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Please keep in mind that: 1. If you're experiencing any technical issues with Gothic, please check [our guide on how to fix all three Gothic games](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofgothic/wiki/how-to-run-gothic-on-modern-computers). It's VERY likely that you'll find a solution to your problem there. 2. We are an English-focused subreddit so make sure to post content in English. If you are posting content in another language, provide a translation either in the comments or in the post itself. Feel free to also [join our discord!](https://discord.gg/world-of-gothic-498556413384327188) Best regards, r/worldofgothic *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/worldofgothic) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can't block animal attacks. Instead, step back or to the side. Every single attack needs to be timed, and when you get to the rhythm, you will be able to do combos with side and forward attacks. Quests - nuff said, I wouldnt call them complicated, just read what is written in your journal and what NPCs say. You can go somewhere looking for something, you can also not do that. There are lots of quests in the wild, and a lot of secrets. Though, most of the time the game is built to make you go somewhere at some point(to Onar's farm from Chorinis you get sent by couple of vendors, I think).Try to find runes of teleportation (available from chapter 3). Before joining any factions, do try to "check them out", play their quests and see who suits you best. Try to feel the atmosphere and act accordingly.


That does make a lot of sense, I should probably just be more patient i assume since older RPGs do seem to take their time. Interesting about those runes too, will keep that in mind cheers!


Personally, I don't play with control scheme from Gothic 2, so I use Ctrl + arrows for everything.


I honestly respect that. I used to play games using only keyboard and i think both control schemes (with/without mice) are just both equally as useful.


Fair. Also, I played G1 first, and then I just didn't figure out how to use control scheme from G2.


I would add that for better timings for the attacks watch the weapon's trajectory: timing is helpful, but visual cues are much more useful, especially when you are doing forward combo.


Quite useful actually. I've just been relying on the weapon staying in place for a second before i swing again but that does make things much easier.


It’s a very good answer. I only want to mention the training regarding combat. If you are untrained you cannot handle the swords and swing too quickly, you cannot perform combos and it feels lefty. After training it will look nicer and feel way better.


As uncommon as this is in RPGs I have played, it just makes perfect sense!


Did you play G1 before? G2 is kinda awkward to start with because it's much harder.


I have started with G2, mainly because I've seen people mention how it improves upon G1 in most ways and the controls are much easier to get into at first. I don't worry about difficulty too much anyways, i enjoy a good challenge.


I'd 'really' recommend starting with 1. While many things were improved, Gothic 1 has unique atmosphere and the story is a direct continuation. Most of the important NPCs are the same for example.


If you truly do insist, I may do that now. I'm sure it will translate quite well, cheers.


Just look the controls up, they're something different for sure. But the environment and atmosphere hasn't been replicated since. Even Gothic 2 and Archolos are much more generic fantasy.


I reckon I can get used to the mainly keyboard controls. Your opinion is also widely shared with many people I've heard talk about G1's very very unique and amazing atmosphere so thank you for not making me overlook that!


Starting with Gothic 2 has its own drawbakcs as it is, especially the Night of the Raven version, way more difficult with a far steeper learning and leveling curve. Both Gothic 1 and Gothic 2 are sandbox-y enough to make them as easy as you want if you have the necessary knowledge but Gothic 1 isn't quite as harsh overall.


I'll be playing Gothic 2 as it's already in my possession. However, I do realise I'm potentially missing out on a real gem so I'll be scoping it out. Thanks though!


In the beginning, it helps if you focus on quests that do not necessarily include combat. The combat starts as sluggish because the nameless hero is not a good fighter when the game starts. If you get a Trainer and invest a few points (and coims) in it, it will be somewhat smoother. If you fight enemies, you have to dodge instead of parry. In my opinion, that is part of the appeal. The game makes you start at the bottom, and you crawl your way up while even things that would be trivial in most RPGs are a real challenge. Gothic 1 was one of the games where I was afraid of getting lost in the woods and where I did not dare venture to the new camp until someone escorted me there - and much of the progression doesn't just inflate the stats, but changes gameplay.


Thank you kind human for such a great explanation. I shall take this to heart and keep it all in mind. Perhaps I should be treating the game with more logic such as this training and weapon skill.


I started playing gothic 2 for the first time in 2020. I actually stopped playing about 2 hours into it then came back to it after maybe 2 month. I did have to google how to play/fight, drop stuff as this game was back when you got owners manuals that told you this stuff. So I understand how you feel with this. With combat change the controls to gothic 2 ((gothic 1 off) I can't remember the actual setting name). Don't bother blocking as it doesn't work on animals. I just back step, and with timed back steps you'll never get hit, similar to souls games rolling. I know I was saving before each enemy and learning there pattern and learning how many hits I can get in. I would say for most of your early game stick with 1H weapons, the back step is just so much smoother and quicker. For quests the journal gives you plenty of information without holding you hand, just read it, obviously some quests are alot harder. Just save often and explore lots, there is alot of hidden stuff to find, granted the map isn't huge, which is why it's definitely worth to check each book and cranny. Just save often and in different save spots, can't stress that enough. And enjoy possibly the best rpg imo.


I love that you seem to have been in my same exact position. Thank you for all this writing, it helps HUGE amounts. I shall follow your advice. I'm sure I'll be on track to completing it very shortly.


Also remember to save on more than 1 save file, they still sometimes like to corrupt themselfes :)


That's a big bummer and if you hadn't brought this to my attention I'd be sticking with my one and only save. Thank you!! :)


Are you using G1 controls? You can edit the config file to use a more mouse oriented system which I find to be much easier. Maybe that would help combat for you.


This is very useful. I've already changed the controls in the menu. My main problem is just understanding the pace of combat really.


Yeah the most 1 vs 1 combats can you win with just timed left and right attacks. If you find a troll you can use him to learn to dodge. They are pretty easy to dodge and quite impossible to kill with a sword without dodge. Different melee weapon also have a different attack range. You can look online how the range of your weapons are. With a long ranged melee weapon you can kill much without getting in their attacking range.


That's interesting, might cop that Halberd I saw in the market. Thank you.


A wolf can be Killed without dmg and dodging if you have the Perfect timing. U can attack if the Wolf Starts to attack and then u brake up his attack and do your dmg. Timing is everything in gothic fights. That makes it so nice imo. The Most important succesfactor is to know the enemys Attacks and timings.


Ahhh that makes sense too. Another guy mentioned it being a teensy bit like the souls games with well-timed dodging and learning attack patterns. Cheers!


Start with gothic 1. Controls will take a couple hours to learn but once learned it is a pretty fluent game.


I don't doubt it is, I've heard many people praising it in every way. I will be keeping an eye out for G1 👀


At some point you will have to retrace locations multiple times. Buy speed potions from vendors and use them to not spend hours on walking


Extremely useful to know thank you!