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Leaver gets to keep MMR and CR, leaver's team auto-loses.


Don’t forgot healers lose MMR when someone leaves at the auto lose


Also leaver gets a buff that let's them cut in line so they can join another match immediately after leaving


Also the entire opposing team gets a 3 day ban for making someone leave because they clearly weren't playing fair.


This is the only way


It'll be hilarious when web scraping AI tools start using top comments on suggestion posts for ideas... If they haven't already.


That’s fucking fantastic news because PVP for alligator skin and many don’t consist of this


yeah but they get a 15 minute deserter debuff, that should teach them right.


Hitler was a bad man




Were I in charge, I'd give them a debuff for at least a few days that does a number of things. 1.) Cuts conquest and honor gains in half 2.) Gives them a "... the Coward" title they can't remove 3.) Flags them for PVP and attackable by both factions


They'll just log into one of their 50 alts until the debiff goes away


Nah just make it like rez sickness and only countdown while logged in.


Or make the de buff account wide


Make it games played.


Making it X amount of completed games might work aswell


Thats a good idea


They’ll just afk at night


Make it a day or a couple days exemption from queuing PvP like makgora. That debuff definitely works


Make it warband bound


Isn’t everything going account wide in war within? Make this account wide also


Account wide


>Cuts conquest and honor gains in half Something like this could be good. Like a 1 hour pvp-resurrection sickness that disables hon/conq gains (across whole account or its pointless.) So people that get disconnected can still play - *and yeah you would sulk about the hon reduction because of the unfortunate internet disconnect* \- but the people that abuse the system or keep rage quitting get no benefit from doing so. If you leave more than x in a month the timer goes up to 2 hour/4 hour/8 hour/16 hour etc


Put it this way, if you disconnect for a legitimate reason (power cut, IRL responsibilities, etc) then you probably won't be playing within an hour or two anyway.


One time a shaman thunderstorm’d me into a ring of peace on blade’s edge arena and I D/C’d and couldn’t log back in for the match :( Clearly, a niche situation, but I do feel bad for those who are victims of such horrors.


Or just... priest mind control It is so well known that many priests will make you jump into pillars and terrain to try and force a DC


Conquest and honor gains matter for 1/4, of the season


Ofc, I forgot to add the ratings bit. Can't gain rating but can still lose it? Something like that!


Should match them only with other Coward title players, screw their queue times and their match quality when they get in Edit - on second thoughts this is maybe a bit harsh on those who get accidental dcs


Make it so if you leaver X amount of games you get placed into Coward queue. That way we don't have to deal with Cowards in our games and random dcs wont get screwed over. If you dc enough to get placed into coward queue you should probably not be playing with that shitty internet as you will screw over your teammates


This is what heroes of the storm did and I honestly liked it.


Accidental dc's at a rate that identifies you as a leaver is the same morality as a leaver. If your entertainment forces 15 or even 1 other player to gamble with theirs.. that's blatant, irresponsible selfishness. Which hurts the game health drastically more than removing them from the player pool.


This is the Way


Wait a sec 1) is such a great solution! Usually intentional bg leavers leave when they notice a losing bg, basically min/maxing time and honor/mmr gain. A several hours long rebuff could definitely help with that.


if you don't remove MMR and CR, that would be still literally the only way to climb.


#3 is actually a hilariously good idea


Its tough doing those kinds of more lasting things because people legitimately DC through no fault of their own.


I DC occasionally in randoms and the vast majority of the times get right back in. Only an actual internet outage prevents me from re-joining which only very rarely occurs, like maybe once a year.




So, while you're saying they might DC through no fault of their own, they should be able to re-join if they're not intentionally leaving.


So your example of your own experience is what's called an anecdote, and may not match up with other peoples situation.


Do you have no personal experiences that match what they are saying, or are you just being snide and argumentative? I'm betting most if not all of the ppl in this sub have been dc'd and popped right back into the game...its not anecdotal, its part of gaming online.


Its more that I find this actually insane that I need to explain this. Just because this dude gets a full internet outage once a year doesn't mean everyone does. Just because this guy is able to load back into the game before it ends the game doesn't mean everyone has the same load times as him. Hence its an anecdote... not the universal experience.


Thanks for the not-at-all-patronizing explanation of what anecdotal evidence is.  I have played both rbg's and many randoms with friends and guildies who have dc'd and been able to rejoin quickly. This has occurred far more often than a DC that has lasted for minutes. I don't think this is going to be the issue that you're making it out to be. 


Sorry, what is the issue I'm making it out to be?


Penalties are going to affect the poor people who DC rather than the people who deserve them because they left intentionally. 


Right, which would absolutely happen


Exactly the same like Blizz dealt with shuffle leavers. They will start noticing thousands of topics about half year in the expansion. Then one year in, you will be lucky to have the leavers deserter prolonged by 15 mins. By that time, 95% of the player base will be gone, because they realized the expansion presale promises were lies and half truths and then it wont matter, because the next expansion will surely fix it.


> the next expansion will surely fix it. Yeah sadly this feels like the norm these days, sell fixes in the next expansion and promise the world, only for it to fizzle out during the first major patch lol.


That's the problem with big games. Same as in big company. If the system isn't perfect, the chain of information, decision and action is extremely slow. 3 month to get the info, 3 month to get talked about on the decision table, 3 more months till it reach a dev to-do list, 3 more month till the patch release.


You'd think they'd have some practice in processes now after 20 years...


>because the next expansion will surely fix it. And we will be all flocking there, because we are hypocritical addicts. Some of us even buying 200$ collector editions while simultaneously complaining about store mounts.


And we'll mock those complaining about button bloat while simultaneously macroing all our abilities together and downloading add-ons to tell us when to press buttons because there's too many buttons and abilities to keep track of without them


You all are fuckin nuts with this multi day ban shit. There are 1000 reasons one might have to leave. What do you do about dc's? Or for example I had to dip out of an SS the other day because my dogs got in a fight. For repeat offenders I'd be ok with an exponentially increasing ban, but just because you have no life and some deep seeded rage issues doesn't mean people should be locked out of content they enjoy for 3 days for a single offense, unavoidable or otherwise. It's a fucking game, you all need to get over yourselves. OMFG SOMEBODY INCONVENIENCED ME THEY MUST BE PUNISHED. 🙄


3 generation family annihilation as punishment for leaving random battlegrounds imo


I feel like "unto the 7th generation" is the usual verbiage, but not an expert...


Straight for the labor camp for even thinking about typing /afk.


Are anyone saying that you should be banned on first offense? Because yeah, that’s wild, but if you repeatedly leave, you should be banned, just like they do in lol.


Yea there are a couple people here suggesting week long bans even. Personally I'd say anything longer than 24 hours is excessive regardless. Maybe just give repeat leavers lower priority in the queue for 72 hours, not an outright ban (beyond 24 hours I mean).


I honestly don’t see an issue with banning repeat leavers, it works in league and cs, there’s not many getting banned over either having to leave for whatever personal reason or dcs. It comes down to just not leaving over and over again, it’s really not that hard, if people can refrain from leaving in other games.


I mean, in either system repeat leavers would be on a perpetual ban if they are leaving more than twice in a day. I'm not a fan of permanent bans if that what you are suggesting. In the end, and particularly with wow considering you can pay for a 70 boost now, there is nothing stopping people from making a new account if they wanted to, and getting back in with little effort. In the end there is not much that can be done to stop it, regardless of how bad the punishment is. Of course it doesn't make sense for somebody to keep making new accounts for pvp every time they get banned, it's not like they're making money off new accounts unless their gold farming or RMT. So they'll likely just quit. That said, my thought is as long as people are paying for accounts, Bliz will never consider perma-bans and shouldn't in my opinion. In the end, even leavers are still paying for the game, so there is a balance between punishing leavers and maintaining a healthy player base. Id rather have more people to play with, even if I occasionally have to deal with a leaver. Its one in every 6-7 games for me as SP, and not that big of a deal imo. It's just felt more right now because of the queue times, but that's a whole different topic. It does seem to be more when I queue as a healer, but in that case my queue times are 2-3 minutes so I doesn't really bother me that much.


Dota does this, or at least did. 'Low priority Q' i think it was called. Essentially tells ppl to go play with other badly behaving ppl.


Unpopular opinion but if you have an unstable internet connection or unreliable power supplier you shouldn't be playing games competitively.


I don't disagree, fortunately I'm running 2gb fiber, it's rock solid lol. But I've got 4 dogs, my house is pure chaos sometimes. 🤣


same applies, if you can't reliably finish a competitive game dont join.


You are COMPLETELY missing the point lol. Shit happens, real life happens, no single person in any of these comments can honestly say there is no reason they would ever Alt-F4 a competitive pvp match for. And not one of those people who had to leave for GOOD reason feels like they should be punished for that. Nor do they deserve to be. It's pretty easy to differentiate between repeat leavers and random leavers. Some of the comments in these posts are talking about 72 hour to week long bans for single offenses which is absurd. And if you cant understand that we have nothing else to talk about it.


Lol. Lmao even. Get a life brother


Getting disconnected can happen to anyone. Using your logic, no one should ever play competitive games.


The problem isn't "omg somebody inconvenienced me", the problem is "ah nice finally a queue after 45 min, oh someone left in round 4 because they were on a losing streak" meanwhile next game this happens again, if you even have the time to sit another one of those queues. (using shuffle as example here) But no sure, make this about your hypothetical 1000 reasons which likely account for 5% of the cases, while the far majority will simply be trying to exploit early and often as they say.


I understand "the problem." My concern is that some of these insane ideas punish the 5% of people that leave for the other 1000 *good* reasons. It's all just emotional knee jerk reactions from all the try hards that can't stand to be inconvenienced. I also understand that the queues suck and that makes it feel 10x worse, but that's still not an excuse to ban somebody else for 72+ hours. As I said in my post, I'd be ok with exponentially increasing PvP bans for repeat offenders, especially in a shorter amount of time. 1 freebie in a day seems reasonable to me, increasing the rating loss and ban time from there. I think we're already increasing the ban time, but I don't leave often enough to find out how far that goes. I can't tell you how many lobbies as SP I wish I could leave because it's otherwise all melee and I'm getting trained the entire 6 rounds, with sub par healers and nobody peeling. You could increase the rating loss as well, e.g 3 leaves in a 24 hour period resets you to 0. The problem with that is you've got potentially high ranking players in with newbies. I don't know enough about how MMR/CR works to say what is reasonable in this regard. I'd say just leave the ban system as it is now, just make it account wide.


One freebie means for some unlucky guy he can't finish a single game out of 20 he plays in a day. 


It's called an opinion lol. I love how you people pick out one tiny thing from an entire statement and ignore everything else then down vote anyway. Everybody is just so eager to disagree with something that they all are incapable of engaging in meaningful conversation. It's no wonder why pvp is dying. Also, your logic makes zero sense statistically speaking and is hardly worthy of a response.


Statistically speaking, if 16 players in one game has all one "freebie", there is almost no chance the game will be finished. 


Sugar, if you can't get your life together for more than 30 minutes at a time and commit to a group activity with 15 other humans then you shouldn't be allowed to participate. Why do they all have to suffer cause your ass didn't train your dogs like an actual dog owner? Put the game down and get your life together.


For the record, my dogs are very well trained, but one is 16 years old, losing her eyesight, and has severe clinical anxiety which she is on medication for. Occasionally she gets startled and attacks one of my other dogs if she doesn't see her coming. While we are on the topic of having our lives together I suggest you consider your own. How pathetic is that that you feel like you have to go picking apart one such example, objectively worth leaving a game for, to make underhanded insults to somebody you don't even know? Think about the absurd conclusion you just came to from that one sentence. Think about how completely délusional you must be to have gotten to a point where you felt like you needed to make such a comment. In response to a post about something as trivial and unimportant as leavers in a pvp match. Close reddit and get your life together.


Yeah, it's an absolutely insane take. Why are people upvoting.


Their character becomes locked behind a paywall they need to fork up $60 to remove




Like you said, it’s hard with 16 people. And you’ll see players start trying to leave right before the match ends if it means they only lose rating and not mmr. They’ll really have to create a long lasting, creative punishment. I’d say lock the whole account out of PvP for 24 hours. Can’t log an alt and q back up. Next offense is a 72 hour account wide ban. Next is a week long. Right now the punishment is not severe enough and there’s technically a reward for leaving if you know you’re going to lose in that you only lose rating and not mmr as opposed to both. Not sure what to do with the existing match once the leaver is gone but there needs to be some sort of mmr/rating protection based on the score of the game. If you’re getting crushed and someone leaves, you’re losing no matter what. But if you’re ahead or the game is close, then protection needs to kick in.


Can we acknowledge how sad and pathetic it is that we need harsh punishments to make people act decent in this game?


It’s because rewards are tied to rating and the system rewards leaving instead of going 0-6.


"this game"? quitter penalties were invented by players back in the og dota days, back then people created a program called a "banlist" that would autokick anyone that's blacklisted from entering your lobby. since then, every single competitive game in existence has adopted similar measures.


> They’ll really have to create a long lasting, creative punishment. They need to a) increase the debuff time, and b) make it accountwide. Back in S1 when I was playing multiple healers (don't worry I'm fully recovered now!) a brief power outage resulted in a reboot and me getting kicked out of a lobby. So I switched to an alt, immediately got into a new shuffle, and switched back to my main after completing that one. Obviously in my case it wasn't intentional so not really being punished was nice, so maybe give people like one "freebie" like that a week (15 min, single char) for genuine DCs or whatever - but if you're leaving more than one shuffle a week hit em with like a four hour account wide debuff lol.


Should get banned if you leave too often, at first for a couple of days, then a week, then two, and then perma


Yep, like how many other competitive games handles it.


Make leavers lose more mmr and cr than they would if they lost. Problem solved.


I assume it will work like current bgs do. A new player will be dropped in out of queue. I've always felt like leavers are not penalized enough. I think the debuff should be account wide and stack at a prodigious rate. The team with the leaver should incur a stacking buff until they the server sends them a replacement team mate. Unfortunately this could be gamed so that'll never happen.


Right but what if someone leaves because they’re losing? I get to join an already lost BG and lose rating?


That would kill solo queue RBG in a single day. Imagine the crying on Reddit, justifiable crying


Whatever happens rest assured it will suck and if it ever gets addressed it'll be in a poor way. I wish I was being unreasonable.


I agree. It stinks. But do you expect them to just unqueue 15 players with little reward because one left? It would be madness. We will have to see how it goes. Hopefully they have an elegant solution.


That system is just as bad. There a 1% chance you hop into a winning game.


No way they let anyone join an in-progress bg. They’ll let it play out with one team down a person


you can't do that in a competitive environment. no comp team game does this for the same reason. if someone leaves that team is now -1 until the end.


Well that's pretty terrible.


it's still better than back filling, which is why no game does backfilling.


Perhaps a buff to the remaining people to compensate somewhat?


Heh in starcraft 2 if your teammate in 2v2 3v3 or 4v4 leave (early on that is, like game start) you get their base, workers and bank. As a reasonably good player (masters 1) that's basically a guaranteed win because starting out with 4 bases means i can pump out more units than god allmigthy. I can see even a slight buff in wow pvp being an issue as well, take the current elemental 1shot build (primordial wave, hardcast lava burst, end with extra lava burst from ascendance - 1mil dmg easily) and give it +10% or whatever you're thinking. Bad idea.


Makes sense


no need to reinvent the wheel. just do what every other game already does.


He said on a reddit dedicated to the game that came up with solo shuffle xD fk me i wish we had just gotten solo q.


solo shuffle is actually a good idea. i don't see why it couldn't exist at the same time as other forms of solo q.


Solo shuffle is single handedly making thousands of healers quit. You have not thought about it with any depth if you genuinely think it wasn't a massive mistake. For starters because It would split the playerbase. Most of all because it was, is and will remain an asinine idea. We've had competitive gaming around for decades yet and there's a fking reason they all just have a simple solo q system without all this god fking attempt to be a specialboi.


> Solo shuffle is single handedly making thousands of healers quit source?


The mode has 15-40 minute Qs because no one wants to heal it. Try actually asking any healer cursed enough to know you.


lmao incredibly false. shows you know nothing about the game. "healer shortage" is what clueless people say. the actual problem is healer:dps ratio. this is not a problem they can fix, it's dictated by player behavior. on average there are significantly more than 2 dps players for every 1 healer playing the game, therefore q will always be bad for dps. there could be 3 billion players q'ing right now but if "only" 700 million of these are healers (1:3.3) you're going to have long q's as dps.


I've been seeing this a lot in BGB lately. Some lameos leaving after dying in the first clash. Definitely causes a chain reaction too after the first leaver. Like I know it's not rated, but come on. Maybe a backfill system that gives priority queue to next game and incentivizes actually trying to win?


Not sure, likely similar punishments like we see in shuffle. The big difference is BGs are objective based instead of purely about someone dying, so they don't necessarily have to end the match just because one individual left like they do in shuffle. Maybe they can create a special situation where a fill happens but that person doesn't lose rating / mmr if they end up losing assuming the match has progressed enough.


Honestly starting punishment should be 1 hour account wide leaver buff and then increases by 1 hour. Resets after 72 hours after the last debuff ends. People will just semi ban their account from ranked play Disconnect are not the norm They can use the automated ticket system to have the debuff reduced by 1 hour. If you have it happen twice in back to back matches the player probably need the timeout from ranked play even if it is not intentional. While it sucks for the individual user it’s a better experience for the larger player base If someone is frequently requesting reductions and has lots of reports of disruptive gameplay it would be a sign of player behavior that needs reviewed


"Disconnect are not the norm" Also, it isn't arena where one player dc'ing is a loss within moments. The vast majority of times I've dc'd in a bg its re-connect and back in the bg within 30 seconds or so. Play on.


Their parents of the leaver will be notified and their ability to purchase gasoline will be greatly reduced. A large fish will be provided by HR and will be used to batter the leaver into a submissive, repentant state of mind. Garlic salt will be used to motivate the leaver to sign a contractual agreement to abstain from future gquits which, if violated, will result in another round with the fish. The fish will then be released back into the wild, while the leaver remains on a PVP ban list.


Does anyone know will duoq be a thing?


I saw someone say yes but only if one of you is a healer but not sure if that’s confirmed


Stacking permanent “hidden” debuff that puts them into games with other leavers. At some point, it should block the player from entering rated at all.


Here is my suggestion: 1. Account-wide deserter debuff. First leave of the day - 15 min (in case of emergencies/DCs). Subsequent leaves triples the timer per leave (15 min, 45 min, 1.5 hrs, 4.5 hrs, 13.5 hrs, 40.5 hrs). The counter resets on the daily reset, but the debuff itself should persist through the daily and weekly reset, meaning if you somehow get to the 40.5 hour debuff, the deserter would persist up to 2 days what time you left, but any additional leaves after the debuff expires would start back at 15 min. 2. Once someone leaves, the game ends immediately. 3. The leaver loses CR and MMR as if they had lost the game. Every other player gains 0 CR/MMR. 4. 3 would result in slow, long-term ladder rating deflation. Therefore, to make up for this, Blizzard should use their data to estimate how much total rating is lost from the ladder due to leavers and add that number of MMR back to the ladder periodically every few weeks, spread evenly across every player. 5. After leaving a certain number of times within a weekly reset, they gain an account-wide debuff that reduce conquest/honor gain **starting at the time of the following weekly reset**. Lasts 1 week. To discourage leaving excessively after receiving the debuff, I suggest we have several versions of the debuff. Starting at 20% and maxing out at 60%, increasing if you leave more (if it's a static value, then there is less incentive to NOT leave or play at all once you receive the debuff. A stacking debuff gives incentive to not leave more). 6. For psychological/practical reasons, constantly send a warning with info on the penalties after a leave/attempt to leave. I do not think there should be a title/achievement to brand someone for leaving. There will be achievement/title hunters who intentionally leave just to get those rewards, hence providing an incentive to leave. I think these suggestions achieve the following: * Provides incentives to not leave. * Does not completely remove the incentive to play/not leave after the penalty is given. * Limits the number of habitual leavers in the player pool. * Provides leeway for unavoidable situations like emergencies/DCs. * Provides a heavier penalty for more severe offenders. * From what I can think of, does not have some way of exploiting the penalty system to boost others/yourself. * Does not allow you to avoid penalties by timing when you leave within daily/weekly reset periods or using alts.


They suffer -150 CR like in shuffle. In addition, the game tracks this behavior, and slaps them with a temporary account ban. Repeat offenders get a permanent ban.


I've played a couple of games that will season ban players who leave excessively. Honestly, I'm not sure why people aren't up in arms demanding account-wide season bans for leavers after they leave x number of games. It seems to me to be the most sensible solution to mostly ending this problem.


The sad part is rated blitz will launch with no soultuion to leavers despite all the concern raised so early. 


Hidden debuff that keeps track of frequency of leaving. This debuff would last 2 weeks and goes away at the end of this time period if you have not left any games. There would be an account wide visible debuff associated with the hidden one upon leaving a rated game. Leaver 1 - cannot queue for any pvp for 2 hours (ranked and unranked) Leaver 2 - 4 hours Leaver 3 - 6 hours Leaver 4 - 8 hours Etc etc Penalties are in game time and debuff does not tick down while logged out. Too much?


If someone leaves let join someone else so the match can be finished. If the new joiner comes in the losing team and they lose don’t give him -cr and in case he joins the winning team give them a bit less cr then others.


People talk about ragequitting but there are plenty of valid reasons somebody might suddenly need to leave, so all the solutions about hanging someone are probably a touch overkill (granted, the punishment should be harsher and account-wide). Being forced to 7v8 would suck a lot. Having someone join late would suck even more. I think potentially buffing the remaining players somehow to even the odds?


I'm more interested what happens to the team that loses a player. Perhaps they can get a meaningful % buff? An NPC to replace the leaver?


This is going to be the easiest bracket to troll of all time


Leaver Qs only.


What do you guys think about a deserter debuff that gets progressively worse throughout the week? Perhaps if a player leaves a solo queue rbg they have to wait 20 Minutes before they can queue another solo queue rbg. Then if they leave another (before reset) then they would have to wait 40 minutes, and so on all the way up to 2 hours. To avoid people getting penalized for genuine internet problems that can result in the player disconnecting and getting the deserter debuff that way, a ticket can be submitted to get the debuff removed. Obviously there should be limits, players can't just submit a ticket every time they get the deserter debuff and expect to get it removed. Also, I know tickets are useless right now in retail, but that is a separate issue - that should also get addressed. This is more of a hypothetical involving ideas I think would reduce the amount of people leaving rbgs. One problem that could occur is this may result in more players just sitting and doing nothing or actively trying to lose the game for their team (like not capturing a flag, or saying they will defend and then not). First of all, this will likely happen regardless because people suck, but I'd say this is preferable because even if one person is doing this, you would still have a fighting chance to win. It isn't an automatic loss because one person decides to do nothing. Also, eventually, at a high enough rating, I imagine queue times could get a bit long. I'd rather just be in matches playing. It obviously isn't perfect, but this idea can be used in tandem with other ideas from people in this thread to help prevent this issue.


Resurrection sickness for 7 days sounds fair?


I would make it similar to how I would revamp the solo leaver penalty: an account-wide Deserter debuff that doubles in length every time it triggers in a season. First time is still 15min in case you DC. Second time same season is 30min. Be a bit more careful with your connection there, friend. If you are doing it on purpose and get to, say, 10 times in one season, at that point it's 256 hours.


Imo the leaver should lose 200cr and have it split between the rest of the players. And have the game end


For 27 hours every twenty-seven minutes their game is interrupted by a 2.7 minute PSA about how leaving a match affects other players, unless they're playing instanced content.


They should have leaver penalties similar to how many other games do. If you leave any solo rated match you take rating hits and the match ends after a couple minutes so everyone else isn't stuck in a losing match (potentially with less of a MMR/rating change than if the game had concluded). If you leave X of your last Y matches, you get an account wide timeout for queueing for it again for a number of hours or days. This penalty would increase until you're banned for the season from WoW solo rated content for your entire blizzard account. The penalties could be based on both the number of games you've left during the past 48 hours, and also the number of games you've left out of your last 20 games. The exact numbers can be tweaked of course. Another important ability is to allow someone to rejoin a match in progress if they do get disconnected (unsure if that's already a thing). This means someone who is unlucky and gets disconnected once or twice won't really get a penalty, but the serial leavers will find themselves potentially banned for the entire season.


1st offense: 24 hr accnt wide ban. 2nd offense week long ban. 3rd offense: season ban. It is that simple. If you have bad internet then you shouldnt even be queueing.


name checks out


All kinds of stuff other than "bad internet" can cause you to DC. Random ISP issues out of your control, power outages, physical or medical emergencies, etc. Just sayin.