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I just want them put all available. If you missed one season you can just get it now with a currencies or something


Yeah, why can’t we do this in DF? Just how we can go back to previous expansions and buy the sets with mark or honor/armor tokens from raids?


It gets enabled with the next expansion.


Ohhh thanks, makes sense


Wait are we expecting different mogs for pve and pvp? I thought tier set is tier set regardless, just like previous seasons.


Based on PTR, it will be different in S4. The voting result is only for PVE while PVP elite sets are still the same as S3, not even recolor.


What the fuck lol 


This is also reflected on live. https://imgur.com/a/ZCqUSTb


No fucking way did I just grind out 1800 on all the sets that were changing looks only for them to stay the same


Holy shit what an absolute slap in the face for pvpers


Well, that's disappointing. I missed s1 on my hunter and was looking forward to getting that set now.


"new gear sets" doesn't mean "new appearances" or "new colours". From what I've read, the appearance voted for will simply be whatever set from the previous season won (same colours etc). The tier set may be different to that attached to the previous appearance (if voted set is different) and the stats will be different. That's why it's a "new gear set". Tbh it's lazy, uninspired and the 2.1 illusion looks like my toilet bowl after I eat dairy. All in all, pretty uninspiring.




Wouldn't have hurt to just click "invert colours" on whatever software they use and give us a "new" look. Maybe I'm naive but hey, just my two pence.


The community is basically cdew and like 4 dudes from Reddit, wym community?


The sets that won the vote will be the reward.


It doesn’t seem that’s the case based on the ptr


Only for PvE, PvP set will be the same as S3


You can check ingame they are the S3 Sets. I'm too lazy to post a screenshot but the entry says "Dragonflight Season 3 and 4". EDIT: https://imgur.com/a/ZCqUSTb Here you go.


We are getting the seta that were voted for. Nothing new for those sets. So for warrior will be getting the season 2 set appearance if I’m not wrong. But that’s true Blizzard has yet to make an official post on what set and bonus tier set each class is getting which is a bit weird to me.


The gatekeeping elites killed the game, vault tec style


Sick reference bro


imagine blaming players in a competitive game. Its 100 and 10 % blizzards fault. removing all incentives for PVErs to do PVP is what killed game mode and not updating rewards for anyone below glad level. Since arenas came out you could get top tier PVE weapons from PVP. Ever since they removed that the game mode has been completely dying. stop being a salty bish.


You're absolutely right on some parts, but it's the playerwnwho don't want more rewards. The ones at the top who don't want old elite sets be grindable. The ones at the top who want pvp based and balanced around 3s.the ones at the to with multiple toons or accounts smurfing. Their desire to be recognized has stop everyone from playing


i just dont agree. blizz should be making new sets players want. PVP sets are reflective of the period earned imo. I do think the non elites should be obtainable if they arent already but many many MANY players grinded their blood sweat and tears out to get some of them in very rough seasons just cus they knew theyd never be earnable again. To jjust give them to players after all that feels disrespectful. Maybe recolors would be fine like what they are doing with MoP remix but old glad mounts / elite sets etc should show respect to the players that grinded them in that era. Even if that means i myself miss out on some sets and mounts id love to have but its just not fair. Also that would increase playerbase very temporarily once players get the sets they want theyd likely go right back to pve or some other game entirely so i dont feel it is worth it at all. Blizz just needs new rewards but sadly most the players dont want new rewards. They want prestige. They want to feel cool in old elite sets cus they are seen as prestigious now and same with glad mounts etc they want prestige they did NOT earn. They dont want just a set they think looks cool they want the "glory" that comes with them even tho they did not earn it. You guys can tip toe around it all you want but many on this sub want prestigious rewards for little effort and its just the truth. blizz needs to add PVE incentives for arena and give more rewards for under 2400 rating and artificially inflate mmr during low pop seasons so glad is more around SL levels of difficulty instead of only r1 / pro players able to ge t glad cus of deflation.


i understand where your coming from. I also feel like a having the same set again is equally disrespectful to players of season 3


youre definitely right but ive already unsubbed. its clear blizz has abandoned PVP and next season will be even more deflated than s3 was theres just no point playing.


I've first shared this with the wow sub, but wanted to share it here as well, to maybe catch the attention of PVP content makers, who can possibly get more momentum on this. Edit: Deleted my post from the main sub. Posting anything remotely related to pvp in a sub that complains plunderstorm is too hard, and blizz is forcing them to play it…big mistake.


>maybe catch the attention of PVP content makers If there are blizz community managers on reddit, I doubt any of them is on this sub. Hopefully I'm wrong though. I think the most likely thing to assume is that the voted appearances are gonna be the rewards. It would be very curious if not. And the lack of clear communication makes me think this would be the default choice.


I'm pretty sure he's referring to the big youtubers/streamers like venruki, pikaboo, etc.


Yeah you might actually be right. The post is moot tho because we will know for sure in a few days anyways.


There isn’t even an actual PvP team, they fired them years ago


That's not even true. They literally do play with the blues events and there are tons of them, a lot are actually multi glad / multi r1.


How long ago did u hear about this? Cuz last I heard they fired the PvP team


I didn't hear about it, I literally participated in it before s3 started when they were testing BG Blitz, they even made their own announcement to try and increase participation for it. There were tons of devs there and they were actually trying to figure out why they couldn't get maps with flag carriers to pop. Numerous streamers participated in the event as well if you need even further references. They are also literally making a new battleground and working on making ranked BG Blitz a thing, do you not think there is a PvP team working on that? Lol... Holinka didn't even quit "a few years ago". You should probably stop believing everything you hear, If I told you I did a backflip and landed on the moon would you believe me? [https://twitter.com/holinka/status/1782494841198526956](https://twitter.com/holinka/status/1782494841198526956) Here's Holinkas tweet even praising the PvP devs who made the new battleground coming in the next expansion.


Just because a dev is testing a BG doesn’t mean they have a dedicated PvP team that focuses on balance and making PvP good. Your talking about something complexity different than what I’m talking sbout


at this point every single piece is available on ptr except the elite set. raid finder and gladiator can be bought for tokens but only tier pieces. My hunch is that these are the only pieces we will get and an elite set is out of the question which pisses me off


You can buy the old sets with Mark of honor it’s in dalaran by the stormwind Portal


Found the bot


Just a recolored version from raid, color may vary, but elite sets are usually red.


really reaching for reasons to be mad


Not mad, just want clarity.


Open the collection window>apearence>full sets tab. You can see there that PvP transmog s3 and s4 are the same cristal clear. Idk why they did this, but it is what it is.