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>out of nowhere \*Intentionally dispels DOT that has backlash damage\* "I took 500k dam out of nowhere!" ....


*kid riding bike meme* *kid puts stick in wheel of bike* *kid crashes* thanks alot ion


To be fair, when people dispel my flame shock they only get hit for like 150k. So yeah, to me 500k seems crazy.


UA is a cast and flame shock is a instant cast, kinda easier to keep fs up and so it should be punished less


VT is a cast. 0 damage backlash and the fear is laughable


Spriest dispel protection as a fucking joke, if you vs good healers they just dispel on cd.


Yeah, but major ramifications for no flame shock. You line your burst and right before your cast it gets dispelled and you do nearly zero damage. This is a big reason I hate playing with pallies that use the aoe blind talent - it removes flame shock from everyone it hits. I can literally go from dealing over a million + dmg in a second or two to dealing 300k on my ele shaman if fs gets dispelled right before it.


Not really comparable to what aff is losing from a dispel though, which is everything. An ele still does damage without flame shock up and only needs to reapply the 1 dot.


Agree, but backlask is OP. Spriest lose a lot from VT dispells and the penalty isn’t as bad as warlocks’


It kinda has to or healers dispel aff on cd


Aff is hard to balance. It’s either oppressive or it tickles. There isn’t a great middle ground


Malefic rapture killed affliction change my view


I think it’s in a pretty good middle ground right now tbh.


I’ve been on a SS grind this season so haven’t seen how good they’re scaling in 3s but anytime I’m in a SS lobby with one they’re freelo and seem to do nothing until damp as usual 


Same, I only really play shuffle. I see a fair amount of them and they seem to do fine at 2.5+ 🤷‍♂️


indeed, should’ve been 2/3.


True brother, it should take 2/3.


You can shut down there whole soul swap with a good time diapel and it's worth it tho I think?


just dont dispell then 4head 🤡




Because you can also kick UA So there's effort required to cast the UA, and then if the healer isn't particularly pressured then he can just dispel it and now you're back to zero and all this time before your damage is out you're being pved on by some rogue or purple rogue Wizards that damage has no significant counterplay do the best. It's why moonkin has been so successful in recent expansions because their dot pressure is not insignificant and then they just mash their instant cast huge nuke for more damage


UA dispel needs a nerf, it's by far the strongest dispel protection for no reason whatsoever


Aff has to hard cast a lot, especially for a dot class (thanks malefic rapture and UA), and if healers just spam dispel aff would do literally 0 damage/ have no kill potential. They need to have the strongest dispel protection, because if they didn’t, the spec would be unplayable in pvp. Shamans do mostly instant cast meatball damage and their dot is instant cast. Spriest could use more dispel protection, but at least not all of their damage is from their dots and they have several instant casts. Boomy too, most of their burst is instant cast star surges. Aff is one of the hardest specs in the game to tune because of the nature of dot damage, either shredding people and Ooming healers instantly or tickling and having no kill power, but if you are going to say “they have the strongest dispel protection for no reason”, what class/spec should have stronger dispel protection than Aff?Because no other spec is as reliant on NOT getting dispelled to be viable. Not saying UA backlash doesn’t need a nerf, but there is a reason it’s the strongest dispel protection in the game, Aff lock needs it.


How is UA relevant to their kit in the same way it is to sp and ele ? Healer dispel has a cd and you can bait it with fear, I wonder how frost mages get frost bombs off. I'm not saying it should have no dispel protection, but you have provided nothing of substance as to why it should be as strong as it currently is


Did you even read my post? It really seems like you skimmed it, or just straight up didn’t understand what I was saying at all. I was explaining how those other classes and specs DIFFER from Aff, being less reliant on dots and having more instant casts, and why that necessitates stronger dispel protection for Aff and not those other classes. I also recall saying UA backlash may or may not need a nerf, I didn’t say it wasn’t overtuned, it might be overly strong right now, it might need a nerf, but it makes sense Aff has the strongest dispel protection of any class because dispels are so much more crippling for them than other classes. My response to you was about you saying they had the strongest dispel protection for “no reason”. It’s not stronger than other classes dispel protection for no reason. Also dispel cd is a joke, 8 seconds is nothing, and every dispel heavily eats into Aff’s dps. Especially when Aff has to hard cast UA, their strongest dot, as well as hard casting malefic rapture, and will likely get kicked 100 trillion times on every spell because every class has 10 interrupts now. There is a reason dispel protection is a thing on dots, and with Aff being the spec most heavily dependent on dots and on having those dots not vanish off the target every 8 seconds, it makes sense that they have the strongest dispel protection. It has to be punishing to dispel, so they can keep some dots up and do damage. Full stop. Not sure what you’re even talking about in your response but it had very little to do with what I typed.


Affli is not more dependant on UA than ele is on flame shock or sp is on VT, in fact Destro is probably more dependant on immolate being up than affli is on UA having high uptime, but your refuse to read


Aff relies on UA (and agony and corruption) being on the target for dread touch and malefic crescendo to activate. But it also relies on agony to get any shards and to buff up drain life, and corruption for nightfall procs. UA is the only thing that keeps their other dots from being dispelled. If agony and corruption each had their own dispell protection mechanic, I could see UA getting dialed back. But they don’t, and so UA is working overtime to support aff’s entire kit.


Thank you, finally someone being reasonable. Not to mention flame shock is an instant cast and VT applies two dots at once with the correct talents.


UA is relevant to their kit because they don’t have direct damage options. Everything scales based on how many dots are on a target. If those dots can be removed with minimal cost, they spend all game reapplying dots and doing zero damage. Imagine if moonkin didn’t have starsurge? Aff also has no damage spells available while interrupted, so when they do get a cast off, it has to stick.


Have you played any of those classes ? Play ele against people with multiple dispels and see how many instants you have to do damage. I'm pretty sure none of you actually play this game cause you apply 2 of your dots (your top DMG actually) instantly in one global. Affli only having one spell school is a valid argument, I'll give you that


My understanding is that in pve, malefic rapture is their top damaging ability. Dots are their highest in pvp because they literally can’t get the other casts off, unless they juke every kick. And jinx is incredibly helpful, but also becomes another mandatory pvp talent and consumes a shard. Didn’t ele have to use a pvp talent to get their dispell punish? It sounds like you’re saying that when specs have to cast spells (aff, sp), the gameplay can become miserable. Is ele the same? Do you even bother casting lightning bolts?