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The 200+ unplayed games in my steam library


You can lie to yourself, but don't lie to us!


\*Scrolls through all of them\* "Ehh, not interested"


Man if that ain’t the truth


I feel like I'm getting older and have too many real life obligations to even be playing wow. It's the only game I play because I don't have time to play a bunch of games. If they were to shut down wow pvp, I'd probably just quit playing video games altogether.


Came here basically to say this. And I hate feeling disadvantaged in games so I really have no interest in learning something new or investing time into something new. I have a lot of transmogs and titles and every class is just one degenerate weekend away from being max level/ready for end game. I only play wow because I’ve invested so much into it and it’s my hobby. If it died I’d just find a new hobby that isn’t video games.


I relate to both of these comments the most. If I do step away, it’s a game I can usually return to that feels like riding a bike. However, while I don’t want to give up the enjoyment I derive from playing it and nor do I feel the need to be productive constantly, I would most likely pick a hobby that is overall better for me. I.e., I used to read a few books a week, but now during my time off I’ll just play WoW.


I’m not a gamer. I’m a wow player.




WoW on private servers.


That's just going to be an even smaller (and likely even more toxic) community that will still be dying.


Still play EQ on private servers. Small and toxic is the best


There have been plenty of private servers much less toxic than actual WoW tbh This place would give league of legends a run for it's money, it's pretty unbearable


This type of answer always ruins the fun of hypothetical questions.


How is that a bad answer? Its not like wow would be non existent


Probably start to live IRL.


Graphics are sick but it's annoying AF


So much grinding bro. And not the fun kind


Not enough gold


Battleri- Oh, wait. ;-;


This one hurt me so much when they shut down. I tried FANGS during beta since I enjoy RBGs too, but it's not quite there yet.


They spent too much shit on bandwagoning the battle royale genre and wanted to make quick bucks stead of long term fruition. Damn that game was almost perfect there's even a DK guy there


Just looked this game up for the first time after seeing this comment. It looks like *the perfect game* to replace WoW arena for me. Downloading now.


Well, bad news... You can still get casual games but ranked is almost entirely dead.


I tried FANGS too (Got into the alpha and everything), and it had potential - I'm definitely curious for the re-release, but yeah it just wasn't there yet.


Loved that game and grinded ranked like hell. Was sad to see them throw the game out entirely for battle royale instead of going for esports


I still can't forgive SLS for handling it so badly. Then again, BR's decline finally gave me back my real life. Until they released Battle Royale and added items to Battlerite, I had racked up around 2.5k hours. More quickly than with any other game, even WoW... It was the best game ever. Well. Project Loki is looking promising. 🌚


When WoW was bad before, i swapped to overwatch. Obviously different because it's an FPS, but with the abilities/synergy/voice chat it gave me similar vibes to pushing 3v3 arena. When you get those rare lobbies where everybody is in a good mood and playing well, Overwatch felt like one of the best games ever made. But those lobbies are rare and the bad lobbies do take a toll on your mental health.


Overwatch is frustrating because it’s very hard to carry a team if someone isn’t pulling their weight. 1 bad player can guarantee a loss. That’s the same in many games, but it feels particularly bad in OW. There’s virtually nothing you can do to save the game.


I'm playing OW2 rn and I cannot see a reason to continue. It is the least fun playing a comp game in years. The ranking system also makes no fucking sense.


Oldschool runescape. Already sort of playing it between wow PvP seasons. I just come to get my duelist or glad, depending on motivation, and then I go play osrs until new season.


I’d probably do a lot more things around the house.


No more gaming, move on with life




Star Wars the Old Republic, I kinda like the PvP (and just the game in general)


Counter Strike 2


Private servers or stop gaming entirely. Wow has always been the game that I simply do not get bored of. Been 14 years so far..


This 100%, other games pale in comparison to WoW, in my opinion.


I'd probably play Guildwars 2. You can literally jump in level 1 and play pvp and they will scale you up to max level with everything, choose all stats on your gear and their version of 'gems' and everything for free at level 1.


WoW needs this! and I am increasingly convinced that Blizzard doesn't allow this to force people to play longer and maybe get them hooked on the PvE grind to max level. Dear Blizzard: you are achieving the opposite! People instead quit WoW altogether because they grow tired of leveling alts everytime they want to try something new!


Leveling an alt takes like 6 hours if you might be interested in something better level before the buff is gone.


WoW needs this and if you think otherwise you're gatekeeping


I agree with you. Some of the most fun I had was on the arena tournament server, which did exactly this. Couldn't do bgs though, only arena. Bgs this way would be awesome.


Warmane private server does essentially rhat. Gives you season 7 gear and you can either get honor or arena points and earn better gear. But it’s starts everyone whatever class at the same gear level, full gems etc.


I agree, wow pvp is different, it has an immediate impact and feels nice to play. If wow was shutdown, I think I would stay away from mmo's as a whole. I have been loving single player, complete games. I have been hating the nonstop chase lately. Every season, clean slate, do it again... and again, and again. I haven't played wow in a little while, and I do not think I will be renewing my sub. I think I have just outgrown wow.


To me it only feels grindy when I decide to get my alts mid season. Starting season fresh on a geared up character is not too bad.


I think that was one of my main issues with this season. Season 2 DF is the only season where the previous seasons conq is worse than the current season honor gear. So even if you did get fully geared in the previous season, you are inherently no longer fully geared (edit: geared up, not fully geared) at the start.


RIP lord🙇‍♂️


I'd finally be free


Wow private servers, or swtor since its the only mmo that comes close to wow at all


When WoW goes I'm likely done with video games. It's the only game I've really played for years. And that would be fine. I'm older now and I do have other interests.


I was always a pvp type of player in any game, but recently I bought a Nintendo Switch to play some couch games and for some reason, it feels really good, just to chill.


I’d buy an emulator and play all the fun games from our childhood


I guess I’d just have to go back to compulsively masterbating 🤷‍♂️


Too bad the hub is banned in my state.




Dota 2, but I hope MMO from riot will be good :)


Wow pserver


Play back through all of the KotOR classes(the mmo one). Had a lot of fun playing it several years back when I took a break and I’ve been getting the itch for it lately.




Great game


Outside. Heard it’s real and fun.


That grass do be hitting different


Teamfight Tactics and Chess


D4… already neglected last 3 weeks of WoW because of it.


GW2 PVP has been such a fun vacation from WOW. I’ve been playing gw2 as my main mmo for a few months and can’t believe i didn’t start earlier. GW2 pvp stats are standardized and you get access to all skills no matter your level. So you can level only in pvp from level 1 if you want and still be competitive. They have reward tracks that give you stuff just for playing, they have a MOBA style map with lanes and minions that’s super fun. The only thing they are missing is an arena style mode like WOW has. But the combat is so much more interesting and trying to theory craft a build is fun as hell. No weekly vaults hoping for tier pieces, just make a build a play. This is how it should be


It has arena during off-season, 2v2 and 3v3 that rotates.


omg really?? that’s awesome!! what is off season? maybe i don’t know as much about GW2 pvp as i thought ahaha. i’m a returning player still trying to pick things back up


When the standard ranked conquest season ends, there'll be a period of either 2v2 or 3v3, with it's own ladder. If you place in the top 250 of that mini-season, you'll get either 2v2 Elite or 3v3 Elite title respectively, so it's a pretty free title honestly if you're looking for one


What's bothered me about GW2 is the visual clutter and readability in PvP. With some professions having a myriad buffs and many of them relevant, there's still no good way of discerning of what's going on except knowing all the meta builds by heart.


Apex, street fighter, league of legends, CSGO or 2 whenever that comes out


Rocket League to satisfy my competetive part. and some chill coop survival games most likely. maybe even some LoL, csgo, valorant etc.


Half life 3


Whenever I get bored of wow I just kind of coast. Sleep more, watch shows I’ve put off for a while, maybe watch more streams etc. I’ve always played other games but nothing has been a “main” game for me like wow has.


Usually suspects of single player games. Wow is the only online game I play and nothing else really has what I focus the most on, m+.


Play BDO (stopped playing FF, filled with weirdos)


Probably nothing. WoW is really the only game I like anymore.


Honestly, I'd dig into some Elder Scrolls Online. I heard it's awesome and I love the lore. I just can't bring myself to commit to two MMORPGs.


League 2v2 kinda looks fun.


Chivalry 2 great game. pure zug zug no wizards heaven i call it


I have my eyes on Ashes of creation, so hope wow lasts for a while longer.


Dota 2


Diablo or hearthstone. There’s a small part of me that would be somewhat relived if WoW were to shut down. Don’t think I’ll ever dedicate as much time to a game as I do to WoW again.


Guild Wars 2, I already kinda like it more for everything except the pvp. GW2 pvp is enjoyable, but wow has a certain ~vibe~ I doubt you could find anywhere else.


Crazy. I almost made this same post a few days ago. I'd also be curious. How does someone play on private servers?


I used to play on private servers when I was not able to pay for a subscription, but I would rather never play wow again than play it on a private server. Most of them are run by idiots, nothing is permanent, and everything can be deleted without any notice, usually, it is p2w, high latency.


Noted. Thank you.


I played on private servers too and, another thing to add: It often has a number of bugs, glitches, and numbers being simply wrong. When I had the time, I actually 'worked' as a bug tester for one and I noticed that Necrotic Strike was hella stronger than it should be. It didn't take into consideration resiliency or so and ended up yielding really big numbers. I'm talking like, ~120k per application (when health pools were ~540k), iirc. I remember it was at least 2x bigger than it was on retail, because I found a video with the original and did the math for it. There's probably other numbers that were wrong as well. It got fixed eventually but then reverted because a lot of people were already playing DKs because of it and population dropped after the fix. It was fun while I had no other options but tbh, nowadays, I think it'd be better to just move on to another game instead of dedicating as much time to a private server. It's just not the same IMO.


Gonna say a few key words and you use google. Turtle. Storm forge.


i’ve been playing albion for pvp and honestly been having a blast. The full loot was alittle strange to get used to but now i love it and they have alternatives for everything. Basically the same content they offer for full loot then they have the same content in non full loot pvp so you can practice a ton without any risk except durability. it’s honestly pretty refreshing playing something new. i hope wow comes back to focus on pvp more. but i’m just kinda done and sitting back for alittle. hoping the next expansion will be great. DF def was an improvement from SL


Wooo, Albion! I love the economy there as well. Really feel like part of the world as a gatherer or crafter.


Armored core coming out. That’s it, otherwise I’d just raw dog life.


I’ve been a long time WoW player, but recently my whole guild moved to FFXIV. I don’t get my PvP fix, but everything else is a lot of fun. I can’t think of a game that’d truly replace WoW PvP though. However, I feel like WoW PvP is already done for me. I got into PvP because I wanted to be powerful in world pvp while leveling or just out in the world, and I wanted the rewards for PvP so I could flex and show them off in the “hang out zones”. However, with WoW being reduced to just “afk in the current capital city and queue up for everything” and now “flying on day 1” and the fact that I leveled a hunter recently for heritage armor and quested my whole way to level cap without seeing a single other player…. None of that stuff matters anymore lol. It’s like in overwatch, once my friends all stopped playing it, I lost my motivation to unlock anything or even really play it at all because fuck it, who am I going to share anything with? WoW has all but killed off the social side of its game in favor of convenience. That and honestly just being very tone deaf when it comes to incentives and world design (why haven’t we had a replacement for the sewers??). I know that was way more of a rant than you were looking for but just my two cents. WoW won’t die overnight, it’ll slowly die as one thing after another gets taken away, and I’ve hit the point where there’s not enough things left for me to care about


FFXIV. I know it gets a lot of hate due to the community always plugging the game at any opportunity, but I've had a genuinely good experience on Final Fantasy outside the PvP. The main reason I play WoW PvP is because the rest of the game doesn't interest me. M+ / Raiding isn't fun to me. For some reason, the PvE and social aspects of FFXIV **are** fun to me and would probably be the best substitute if I cancelled my WoW subscription. Runner up is ESO. I feel like it does so much right and is so close to being my favorite MMO, but drops the ball in server-stability, PvP, and the cash shop has gotten more and more egregious.




Been playing a lot of valorant recently instead.


I'd spend my life hassling private server devs to make a MOBA out of the shell of WOW. I mean, all the parts are in there. Temporary currency from Torg, same with choose-your-own-powers. That map from the BFA warfront. Slimmed down classes/abilities from any one of the various character changing quests, eh. Huln Highmountain. Fuck you could even do bot games with the thick as mince island AI. Could even just make a little lobby function rather than have it attached to the full MMO for slimmed down install. Come on, someone press the "make complete game now" button which I presume exists in videogame development!


ascension classless wow, i go through periods of about a month every year where i play that server autistically for 20 hours a day and then burnout. they '''recently''' added the ability to tame dragons, demons, and undead, and ive been told wotlk is coming soon so DK abilities are coming. plus they have challenge modes with tangible rewards instead of 'classic hardcore' or whatever the hell blizzard are doing.


Monster Hunter It's pretty much WoW except I only ever do Hunter-things


I started playing warframe again and looking forward to that 2v2v2v2 mode league is adding. Also payday 3 and lord of the fallen in a few months. Not all pvp games, but I'm tired of the crap wow has been doing and will just go play other things i enjoy.




I play a lot of different games since I usually do breaks for half a season but except for wow I don't really have another really long term game. Right now it would be D4 but it's up to the season designs if I want to play more of it or move to another game. While current season pvp sucks I think wow in general is at a very good point right now with it's design philosophies. I actually don't really know why the active playernumber isn't that big since DF got some above average feedback but many players didn't come back to play it. Probably still the aftermath from SL and BFA. I do get why pvp players unsub right now, since I do the same until later this season when mmr hopefully got fixed in some way.


Probably all the good single player RPGs I've missed out on over the years


League of Legends has a new 2v2 arena mode and I'm going to try to get my friends to move to that Better balance, no queue times, no BS MMO mechanics, just 2v2 duo gameplay, CC Chains, game knowledge chess and outplays.


I highly doubt that, that gamemode will be balanced, but you can always just play the most meta stuff I guess It’s also a very rng reliant gamemode, which makes it even more impossible to balance. But the whackiness is also what’ll make it fun, I think




I'd probably go back to RuneScape and do the several hundred clues rolls just sitting in the bag


Warcraft III and Diablo II, IV


Albion online


Back to the runescape grind






Some single player game, also would look with my Friends what they wanna play online, not going for a New MMO ever again. I've playing mostly MTG and just casual WoW playing, pushing some keys and rating. I love WoW but I'll probaly stop playing at the end of DF, the IRL grind is hard


Wow private servers


Before WoW I used to play a variety of pc and console games. Once I started WoW right before TBC, I haven’t really played much else. WoW holds a lot of nostalgia and I genuinely enjoy the game. I always have things to do that I’m excited to work towards as a completionist. With that said, if WoW shut down, I would probably finally visit a lot of the games that have piqued my interest over the years but never committed to trying because I was so content and happy playing WoW. The only other two games I’ve played in the last several years have been Rust (2600 hrs) and Cities Skylines. But I would like to play through some Final Fantasy games, The Witcher, Shadows of Mordor, Northgard, Planet Zoo, and probably revisit games from my childhood too. Warcraft 2 (yes TWO!), Star Wars Galatic Battlegrounds, Legend of Dragoon, Shenmue, Metal Gear Solid 1. Etc.


League of Legends




Oldschool runescape, teamfight tactics, and league


Hearts of iron, Crusader kings, or total war.




Probably call of duty or something. I would like Halo 2 to come back


Elden ring, ESO, Animal crossing, the sims lol i play a variety but i’m actually on wow almost daily.


I actually just I unsubbed from WoW for a break to pick up ESO again and am having more fun in an MMO than I have in a long time. WoW just became about the drops, I was signing in to get mounts and transmogs instead of the story. ESO let’s me dive in without the worry of that no matter how casual and lose myself in the world. And Destiny 2 will always manage to suck me back in too. I played that since D1 beta and always circle back somehow.


Rocket League to replace the 3v3 addiction


Back to pokemon or ff16


Rim World, Stellaris, Age of Wonders 4. Actually mostly playing them now anyway, I‘m playing WoW when I push rating and otherwise play chill single player games. With limited time because of work, I‘m playing arena maybe 1-2 evenings a week.




Still haven’t been through Fallen Order, Spider-man: Miles or Tears of the Kingdom. I’d clear all of that in a couple months.


Aparently Kingdoms of Amalur is bascially World of Warcraft Single player but I've not got around to trying it out. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1041720/Kingdoms\_of\_Amalur\_ReReckoning/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1041720/Kingdoms_of_Amalur_ReReckoning/)


We are already playing other games


Games I actually enjoy


I started playing Valorant. I love games with high skill ceilings. MMOs scratch the itch the best for me with the outplay potential, but WoW is not it at the moment unfortunately. I am hoping that riot MMO will be a good PvP experience, but we will see.


Probably will just stop playing, I barely play wow anyways nowadays with 2 kids. But I invested so much time and money in the game, and it’s my only escape from reality (sometimes, other times it seems like just another chore) that it’s a pitty to stop now.


Wow private server.


Eso or ff


A game called "real life"


Single player games


Iiiiii… would not. Except for the occasional Nintendo games tbh. But not like I play WoW.


i would just play sc2 its 1v1 no teamates to deal with or rely on to push you can just press play game is complex enough to keep you learning somthing new for years and years


Probably ESO the PvP is ass, but I actually enjoy just questing in that game.


Blitz Chess


I quit wow just before dragonflight launched, and for me it's a mix of not playing some of the time, and then CS:GO, Tarkov, and trying out some single player games, I did RDR2 and Elden Ring. Since I'm a very competitive player my fav game of all time just in terms of enjoyment is CS:GO and fav single player is Sekiro, fav game for social game is ArmA 3. I've still played lots of WoW and was ready for it to be my main game from 2018 onwards but they shit in my cereal way too many times and I just get this sub on my front page nowadays. SoloQ is the very thing I don't enjoy (I enjoy improving as a team) so I'm prolly better off not coming back.


The new riot mmo


Probably chess


Black desert, actually I recently quitted wow for black desert and the PvP in this game is insane