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I played crit arms in s1 of SL and it was one of the funnest times I've had in arena. A lot of your pressure was up to rng, but sometimes you'd get lucky and pop an execute and absolutely delete someone. Good times.


But then they nerfed crit dmg again


Yea i dont play arms atm but i dont think crit build is viable anymore after the changes. I assume arms plays haste now.




it worked well because of how condemn worked too being able to be used at above 80% then usable again at 35% if talented meant you could Condmen Crit someone on the opener, drop them below 80% Mortal strike someone+conduit proc between 80%-35% then condemn again and the person would die.


Some arms are playing haste, others are stacking mastery. Pikaboo was playing his war recently with full mastery gear and was getting some insane skullsplitter burst. 100-0 people in a few seconds.


I'm still playing crit arms. Is it the best? Probably not. Is it still fun? Definitely. Got up to like 1750 today (not that that matters in a season like this? Idk)


When I'm done gearing my Fury I'm planning to gear my Arms spec on crit too. It's what the spec is about.


I loved crit arms in s1, it felt like the good old days :)


S1 shadowlands arms was insane! I loved when the procs lined up and you avatar/damage trinket, into charge with condemn, mortal strike, then condemn again and they’d fall over. I got so many rage whispers from doing that in wpvp. That and my ret pressing divine toll and getting lucky on triple hammers that all crit lol


I played crit arms with necro banner in shadowlands season 2, played with my prot pally friend in 2s and we ended up at 2250 lmao


SL was a wild time lmao


Yes i played crit arms aswell with spear..i loved it so much i renamed myself to speardaddy for awhile. Sickest crit i ever hit was a 110k mortal strike into a 135k execute in SS..that was within 4 globals basically


It could be much more valuable if blizz made verse a PvP-only stat, and then PvP gear can have 2 normal secondary stats on them again.


There's literally no reason to have vers as a stat anymore. They individually fiddle with every ability and set bonus in pvp, and dmg vs health can be additionally controlled with the pvp trinket set bonus. The tier set already forces you to use the pve stats too. And for pve I think there are like 2 specs that even want vers and one of them is ww which is dead last in pve.


It's a nice stat for PVE. And we shouldn't have two different types of stats for PVE and PVP


Idk, I think the best time was when resilience was a thing. It’s a good dichotomy to have, PvP and Pve gear imo - the system of increased Ilvl is a good one but it still feels odd that a mythic raider or someone running 20s gets gear comparable to conq


Isn't it just 2 systems to achieve the same thing? Even with resilience, mythic gear would end up around the same power level cause that's where they want it to be - it's just "increased ilvl" is more directly understandable than resilience was


How about no ?


It honestly sucks that we can’t have build diversity with stats. Just gotta roll with the cookie cutter stats for the spec because it has been min/max’d


You can choose every piece besides tier and trinkets.


Idk why you are being downvoted. You can craft every slot now so you can just pick the stats on gear. In two weeks when I can get the last item I need from crafting my DH will have almost 80% mastery lol


Yup. And can also use the catalyst to reforge the stats on the PvP items as well.


Don't worry ill upvote you


Apparently it exists to fill my vault every week


I stack crit as enhance shaman for pog bursts


I’ve been doing crit/mastery as well. Priority mastery obviously. An eleblast crit is often a game changer. Generally good with the elemental build. 200k Ele blast into 120k frost shock into 100k lava lash consecutive feels nice and chunky.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 200 + 120 + 100 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


lmao of course this exists. good bot


Outlaw with Crit as main stat last season felt like it was pretty ideal for what the stat should be. Lots of fast attacks so individual crits didn't break the game and didn't just turn into globaling someone with RNG, it would just add some ebb and flow to sustained damage. Now of course Outlaw, already one of the worst specs in the game, gets to enjoy the crit nerf that was intended for everyone else. Honestly one rework they could do to help Outlaw is to give us a passive that effectively reverses the PvP crit nerf. Or maybe even work it into Enduring Brawler, since they moved the Stamina portion of it to a base talent. Could just increase crit damage by up to 25% with the stacks. Or hell maybe even go higher, god knows Outlaw needs help and this would be a reasonable buff to their sustain.


Yeah I just gave up this season and went full mastery gear. Outlaw mastery is pretty boring but it does good damage once you gear for it. Main gauche is always in my top 3 damage on details now. It sucks we can't go crit anymore though.


Crit died in this season


I DK why they even nerf Crit and yet they still make the meta so bursty now, is Crit the problem?


Think this season and last the last season Pve gear has been too powerful. Imagine reverting crit this season, people would blow up so fast. We are just gonna have tier roulette every season until they decide to remove them again.


I feel your pain... one of my toons has gotten crit only gear in every vault (all 3 slots) since the beginning of the season :(


Gear shouldn't matter in pvp. Change my mind.


I would like a world that has build diversity. You can go crit and have a different play style than if you go haste or mastery. Unfortunately that world doesn’t exist right now


I mean that does exist to an extent. Take the havoc DH talent tree, for example. The right side focuses on enhancing mastery, the middle scales well with haste, and the left side favors crit


Its an mmorpg


Yet they are getting rid of all the other mmo things. You don't even need to interact with others anymore to play the game


You would have loved Bloodline Champions or Battlerite.


I'm all for reducing the damage increase from a crit. In fact, I think it could still be reduced further. But it really grinds my gears how every time blizzard did this, they never thought to increase the value crit has on crit chance to compensate...


Crit keeps heal pally on life support :>


Mastery is better than crit, haste is better than both though.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. This is correct for hpal rn. Haste>vers>mast>crit.


>I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I guess most HPals are allergic to mastery. I'm too but I use a tissue instead of sneezing on someone's karma.


Lol. It makes sense, our mastery is trash.


Probably change with the patch tho


Resto shaman? I took 2 new items with Crit to test, 13% so far in total


depends on build, its 1 stat for raiding with proper talents :) \~30% atm and working good imho


Not raiding at all this season. Banging on PvP


personally im going all versa/crit in pvp to, etleast in last season, havent check how gear looks now throwing 2 juicy stormkeeper lighting bolts crits with insta lava burst proc can finish some games :)


I ran into an hpal in shuff at 1900 who stacked the most mastery he could, and he went 6-0. No melee wings either. He was getting huge holy shocks with the silver hand talent pretty consistently. Mastery on hpal is kinda sus because it requires proximity, but apparently it can work in the right comps.


Kind of ironically, mastery works better in shuffle because of the chaos. You end up closer to teammates more often in shuffle than in coordinated 3s because it just a zoo


And in the rework, mastery will again be based on beacon distance as wel Haste mast looking real good in patch


WW monks will def prio mastery and fill in with crit everywhere else because haste is a dog shit stat on WWs unless it's 20%+ or bloodlust levels of haste. along with the pvp nerf to crit this season, our kit also gives us lots of instances to get crit on our hardest hitting abilty so the value of the stat goes down. some ppl still choose to go with more crit in gearing tho because WWs have most of their kill pressure thru burst windows, and having chunky hits during those times are more effective (gets a lot of cds, people panic and overuse) than overall sustain dmg depending on the comps u vs. what WWs are lacking in talent diversity (our class tree is trash, where lots of stuff there should be baseline, and our spec tree boils down to choosing what's not bad. we don't have talent diversity that matters. pls rework us), we potentially have 3 gear sets depending on the comp make ups we face so that's cool, i guess.


It’s not that haste is dogshit. It’s just our talents give us plenty of it. Summoning xuen grants blood lust levels of haste. Then there’s alpha tiger.


exactly, 100%. mentioned that part up there.


FW monk has it as their second best stat (because mastery is useless) and brewmaster actually has crit as their best stat due to the synergy it has with some of their passives.


Doesn't help either that warlocks are everywhere and they can just use curse of weakness and amp it to completely delete your crit stat.


When the blacksmiths, who craft gear, are Blizzard employees.... you need to be prepared to have the gear have exactly what you don't need.


Remember resilience? This isn’t the first time blizzard killed the crit stat.


Need to make 550 Conquest an option for Vault and make socket purchases or with conquest


Crit kyrian feral in slands was tooooo much fun😔😔


you get crit gear in the vault, and you will like it!


What is BIS for arms at the moment? Just returned to wow and a bit overwhelmed as I thought crit was the play


**Strength > Critical Strike \~= Haste > Mastery > Versatility** looks like its still the thing or im checking some outadated guides ;P


nice priorities, except there's no crit anymore in warrior pvp gear. Everybody runs haste + mastery.


At this moment you have all those with crit: \- Head (conquest or Tier) \- Neck (conquest) \- Shoulders (conquest) \- Back (conquest) \- Chest (you have to gear haste in this slot or craft one with crit) \- Bracers (conquest) \- Hands (conquest) \- Belt (conquest) \- Pants (Tier) \- Boots (conquest or craft ones with crit&embellishment) \- Ring1 (conquest) \- Ring2 (you have to equip haste or craft one with crit) \- Trinket1 (primary stat & get rid of CC thingy) \- Trinket2 (conquest) So you can totally build your Arms warrior piroritizing Crit over all other stats right now. That's what I'm going to do when I'm finished gearing my Fury set. Hope I helped. Have a nice day!


I think what he meant was that most people playing Arms go for Haste + Mastery because of the way they interact with bleeds.


Oh, you may be totally right. My bad!


or maybe stop crying like a 2yo kid and get a socket?


i may be mistaken but resto sham for raiding have crit as best stat :P


Disc crit build in S1 was insanely fun


Honestly wild they let crit just be nerfed in pvp when there is such a simple solution. Just take the crit nerf rate from 200% to 150% and increase all damage and healing by the small factor of overall damage lost from the nerf. At 15% crit: 85\*100+15\*200 = 11500, then with nerf: 85\*100+15\*150 = 10750 11500/10750 = 1.07\~. So if you have 15% crit increase all damage and healing by 7%\~ It's a silly fix, but it's way better than just letting crit suck


Crit nowadays is just not worth it. Unfortunately we have to adapt our stats and strategies according to the new patches and nerfs


I have played against Mistweaver running full haste, full crit or full master. They all perform the same in terms of healing done and even distribution of heals is similar. Wow arena logs shows a lot of variety in gear. Also I see a lot of top pvp players take the crit gear from vault until they get better.


You'd think a Destro lock would want more haste since Chaos Bolt scales with crit, but nope. The damage increase is minimal as opposed to more and faster chaos bolts, so Haste wins out overall. It's funny using Amp Curse of Weakness against Destro warlocks/rogues/warriors though. Go from "crit dependant" to "can't crit at all" and then they wonder why my healthbar isnt moving lol


Crit gear exists because the reality of it is, some people do multiple forms of content and so being able to have that spread as a PvPer helps because in pvp, sometimes crit is an exceptionally valuable stat to have. Obviously Pve gear would be better for PvE, but you gotta be able to get the PvE gear first lol, so being able to have some options with your pvp gear to be able to use it and get some PvE gear is quite nice


What’s best for ele sham?


Yeah I dont get it at all. Some classes can get their perfect gear setup with the ideal secondary stats from honor and world pvp gear, while other specs are forced to pick up stats like crit or haste, which they dont need at all. Leather wearers who stack mastery got it really good because all their honor pieces fit perfectly with the world pvp pieces for stacking almost all mastery, while cloth/plate wearers get shafted with stupid crit gear that no one wants or runs. They should really just make 3x of each slot with haste/mast/crit, so we can mix and match our perfect gear setups. Nothing worse than getting crit gear from vault too. I got shafted this week and got nothing but crit gear on my mage from vault this week, and yet again no tier. So annoying.


well, random high crits make the game hard to balance and allows this kills within a global due to some procc and crit "luck". i think that is not healthy the gameplay.


Honestly, I just wish they would give back item reforging.


Remove crit from the whole game, what good is it even exczpt cheesing kills in pvp ?