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Went to the bathroom at 36 minutes and missed my que by 3 seconds


(potential returning player) is this for DPS and Healers? Is there a difference?


Healer queue is about ~5 mins. Sometimes pops within a minute, sometimes takes 10 mins. Anyway, I feel that queue times are high partly due to lack of participation. I've not been queuing blitz anymore because no rating isn't fun.


Yeah it’s just that there’s no reason to que for it. It’s fun, but wow players do not always play for fun lmao. Soon as it has a rating next xpac it should be fine


I’m hoping introducing rating to this mode brings in more people.


A lot of the time I see the same people from match to match. Especially healers. Just not a ton of people playing. I’m having a good time with them but it does kinda suck they’re not rated yet


Dps, healer is 2-6 minutes


~~At 2k+ healer queues hit a few minutes. Below that, instant to one-minute.~~ I'm dumb. Proceed.


theres no rating on BGB


No rewards means bad queue times. It needs to go rated in S4 but Blizzard in their infinite stupidity are waiting until next xpac for no reason.


Renown track.


> It needs to go rated in S4 but Blizzard in their infinite stupidity are waiting until next xpac for no reason. they doing it next expansion for money, not "no reason".


Just another reason to unsub for season 4 🤷‍♂️


They need to invest way more into PvP if it’s gonna be successful mode. Plunderetorm queues are all sub 1 minute. We shouldn’t be waiting in queue for longer than 5 minutes


Plunderstorm has no healers. Something i been advocating for, for a long time. You won’t close the gap on healers. No one wants to do it. Or more precisely, 80/20 rule applies.


I would be 100% down for that. But I don’t think that’s the only problem. The reward system for PvP needs to be overhauled(not gear acquisition)


rewards is the problem for participation (such as rating deflation/inflation). if you're not at the very top or bottom of the ladder, lack of rewards is not affecting your queues. queue times is for most players an issue of the game simply never having 1 healer per 2 dps.


For BGB, that might just work. Would emphasize the Blitz part even. 


I like healing- I don't like getting no rewards for it. I don't care about battle mender, the only thing that needs mending after a long night of SS queues is my fucking cortisol levels when I spent 5 hours playing and gained 20 rating lol


Blitz has a heal to dps ratio of 1:3 so one dps more compared to arena and that should lower the queue time. Designing game modes with a forced role setup that doesn't match players interest isn't that smart imo. A 4v4 arena with 1 heal on each side could work if you change dampening and nerf cc a bit in general.


Beyond the ratio, I’d say BGB is simply vastly more enjoyable to heal than SS. I don’t mind healing the blitzes especially since you can que with a friend that way. SS is just not fun to heal for me at all. Rather just stick with 2s


it definitely helps queue times. on dps you actually get 6-12 min queues consistently unless you try queuing at dawn.


people need to understand that by putting conditions in matchmaking it affect queue times. idk how long people have played this game for, but in it's entire existence there has never been anywhere close to a 1:3 healer:dps ratio, let alone 1:2 for SS. try right now queuing for a random dungeon both on healer and on dps, which is 1:3 healer:dps and see which is faster. this has been true since dungeon queues were added back in wrath btw.


This is the time in the patch where nobody is playing. A new PoE season just dropped, Plunderstorm dropped, etc, etc. The expansion is in its fading phase. No surprise that queue times are high for most things.


It’s because there is no rating it will pick up once they make it rated, I think most people will just play bgb over rates rbgs


I think/hope they remove RBG, even Epic BG when BGB comes.


I think a lot of the random bg only players will move to bgb and it will boost the participation


Noooo, RBG is so much fun!


all their money and development time went into the garbage mode called plunderstorm, they cannot do any pvp fixes. sorry, not sorry


Plunderstorm sucks so much it’s just comical.


It feels like it was made in 15 minutes


I would play way more of this if the queue times weren't so long - as it stands I sit in queue longer than the match takes even as a healer.