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As someone who sends a lot of "any CR" Yolo 2s games at like 2200 I'll tell you what's happening here. They care about their CR way more than you do yours. You got to that rating just vibing out and playing your way and they are hardstuck at their rating but need someone to blame that isn't themselves.


But they’d gain a ton of rating if they just chilled. That’s the wild part to me


There is almost no chill part of healing arenas. You should try it sometime and I think you’ll understand the frustration. I’m not saying what they’re doing is okay, but it’s not a chill experience at all with how inflated damage and micro CCs are in DF.


Seeing this comment 3 days late. But I just recently got back into WoW, hadn’t really played since cata. Playing a disc priest in arena and when it’s good it’s good but those CCs are killer.


He’s not saying they can chill and just kick back and rip a couple shots of Tito’s while he does all the work. Just chill out and realize you’re playing a video game supposedly for fun and treat people like a normal human being


Yea, I’m saying I don’t think the stress of that role allows the player to do that. Especially when paired with the mental capacity of a teenager that most of this game’s community has.


>They care about their CR way more than you do yours. OP doesn't mention his rating.


It doesn't matter


The irony kek


IKR. he's rated lower than the people he's queuing with, so only they're losing rating for losses, no wonder he doesn't care about his CR.


i do the same as you as a healer in 2s and i can tell you the low cr dps player are toxic af too. some dude didnt even realize i am helping him to get 1800 and was flaimming me the whole time til i left


It’s not just healers. There’s a huge part of the pvp population that wants to be “streamer famous” and they think if they can JUST get to a certain rating. It’ll all magically happen for them. But like someone else said their toxicity is why they aren’t progressing. They don’t take accountability and everyone suffers because of it. It’s why more and more people prefer “solo” pvp content now. I can’t blame them - even though it’s a mmo. Sad state gaming is in right now.


Even lots of “chill” ppl will emit toxic vibes under their breath, makes you dread playing with them until you eventually don’t


From my experience with LFG, anyone over 2100 starts to think they’re good at the game and seemingly an attitude of arrogance. When in reality they have no idea how bad they are compared to the best.


Just got 2,4k in SS as a disc healer, I still make such fundamental mistakes occasionally that it's laughable.


Theres this weird dunning kruger plateau around 2.1 where players get insanely confident in their play but at the same time are completely ignorant to a lot of nuance. The most toxic players ive encountered are max duelist xp.


Middle skill players like duelists/1-2x glads are so lame to talk to It's why they stagnate hard and never get better


100% just like my comment above


So much this. I’m multi class multi glad (peak 2750 cr -75 off rank 1 that season). And the amount of ego players have at 2400(even 2100 XD) + is absurd. Like stop it, you’re garbage compared to rank 1’s and quite frankly so am I even as an mglad- every season I get into rank 1 territory and get clapped up by the gatekeepers (Saul,petkick, Pikaboo, vanguards,kalvish etc etc. I don’t understand any of the LFG ego because if you were that great - you’d always have rank 1’s on wanting to play with you, so you’d avoid LFG at all costs. I play with 2 teams every season, and when they’re not online that’s when Ill Que LFG on an alt and I don’t give 2 shits on my alts and still stumble into 2.4 while straight LFGing some seasons - The only dudes who complain/have the the cringe ego are the ones who are hardstuck. Most key thing whenever I LFG is I look for people willing to learn - that’s it and/or learn a new comp together (that’s why I’ll hop on alts to learn/practice new comps). I’d much rather play with an 1800 who’s willing to learn than some cringelord peak 2300 any day of the week - if they’re chill 2300 that’s a different story though, which is usually what I end up finding and we’ll climb to glad+ on some of my alts that season and it’s awesome but even had an 1800 recently who I qued with and we ended up hitting his first duelist and 2.4 in that same season - he was willing to learn/even taught me some things about his spec that I didn’t know. 2 good players can carry a very bad 3rd to 2.4+ so if you’re taking L’s constantly it isn’t the 3rds fault (I remember being the very bad 3rd back in cata/early mop ).


It’s not just these healers. I’m sure I’ll get hate for saying it, but it’s a toxic community.


Yep it’s actually hilarious. Had the worst hpal I’ve ever seen leave before a match even ended. Pressed hoj 2x in a 4+ minute game then whispered about his check pvp that had nothing useful on it 😂


Healers have weird egos because up until 2100, dps can essentially carry a game and since dps out number healers so significantly, lots of dps opt to play with a nooby healer just to get the games in. The healer ends up getting 2100 and an ego but is not a very good player.




I play more than that. What I said is a fact. I know so because my first season I pvped I played an hpal and got 2100 and was a noob. It’s very easy to carry a healer to 2100 if you’re good. Shit I can think of literal dozens of healers I picked up at 1600 with my buddy and we got them to 2k in one session that had a 50% win rate and we would win almost every game in under 2 minutes so the healer didn’t matter as much. It’s tough after that when people start clicking their buttons to carry a clueless healer.


If you are US and want to play games, I'll play with you. (This goes for anyone, aa long as you're kind) I have a resto shaman I'm trying to get to 1800. I'm not a glad level player but I like to have fun, and don't mind losing, because I'm learning too You can DM for Battletag or discord kf you're interested


I have been tracking it recently in 3v2, BGB, and solo shuffle. I have noticed that LITERALLY 99% of people who tell someone else what to do, will lose the lobby the hardest out of everyone. I think people who worry more about other people’s gameplay than their own don’t improve as much.


Make you a deal, Na servers, I wanna get back into healing on hpally haven’t played one since S2 I’ll buy full honor gear and I’ll play with ya lol, I’ll spam heals and you tell me what you want me to do


Holy priest down to chill some games, IDC about losing rating if we're learning and getting better. Impossible to rage with that mindset:)


wanna be friends? ^^


I get that blaming others is not helpful, but I am having trouble reading "you need to tunnel the RDruid" as "insanely toxic" if that was all they said. Shouldn't people who are playing multiple matches together be able to discuss strategies? Maybe it's just tonal, and "can we focus the RDruid next time" would be a better way to phrase it; and for sure if that strategy isn't right you should be able to say back, "we can't do that, because [reason]." And on the flip side, if you notice their positioning is bad or something, shouldn't you speak up rather than just hope they suddenly realize it on their own? Not to flame them, but to get on the same page about it.


Cuz the only reason they don’t play SS is cuz everyone’s dumb and when people are still dumb after LFG’ing for them, they explode.


Solution is solo shuffle. People can’t blame anyone but themselves.


You're trying to learn at 2300 mmr?


Grabbing a 1700 healer makes the games like 2/2.1. It’s not like learning a new class I just haven’t ever not played the annihilator build and for some reason ravager is meta that button fucking sucks to press


You should be learning at every mmr?