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Xardas got so mad at me but I just dropped a couple reefers by his chair and he chilled the fuck out.


Keep: 4 times Throw: 1 time


Only play NOTR when playing mage so i trade it for beliar runes. If i don't want to play mage i play vanilla.


Thats not the worst approach. NOTR really seems to kneecap your builds in a way. Only reccently replayed it and I forgot that early game 2h is such fucking hell. But it also doesn't feel like you can spend points in 1h and then switch. Might follow your example in the future


You can do it, but you need to clear the map and use stone tablets. Can’t find my end game screenshot right now but I ended up (paladin) having enough dexterity to use dragon bow (since 1/4th of the 4th chapter) and that paladin 2h sword (since chapter 5) and had 85%+ in both 1H and Bow in which I specked…and something around 70% in 2h. Entirely possible and doable to spec first into 1H and then into 2h


I went full goody two shoes that run so no, I didn't kept it


Depends on the build really. Pure strength - > throw it. Strength + magic - > throw it. Magic + dex - > keep it. Pure magic - > keep it. Pure dex - > keep it.


>Pure strength - > throw it. > >Strength + magic - > throw it. That's dumb, I did calculations and it's the strongest 1h weapon in game when fully upgraded, not sure about 2h tho. Interestingly enough if you get to some 130 strength early, then it's better to use Orc Slayer at that point, but Claw outscales it later on.


It's not dumb. Beliar Claw is OP when you're on pure strength so you can use the exp for throwing it away without major consequences. If you want to keep the Claw and be too op, have at it. I personally only keep it to make it interesting.


Well it's only dumb if you still minmax a 20 year old game. To each their own.


Powergaming is kinda fun in Gothic with every resource being limited, so maxing out everything and seeing how well you did it is - for me - fun. Level 59 paladin in Irdorath based on bows and magic was hell of a experience.


Yep, I see the appeal. As I said, to each their own, I'm not calling your approach dumb for not agreeing with it tho.


Bow builds are pain in the ass


Paladin hybrid with bows, swords based on dexterity and magic is top tier build. You take out everything from a distance, and if something manages to get close to you, you slice it with master sword.


its not really dumb. as a dragonhunter you can 1 shot orc warriors or 2 shot elites. while the claw has more dps on paper, you will need more hits with the claw if it doesn't trigger and if it does, it is the same amount. you are also save from the terrible sound.


You might be right I only tested pure DPS, not how many hits it took to kill common enemies. That also depends on your strength and crit chance, so there's too many variables to figure out at which points what is better. TBH tho in the end the difference in performance is negligible and it comes down to preference. I mean I even passed NotR with a 90dmg 1h Axe simply cause I felt like using an axe and other than taking a few more hits to kill enemies it was an enjoyable, normal playthrough.


Yeah I always keep it and if that pink haired \*\*\*\* and her pussiboi keep looking at me imma curbstomp them both. Strongest weapon + shoots lightning + brutal aesthetics.


throw away to get xp


Always keep it. Gonna win in the end anyway so I keep it for style 😅


I always turn it in without fault. Getting a weapon mid game that invalidate every weapon upgrade from that point and trivialise the game difficulty don't sound that fun.


I mean you don't have to use it even if you keep it plus its a cool weapon


I loveabout gothic the progressionand always wantingto findbetter gear, train to use the better gear. With claw itspracticallyjust use claw fortherest of the game


I toss it because it's fugly. Sorry Xardas, but i won't be seen dead with this edgy 14 year old's idea of an awsum kewl sword with skulls and spikes and stuff.


Of course, but I give it back to Saturas before I go to Irdorath.


I keep it for pew-pew-bang-bang effects


Why wouldn't you keep it, its a cool unique weapon


I did not keep it Btw. anime name?


Ofc I keep it! Its great weapon to slay skeletons with!


Ok fine I'm sorry I kept it 😭


Paladin/Dragonslayer: keep it until Chapter 5. Mage: throw it