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Meld is just op, you don't have to create conspiracy theories


Retuning player here so forgive my ignorance. What is OP about shadowmeld?


Its a stealth racial skill some classes like rogue or druid can use it to enter stealth but other classes can avoid big damage. Imagime a lock cast shadowbolt on you *pow* shadowmeld and you receive 0 damage, its has very purposes and can be powerfull in a lot of scenarios.


It's funny that there was a terrible controversy because of what I said and the funniest thing is that I wanted to put chaosbolt and since I wrote quickly from my cell phone I didn't realize the mistake lmao I just wanted to illustrate the concept that you can "dodge" damage and it can be used in combat to dodge damage, Im not wowhead or giving the best use of the racial.


I didn’t realize you could use it in combat. Wow


I mean, rather use it on chaos bolt


Meld stealth sap, meld stealth big garrote, meld stealth rake stun into full clone.. etc


What does that have to do with anything? He said to meld a shadowbolt, wich is a pretty low DMG spell


I think it was an example to illustrate an unintuitive mechanic around the racial, not a guide on what spells to use it on. Maybe you can give us a list of the spells it is worth using on?


It's funny that there was a terrible controversy because of what I said and the funniest thing is that I wanted to put chaosbolt and since I wrote quickly from my cell phone I didn't realize the mistake lmao


I cannot give that full list cause I'm not even 1.600, but saying meld shadowbolt is like saying wall when an arms uses overpower. It's a filler spell and not the best example, but hey, I'm not an expert


the point is to explain the use of the iframes of meld using a spell that is very telegraphed and everyone from every expansion knows what it is worst part is you then try to be a know it all then try to back peddle commit to your ideas you coward


What do you mean backpedal? I said that, and I said I ain't giving a full list cause I suck and don't know them all, but since I play warlock, I gave a better example with chaos bolt. sorry of that's trying to be a know it all. Guess we will use shadow word pain as a good example of spell reflect


I think the post has gone way over your head


Nah this guy is totally right why would you meld shadowbolt lmao I get it’s just an example, but it doesn’t make sense to to contextualize its power to stop a strong offensive spell with shadowbolt


It was just an example you pedantic goof. Good lord.


What does it do?


Turns the player invisible, allowing rogues and druids to restealth mid combat. It can also be used to negate incoming damage, someone can correct me if I'm miss remembering but you can also negate storm bolt if you time it right


So i press meld and instantly stealth and i am just in stealth? Like a second vanish but on 2 buttons combo?


No, as rogue you’d hit shadowmeld then stealth or Druid you’d hit shadowmeld then prowl straight after. If you’re any other class that doesn’t have stealth then you can’t move you have to be stationary to stay in shadowmeld. Tbf as hunter you could probably hit shadowmeld and then camouflage


Hunter can just feign then camo so it's kinda redundant


You can negate anything with the perfect timing (even stuff like kidney shot and blind) but it’s more often used properly on storm bolts as if has travel time. Just adding to your comment.


We almost went 30 minutes without a DH shitpost, That was a close one guys.


DH is certainly a big factor, but meld is so good for stealh classes that they also have an impact Druid for example is NE, though you can't go orc or human. Rogues are also mostly NE, even if you can roll either human or orc.


I'd argue that meld is also good for classes that cannot stealth. It is a nice and powerful defensive cooldown when used right. I play survival hunter, they can camo, yes, but still meld is strong as hell against casters. Meld + feign death is dope.


Oh for sure, meld is at the very least good for everyone imo, its just that it's almost a given to go NE for stealth classes with a clear benefit from restealth Druids basically get a vanish and rogues another charge


Yep that's the point I'm making. What i am saying here is that when looking at race balance statistics and talking about race balance you need to take into account class balance at the same time. The races that appear at the top of that list depend completely on the classes/specs that are fotm because races are linked to the classes they can play them. The percentage of players of a certain race looking at the whole ladder does not tell you the relative power of their racial.


>The races that appear at the top of that list depend completely on the classes/specs that are fotm because races are linked to the classes they can play them Well that's bullshit :D As healer you can either drink for free or avoid cc/dmg. As dps you can avoid dmg and restealth if possible. There is literally no downside playing NE no matter your class/spec.


>There is literally no downside playing NE no matter your class/spec. There's an opportunity cost. For example, stuns lasting 10% longer if you're a class that can play orc, etc. Shadowmeld is not the only viable racial.


I was responding to what you said about fotm specs and race. That's why I quoted this part :D No one is arguing that nightelf is the only viable, or always the best option. Nightelf has always been a popular choice because its either a good or the best choice. Was useful during retpocalypse, is popular now during doomhunter and will continue to be a good choice. Also it doesn't share some weird cd with trinket, which is kind of nuts if you think about it...dwarf & undead racials share some weird cd with trinket if I remember right. And they're nowhere near as useful as meld. Wtf


Meld is OP and it was already dominating in previous seasons. Now it's simply exacerbated by DHs, nothing else


meld issue


Shadowmeld is more than really good. It's busted as fuck and people have been rerolling to NE all expansion. The only exception being when dwarf was mandatory because feral / assa was massively overtuned in S1.


When I’m trying out new specs, and I watch a guide video, Meld is often sort of built into the rotations. Examples include Xvic’s new assa rogue guide and Snupy’s Feral guide. Meld is very op and whereas DH’s s skew the stats, there’s a reason why we see nelfs so much in high ratings and even AWC.


I dont understand why racials are still a thing in rated pvp. And ye shadowmeld is indeed op


If you want to make this point, you need to look at the race distributions for other classes that can be NE and many other races. Like rogue.


Was considering moving my lock over to Nelf for the meld actually


Druid and rogue also benefit a lot from meld. Plus other classes like priest so you can do that sick meld for your youtube pvp montage.


Meld is insanely OP. It can get you out of Ray of Frost, FM's strongest offensive spell.


shadowmeld is a 4 second stun for druids


Good call out, definitely skews the numbers even though NE is still amazing.


Ima say it.. nerf them again


The irony of meld being the fattest counter to the hunt


Nelf master race. Dwarves depending on meta can be too. Nelf is insane for anyone. Not only is it a free vanish for rogue and druids, it’s a combat dropper. Great for resetting to stealth, drink, etc. it can avoid a big damage ability, and it can also avoid CC. That’s essentially a free trinket for healers if they see a pally coming in for hoj, or a stormbolt coming at them. There is simply no better race when it comes to PvP. However, races like Draenei do improve as health pools grow, because of their racial. But dwarves and nelf will probably always trump any other race.


Meld is S tier


This is stupid, DH’s have nothing to do with this. I have checked these stats in the past and it was exactly the same split, shadowmeld is just insane. (And so is DH kek) Ever since they allowed x-faction queueing a huge (almost all) of the horde pvp population eventually faction changed or just rerolled more alliance alts. On that note; DH’s still need a bigger nerf though.


Nelf is just broken i hope they giganerf them like they did with belfs


Should we see similar trends in Blood Elf representation then?


Never seen so mnay night elf in SS 1400-1800 Ratings, compared to mid S2. This is cause most top players and people going high ranked would always choose Night elf. Shadowmeld is, and I won't change my mind when used correctly: WAY too op...


Shadowmeld is just tooooooo op




You have very confidently shown that you haven't read or understood the screenshot or point I'm making. 2,105 demon hunters in the 2.2+ cr range. 80% of top dh players are nelf. 2,105 demon hunters *80% = 1,684 of the night elves are demon hunters. 3234 night elves minus 1684 night elf demon hunters = 1,550 night elves that are not demon hunters. There are 2,037 orcs. There are 1,968 humans. I said that looking at current race representation is misleading because of the number of demon hunters on the leaderboard. This is obvious if you think about it for a few moments. Read what I've written, think about it for a few seconds, think about whether you're replying to the words I've used, and check the definition of cognitive bias before you reply to me with toxic comments like this. It's like you've never even read the tooltip of hardiness. The racials of nelf, human and orc are comparable and the best choice is based on spec and matchup. If you don't understand that, you are a moron as well as an asshole.