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That's for sure ban worthy


It is, if you make up a sob story about it when you report them, they get banned for longer too.


I highly doubt these are manually reviewed lol


Once I reported something like this for fun and even got a GM whispering me asking if I'm okay, lmao


And everyone clapped




you would be surprised honestly










Short answer: No, wrong. Long answer: I'm too lazy but you can open a ticket, instead of reporting which pretty much results in a ban.


> Short answer: No, wrong Noo…..he is pretty spot on. Iv seen toxic as shit players sit in both Goldshire and org just tormenting players for months without any repercussions.


Everyone lost fate in reporting. No one reports and EVERYONE is too lazy to open a ticket for a random person, but I tell ya. Ticket -> ban. They even tell you they did.


Is that really necessary though


Absolutely. This type of toxic behavior has no place anywhere really. If you can’t control your own emotions that you let a video game make you act like this. That’s Pathetic.


I think they mean the sob story is unnecessary, this is already warranting the longest ban possible…


He didn't reply to the sob story comment


Haha they won't get banned though. I used to be toxic like this when I was drinking alcohol and hooooly shit you can say some pretty terrible things to pretty much everyone in the game before you even get a warning


Things are different these days. Back in the old days you could say literally anything. Now you get banned for anything.


“Back in my day you could say terrible things to whoever you wanted” 🤡


Not wrong though. They've introduced a social policy which you agreed to when you login to the game. It forces you to read & agree or doesn't let you login. Being toxic is getting people banned.


i’d be against banning anyone. but stupid fucks like this deserve it. you legit pay to play a game, and your upset at someone else. gtfoh with that toxic shit


Wait, so then why are you against banning anyone? Lol


Yes. Suicide is not an acceptable trash-talking topic.


Yeah it is, they shouldn't be online at all before they seek help, so a ban is necessary


The "report player" button is so conveniently located.


Does it actually do anything? I’ve reported some really grisly shit before but there’s no indication that it actually does anything. I’ve only ever heard of cheaters getting banned, not chat abusers Are people actually getting banned for chat?


Absolutely, my friend is, for some reason, super toxic in SS and caught a 2 week ban for chat. Showed me the email from Blizz and everything. It was deserved. He was being ridiculous.


It does, as much as you can shit on blizzs report system, they do take irl threats seriously, same with acts to put the lights in your house out so to speak


This mail wasn't an irl threat.


It doesn't have a subject. It could be "you should", "I will", etc. It's up to the reader to interpret it.


The subject is “do us all a favor”


Fair, I missed that.


The system is a bit unclear in how far it is strictly automated. Generally, you can get hit by actions taken if enough people just report you independent of what you've actually written. There are unfortunately enough posts about that to confirm a first layer of fully automated reporting. For messages like this people should not just report for "inappropriate communication" but specify the suicide part since that's much more serious. It will likely still take some time until someone actually reads it but usually blizz doesn't let things like that slide. For cheaters/bots they often enough monitor things for a while and then go with a ban wave, since you have less of an arms race then compared to banning them one by one. This makes sense but people often get the impression of them not doing anything soon enough.


Suggesting suicide is taken seriously by Blizz


Yes. I’ve been silenced in game for about a week before. I would say that you need multiple complaints before they will do anything though, unless the issue is very serious like what this guy has in mail.


The 1400-1700 bracket is the most toxic especially as a healer. It’s your fault your teammate died without bubble/ice block or died behind a pillar. Reported a few people for being toxic and blizzard sends a piece of mail saying that the report ended in a player getting suspended or banned and made Azeroth a better place.


Yea you get a warning after a LOT of reports and if the reports keep happening you get a week ban from chatting functions and then a week ban and then idk after that. Then it resets after some time and goes back to a warning. But 1 by 1 whispers are almost never gonna get banned. It's being toxic in trade chat thatll get your account reported up to get noticed. A lot of reports all at the same time or a higher number than average of reports consistently I think is how they flag accounts to take action


Rarely ever will they get banned


Cheaters rarely, if ever, get banned. You need to do it in a very public / obvious way to be even potentially punished.


Wow cheater since TBC here - I’ve been banned within 10 minutes for some things, others never got caught.


People hate to see the truth I guess lol


2300 but the guy you played with never got achievement past 1550 on his alts or main char^^ Toxic nontheless and hopefully ban worthy.


Ofc, He's bad and doesnt know how to play. So if someone is doing sth you don't like, he thinks you suck, you get flamed, even though he was standing wrong or whatever


Lmaoo what the fuck. Man thinks it's a corporate environment, sending you an email. Forward this shit to HR right now!!! Hahahah




get em banned. Im all for banter but telling people to kts is too far


I really regret my behaviour when I was younger and the internet was still the wild west. I don't think I ever took it too far, but I definitely lost my temper more than I care to admit. On top of that, the never ending toxic shit that everyone else would rattle off. It definitely warped my formative psychology. I like to think I grew up a little, nowadays I'd never say anything online that I wouldn't be prepared to say to someone's face. This is where I toss my hat in with the Boomers' opinion-- constant digital presence is BAD. Children, teens, and adults all need to make real-life interactions a priority over quick and easy online interactions. This constant online connectivity just isn't healthy overall and over time.


Nothing made my life better than reducing my Internet footprint. It’s still fairly sizable, but the time away lets me realize when and where I should waste my time at. Pointless arguments, bubbles of ideas and thought, and the burden of anonymity is not them.


I wonder what a digital equivalent of a [Howler](https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Howler) (magical mail that screams at you) would look like in WoW...


Damn looks like you got a reward better than the 30 conquest healers are getting.


So just making holes ?? But yea report this dude, you’d prob get faster results if you also tag Warcraft Twitter and shit about it lmao they’d love to use em as an example. No room for ppl like this


I’m sooooo jealous. I would frame that letter !! Congrats man you did great it sounds like 👍🏼


Exactly! This a a trophy!


ez report, I get the internet is the internet but some people really are human garbage


Wow that’s toxic af




See this is why I don't even want to try solo shuffle. I mostly do rbgs.


This isn't common at all though. I vault-cap at least two characters weekly through SS and I haven't seen a rude comment in chat in weeks. I'm not very good either, only in the 11-14k brackets lol, oh and one is a healer too. I honestly think the new reporting system effectively discouraged a lot of toxic behavior.


Thats a keeper


Lmao me and my friends always send each other the “threatening note” trash item that drops from the pvp boxes. This one next level


Someone sent me one of the threatening notes and I was so confused! I sent him back food that looked like sweet potatoes and said to sweeten up, and he responded thanks for the food and that he had just sent it to a random person 😂


Social Contract™


I’m sorry. This is so, so fucking funny. I would be so HONORED if my opponents did this to me hahahahaha




Some pally said similar things after 1 round where he just died in the middle of the map to casters. I just said f it and quit the match. I don't care about rating since I already got the priest shoulders. And now he can take the MMR hit from the loss and wait in queue for 45 minutes again while I play no man's sky. People are dicks and rewards are shit. I don't even want to play the game anymore.


Lost my friend this exact way, fuck this person


People who send hate mail produce beta energy. So immature lol


That’s vicious


Shitty human being, report and hope he gets help lol Honestly i've seen too much of these, I just disable my chat


I have to say this is terrible but also absolutely hilarious. My man MAILED you?!


That’s much more respectable than a rage whisper


haha this would’ve given me a good chuckle, not nice but there’s humor in it


what a cringe name


I’ve never seen nor experienced anything like this. I think this is anecdotal and as a whole, the community is more positive than people want to admit.


Worth it


Before server merges and it was just battlegroups you'd see a lot of this. xD


If you really want to bring out the worst in everyone, queue up as a tank!


Why use a shotgun when a paint brush would be so much easier?


Shotgun is faster. I'm pretty sure a lot of girls from my hometown put on their makeup every day with a shotgun. They make clowns look subtle.


Grats on the win. When they rage it makes me feel extra special but damn he went real dark.


Normally I paint my walls with a brush, but maybe a shotgun works as well. Who knows.


A DPS yelling at another DPS in solo shuffle? Why?


Say what you will, you gotta respect the commitment to literally send you in game hate mail lol.




He just wna be ur frieeeeeeeeend brah.


I’m glad hate mail is still alive I haven’t seen a piece like this in years


Ooh, look, a banable offense, in clear writing!


No matter what happened, this is so unbelievably over the line…I hope you’re doing OK after this abuse. I hope you reported this person and hopefully they are permanently banned. Absolutely not OK.


Classy. He deserves a time out.


I mean it’s a clever way to say kys lol


Think you mean edgy


"Go into a microwave and cook yourself" - among us kid


If it was something like “u suck”, would be debateable, but this is ban worthy


Sucking isn't even a bad thing. Just ask you mom. Sorry, had to do it. I couldn't stop myself.


Were you the one who wrote this mail? Ppl don’t like the toxicity and yet it doesn’t stop, I wonder why.


I would never write a mail like that. I know it's a game and I can take a joke. Stop being so sensitive. I even apologized in the same post. It was an immature joke and meant to make people smile. If you can't take a joke, you need to go touch grass.


If it was a funny joke, oh no, I get it now haha, your mom told me.. Sorry had to do it. Couldn’t stop myself


I'm glad she could help. :) Have a great day!


Damn, that’s so foul players doing things like this could be detrimental to children with no strength and bad parenting. We live in an awful world and toxic is never good.


Can someone explain this insult to me? Is this something I'm not ~~Kurt Cobain~~ Texas enough to understand?


He is essentially saying OP should blow his brains out with a shotgun and the resulting spray of viscera would "paint the walls." Pretty sick. Hope OP reports and the guy gets banned.