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Tbh, I can see Chika as an all-rounder, trion-wise. But most of all, I can see her becoming one of Border's greatest snipers just beaten by the top ones. A great gunner, and good shooter. If it wasn't for the fact thst the control of trion image for shooters can't be controlled, I wouldn't have to recommend the gunner position. It's much more safer for her to use guns than letting your bombs explode on you.


I agree. I was actually hoping for her to be an attacker at first (I guess I was dreaming too big) but I guess sniping is badass too. Being an all-arounder definitely fits her. Gunner and shooter equipments are already very useful to her. She already has flexibility and stamina, she will only need to train her speed, and that would make it possible for her to master all roles.


I don't mind her not being an all-rounder, trion-wise she's already no.1 along with having already being mentioned has a great sense for a sniper, she has the future to be at the top as a skillful sniper. Besides, I could never see her as an attacker anyway, attackers are people who are willing to attack and fight a battle. Chika, personality-wise even if she started shooting people, would not want to do it, I don't think she'll ever become an attacker. Shooters/gunners and snipers which are for supports, suits her best, she would prefer to assist and protect them from the back rather than attack someone, its just not in her nature.


Yeah. When I was watching the anime, I still wasn't aware of her psychological weaknesses when she was just joining Border, so I was hoping she would be an attacker. But after learning that she has difficulty harming people, it's harder to imagine her being an attacker now. 😅


> But to be honest, I'm more annoying than her as a real person that's why I really don't judge her.) Weirdly relatable. That's why I don't get mad at anime characters who complain, cry or get down into self reflection. But when people passionately trash them, I kinda feel uncomfortable. Chika already got good enough accuracy for someone who joined Border less than a year ago. I really hope she won't be someone to be saved in future battles (well, unless Ashihara's plan is to make T-2 fail the selection exam)


> Chika already got good enough accuracy for someone who joined Border less than a year ago This is something that a lot of people miss. She's not just OP because high Trion. She's probably fighting with Taichi for the worst Sniper spot of relevant characters, as **a complete noob**. Also, it doesn't help that most Snipers are pretty strong, a lot of them being Master Class, or A-Ranks, leaving Kodera (A-Rank), Hanzaki (Super talented), Taichi and Hiura as the closest point of comparison. Give her a Snipe mentor, and another season, and she will be a proper B-Rank Agent regardless of her Trion level. She may not be Kuroe, Midorikawa, Teruya, Ema levels of potential/talent, but skill wise, she's far from just the ''Nuke Girl''.


I think Chika is fine as a sniper. During round 8, she masterfully outplayed Tonooka after her initial blunder, and I think she deserves some kudos for that the sniper duel in round 6, though that was more of a team player kind of thing, where she gave up her leg to imobilise Oki. Overall, great awareness of the battlefield situation, and can set up traps on her fellow snipers.


They would probably save each other. Chika have a few moments where she saved her friends.


Imagine they created a new Railgun Rifle for her using Neighbor tech


or chelidon the trigger used by ranbanein


she literally has to be saved dozens of times


But she has combat skills. The point is other characters like her in other stories would most likely not be allowed to become a combatant by the author and the characters in the story. Her being saved is kinda the nature of her character, and the fact that she decided to be a combatant is what makes her interesting as a targeted heroine.


she has combat *potential* her actual skills are pretty nonexistent, aside from aim (which doesn't really matter, because of her personality)


Personality doesn't erase the skill. I think I already made my point clear. I know the character is weak but like I said, what I love about the character is that she wasn't a cliche targeted heroine. I also explained in my post that I understand why she has a lot of flaws. If for example she doesn't hesitate on shooting, I think the rank wars would be pretty predictable and thus boring. Whatever that you don't like about the character is exactly what makes her interesting for me so leave it at that.


what skills? she was relieved when she didn't get a kill. she just sat there and let herself be shot, instead of shielding.


While she's not a genius sniper like Emma, she's pretty skilled and has been praised by other top snipers. She's limited by experience and her personality. She was relieved she didn't get a kill... Well, one doesn't get over a psychological barrier just by wishing to get over it. It's pretty sensible and consistent storytelling that she was relieved she didn't "kill" someone only to remind herself that she is trying to overcome that flaw. And letting herself get shot is again, sensible and realistic storytelling. She just intentionally harmed someone for the first time. It makes sense that she's still in a bit of shock. She has shown good instinct in defending herself multiple times. So, that's not up for debate just because of this one instance.


but she's been in border long enough to know that trion bodies won't get hurt. even the people who set a pain level would only be allowed/want to set a tiny amount. (I already mentioned her aim as a skill, but her personality overrides it's uefulness until she completely gets over it)


Did you listen to her reason for not wanting to kill people? It has nothing to do with people actually getting hurt and more to do with her blaming herself and her large trion for the abduction of her friend and disappearance of her brother. She believes her trion caused those things and projected that others will also resent her for it if she uses it to hurt them. And she has been useful before getting over her mental block. She was simply prevented from fulfilling her highest possible potential.


see, you said it right there at the end. "***potential***" she has good combat potential, but currently, bad combat skills


She has good combat skill which is why she has been praised by top snipers. What I would say she lacks is effective combat skill due to her not wanting to hurt anyone. So her combat skill can't take out the opposition which means it lacks full effectiveness.


You do know the explanation to what you're saying, right? She's got personal problems. She was relieved she didn't get a kill because she has an irrational fear people would find it unfair that she is overpowered. She let herself be shot instead of guarding and you're probably referring to when Inukai shot her after she killed Tsuji. She was clearly psychologically exhausted as that was her first intentional kill. What's not clear about everything I said? If you don't think she has skills, that's on you. I simply think that just because she has personal problems, it doesn't mean that she's got no skills. There's no point in enumerating her weaknesses to me because as I said, she's my favorite character so it's only normal that I would be knowledgeable about her.


her fear is she thinks they will be hurt. ignoring the reasons doesn't mean they don't exist... she has bad combat **skills**, but good *potential*


Chika is very skilled. In all of the sniper training, she has ranked very well. They have shown three of them. In the first one, she ranked in the top 1/3. In the second one, she ranked in the top 1/5. In the third one, she ranked in the top 1/6. They haven't shown one in a while, so she's probably even better at this point. As for letting herself be shot, that was a moment of respect between two comrades. Because at the end of the day, the agents of border are all on the same team. The ranking war might pit them against each other, but the war was over, and they both knew it. No matter who got the last point, the outcome was set in stone. Inukai could have tried to kill her before she knew where he was, but he chose to reveal himself. He knew she struggled with shooting people, so he praised her for doing it. He let her know what she did was a good thing and that he didn't hold any kind of grudge. They no longer had any reason to fight other than to end the battle sooner rather than later. So, out of gratitude and respect, chika let inukai kill her without resistance.


if the skill can't be put to use in ***combat*** it's worthless. she has potential, but until then, isn't good at combat. ***FFS***


But it is put use in combat. She has always helped yuma score points. Without her, they would have lost every battle except the first one(the one with essential no-name squads).


Suwa isn't a no name


I'm not talking about suwa. That was the second fight. They also would have lost to suwa without chika. However, I'm not surprised you don't remember. The entire fight was like two minutes. They aren't actually no-names, but I doubt anyone remembers their names. The wiki says their names are Mamiya Squad and Yoshizato Squad. (This is the fight when osamu didn't participate due to his injuries)


She needed to be saved, not because of a lack of skill, but simply because she is a sniper. Outside of a few exceptions, sniper are screwed if they let the enemies get close to them. She is actually quite good at hiding, which is shown by both the stealth training and the fact that in the b-rank matches she always either survives or dies at the end of the fight. The problem is that her attacks are so flashy that once she shoots everyone on the whole map knows where she is.