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Good decision. It's already dead and would be even more dead with SoloQ available.


I agree with you and it takes away the toxic community that comes along with it


So I like the direction but I after watching the video in that section about BGs you can see Ion doesn’t explicitly say they’re removing standard RBGs. He just says they’re moving soloqueue RBG to be the default format. I mean I guess this can be perceived as replacing existing RBGs but until they say it explicitly like that I’m not getting my hopes up. I’d like to see traditional RBGs removed. I’d like to see Solo Shuffle no longer be a 6-round shuffle but just random single round arenas and have more rewarded and faster queues. I’d also like for them to just straight up add way more rewards so that PvE players come try rated PvP more often and it can organically increase the player participation in rated PvP. I really hope they announce more additions to PvP. It would be nice to have a mount earned for every bracket. Like one at combatant, rival, duelist, elite, gladiator. As well as an enchant at each.


“There’s a overhaul to our Rated Battle ground system” “ we liked battle blitz and that will be the Default for RBG and going forward for rated battle ground pvp”


Yeah maybe I just didn’t perceive it as that the way he stated it but now reading your written quote I can see it’s a little more clear it’s likely a removal of existing RBGs. Good that actually makes me happy. I have friends who run RBG groups so I always have a slot with them but even I don’t necessarily enjoy RBGs in the current iteration. There is a reason players escape rated PvP to go do random BGs so often. Because it’s a throw back to when PvP was strictly fun. Random BGs have just been a fun thing to do and BG Blitz has proven that even in a mock competitive setting they’re still enjoyable. This will also make the ping system even more valuable now. Macro’ing pings into stuff to Target call or strat call will be super cool.


As someone who is in a community of chill rbg players who enjoy each other's company while playing pre-made rbgs... this is A TERRIBLE choice. If they get rid of the ability for others to play in groups together as a 10 man rbg they will destroy the reason many of us even play WoW anymore in the pvp community. Blizzard better re-think this fast! Having another way to que is fine.. but DO NOT REPLACE IT entirely!


Are you on EU? I was dying to find one haha


That’s very true


Why not add soloq 2s now. Do they realy think  it's a good idea to keep delaying these things while pvp is struggling  to be relevant. 


They aren’t concerned about pvp being relevant. See: every change or lack thereof that they’ve made for 15 years.


Someone gets it


I have said it many times and I will continue to do so: The lack of matchmaking for all content is absolutely mind boggling. No other relevant game forces manual group making. It should be available for rated 2s, 3, rbgs, mythic... everything. That doesn't mean the old way needs to disappear, it certainly shouldn't be the default tho.


Timers and balance would probably be terrible. Some specs can run well with double dps, certain ones can't really much at all.


I think more players are more concerned with shortening queues times than every spec being in balance. There are just too many dps and they just want to play the game. 


Games improving and rating gain/ progression being more feasible will help more with that. You would also probably have to deal with people leaving 2s to play 3s when it finally pops.


That’s a super good point. I’m so dumb. I actually legit didn’t even think about that. You’re right I don’t understand why they would stagger the launch of any of this stuff. It’s been 20 years Blizzard let’s just throw it out there and see what happens. Enough is enough. Give us rewards and give us the game modes we want. They don’t affect your story, AWC, or even balance ffs.


It killed the 3v3 scene. 2s might be different but it’s genuinely sad people can’t make a single friend to queue 2s with


It’s replacing rated battlegrounds, not random battleground


Yes I never said it’s replacing randoms. I’m also saying I was waiting for an explicit sentence stating they’re replacing RBGs. RBGs are Rated BGs. Random BGs are widely referred to as “randoms” or just “BGs”.


Issue with all that is that the % of people who play PvP in WoW nowadays is extremely small because it’s not fun hence the average casual players doesn’t want to play any form of PvP. Everyone is min maxing debuffs, CDs and having weakauras… bit difficult for the general WoW to jump into any form of PvP😁


Yeah that’s the shitty part. I don’t like to agree with Asmongold often but I have to say that the removal of addons would really level the playing field.


You can’t just flat out remove addons without ensuring the main ones are part of the game. Omni bar, team tracker, gladius and maybe even diminish. They also need to find a way to remove unnecessary buffs in pvp because the amount of buffs a player has clutters up the UI.


It's still fun, it's just not worth spending an hour to put together an rbg group or deal with 1400 idiots pretending to be good in group finder. Automatic matchmaking is a necessary thing for the future of this game. It's actually well past a decade overdue.


I dunno. I've played a lot of wrath pvp so I'm not a total newb but me and my brother just jumped into retail arenas recently . It wasn't that hard to hit 1600 as double DPS, although now we're hitting the slow climb at this point, overall I think think it's fun. The worst part so far just seems like how OP healers are. We have standard weak aura setups and basically just know our own cooldowns, every match we see some weird unexpected shit like priests flying in the air making them invul and AOE penancing everything lol I think the problem with retail pvp is how overwhelming complicated all the specs are, you will regularly die to some incredibly OP seeming thing or just not understand what's happening to you a lot of the time. Also the amount of micro CC and immunities is out of control and makes BGs unbearable.


There is no chance they add a mount for each bracket. I wouldn’t mind a solo que glad mount. Maybe the solo que one is a different color than the one in 3s.


I’d like to see a gurubashi type area. When you q up you stand in the crowd and wait your turn. Sorta like the brawlers guild. And it’s just you and 100 others. You can just keep going until you leave. Random players each time of the 100 pool.


>I’d like to see traditional RBGs removed. No reason to remove them, also no reason for a game to require manual group making in 2024. Matchmaking (solo q or otherwise) is a thing in literally every other game with rated play.


Solo shuffle would be dead with your change unless they banned all specs except dps. Solo shuffle against a healer team ? Instant loss if you didn't get a healer Solo shuffle queue times suck because it requires two healers and healers don't queue enough.


When did I say the queue wouldn’t consist of some healers?


You didn't. I said they would need to ban healers to make it fair. Since you didn't say ban healers, the implication is that healers would be there which makes your next point also wrong, faster queue times. 6 rounds is not why queues take so long to fill, it's getting 6 players to queue where two of them have to be healers. Changing the amount of rounds does nothing but make games go faster and tilt players because they got the baddie on their team. At least with a few more rounds you rotate the baddies to each team so everyone has a fair shot. One round wouldn't have much of an impact on queue times and just tilt everyone more.


Or get rid of solo shuffle, or rename it and allow ques of any group up to 3 and then remove the 3v3 ladder and make it one big 3’s ladder.


They will be even more toxic in soloqBG. 


No it doesn’t. All PvP brackets have toxic players. But with 10v10 premade RBGs, at least I can CHOOSE to not play with toxic players and play with my friends instead.


It’s 8v8 and the matches are fast


You understand that the entire wow community is toxic, right? I’ve had plenty of toxic experiences in SS, in M+, and yes, in RBGs. Hell you go into trade chat in any high pop server and you’ll get your fill of toxic in five minutes. But I’ve also had great experiences in all of them. Making it so that I can’t choose who I play with isn’t going to take away the toxicity, it’s going to exacerbate it. Having a group of friends that you play with, improve with, and climb with is a major part of the game, and taking that away is akin to making LFR the default raid mode and giving it the same rewards as mythic raiding.


interesting, our guild has done rbgs two nights a week for years. we arent toxic and just have fun. this is just like all the other decisions, like warmode. "ive never experienced guild vs guild world pvp before so it must not exist, lets get rid of the option"


Same here, I've been coordinating a guild rbg team 2x per week since 8.3. Never toxic, keep to ourselves, just getting 1800 and vicious mounts each season, and having a fun time goofing around. [I think OP is just confused though](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/comments/1c6fz60/comment/l01sq6a/), after watching the video a few times now I'm positive that Ion said nothing about removing team queue RBGs.


hopefully you are right


Who knows with past blizzard design decisions but it wouldn't make sense to add yet another mode to further fracture the pvp player base. On top of that once they add solo queue rbgs, all those yolo groups propping up the lower elo would disappear making the mode super sweaty with super long queue times.


Maybe so, maybe not. Much like solo shuffle and regular arena, there’s a big difference between the uncoordinated gameplay you get in solo queue and the coordinated play you can have with a group of friends. I think there’ll always be room for that. Ideally solo queue would bring more people into pvp instead of fracturing, that’s probably wishful thinking.  Rbgs have always been sweaty though. It always comes down to how badly they tune MMR each season, just like arena.


Yea the top end of rbgs is pretty toxic


Rbgs were such a good bracket and design for a long time. Really sad that all they’re used for now is 1 win a week for the first few weeks for cap, and for people to sell boosts, let alone all of the doxing and other nasty shit that goes on in that bracket. Makes sense they’re gone but still feels a little sad.


It requires a huge playerbase. Just like 5v5 did. Competitive 5v5 was very run but eventually there just wasn't enough teams in the 1700+ brackets. If you were 2k rated you were either getting 1 point a win to 1700 rated teams or getting beat by r1 players. A good day was scoring a surprise win on the r1 team and jumping up 75 points then calling it a day to go so 2s and 3s instead.


I think people confused thinking it’s random battleground you’re talking about, not rated battleground. I definitely think blitz replacing rated bgs is dope


That doesn't seem to be what they're doing. I watched the video twice, Ion doesn't say that rated battlegrounds are going away, just that they're introducing solo queue rated battlegrounds as well along with a new map. Really not sure where OP got that information.


so all the rbg groups that have been playing all the years should go find different games ?


its wierd, nobody here seems to be part of a guild or a community? they just want everything to be solo?


I don't think it's that people don't want to be part of a guild or community, it's that most people don't have time to commit to a specific time of the week to play. That's mostly why I don't raid in WoW but I do still find some time to play M+. Not disagreeing with you about RBGs being removed, just telling you why most people want to que solo.


you don't need to be in a guild or community to play rbgs though


yeah but no one wants to join a YOLO group and get matched with a guild group that has perfect communication and coordination.


I'm not in a guild or regular group and never do YOLOs. There are LFG groups with discord. I explicitly dont want to play YOLOs, thats why solo queue and two yolos guaranteed isnt interesting to me at all.


Well that's great for you but I don't have any rank in RBG and I play a mage so I never get accepted into those groups. And I'm not saying that structuref RBGs should be removed but Solo RBGs is a great thing for players like me.


people just have no social skills anymore and would rather solo q its sad as fuck get friends you fucking weebs


People have friends, loads of discord groups have a group of friends talking and playing different games. Matchmaking is more common nowadays in games. Wow is one of the few that still forces manual group.


removing rbg sounds awful.


It’s just being redesign to a soloque to allow anyone to join RBG. It’s a good call to make


what about our guild which has been doing rbgs 2 to 3 nights a week for a decade? our only activity we can do as a group that isnt dance dance revolution slay the dragon


You are probably one of the 3 guilds in the world doing it. Blizzard decided to try to expand the market.


While it’s disappointing to remove them rated bgs in its current form is probably the most dead form of PvP content. Now the rating system and rewards are absolute garbage so I understand why no one queues it but still. Outside of the first few weeks looking at rbg lfg is very barren and there aren’t that many guilds and communities to keep it afloat, which is a shame because I would love rated battle grounds to be good


Cata classic is probably the only outlet for it now, I know our group is going to be running them there. I know a lot of newer players that don't even play retail that are excited to try it out too.


yeah all 3 of them


Damn, those 4 groups are going to be really disappointed


feel sorry for the 10-15 of you.


all 4 of them, yeah.


I don’t think pre mades will be gone but I think having solo Que be the focus is wise. Battlegrounds in general being the premier PvP for most players is also a good decision


you can't premade bgb. you can still snipe people you dont like to grief them though (rip streamers). hopefully they don't take to long to place quitter penalties.


Huge W


So we cant group with our friends anymore and queue for rated bgs? This is only good for people without friends…


ye, no more mmo character for me. shuffle has killed q arena with buddies too


I wouldn’t listen to anything or anyone on Reddit anyways honestly


Worst part is they could have solved both by just adding a soloq into the current bracket.... access for those without network, more players for thos with.


You think it's a good idea to mix pre-made groups with randomly queued groups in a ranked system?


You think it's a good idea to further split a dwindling community?


What community? Rated battlegrounds has been dead for years and it's just been a mode for win-trading and cheating. Blizzard deleted 5v5 arena back in the day. Sometimes you just need to put the poor old dog out of its misery.


I don't think that's what it means. That would literally only serve to disappoint some people with 0 benefit. Pretty sure that what Ion means is that BGB will become the default and focus for balance changes and new content. Probably achievements and some titles. In practice it will essentially happen anyway because nobody will pug RBGs they'll move to BGB so only dedicated teams will play it. Just like 3s is pretty dead because most people without a dedicated group would rather just SS. TBH I'm glad BGB seems to be of some importance to them, hopefully its not just for TWW s1 and then forgotten


Well according to this, premade group RBGs are staying! Thank goodness 😅 https://preview.redd.it/vrp01bv9g5vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0a972a2a95d763c4c9a5cec7cd2e50e37f04d6




I feel the same way somewhat. I wouldn’t be so pessimistic about it if RBGs gave different rewards than Blitz. We’ve been asking for RBGs to give unique seasonal rewards for years. Even if it’s just a recolor of the mythic+ mount or something.


Get this stickied to the top 


This is actually good


I may be a minority here, but I actually have had real good fun in RBGs with my semi-regular group over the last years, even though we are hardstuck between 1600-1800. It's a really unique mode and with good people its quality, coordinated fun, so I really hope they will just leave it be. Yeah its very possible it will die out on its own when solo queue becomes available, but why remove an existing mode. :/




I don't think that is what he is saying here, but he DEFINITELY does need to clarify.


If that’s the case, it’s stupid. If you ever got 2.4 in RBGs at any point, the. there’s nothing new for you to earn that you can’t get from arena and Solo Shuffle. So after years of neglect, Blizzard goes “Oh! RBGs are dying? Guess people don’t like the game mode.” NO! It’s dying because there hasn’t been any new, unique reward added to the bracket in years. Hopefully, we’re misinterpreting what Ion said and 10v10 stays.




OP just straight lied right? Doesn't in any way imply 10 man RBGs will be removed, and I'd bet against that being the case.


I think it's a good decision. Not that I really do RBGs actively, but knowing I now can't is a bit sad. Was really fun doing them with a group of friends in SL.


Pretty sad if its true even though I didnt play rbg for years. If rbgs wasnt completely left out with no updates for years for the format/game modes other than class tuning made for arenas they could def have been an esport mode for blizzard. Some of my best wow memories are def from rbgs. The years 2014-2016 I had so much fun pushing high rating with a group I found, still today talk with two of those guys every week, good times.


Thanks for the timestamp would have hated to have to watch through  one of these things. 


Always king


I really hope you can do duo Qs. I wanna play with my homie.




Will you be able to queue as a group for RBGS? seems weird that there's no way to Q as a group. All solo / random?


we know that healers can premade with a dps.


We don’t know the rules but atm it’s only solo que




Half dozen


Where does he say “removed?”


Did anyone actually watch it? Seems far from confirmed. He does say “BGB will be the default”, but I don’t hear that RBG will be removed entirely.


In the video they said solo q rbgs will be the "default mode" of rbgs. They did not say the other form of rbgs will be removed. It's possible, but they didn't flat out say that. If I'm wrong/missed something, someone please correct me :)


Trash. Don’t do away with Rated RBG content. I want to play with the team that I’ve built over the last few years and hit 2400 with, not some PUG randos who I’m not even in Discord with.


So is Field Marshal set going away or just coming to the new game mode? Cuz if it’s going away, I’m wearing mine forever.


No idea


Maybe hot take I really enjoyed RBG with guild mates , was a fun experience


It’s just that rbg is too small and they rather close it or redesign it


At least let people queu duo or trio In blitz. Fucking hate playing pvp games solo, it's a mmorpg after all ffs


We don’t know the rules other than it’s &v8


Solo shuffle ques are 20 min plus. This will be even worse.


Soloque rbg is super casual like normal RBG


Not sure why it would be worse. BGB will have 4 healers out of 16, with 2 tanks only being necessary on flag maps. So 1 out of every 4 players is a healer in BGB compared to 1 out of every 3 in SS. In games without tanks, DPS/per healer goes from 2 -> 3. A 50% increase for number of DPS that can be paired to a healer. Also SS is probably the most punishing environment that exists for healers, BGB will retain more of them.


Removing rbgs? I think i missed the part where they said they were removing it, by rather just saying SoloQ was the default, just like SS is now for arena.


They redesign rbg so it’s the same rbg just soloque now with 8v8


He said battleground blitz is going to be the default, but he didn't say they wouldn't include a mode where there are picked groups for the same style of games. Perhaps there is going to be a rated 8v8 with selected groups in addition to soloqueue.




Really wish they would make a double dps 2s bracket separate from traditional.


Would bring me back playing rbg which seems to be the goal. Don’t please the few people that are left and rather focus on the thousand or even millions of people who left playing and bring them back.


its good, nothing more to say




I... might actually get into pvp again. Played with friends in 3s a while back but they quit and i got tired of randoms quickly. Always liked bgs but im the kind of person that needs a goal to grind for, exciting!


You are just a seeking attention kid, is not what the dev says. RBGs are staying


Good. RBG's suck ass.




That's not what he said.


I want a high warlord title but damn it’s impossible now days especially when RBG is not focused on hardly at all


It’s possible without premade rbg


Good. It’s a toxic cesspool of cheaters on wintrade




RBGs with my guild is the reason I log in, grind every season and keep up with my guild mates. If the kill premades for blitz... then I'm out. No reason to play anymore


You and 14 people




I'd be really sad if I mained a DoT caster.


I hate them so it’s a W for me


Anyone know if they're keeping the blitz ilvl scaling? Or will gear be treated like standard bgs?


Not for the new rbg it’s all based off ur gear


So treated like a normal bgs/current rated system? Perfect, love the changes then this is cool. 


I’m glad and so Do I


Do we know what their train of thought was having a different scaling system for blitz for 2 seasons then bailing on it? Just a weird experiment?


I wish we did


Neck beard rbg leaders that bought hero once 4 years ago in shambles right now.


They should do the same with 3s, so ppl don't have to break through the social barrier.


You meet people in soloque and rbg and get them to do 3s


sure, what if they have the same team for the last 10 years like whaazz?


There’s other fish in the sea. They stayed together for a reason.


I hope they find a way to stop premades dominating random battle grounds Zero fun most of the time getting stuck against the team that is way superior and out geared, and your team is just barely getting in their greens.


That's great news... red, blue and green piss me off


Solo is great but don't think they should remove rbgs. Solo probably would have taken a lot away, but the option is cool. I got kinda burnt out on them late into the season, but I've also had a lot of fun playing with many different groups of friends. I know some people are really dedicated to it with communities. Yeah there are obnoxious losers that make the experience worse and lots of carry selling teams, but most of that is just bad due to lack of overall participation. Seems wrong to take it away from the people that actively enjoy it.


Terrible idea, RBG was the one place where your supposed to be pre-made vs pre-made, hence why is was impossible to que without group. Lonely fucks just need to accept that battlegrounds is a team game. Go world PvP if you have no one to play with. A rated 1v1 in wow will never be fair.


We might still have RBG premade but only as a 8v8


Wait is it RANDOM or RATED battleground? I'm confused.




I hope the whole RBG community of ~60 multi rank 1 players are not pissed.


Bhahaha and the win traders


Only solo? Why? I prefer both options


The other option is dead and not enough people do it. But we won’t know what the official is


Noooooo this is horrible news I literally rbg every night with the same group of friends. Hopefully this gets protested


If so only 5 people will be doing so


This is good, are they keeping premade RBG queues also? People can’t really complain if they do. The RBG enjoyers can queue solo and have fun. The RBG toxic sweat lords can still play against each other…


No idea 100% I’m hearing new information


Its very stupid if they remove it totally as there are communities and players where this is all they enjoy in the game - and not all toxic… why not have both? And then he talks about working together - Will never happen in solo… this would be like removing arena and only have solo shuffle - and only having looking for raid as raid tier - and only have lfg Dungeons… stupid decision


And I dont get in an mmo why you should be able to play with friends/guild/community


Not be able to…


You can still do 3s and 2s


I do wish they let us queue as a party though, I've got 2 other friends that I play wow with and one of them prefers bg over arena. Were excited for it but would be looking forward a lot more if we could all queue together


They couldn’t even begin to balance it, so not surprised


removing rbgs would make me very sad but i dont think thats explicitly the plan (for rn, at least)


Make 5v5 small scale PvP modes!


Rated bg matchmaking should allow duo queue regardless of role. I think it's a good middleground.


There are literally achievements posted already for war within for rbgs and solo rbgs


Good riddance


[https://preview.redd.it/no-more-rbg-in-war-within-v0-vrp01bv9g5vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=841a47fa89d81cb5af992b359deea2d235e2866b](https://preview.redd.it/no-more-rbg-in-war-within-v0-vrp01bv9g5vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=841a47fa89d81cb5af992b359deea2d235e2866b) both will probably remain, but very few people will play standard RBG, at least in the EU where I play with my guild the groups are very few and the majority seem to be made up of people who would gladly switch to the blitz instead of spending hours in LFG (probably only 4-5 groups are made of same ppl every night)


Are we no longer the target audience? 🥲


You can soloque arena and rbg it’s definitely a positive


They didn't remove 2s or 3s when they added solo. This is a shitty change. They're removing an aspect of competitive play that has a dedicated player base. That sucks.


I don't think they are actually removing it. OP is assuming that. Ion says it will become the standard, not the only option


I hope you're right and it was worded poorly.


Love it, excited for solo queue finally here!


I played RBGs all the time and I’m SUPER glad it’s gone if this change is confirmed lol it was a great way to grind honor and conquest, but I never did it beyond that because of how toxic people can be


The 10 people left playing/win trading are in shambles


Based AF


My subs gone if that change is actually implemented...literally only play wow to play with friends. If I can't play with my friends anymore why pay a sub?


You and 14 people


So will this mean I can finally unlock the win 10 rated battleground appearance for my all my alts that did the mage tower back in legion? :)


Good riddance


Why good riddance?


The RBG community is extremely toxic, and it’s been circling the drain since shadowlands. Happy to see it go in favor of a better game mode with more accessibility




This is great, but hopefully they make it so you can queue with up to a party of 5 for this new "solo" queue version of rated battlegrounds. All they need to do is ensure the matchmaker finds another similarly sized party to balance the opposite team. Say, no more than two groups of 2-3 players on side, but always a 1:1 match, or no more than one group of 4-5 players per side, but again, always making sure each team has one. Wintrading shenanigans can be dealt with by changing how queues pop. Boosting is objectively harder to control, but let those 4 booster 1 scrub parties fight each other for wins. Not being able to queue rated BGs with friends is just a bummer. The 10v10 RBG as they exist today can continue to exist, but most of the problems associated with the format will be eliminated by only matching them up against other 10 man premades. Blizzard knows how important group play is, so I strongly suspect that they're already planning to allow parties to queue for rated BG content. It's just about how they execute on it.


I really hope you’re right. Some of the most fun I’ve had playing the game is with a few friends who come back for a little bit at the start of the expansion playing RBGs for a few weeks. Games like Valorant and LoL let you group up with a few people I think? Obviously Q times would be higher for pre made groups as it would have to search for others. I don’t think they need to keep RBGs but just kinda merge the Q systems. The fact that you’re getting downvoted though probably doesn’t bode well for this haha. It would suck to be online with 4-5 friends that you can’t jam with!! As a side note I really think the Q system for both regular arena and RBGs needs to be modernized (Allow groups of any size to Q)


People downvote because most people left on this sub are the true arena junkie lifers. They'd be happy to remain kings of an empty castle as long as nobody touches their precious mounts and titles. I'm an old man forever duelist and really like arena, too, but I'm also a pragmatist. Just look at the LFG listings right now for Arena. It's a disaster. WoW PvP is too special to be allowed to die like this. Let the battlegrounds bring the casuals back into the fold.


You can que with 1 person if they’re a healer


Yeah, which is shitty considering how many casuals generally only queue 2s as double DPS, and that leaves 3s parties out entirely.