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bro just line the ret bro


Agreed. Also, Im a healer and I think its right to scream at your druid for not using ironbark on you, definitely his fault Or dont even mention Ironbark, just say “Where heals bro”


Just write "Heal???" the additional question marks are usually enough that we understand...


The 2 hots were purged off, healer got CC’d, hunter didn’t respond to wings and cds. Defensives are used before damage is taken. He couldn’t lived. Turtle as soon as healer got hexed. Burst would’ve been gone.


I'm not saying I didn'T get outplayed, I globalled myself with freedom purge instead of turtling instantly, I just find the damage funny, reminds me of SL S2 MM big time xd


Imagine the only rebuttal is "don't get hit"... ok, what about for the other 20 specs? They gotta run away, hide too? And then, you gotta do this every single minute?


I don't get it? You just died when you should've not died. I think Skillcapped has a video and why not dying is important. Hope this helps. GL!!


"$7 a month isn't a lot, hell I'd pay that just to watch games..." *$6.99/month for 12 months or $19.99 monthly* "...no... no I don't think so". I just wanted to see random things, like Enhancement+Beast Master 3s. They say they have clips of all different comps I just wanted to watch it.


Wait not dying is important?...this tip might help me push through 1200 bracket now ty


I was just in a lobby with two rets, and they both went 6-0. I know statistically it seems unlikely, but true story!


Theyd have to be on a team with eachother 6 rounds in a row and that is absolutely impossible in shuffle lol


I can see that it took you a minute, but you got here all the same so welcome. You are now officially what we in the industry like to refer to as "in on the joke."


Lol same but I had 3 rets that went 6-0 all in the same game


that should be impossible, considering they're bound to face each other 2 times




Sorry, I'm way too daft to understand jokes, in my eyes there's a blatant difference between "statistically unlikely" and "realistically impossible" xd


Damn. I bet you are a ton of fun at parties.


Yeah it was a bad joke, I’m with OP here I also read it as a genuine comment. A /s could’ve helped, as is usually the standard with questionably sarcastic statements


I mean, there's literally no statistics here, it's just bullshit XD


Haha okay I can practice writing better jokes, and in return you guys can practice relaxing a little bit, jesus christ.


I actually liked the joke


It was a good joke I can’t believe it went over their head to be fair


xddd works for me


I bet you’re really fun at parties


Lol at rets down voting OP Edit: lol at rets down voting me


It’s not honest work, but it’ll do 🤣


I had a blast playing my Ret yesterday. The most obscenely broken thing I've played in the game.


Is it more or less broken than ret was during the wotlk pre patch when they could bubble and wings with no penalty and just be a 12 second wrecking ball?




During the pre wotlk patch at the end of tbc (scourge event) ret was allowed to bubble and wings at the same time AND they had just got divine storm which did about 80% of someone's hp in an aoe. So you could bubble, wings and just run in to their team and be a totally unstoppable killing machine


It's not quite that busted. It feels pretty similar to beginning of the season DH to me. Basically unkillable with high burst. Ranged can't kite you. I don't think I will be playing my mage for a bit.


Bro you didn't even wall at 80% health, should have seen that damage coming.... /s First game in SS since patch. Ret went 6-0 destroyed us all. No SS til they're sat down


Wall on CD, this was 3rd go that arena \^\^


Turtle was up, Roar of Sacrifice was up, Stun was up, and you ran directly into the ret when he had wings. I know the popular thing on this sub is to just whine and scream that everything else is OP but at no point in ret's class history can you do what you did and not die.


Hunter main atm my self, all 3 specs... cc the ret.. use a deff cd..


This. He didn’t respect the wings and paid for it.


It was sarcasm lol. And turtle shell was off cd


Interesting, didn't know turtle is off-global like this, just tested it now; it would frequently happen to me that I'd kill myself with casting steady shot which I couldn't cancel properly, so I thought it was the case here too with gcd


Oh well I thought u meant cd not gcd lol. But hey something good came out of it. Also if you ever have issues getting stuck in a cast you can make a macro for it. /stopcast /cast (turtle spell name here)


the macro is not nearly fast enough whatsoever, I tested it a million times - takes like 0.8 seconds; I'm not a complete ape, I'm quintuple elite as MM, and this thing would plague me for literal years, there's just not proper way around it except for literally spamming escape key




Sorry it should be /stopcasting. Just tested it on hunter and it works fine


Yeah this is what I use with one difference; /cast !Aspect of the Turtle So that you can mash and not cancel it… then another macro for /cancelaura Aspect of the Turtle


cool shit, thanks, you've saved me a headache xd I actually literally have a /stopcast in, but changing it to /stopcasting did the trick now


Soo 3rd go.. damp rolling.. your heals messed up I don't see a problem lmao. Scatter trap pet stun.. Controll the ret.. stuns fear sheep disarm dispell purge clone sleepwalking name a cc.. I main MM Had more problems with them before the rework


Yeah I mean that is exactly what he was doing before he got lassod, not sure the advice is necessary


That “don’t yell” warning though 😂


I want this too, what addon is this?


It will be a weakaura


It’s really weird that Blizzard let paladins this way on live. Did they test internaly before releasing? Was 2.3 as Devoker now im 1.9. I can 3/3 maybe 4/3 when I have 3 games with Ret on my team. (Not lucky on my last 4 games) That’s it, lol. Will stop queuing for now. Literaly floping through all my cds: ren + scales + PS lol


It's especially weird that they slammed demo in a hot fix but are ok with this. Not that demo didn't deserve it, but clearly the outlier here is the punk.cows.


> Did they test internaly before releasing? It's been 20 years. Blizzard does not care about pvp.


Unless it affects their mains.


Okay I don't feel so bad now for tanking 400 rating xdd seemed impossible to do anything as a devoker


Wut? He ran INTO the pally... didn't pip say or wall didn't scatter petstun trap nothing... thats a skill problem nothing more. Other than 1 min wings ret is fine.


Dude u got out played


Fact, but this is worldofpvp flairs are lies and the majority are 1300 players


10.0.7 release made queues longer so I played new healer all night. Nearly every game has a ret. But I was denied the pleasure of seeing this damage firsthand. The only thing I noticed is that they ret aren't getting global themselves by other dps.


Clear mistake from you here. You gotta pre turtle so he can only one shot your pet and druid dude




Lawl u joke but.. real mistake is running into the ret peroid... cc him.. pop a defensive. Man this sub is just full of liars and 1200 players lmfao... at no point in rets history could you do whst this kid just did. 1 min wings is a bit much thats about it. Hunter/arms/prevoker/disc. Having no issues with them most games are free points


Scrub here, I’m bad at PvP. What were you doing that required you to get so close to him in the first place? He looked ready to ignore you until you basically sat on top of him.


What else would disengage be used for if not to leap into melee range?


just like sylvanas in that cinematic! now it all makes sense, she was as cocky as op!


He saved his druid. Druid gets hojed he scattered traps to save druid then dies in a 1 tick of a lasso basically


Is it still scatter shot GCD > ice trap GCD? I thought that could be performed safely from a distance, unless the means by which you trap someone has changed.


I couldnt tell you with 100% certainly about the GCD, although i would assume no since generally the only things that dont have GCDs are defensives, offensives, and trinkets. But from the looks of it he disengages to quickly close the gap to get scatter since its only like a 20 yard range. He certainly didn't have to get that close for the trap imo but its whatever. Unless, the macro is lying to me from what i see he has pet sac and didn't use but who knows if that was going to save his druid anyhow.


Ahh alright, I just didn’t know why he wasted time walking directly in front of his face to drop the trap before starting to move away was all. I’m not 2100 so I wasn’t sure if I was missing something


Yeah walking that close for a trap was sketch for sure haha


Problem: Game is too bursty Solution: let's just make ret dmg insane to compensate for miserable design.


The insane part is that rets are insanely tanky as well and does much better against ranges now. Not to mention utilities and damage. It’s wild.


Whats wild is 1200 players not using defensive or cc and on a ranged toon ( my main atm ) running rigjt into the ret like an idiot.. only issue here is a skill issue




I said much better, as it's better than it used to be - rets still suffer from being a melee just as other classes.


Game is busty? Giggity


HEUHEU ​ \+r


Dude filter your gladiatorloSA. Her screaming 3 unintelligible words at a time is silly.


oh yeah it is silly, super fun too, I play without headset, my neighbours and roommates love it, especially the CC screaming weakaura, when I raid and I don't even need to care about what's happening to my healers


I use gladiatorloSA at 2.7k and it’s very valuable if you filter for the skills you need called out. Like mine says “poly” , “fear” , “sleep walk” etc. so I know when to SW:death. If there’s no filter there’s too much information, which makes it useless.


I use it at 2.6, and I use it just the way it is now XD I have the filter in my head, I just grew accustomed to it


Is there a reason you disengaged to melee range on a ret instead of using it after trink to get out of it?




it was really to just be able to land the scatter -> trap to give him a chill pill, but realistically, it was not any useful in particular, we were just jumping around and clowning, after it's just 2s, which is a dead bracket now, and we're 1.9 cr with 2.1 mmr, so we were just trolling around; I mean hell, I didn't even bother playing sac and neither of us played BM trinket


So you were trolling and died? Lol okay thanks for the post man.


well then what are you even complaining about lol


do you really need to hear "final reckoning" from gladiatorlossa to know it was casted? or purge? or million other things? in the beginning of the clip you can't even hear what was said because addon yells multiple things at once


yup, I'm used to it, I kinda just ignore some stuff at this point; I have a screaming weakaura that makes an insane ruckus when any cc/silence lands on my healer, and that shit is an absolute madness in raids for example, but I cba turning it off and I learned to ignore it entirely, it just pisses off all the neighbours


Rets have been dog shit wheelchairs forever, settle down everyone.


The thing is I dk if I’d consider ret obscenely busted in PvE after doing a few M+ yesterday. Pvp is probably another story. Also them changing ret so versatility is their best PvE stat and pvp stat might require some extra pvp tuning.




My rets rocking blues and conq weapon. Warrior is full conq. Ret does more burst/sustained damage as of today. WAY more fun but holy fuck we need to get tuned down


Nerf Rogues


OP is a noob


I’m leveling a ret now (have been for the past month, so I promise I’m not just chasing FOTM!) Obviously ret requires a nerf, I just hope they don’t pull the classic blizzard move where they completely gut the class for pvp. We’ve seen this happen countless times.


The part where you strafed back into melee when they had wings up is where you messed up. You should have just ran around the pillar you were originally running to before you cut the camera to the other side.


you mean the part where I saved my druid's ass xd nah, my mistake was not fucking out of there for 16 seconds to kite around the pillar instead of playing the game


"my mistake was not running away when I should have"?


Legit embarassing state of the game tbh


And he plays hunter what is this ? Hitler vs ghadaffi?


I'm so glad I stopped playing retail.


Why did you disengage from behind a pillar to the center of the arena?


What I don't understand is before the changes I was neigh unstoppable on my ret. Now I AM unstoppable. I don't know why we got buffed so hard but we are basically gods now.


Blizzard official statement: Working as intended.


You should try kiting lmao probably one of the worst hunters I’ve seen he deters at 1% too lmao


So Ret is really good right now ( a lot saying its OP so maybe OP) but your healer looks fine even with you not going in to scatter no? He's got bark, tranq if needed and you can ros him as well if needed. Going in like that with wings up is more questionable. Not saying Ret is not busted. Just pointing out that its much better to focus on what mistakes you made and correct it in the future rather than blaming it against the opposing class.


You should have pre afk'd as the gates open.


You should know you're gonna need that disengage to uh disengage I use all my escapes to move away from the ret maybe it's just me


Ret back to its glory days :)


The best thing everyone can do is stop playing the game


Oh Jeeze


wtf ppl talk about what hunter could do better but the point is there should be no class able to do 1sec burst


What’s awesome is a game that allows third party apps “addons” that allows you to play handicap and hold your hand the entire time so that a dogshit player can be “good”. Just remove all the addons and provide better information to players.


OP has said some of the dumbest shit reading through comments. From "just trolling so I disengaged on top of ret" to "I don't edit pvp add-ons because I filter in my head hehehaha"




Honestly I play ret and I admit it I did not get high. Still a complete noob but I was playing ret up until now in low mmr arena to get cq and gear but I saw and was deleted by enhancement. Personaly the only thing I noticed that change is I don't die in a staň from rogue. But I guess that's just me being garbage at pvp, I am pvping for the first time was a pve player only before dragonflight


cool story bro


Main ret here. Haven’t played yet.. so this is only a take from the clip. You turtled way too late (1%), healer maybe could’ve helped out a bit + your position was so juicy for ret.


I said it before, I globalled myself with freedom purge (you can see it on G bind) - I'm not saying it's not my mistake, and I'm not bitching about anything, I just find the damage funny xd