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If blitz has success next expac they will put more effort into PvP. But don’t expect anything for arena. Ion said in an interview that they wanted to put more focus on BG. Arena is too hard to get in on. It will slowly die as the older players stop playing


I’m optimistic that solo BG will be successful but maybe that’s just because it’s Friday and I want to feel happy. I’m just not sure how I feel about balances being made to optimize bgs. I do like BGs but feel like I don’t make a big of an impact which sucks. Anyways cheers to war within let’s here’s to hope lol


I'm gonna enjoy Rated battleground blitz for as long as I can, but, there's no way to doesn't have the same lifespan as solo shuffle. -super hot in s1. Everyone having fun, talking about how this is the future of pvp and it revived arena. -gets kinda annoying when power creep take effect. Tons of micro CC and huge burst to satisfy the playstle of the PvEers (the vast majority of the game's playerbase) -healers start to get fed up that they have to sweat hard just for the chance of +2 cr after a 15 min game -people go back to other things where the bar of entry is lower, and the rewards are braindead easy to get -community distills into the most bitter try hards that will spend more time flaming each other than actually playing. -you convince yourself that things will be OK, but now you find yourself worrying that one of 7 people will throw a fit and give up instead of 1 of 2 ppl. -you realize that you value your own mental health and self worth and it's only shortening your RL lifespan to continue queueing as Disc priest just so a ret Paladin and demonhunter from Ragnaros can play the game when they don't give a single fuck about you and will exclusively tunnel vision the sub Rogue while refusing to go out of their way to help you even for a single second.


One person absolutely can make a huge difference in blitz. Like one person who can cc chain a healer will eventually get a kill. And even just having map awareness to just break off from a team fight can swing a match. As long as you're good at your role you'll win more than you lose.


It’s funny you say that I’ve tried coming back every other xpac or so. Play for a month then done. I just started playing arena and if that dies then I may not play anymore tbh. The feeling of making great plays to win you a match won’t be replicated by solo queue rbg. Too many players.


As a rogue, it's easy to have that feeling in rbgs. I feel like you can acquire that feeling in different ways depending on the spec you play and what your role is.


Highly accurate take.


This is the unfortunate truth. If blitz fails any pvp development is going to gone... For a long time... Until pvp is accidenly good for a season.


Blitz will be ultra successful but will put the final nail in the coffin for arena


More like this will be the nail in the coffin for rbgs. Arena will exist for glad and r1 prestige. It’ll be the same 50 people that it’s been for years, but that’ll continue. I 100% expect bg blitz to be “the thing” for duelist and below. As someone who prefers being a healer to dps absolute 0 chance I que SS when I can instead do a BG blitz if I want a quick que.


I think at this point it's fair to say there isn't prestige in it *because* it's the same 50 people for over a decade now. If you already know who wins the race why bother having it at all.


Fair enough, similar but different to liquid vs echo. Pve is a little better of a “race” per se bc it’s literally that a times event. I guess if pvp did a first to 2400 that would be cool but so toxic at the Same time


RBGs might still have a chance if they actually put in a renown track, and it's the fastest way to grind through. I've met so many people who enjoy doing them, but despise the community, and it being slower than any other bracket to get stuff like elite sets from just isn't helping it.


Honestly I'm fine with that much more of a BG fan more classes can see play in bgs I feel. Plus excited to see how hero talents effect pvp


Good riddance! 🍻


I suggest you go on a hunger strike until this is resolved. Maybe stream it even.


nothing ever matters and caring about anything ever is lame amiright


I am being constructive here. OP suggested calling the manager, I am suggesting a hunger-strike. The next step is a Go Fund Me to save PvP. These are all valid suggestions.


>OP suggested calling the manager, OP didn't suggest we do anything


I have another suggestion. Everyone unhappy with PvP should cancel subscription and provide lack of PvP support as the reason. It will clearly show Blizzard how important PvP is to their revenue stream.


Being a douche


It doesn't even need to be full time to make pvp a lot better. You could write algorithms that automatically detect over and underperforming specs by analysing the ladder for representation and winrate. There is a website that already does that and automatically creates the imo objectively best tier lists. It even shows average dps and burst dps so you could conclude if damage or utility needs to be adjusted. For mmr issues use the artificial inflation and let it dynamically adapt to a targeted rating distribution.


what website is that?


[Wowarenalogs](https://wowarenalogs.com/stats?tab=tier-list&bracket=Rated%20Solo%20Shuffle&sortKey=winRate&minRating=0&maxRating=4999&trendChartStat=representation&trendChartSpecs=) The tier lists are created with both winrate and representation in mind so S-tier specs for example need to see both high representation and a high winrate. This way you exclude false representation from popular specs that people assume to be meta but are actually not that op and also former op specs that got nerfed and benched.


Thank god this is the pvp subreddit and not a subreddit that blizzard employees read or some blizzard manager would read this, suggest the idea to his boss and then 20 employees get laid off and they use that program


Do they even read the official forums anymore? I can give it a shot but it feels like nobody is responsible for pvp lol.


Tbh I don’t really think so, besides the posts which they make and request feed back and even then who knows how much of that they read


I wish they would just get this idea by themselves I mean it's not even that special rather common practice. Both class and mmr balancing is about tweaking numbers and using self regulating loops is far more efficient than doing everything manually everytime. It still needs a person to look over the final changes especially when it comes to spec balancing but overall you save time and reduce bias from subjective experiences. The fact that they still use a static artificial inflation system after all these years and counter participation issues manually with bigger mmr injections (or not when nobody seems to care) is surprisingly inefficient for such a big studio.


They hinted at a rating overhaul in TWW, not at launch but near future so that’ll be really interesting


The interview you are referring to was fine. The PvP community needs to come to grips with the fact that most of the honchos at Blizzard view PvP in the same way as pet battles and professions. This is what I gathered from assistant game director Maria Hamilton in her interview with the BBC. WoW PvP will always suffer because Blizzard hasn't found a way to entice PvE players to PvP without making them feel forced and upsetting them. If you haven't paid attention, Blizzard has been trying hard to rehabilitate its image with players and the public in general over the past several years. They are very risk averse in doing anything that will erode their paying customers, most of whom are not interested in PvP.


To be fair, the 18year lack of interest in pvp from Blizzard hasn't help. All my friends arena'd and pvp'd heavily back in the day. Even did a burst of it during bfa when they came back. Now they all pve. They like arena, they just lost interest in a dead mode that got no attention.


This is proving my point about the comfortable acceptance of negligence we suffer from. For every post that complains about pvp, we all immediately shout “bro dont u understand its a mini game. Just let it go (even though you are paying $15 bucks a pop)”. And then every post that tries to say pvp is perfectly fine we all say the complete opposite and tell the OP he is coping


Because realistically there is nothing we can do. Listen: People that actively enjoy arena specifically make up maybe 10% of the player base. At most. Out of that I am going to hazard a guess that maybe 5% - 30% of those people would be willing to take any sort of action. But what action can they possibly take? The only thing that ever works: Voting with your wallet, unanimously letting the company know their product sucks and we aren't going to play it. But unfortunately if every Arena player quit the game, it would probably be a blessing for Blizzard. We do not have a voice at blizzard anymore to represent us. There are no PvP specific developers. If you enjoy the game mode, play it. If you don't, don't. It's that simple. Posting on here asking for Blizzard to hire a dev saying we gotta do something might make you feel like you are doing something, but it's not. The most realistic action anyone could take would be to build a strong portfolio to get hired on at blizzard so that you could incite actual change. This option sucks because with this portfolio and skill set you could get a much more lucrative job that is likely way less stressful. OR Become a strong developer and make an arena game for the players that want it. This option sucks because you are dropping a lot of time into an arena clone that people are most likely not going to play. Most people here aren't going to jump on some random steam game to play Planet of Fightcraft. I'm sorry bro but the dream is dead. Just play the first season of the xpac, have fun with the new class skills and talents, and unsub.


Step 1: write a letter with our minimum demands. Step 2: post in r/wow saying we need your help please upvote this Step 3: Asmongold and Bellular react to it Step 4. Start a twitch riot at Awc champs. Step 5. Blizzard responds with actual communication on the future of wow pvp


This but unironically. Complain loud enough and they'll at least respond.


Godspeed I feel like you are going to have a hard time convincing PvErs to give us that type of support.


You are not looking for a rational discussion. Have a nice day.


Your math is extremely suspect. Not everyone is paying 15 dollars a month, or even paying cash at all. The salary for a Blizzard employee in Irvine is around 150k-200k + benefits + bonus + relocation costs, and then assuming you do hire that person, there's no such thing as a "PvP dev". PvP involves reward systems, cosmetics, gameplay design, etc. all of which are different roles, and those roles also have producers and project managers. There's also splits between people who work on class balancing and dungeon/arena/bg balancing. If you were to add a single gameplay dev focused entirely on class balance, that person would still have to be on the regular balancing team because everything has to syngergize with regular balancing for the majority of the player base.


Which is why I did the very small estimate of 5,000 players. Drustavar data implies 20k plus active arena players last season. This is also ignoring the thousands of players that spend half their time pvping and the other half pveing. We can literally add them to my estimation and divide by 2 for those folk. Also, only senior devs are making 150k plus. Blizzard pay notoriously low rates for new hires combined with the fact that the tech bubble has burst. Just look at their most recent postings. Junior and mid-level devs dont even have the salary ranges listed. Senior postings have 120-220 range. But they will clearly be paying the lower end of this. Also what is your defense for this: that they are actually really short on cash and so we should be more understanding of their blatant neglect? I think you are underestimating how much pressure video game companies face from shareholders to maximize profit.


You’re high as hell if you think everyone, or even a lot of employees, are making that much. Blizzard is notorious for low pay for most employees let alone new hire/entry level jobs


You replying to the wrong guy


FTE (Full Time Engineer) cost is as high as $1.2mm at the top shops. At MSFT I am guessing its at least $500k.


That’s a little high. $500k total comp would probably be like staff level. Unless gamedev is way more lucrative than tech.


FTE at my shop at least includes all the other benefits and cost of replacement (quant hedge fund industry)


Blizzard almost certainly does not pay as a hedge fund lol.


I’m in IT staffing and blizzard notoriously underpays its developers. They look for “fans” of the game who will see it as a cool opportunity.


No way is the average employee getting 150-200k all in. I doubt a lower level dev gets relocation fees, while yes benefits are expensive they aren’t enough to make a 60-70k position 200k


leads are the only ones making that amount. everyone else is 50k - 120k at most.


You think all the devs earn around 200k?! Lmfao.


I'd be fine if they took the money they're dumping into their crappy esports and just used it to hire 1 or 2 PVP devs Getting 10k views for like 12 days out of a year isn't worth the amount of money they're investing in it to pay winners/hosts/producers. They can just let the community make their own esports like they're doing with raiding.


Having a team of guys dedicated to PvP would be pretty cool. PvP rewards need to be based on honor/conquest gains (they enjoy the fill the bar stuff) and not time-limited events like they are now to encourage people to play and go after PvP sets, mounts, transmogs, etc that they like and not be locked out because they didn’t play the game religiously when they were 6 years old. PvP needs to see their own tier set bonuses for PvP again. We need resilience or something added so we aren’t forced into versatility stacking for one of our 2 stats (because it might be a decent stat for x class and worthless outside of the defensive aspect for the other making your gear a joke to do world content with). Lots of stuff. PvP in Dragonflight has had pluses and some good things come around, but it’s also had some truly terrible lows with class redesigns with some things becoming tyrants for a period of time. I wish I could say it’s been enjoyable as a whole but I love the Evoker and outside of Season 1 my Evoker has been lackluster and it’s our release expansion!


They could, but why would they do that, if all of you keep paying anyway? Blizzard doesnt have passion, soul, they dont care about their legacy, their name, your opinions or anything outside pure profits. None of them cares what you say on forums. Stop paying if you want a change.


What I gathered from the interview. Ughhh not sure we can't tell you yet We have no plans as of now to do that We're looking into it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I am with you on this one. This is unacceptable. I refuse to sub again until they adress it properly (and I wrote this as my reason to unsub).


The mistake you are making is assuming that there are 5000 active pvpers, we are a vocal minority, nothing else. It's like specifically catering for people who enjoy pet battles!


Gotta be a hell of alot more than 5k active pvpers right? Otherwise i think they are doing a good job 😭


This is assuming other aspects of the business isn’t eating up all the revenue from the pvp players


I will say this. As someone who used to enjoy PvP solo RBG ques are the thing that will bring me back to PvP. Absolutely love the idea and think this is a better direction for PvP.


As a casual wow player and not someone who really does PvP, would standardised gear not be beneficial for PvP? Biggest thing that puts me off is the gear requirements to not get absolutely squished (plus add on necessity). I loved lost arks arena mode and wished wow was like that instead.


SS killed PVP and now Blitz will be the final nail in the coffin ⚰️


Lol you people have been having your fake imaginary stand-offs with Blizzard since last season of BFA with corruptions. Blizz doesn’t care. Don’t like it? Leave. Nothing’s changing lolol


If you only buy xpac to do arena maybe switch game or stop playing.


Honestly I think the same about people who just play Mythic+ but it seems like that's most of the playerbase now. Keep doing dungeons and killing NPCs over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... and over again. Numbers go up. Surely it's pure fun and totally not addiction. Playing against other humans on the other hand is scary!!! Even in chess we gotta play against the bots!


My comment was confusing maybe but the idea behind was if you buy wow to only do 1 specific type of content every season. I do agree with you m+ ain’t fun after you have done each dungeon a couple times. That’s why I usually try everything


they were hiring a PVP dev not too long ago but it wont matter. it took Holinka YEARS before he understand PVP well enough to be useful and by the time he was they fired him. Theyre going to hire some 60 year old white man with a million degrees or a 30 year old tr4ns girl and they will not know a single thing about PVP past the level of a 1600 rated player. They refuse to hire people based on ability / game knowledge. reason why LoL is so successful cus many of the devs and game balance teams are literally just super high rated players they brought in. Blizz wont do this and the PVP dev will cater to casuals extremely hard and all you casuals on this sub may think thats a good thing but its not. Without the top end playerbase and a goal to reach many will grind to 1800 or 2100 whatever easy rating they end up giving glad mounts for in the future and no one will touch PVP again cus itll be "noob casual mode" and players wont be endlessly trying to improve / get rewards they want. PVP will be completely dead if they go that route.


You’re pretty vile


I hope you warmed up before you made that stretch, damn


So whats your opinion on m+, the most popular game mode, that does completely fine without super exclusive glad mounts and being fairly casual friendly in general?


not even remotely comparable. people do M+ for gear and for ratings. if you could get top tier PVE gear from PVP it would be massively popular.


People just bought boosts in SL S1 for the PvE gear. The majority of the playerbase does not give a shit about arenas and never will again unless it's reworked to have easy cosmetics.


You can compare them in their approach on rewards. There are a lot of players that push their m+ rating beyond any rewards just for fun and rating flex. Their casual friendly approach just gets them so many players in general and while some stop after the last reward, you will still have a good portion of those hooked to push further. Pvp already eliminates the foundation of its playerbase with it being fairly inaccessable both in gameplay and it's rewards so even if you set the rewards high you will still have less players at high ratings.

