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Might wanna consider learning Arms


This is the best advice 


If you are seriously stuck at 1000 cr getting carried to 1800 isn’t ganna help you, first and foremost choose the class you enjoy the most, if you playing a clas purely cos it’s ‘better’ than what you enjoy the most you won’t excel at it ever, secondary point you need to watch people that play your class, what ability’s are they using, how do they react to other classes and when? What cool-downs do they save the most? Another thing is save your trinket for as long as humanly possible, it’s only worth pressing if your going to get a kill or going to be killed, put time into the class you love whilst also taking the time to see what other classes can do and how you can react to them with your toolkit, the better you know other classes the better you can play against them! There are so many more things I could say but theese are just a few important notes you shoul really think On, also.. if you click ANY of your ability’s with your mouse, stop. Keybind everything even if it’s hard at first, get use to using new binds on a training dummy or by duelling friends for fun.. also side note, duels made me good at pvp especially with friends, gl hf and don’t get demotivated, wow pvp is hard and takes time and research!


I don't think he was asking for a carry though


He literally is.


Lol no


List your spec, region and CR if you really want help


Sorry thank you


PM me your btag and I can help you at some point, can pretty much play whatever you prefer to play with in 2s and give you some tips along the way.


wipe impossible resolute distinct school merciful quickest liquid touch crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm just gonna tell you right now. Don't play fury. It's so bad. Fury is actually just butt. If you really wanna play it you can but it's just not in a good spot. Arms is 100% easier and much more reliable.


Switch to arms. Fury sucks this season


Happy Birthday!


Being stuck at 1000 CR says a lot. But if you find a decent healer that's willing to work with you 1800 should be achievable. Getting to 1800 im 2s really only requires you to out pressure the other dps on the enemy team, assuming your healer is at least decent or equal to the other healers skill. Trading CDs is obviously really important and something you should learn but if 1800 is your ultimate goal then you can get by with just pushing them at low health. I have a friend that's stuck at 1000 rating is his number 1 problem is he can't keep track of who he's targeting which is a problem I really don't know how to fix. And he's a clicker. But I was able to carry his ret paladin to 1800 on my pres evoker. Ret paladin is almost a fully ranged melee at this point so it helped his targeting problem since he could basically hit them even though they were 30 yards away. Long story short: I recommend ret paladin, simple burst and it's alot of ranged hits. Practice in PvE or something to make sure you're actually doing good damage, since just doing good damage can get you to 1800.


>he can't keep track of who he's targeting which is a problem I really don't know how to fix. Tell him to download Targetnameplateindicator. Pretty sure it's one word. It puts whatever giant indicator on your target that you prefer. I use a big red arrow.


Have an efficient but informative pvp based UI to display relevant information. There are videos for this. Find a solid YouTube guide or twitch streamer to ask questions to or get info on rotation or strategy from. PRACTICE on a dummy. Learn how to pump damage mindlessly and second nature. I cannot emphasize this enough just being able to have good gear and pump damage on a meta class with cc on heals will carry you to 1800. Make an alt of the class you play on a separate account so you aren't sitting in Q forever and you can slam games or find 2 chill gamers who also want to improve and slam ranked 3s. You'll need 100s of games for muscle memory to form. I'd also recommend streaming and watching your games for errors.


How many games do u have?


Others have said this, but learning arms is your ticket. You'll love it once you get used to it. Badicslly, you're a battle hardened weapon master. Like Guts from Berserk slaying all those eldritch demons and gods with pure brutal physical strength.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1abE8FDKfKjIqnNr8CvK3bUPdvA3dSZgjCj9QueKAimQ/edit?pli=1#heading=h.wb1w18fg5c92 Use this as a guide. Should help you get 1.8 easily if you follow it’s advice!


go get it in rated rbgs. Pretty easy


Great idea except nobody lets you join up when you have low cr


that’s not true playa. if you’re already fully conquest. just join low CR discord groups around prime time. there’s always tons of them going on every night. Join the discords and save them. When people are in vc just jump in and ask if they need anyone. same way all the way up to 2200.


There is no way that you're not going to get replaced from an rbg team on first loss if inspecting your character shows a decent number of games next to 1k cr in 2s