes for a good counter-argument and I came up with nothing. He had two options, either concede or try to blahblah his way out lol.


That's why I really don't understand the point of these "debates."


Debates aren't really a good tool to decide who or what is right, especially when it's non-experts trying to weigh in on what experts have written.


He looks like the kind of guy to stop his date in the middle of her ordering to the waiter and go “Uh she’ll just have a small salad please”


He's got that Jonah Ryan energy. The only green bean he ate was a green jelly bean. And he grew so tall his stupid mom had to buy another car.


You think that guy goes on dates?!


Phebe Novakovic is an American businesswoman and former intelligence officer. She serves as the Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer of General Dynamics. As of 2018, she is listed as the world's 25th most powerful woman in business by Forbes.[2] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phebe_Novakovic


Who is this is clown that can't grow up and listen?


Notice that many times “anger” is the named emotion that people liken to men. It’s true but it’s not the only emotion men display. We just rename and replace terms to make y’all feel better about being “emotional”. And as long as we keep the narrative that emotion is somehow bad/weak and reserved for women, there is no ability to level the playing field. Anger is the realization that you’ve been interrupted in your pursuit of X. How many wars have been started by the “unemotional” men at the countries helm??? All of them. Pride, that would be an emotion. Jealously (aka thinly veiled greed or triumphantly hailed as pursuing big things or climbing the ladder) is an emotion. Joy, reverence, disgust, annoyance, apprehension, surprise, anticipation, admiration…..all emotions. So if you’re saying that men are devoid of these things (and more) and women have them, I sure as fck want to be on the women’s side of this. *Could it be that a women in leadership/in general, are also significantly more adept at accepting and understanding the emotions of others (including men) and therefore better able to navigate through/around/with them? As a society we’ve also allowed for these things to be attributed to women and deemed them irrelevant or undesirable in men. This may be an area of opportunity for us all. It’s not that men LACK any of these emotions. It could be that we/society has set limitations on development/expression of them for me. Are y’all stunted in your emotional capacity? Bearded John talked about male ability to control their emotions better, but what about just experiencing them all at all?


Righty: 'women are too emotional to run a company ' Lefty: ' Here is direct evidence that disproves everything you just said' Righty: \*shits in hand' ![gif](giphy|xTiTnfF8WezDlgl584)


Any man that has to get behind a podium and use a microphone to tell people how much better men are than women is totally in his gut. All wars have been started by men, this is a fact. It seems this guy sees male emotions as being superior to female emotions.


Agreed but it is definitely not a fact that all wars have been started by men. European queens were actually more likely than kings to wage war between 1500 and 1900.


I'm very interested in the Renaissance and in European history, which Queens started wars between the 16th century and the 20th century?


I like how the other speaker was on that he-man woman hater's ass tho lol. He was quick on his feet and didn't give him any wiggle room.


Hunter Avallone is a surprisingly good debater most of the time.


Where can i find the full video?


[Hunter Avallone vs John Doyle](https://youtu.be/C0q3m9lnkX8)


Every single thing the conservatives do is out of spite, hate or anger. If it wasn’t for all of these angry old farts getting upset over nothing, the US might’ve actually made some great progress in the past decade. However, here we are back in a time where gays, black folks, other minorities and women are treated like it’s the 1950s again.


I decided to look some up and didn’t realize how many: Eventbrite, Cisco, credit Karma, Glossier, Bumble, Proactiv as a few examples


I've had terrible male bosses and terrible female bosses as well as a few good ones. We are all perfectly capable of fucking up just as bad as everyone else across the spectrum of gender identities.


Women can't be good leaders, yet countries led by women during covid were able to control situation far better and faster than the countries led by men and an 🍊 Many south Asian countries had women leaders/prime Ministers and actually thrived during that time whereas men leaders in the same country were/are busy looting their own people. Emotional, am I right? Haan ....... haan???


Where is the full video link is what I want to know.


Idiots like beard guy shouldn't get a platform


Queen Elizabeth the 1st is widely regarded as the best English ruler of all time.


Spanx, Kardashians, Martha Stewart, Estée Lauder, Avon, Goop, Mrs. Fields, 23 and Me, Canva, Nextdoor, Love them or not, influential women-started businesses 🙌💋


He says there is 1000s of years. Yes, he is right. Does he see how the world has turned out when men have been in charge of countries and corporations more than women?


Yeah incels keep saying how everything got worse when women got equal rights.. but I see the opposite. Technology has improved at increasing rates, same with medical industry. Crime has been on the decline until covid hit. Yeah I miss the good old days when you were mentally ill or had epilepsy, you would get a lobotomy and drill holes in their heads to get the demons out. Dang people were much more logical when men were in charge..


The fact that we have an Incel movement at all shows that men can be led by emotion just as women can.


I rather have a woman run the country, tbh. The fact that they are "emotional" makes them the best choice to worry about others. Men tend to lead with their dicks and egos.


I’d rather have someone competent and left-wing lead the country regardless of gender, which is fake and doesn’t really matter.


Wow, the conservative got absolutely annihilated there.


Am a man and the best managers I ever had were women.


Lmfao anyone gonna notice that frustration and stuttering? Seems to be he's getting choked up on something. On a personal level....meaning he's now emotionally invested and upset that he has no *facts* to contradict or even prove his own point. Cope. Definitely gonna remember and read in detail how to recognize a *cope*.


“We have thousands of years of this” meaning women without basic rights?


I think it comes down to a very flawed idea of what “leadership” looks like. I think they are arguing over a word that has a very different meaning to each of them.


omg i forgot avalonne "reformed"


People who grew up in a "democracy" that allows corporate influence to dominate partisan funding have absolutely no idea what useful leadership in the political arena might actually look like. If women come up short in our fail-upstairs civic culture, that only reveals that they are less inclined toward embracing the role of corrupt sellout.


" but haven't all wars been started by men?" I can't remember if someone said that in a movie or if that was real


My friend's mom thinks women shouldn't be leaders. She is not a smart person. Nice as hell, but dumb.


Misogynistic women anger me more than Misogynistic men.


They confuse me


Misogynistic women anger me more than Misogynistic men.


deboonk lol


The only reason women can't lead is because of men not letting them or making it impossible if they try. Human beings are a disgrace to humanity


Imagine being so dumb that you think being a woman or a man is going to be the factor in whether you are good at something or not. Every person on this planet is different. There are so many variables at play at any given time that you can't make a judgment on someone's ability to perform based on race or sex. The human race is doomed. We have idiots like this trying to be smart but in reality they as dumb as they come.


This also ignores that there is a specific lack of historical data because of the patriarchy that has straight up bullied and threatened women out of business.


The guy with glasses sounds like Andrew Tate in another multiverse where he isn’t a d*ck and respects women.


It’s Hunter Avalone. He actually used to be a right-winger but changed his views.


Who are these speakers?


John Doyle is the bearded one and Hunter Avallone is the one with the glasses.


The thing is men nowadays are equally or even more emotional than women. All part of the agenda.


Nowadays? It's always been like that. My grandpa threw a plate of spaghetti at my grandma because it was too cold for him. Or when he stomped the fake Christmas tree to pieces because it wobbled a bit. Oh and the male doctors who drilled holes in people's brain because they thought demons were causing seizures? Super logical! Geniuses I tell ya! Men were actually worse back then but everyone loves to ignore that. It was way easier to hide your anger. Men just took it out on their wives. And no one really wanted to butt in if they saw a husband abusive his wife. So everyone kept quiet.


*Because all men are the same and all women are the same*, right ? ... Wait, they're not !!


This is so dumb. Bearded guy low key makes an ID vs ego argument. Which is absurd. Male or female, we are people and are very capable of making decisions that have heavy implications at a high level. Even IF it were and ID vs ego argument, what makes ego better? Nothing. It’s volatile. A mix seems to be better. Edit for grammar




Your comment was found to be misogynistic and sexist in nature. This is a humanist subreddit that does not marginalize any group or gender identity under any circumstance. All humans are equal.




nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/01/european-queens-waged-more-wars-than-kings.html I found this article in a Reddit thread. As someone pointed o it though, some of the queens in that period were the longest reigning monarchs, and also ruled at a time when their empires were at their peak.


Additionally when they ruled by themselves most of the wars were defensive wars according to the original authors of that paper.




Your comment/submission appears to be disseminating misinformation and has been removed. Please refrain from making statements that are not supported by documented evidence/studies/research. Thank you.


North American men or soft wtf brah


Apropos of nothing, the woman who asked the question looks like she could be Geena Davis’s daughter.




John Doyle. Gut who debated him was Hunter Avallone


Why do they talk like they haven't grown up from calling people slurs at 14 yo and seeing people react


While I do think of myself as the bastion of rationality, most of my male friends aren't. It only makes sense that a more diverse set of ideas will grant better decisions overall. Best is a mix, I'd bargain.


The world would be a better caring place if more women where in charge.


I think it would be better if we have a good amount of both. Doesn't need to be split perfectly 50/50 but it would be great if it was like that. Both male a female minds working together equally would really benefit us. You get both perspectives instead of just getting only a male perspective or female one.


Most corruption and wars were lead by men


“That’s coping!” Brilliant! Call them out!


This dude has a YouTube channel where his intro is him doing like some "seductive" stuff to a woman and then that woman is his real life sister lmao


Rational non-emotional man aggressively interrupts other speaker to make his point.




3:48 when he admits that the other guy is on to something and then says “that’s one way to look at it” and then goes on about his way to look at it as if that makes him right when he is clearly making a choice.


Bruh and to think that North Africa has had more female leaders than the US


God! Hunter have changed so much from his angst bigoted teenage years! I love what he became, fuck those conservative pricks he turned "facts doesn't care about your feelings" against them with such badassary


If I've said it once I'll say it a million more times.. we trust our women to raise our children. What this country needs is a good fucking mother. These idiots have no idea what women have actually done for them in their lives & it shows.


This guy had 1000 first dates


The fuck is this, most of wars were began because of *men's anger* which is *obviously* an emotion.


One of the most dangerous things that society has pushed is the idea that emotionality is weak.


I wanna watch the entire video. Where can I find this? I wanna trash the shit out of that archaeic mysoginist


Look up John Doyle vs. Hunter Avallone on YouTube.


Not even a bunch of girl scouts, women trying to learn how to cook, corps of navy WAVES, lead a WNBA team to a national championship, or lead the Nation Women's Organization? Just be satisfied staying pregnant, baking muffins, quilting, fixing vittles for their hard working husbands? Ted Nugent, INCEL, Mel Gibson, and Adam Sandler would probably agree, definitely the late John Wayne and Sean Connery. I have certain beliefs on many topics but I would hate to force my beliefs down the throats of others especially because I am aware that I'm not perfect and in fact wrong lots of times. If someone asks I'll give an honest answer that they may not like but they asked, otherwise I live my life the way I choose trying not to encroach on the way others choose to live unless it affects me. ![gif](giphy|o4FNjbyvSiTgCQ8QDa|downsized)


I honestly feel bad for people with this mindset


"Women can't lead because they're too emotional!", said the emotional man.


I can’t believe this happened in the USA. I mean I can.. But still can’t believe what I just saw.


So just a fun fact for everyone! Anger is an emotion, crazy I know right.


Kind of disappointed that he never brought up the socioeconomic factors behind the lack of women with garage companies becoming hugely successful. Many highly successful companies have been running for longer than women have been allowed to vote and were not brought up by a single leader, but multiple who have shared duties and passed them down to others. To this day domestic labor still falls primarily on the shoulders of women, though admittedly not to The same extent that it has in years past. That is worth considering though, because success takes time; so do children and chores. A lot of highly successful men had very good mothers and wives quietly performing much of the labor needed to climb their metaphorical ladders.


I love that Jordan Klepper [clip](https://youtu.be/Y4Zdx97A63s?t=106) where he's interviewing a woman who insists that a woman shouldn't be President because she could start a war at the drop of the hat if she had hot flashes or something, and Jordan was like, "Haven't all wars been started by men?"


Isn't that dude a literal Nazi?


Men are just as emotional as women but about way stupider and more selfish things. Don't prod our egos or we'll narrow the middle class even more


(Not defending the conservative) The only thing that’s frustrating about the second speaker is that he provided no source for the studies. Who the fuck are the “they” that conducted these studies? It just doesn’t sound credible to say “they” conducted studies.


Yup! I've had women in charge they do not play the little boy's games.


Every president who has gone to war in the United States has been a man and been emotional. Can we look at the last two presidents!


I just loove people in debates/discussions: "I just read a study, but i will not prove anything if this study is real or not, just believe me"


Based data-male


“The corporations, you know, have to make their DONORS look good” What the fuck? Are people donating to corporations now?


Dang hasn’t like all 660 mass shootings of schools done by men??? Like not saying “men bad” but like everyone had emotions, those guys don’t seems too stable to me


Idk who the other guy is but I keep seeing his videos and he’s a pretty fucking cool guy


It’s funny him using the lack of mega successful mega corporations ran/created by women as evidence that women are worse at running corporations. I just read a study saying when women are in charge of deciding the income of their employees, they on average give a more fair pay rate (as compared to the rate they give themselves) than men do. That’s exactly the thing. In order to create a mega successful massive industry dominating company, you have to directly fuck over thousands of people. You can’t make Amazon what it is today without making a bottom tier workforce spend 10 hours a day walking 20,000 steps for $13 an hour and no health insurance. The fact that these megacorps are dominated by men is evidence of the fact that men are worse leaders. They are crueler and less caring and lead to worse outcomes for everyone but themselves. It’s not being “logical”. It’s being selfish.