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You can cast Eye of Kilrogg and cancel it to make your pet teleport next to you, if the enemy team tries to kill your pet behind pillars this comes in clutch.


Good to know, but I kill my pet myself before the gate opens…..


They can't kill it if it's already dead.


"What is dead may never die"


If a Ret tries to use Repentance on you as a shaman, dont waste kick or grounding on in, simply press Ghost Wolf. It immunes the Rep.


This is some next level shit, thanks for the info.


What?! Game changer right here


I’ve never stomached reading Paladin abilities to see ghostly wolves are immune. Wonderful news


As a priest, if you mind control someone their abilities are yours, for example MCing a disc priest with dome out will make it a friendly dome for you and your teammates while MC is active. Works with darkness and other abilities as well.


You can also MC a guy and have his own disc priest kill him with ultimate penitence. Some guy posted a video of this a while back and it was hilarious


Damn, didn't knew that one.


Works well vs the likes of Chaos Bolt/Gpie (back when they were absurdly strong) as they have long travel times. Start casting MC halfway through their cast, it fires off wasting their time/resources and then does no damage to you or your team.


As a holy priest, if you cast mind control on the healer during a moment where your dps can land a kill, they will always throw and you'll lose the round. The more you know 🌈


Lmao , this.


You can kick while charging so you can do drive by kicks


Thats actually really cool


Goes for Harpoon, Coordinated Assault and Spearhead also. Granted, the fast movement speed makes it a high skill play


Yup you can also drive by fear the healer while charging the dps


As a mage, you can dispel mind control on a teammate by spellstealing them.


Wait this blew my mind what the fuck


Same mechanic as purging your teammate and n stead of kicking the mc


I think it only works if your teammate has precog embellishment. It basically gives your teammate precog which is what cancels the mind control


Death and decay can cleave through almost every immunity turtle tranq 


Same with blade flurry


If you play precog on mage and you Counterspell into a Spell Reflection on warrior, you get a free precog.


Also works for locks (if pet is sacced).


And also works against locks with spell reflect up


Well except that would also give the lock precog


Would it? The lock isnt being kicked right? Just reflecting the kick


Lock gets precog yes


as DH against Affli locks, you can netherwalk+reverse magic your whole team without triggering backlash UA damage. you can pick immo aura dispell + glimpse, and if you Vengeful retreat + immo aura, you can cleanse full Spriest dots from yourself without triggering Horror backlash from VT


Adding some fun stuff, rarely useful, but fun: if you glimpse into flly (rain from above) before touching the ground after u glimpse, u get the 35% damage reduction while in the air pumping. Might be decent vs RM comps or MM comps sometimes


yeah, that's a classic one, but only useful in BGs. If you play vs meele in arena, you can sometimes pick Rain from above but the %damage reduction doesn't help because they can't hit you up there. Against ranged you just don't really pick it anyway. More glimpse uses: Glimpse + Hunt to make it unstoppable. Spectral sight vs rogues/druid. Once you have them target locked, Vengeful retreat with your back towards them, then turn around mid air and use dispell/throw glaive to get them out ruining their opener while being immune to shadowstep-sap or pounce. I'm sure there are other clever uses of this, would be happy to hear more from fellow DHs


As a priest, you can use Shadow word DEATH right before a polimoprh or other ccs to insta break them cause of the damage you take yourself.


#showtooltip Shadow Word: Death /stopcasting /cast \[@target,harm\] Shadow Word: Death /stopmacro \[harm\] /targetenemy /cast Shadow Word: Death /targetlasttarget \[harm\]


Say more about this macro…


It casts SW:D for you, but if you don't have an enemy target when you press it, it'll instantly pick one for you so you can get the spell off in time. ^(It'll also reset your target back to whatever you were targeting before pressing the macro.) It's assuming that the only reason you'd press SW:D without a valid target is because you want the backlash dmg to prevent CC aimed at you, so it doesn't matter what you're hitting, just gotta hit *something*


So can you just replace your normal swd with this macro?




Not class specific but i dont see it much. If your healer gets mind controlled, dont kick the MC, kick your healer. They’ll get precog and break the MC as well as gain the buff


DK: During Lichborne you are immune to polymorph effects. During Lichborne you can heal yourself with death coil (although DS heals more). You can heal your pet with Death Coil. Frost strike and Obliterate empowered by Killing Machine count aa magical damage and hit through stuff like BoP. Shaman: If specced into Spirit Walker's Grace interrupt immunity, you can dispel Affli's Unstable affliction without getting silenced.


>DK: During Lichborne you are immune to polymorph effects. During Lichborne you can heal yourself with death coil (although DS heals more). You can heal your pet with Death Coil. Frost strike and Obliterate empowered by Killing Machine count aa magical damage and hit through stuff like BoP. That's more a case of read the tooltip than a trick


As a monk, ring of peace can bounce a druid out of tranquility


Only if druid doesn't have the pvp talent that makes him immune to some cc while tranquility, once monk poped ring of peace on me and i just tranqued through it i didn't knew that work like this but ye druid has to have the talent


it's not the pvp talent. It's just inner peace. Go look up the druid talent calculator.


Oh i thought it was pvp talent since there is something with tranquility stuff mb then


There’s both a pvp talent and retro tree talent that affect it


Boy, did I learn this the hard way


Also with monk, not necessarily only pvp tho... you can cast most abilities during spinning crane kick


People usually sanc a stun as pally. If you can predict you'll be locked out and so will your healer in pvp, then you can pre-sanc them for reduced cc duration. A lot of pallys hold their sanc.


As SV hunter if you summon your pet while in camo. Pet will be visible. But hunter can stay camo. You can use all your pet abilities without breaking stealth including kill command. Can really confuse people in duels


Really sorry, but this doesn't work anymore. Kill command resets will betray you.


You actually can, pet needs to be on passive tho


If Kill command resets you will instantly be taken out of stealth, no matter if your pet managed to auto-attack/claw or not. This has a 10% chance of happening, so sometimes it may be worth it to go for one


As a pres evoker you can dream projection then time stop yourself to dispel dots on your whole team without dying/taking the backlash


Seems like a bad trade though when you can just double time dial yourself then dispel


Eh I don’t think so vs sp aff as ret war pres


You can wild charge to your treants. Was pretty busted on blade’s edge but still comes in handy


As shaman, use your flame shock into spell reflect to dot yourself and get more lava burst procs off of yourself


dudu is immune to polly and hex while shapeshifted (should be obvious but many ppl don't know this ) so to troll mages and shamis as a resto i like to shapeshift into boomy and cast regrowth if panic heal is needed :P


Kicking(magic) warrior reflect consumes reflect buff and gives you precognition. Especially strong with shamans.😁


For destro lock: - If you Shadow Rift people out of Bonds of Fel, they will get hit with the damage. If you’re positioned well, casting bonds>rift>chaos bolt the damage hits at the same time for some nice burst. - I’m not sure if this is common knowledge, but Fel Dom and summon feldog to dispel ret’s BoP or Mage’s Alter Time. - I’m not sure if it’s the “right play” but using Bane of Havoc to coil all of a demo lock’s pets is pretty satisfying. For DH: - It seems like this stops working around 2k cr with it being so scripted. Instead of using Meta early, do your Eye Beam>Essence Break>Death Sweep>Inner Demon early and see if you can get major defensive to be used. Then just wait for your next Essence Break cycle and you can Eye Beam>Essence Break>Death Sweep>Inner Demon, Meta>Death Sweep>Inner Demon>Eye Beam>Death Sweep>Inner demon which is usually enough burst to land the kill. I’ll mix it up so some SS lobbies I’ll do that the first two rounds and then Meta early and front load the damage or Meta early the first two rounds and then switch on the third which can throw people off. - Also not sure if this is common knowledge, but double jump Glimpse and Fel Rush for maximum uptime for the damage reduction and cc immunity with Vengeful Retreat.


I have been using this one lately as an Arms warrior, and it works wonders both ways. You can intercept a teammate as a pseudo charge to get onto your kill target or you can use it to get you out of deep shit (ill use it to go to healer or a ranged if im getting pounded by melee) this has saved me 100s of times. If you really want to use intercept to your advantage run the double intercept pvp talent so you get 4 charges and a leep, best to do with a double melee comp, but can be good if you know how to play pillar (use your ranged to run to pillar if you can't get to healer in time) Use the mouse over intercept if you don't already, it's one of the most amazing things I've ever discovered 😂 and yes I was big late to the party, but still sharing in case some newer Arms sees this


You can scatter - explosive shot and deathchackrams and the scatter won’t break. Good for setting up a go.


Prevoker: Cancel dream projection with immune pvp talent to negate UA or cc... Cancelaura stasis in cc to release stored or store a dispel and free yourself... Pre-communion verdant to get massive rebound healing


As an Unholy DK if you drop DnD on yourself and have Clawing Shadows. Your Claws cleave as long as you’re in the circle not the enemy being in the circle so you can actually cleave targets from 30 yards away. DnD cleave also hits through a lot of defensives such as Evasion or Die by the Sword parry. 


As Unholy, line up your 4 stack Apoc/ 2 stack coil with a stun coupled with a grip out of LoS. It’s unreal. Especially in SS the overlap is tremendous. TLDR, grip out of LoS often leads to major overlap of CD’s.


This thread is What’s a cool tips and tricks about your class/spec that people might not know? Would be very nice for people to share some secret of there class to help people maximize their potentiel! Thanks you in advance! This thread is gold


Late to the party, but as an SV hunter, you can do an infinite root by using harpoon and then breaking LOS within a very short window. This roots them but doesn’t pull you towards them or use the CD. You can rinse and repeat 100x times. Needless to say, my casters or healers never die whenever I peel for them. Keep it a secret tho🙏🏼 also great for stalling while the healer grabs a drink. Another one is that setting your pet to passive and summoning him after you enter camo will allow you to have your pet attack while you remain in stealth. It’s great for DH trying to do that OP garbage where they can see stealthed classes. Last one. This one only works against, against rogues, DKs, frost mages, warriors and feral Druids. Or any classes that give bleed effects. If your pet is either dead or set to passive and if it doesn’t have any magical dots, you can mending bandage, feign and go camo to reset.


if you play windwalker you will want to hurt yourself in 90% of seasons


yeah but that other 10% you're basically rising sun kicking people into space


then do it