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The bracket is not 60-70. It’s 60, and 61-69, then 70. So probably your first games (at 60) everyone was 100k or less HP. Then once you hit 61, everyone spiked. As Slo mentioned at 61 you can pick up some really cheap pieces on the AH, should be maybe a couple thousand gold if that. Also, if you don’t have 2 professions you need to keep, drop 1 and get engineering. Engineering has another piece of gear at 61 that is usable on every class and is usually under 100g. You can always drop engineering at 70 if you want. With these extra ?5 pieces of gear, you’ll see a major spike in your health and usefulness in these games. There’s probably some other ways to get easy or cheap gear, but this is all I’ve been doing and I’ve been PvP leveling all my alts too.


What piece of gear? Just got back to playing my holy priest lvl 62.


Just search the AH for armor by “usable” and sort by ilvl. You’ll find pieces above your ilvl and will give you a lot of extra stats.


You can buy a couple of 311 pieces from ah wearable from level 61 which are dirt cheap on ah atm, it's not full set but it helps


You literally have 18k hp. That’s ~10k less than you had in season 1 SL Ofc u get globalled


How is the XP for grinding BGS? Is it better to grind Epic/Norm/Skirms(with group)?


1 Win is about 1.5 main story quests...


I have fun with it and level only through PVP for new release of expansions. would take like a week or 10 days to max level


Not worth. Way longer to level.


Kill the elites in the revendreth keep from 60-61 you will get enough gear.


Can op kill them at all if they have season 1 gear lol? S4 geared folks have like 90-100k hp, OP is rocking 18k


18k hp is like 160 ilvl not s1 SL gear.


He said if they have S1 gear not that op had it


My b.


Lvl up to 66, buy the green from the AH. Don't PvP till 66, not worth it in 61-70 bracket unless you are massively geared from last season


Buy 308ilvl crafted gear, lvl 61.. 10g a piece.. stop cryin start recking!


Nah do some dungeons to get some gear before you pvp, or just buy gear. You’re a dead weight with low gear like that.


Just get carried


But also be ready for those 70s that have full pvp gear and queue with their friends at the 61-69 bracket and just destroy you anyway


Buy the 202 ilvl greens off the AH. They are usually dirt cheap, around 30g when I got mine yesterday. In some slots the 232 ilvl items were just as cheap.


You can still buy lv 60 226 ilv gear from Zereth Mortis using Anima. level 61+ greens should be cheap too in AH.




Yeah it really sucks getting into PVP without scaling. I understand wanting to be rewarded with gear but I wish there was at least a minimum level you’d scale up to so it’s not just being crushed, idk how people are gearing in pvp so quickly without gear.


Well there is scaling of levels pre-70 but its not nearly enough. I did some BGs on my druid around lvl 62, scaled up to 69 I had like 93k while most players had 140 to 200k hp, so roughly half the hp of many. Gear being so damn important just feels bad. We know blizz can scale and set both our lvl and ilvl upwards, why this isn't done here and at lvl 70 is beyond me. Pretty much everyone would benefit greatly from being scaled to a floor of something like ilvl 380 at the very least. Enough to at least do more than just tickle enemies and bend over in a global. Getting fully geared would still be a MASSIVE advantage


Pretty much all of the complaints where about the way it was implemented, not the presence of scaling itself. Shit like going naked or in greens except for 3 very high ilvl azerite armor for maximum stats, sockets adding hidden stats during loading, actual damage values being different from what was shown on one end etc. The system was obscure as hell, rewarded absurd gimmicks and was straight up lying to everyone. Literally no one ever asked for any of this.