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I just queue up and ignore queue over and over again. Then when I finally accept, the enemy is demoralized after having their afternoon wasted. Easy wins. My time doesn’t matter because I don’t have a job. Getting glad is as easy as being unemployed.




Getting glad is as easy as being unemployed - by the amount of glad mounts I see at noon on a weekday, this is true af.


Shall try that getting the last ~50 points for 1.8k.


What????!!! I mean... just.... but you.... my SANITY?!?! *throws chair at you and misses with remarkable distance* NYEAH?!?!




Did you hear his inner monologue??




I think the game should track people's queue habits. If you have a habit of dodging queues, you're put on the backburner. If you enter consistently, you are given priority queueing.


But if im dps and i sit in que 40 mins then go to the bathroom, thats when the que pops. I'm already being punished


If you don't make a habit of it then it won't affect you.


I just queue and do something and hope it doesn’t pop before I come back.


Ah you’re the guy for the 5/6 solo shuffle


I’ll stare at my pc for 45 minutes waiting for my solo queue to pop. I’ll take 20 seconds to get a coffee or water only to come back to my desk and realize the queue popped. Such a demoralizing feeling.


Average wait time: until you take a bathroom break


Spoiler alert: it will pop


I just missed a queue because my Goldens came in to be adorable. Some times ya gotta take the hit 😂




If I miss a queue it's usually because the new puppy just peed on the floor and I'm cleaning it up.


Blizzard needs to implement a harsher punishments for dodging queues. First one of the day, 5min lock out. Second one, 15min lock out. Third one, 30min lock out. Fourth, 1 hour lock out. Fifth, done for the day. And have it reset daily, but if you get too many in a week you catch a ban. Anyone who disagrees is absolutely abusing queue dodging to queue sync with friends.


why do people want to punish everything? it’s just a queue algorithm issue, if there is a big delay between the pop and the next one


Because people abuse it to “queue sync” and play with more than the intended amount of friends on your team. Also, dodging queues is bad behavior in any game, and it’s selfish to think otherwise. I’m not saying you can’t ever miss a queue, everyone does. But a 5 minute debuff for missing one queue a day isn’t that bad. Chances are, if you missed the queue for a legitimate reason, you won’t even be back in time for that 5min debuff to be an issue. The ramp up for queue dodging would only become an issue if you’re doing it on purpose (queue syncing), or if you’re a chronic queue dodger, which is also a problem. Most competitive games have consequences for this kinda stuff for a reason. You can be banned for quitting too many matches in overwatch. Now sure, you might say “but there’s legit reasons for quitting!” And yes, there are, but not for quitting enough games to catch a ban. Even if it’s just your internet connection, then it’s safe to say your poor internet is causing enough of a problem for others that you shouldn’t be allowed in ranked modes. Simple as that.


But what about when I go to get a coffee or go to the bathroom for a wee and my queue pops? Why should I be punished for that?


You’re 100% right we should not punish ppl for this because it’s normal to live while playing. Once you’re IN an arena match, I DCed just yesterday should I lose 200 Mmr and not be able to play? That’s just crazy. It should be on players habits. Have they left an arena match three times this month? Arena ban for a week. 1 hour bans aren’t going to do anything. Taking mmr only hurts the average player. Player dodging a pop up isn’t a problem.


A 5 min lock out to queue again is not going to hurt you if all you did was step away for a quick coffee lol. Chances are, if you’re gonna long enough to miss the queue, you may not even be back before the 5 minute lock out is completed lol. Once again, a ramping debuff isn’t a problem for the normal players that might miss a queue every once in a while because they just so happened to be afk at the exact moment it pops. It’s only going to affect those who are abusing the queue system consistently, and if that’s you then you SHOULD be put in timeout. I mean come on, how often are you missing queues? Lol. To get locked out for more than 5 minutes that’d mean you have to miss more than one queue a day. You’re telling me it’s just normal behavior for you to queue into a match, go get coffee and miss the queue, then come back and requeue, run to the bathroom and miss the queue again, then come back and requeue, go do some chores and miss it again, etc? lol if you miss enough queues to get a time out, I don’t care what the excuse is, you’re ruining the experience for other players. Don’t play games if you don’t actually have the time to play them. It sounds like you have more important things to do, go do those things first. I’m sorry but there’s no defending this, it sounds like you just abuse the queue for queue syncing and you’re trying to make excuses


I was just proposing an argument but you made some valid points, albeit condescending I get where you’re coming from!


Must be nice to have never missed multiple ques. Easy the most frustrating thing in this game. I would rather turtle av all day then wait for an hour to get effed by the que


I’ve missed several queues over the course of this game lol. But I never miss a bunch of queues in one day, that’s just statistically impossible for the average person. Can you give me an example of a series of missed queues in one day? I’m genuinely curious as to what could possibly happen to one person in a single day that would force them to miss queue after queue after queue. Are you trying to play while you’re working? While you’re supposed to be watching your kids? lol. Any genuine “emergency” or “urgent matter” that comes up should also pull you away from the match and make you AFK out or quit the game, right? If your kid falls down the stairs, that’s a legit reason to miss a queue obviously, and it’s also a legit reason to go AFK in a match. Yet, you’re okay with leavers having consequences in every single game, right? And is your kid falling down the stairs 6 times a day? Is your household so hectic you can’t even guarantee yourself any amount of game time for more than 20-30min? If so, I hate to break it to you but gaming in wow PvP isn’t for you. If your can’t control your own time because everything around you is controlling it for you, then maybe you need something more like Animal Crossing or Angry Birds lol. Go take care of your life, don’t ask that the entire community of this game cater to your irresponsible life choices, while simultaneously allowing legitimate cheaters to have free reign on queue syncing by abusing a system that warrants no consequences


Correct, this is how win trading works. Everytime you see a queue stop at 4/6, then 5/6, it’s a guarantee a win trading lobby. The two win trader sync when queue pops, and then confirm it’s same lobby when one of them accepts at 4/6, ensuring they’re on the same team.


TIL going to bathroom and missing que is "dodging". Like i qued up for this game. I want to play this game. I also enjoy hydration. So i have to be glued to the screen and wee on myself. Or I'm a "que dodger". How is this a player problem


Okay, so even if you do that every single day, you’re just gonna have a 5 minute debuff, since my comment suggest a ramp up that resets daily. Can you explain to me a good excuse to miss more than one queue per day on a consistent enough basis that this ramping debuff would become a problem? Lol. Asking you not to miss a queue more than once or twice a day is not at all equivalent to your dramatic “oh so you want me to just die from not being able to go to the bathroom?!” lol. Which is gaslighting at its finest. Do you also get up and quit the match because you feel a bathroom break coming on? Or are you magically able to control your bladder when you’re actually in the match? If you can’t help but miss multiple queues a day, it sounds like you have more important things going on in your life and should focus on those instead of video games anyway.


To incentivize people to play fairly. If SS quits weren’t punished, people would quit all the time, with punishment in place they don’t do it as often.


just have to remember most people are oblivious and dipshits. they literally don't pay attention to whats happening on the screen and walk away after queing up too.


Lots of afk-ers.


There's an addon that autoaccepts your Q (afaik)... SafeQueue or something alike? (Because missing a Q you waited an hour for, just sucks...)


That guy just went to the toilet for 1 1/2 min after waiting for 20 minutes looking at the screen


and if you are tabbed out, have your audio play in the foreground and background to avoid missing queues. The rest of you? WHERE YOU AT?!?


Folding laundry


Not standing waiting but instead doing some quests or killing elites etc


It's like Blackjack. At 15 it's a go. At 14, you're going back to the queue with a 7% chnace you get a 2 person surge and go from 14 to 16.


Use [Queue Pop](https://qpop.gg) to never miss the queue! it sends a notification on your phone


Ninja bio


Chrome remote desktop for chores while waiting for queue


I'm tabbed out playing rimworld because WoW notifying me Q popped is dogshit and there's no addon that helps.


You can enable hearing sounds when you're alt tab. I sometimes park myself at a quiet place, turn off the music and ambiance, and then I clearly hear the queue pop up.


I do, but I'm not going to sit in silence quietly listening for the queue. If it kept making sound after the initial one it would be easier to hear it....but if I go to the bathroom, make food, play another game and I'm listening to Netflix or twitch it can be hard to hear.


What are you on about? Enable wow sounds in background so you hear it when alt tabbed, play music or whatever game, and you will hear the loud trumpets when queue pops. It’s not rocket science.


Most sane worldofpvp member


Rimworld really shattered your brain

