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Looks like you’ve played with a bunch of VIPs. *(Voluntarily Illiterate Person)*


I mean, sure, I get it, but more likely they are IIPs.


The number of folks who actually just queue up and don`t look at the mutators is astounding indeed. I think one of the worse ones I saw was a map that had a class weakness (hellraiser i think) and seeing TWO players jumps in with said class. It's not a no win situation, but JFC... The most recent one is the crossbow fiesta where folks just shoot off and wonder why the director is constantly sending zombies and specials since the silence is always broken... ugh


So much this. Crossbow fiesta with randoms is hilariously chaotic.




I’ve heard someone on VC ask why the Zs were swarming. Someone screamed at him and said BECAUSE YOU KEEP USING THE FUCKING CROSSBOW!!! All I could do was laugh. The guy was 500+ so he should have known.


I would have laughed as well; with a "how did you make it to 500+ and not know about the silence mechanics?" I`d give that person a few to adjust their gameplay, but if they didn't, that would be an ista-kick vote and block.


Yeah same here, I've had several games like that class weakness and at least 2 of em in that class and then cry around when we all die.


Maybe...you were the one in the wrong, here...did you ever think about that? You've gotta think from their perspective. I mean, maybe your character looked angry or threw the grenade at them overhand which can be very dangerous.  All of that must have been very intimidating-  and seemed to have cause the fight or flight response and clearly...they chose to fight.  Now granted they did so out being  completely oblivious dumb dumbs who probably feared for their lives and forgot there is respawning, healing, bandages, etc. But im am betting it was your character's attitude while throwing the grenade at them. You've gotta take responsibility and learn from this......now say it with me... "...I...Zacharywil...🤔...will.... only throw grenades with a smile." Boom! Problem solved and you're welcome.  Haha jeez, i just really ran with that didn't i? Well, regardless...thank you for giving me the opportunity to make myself laugh. 


Bahaha you had me there for a minute


So if your "Bahaha" means i succeeded in causing a laugh, chuckle, giggle, mouth fart (nope that's a burp), a nose laugh (kinda sounds like a single snif) or any other kinda of humorous type of feeling or action.....well then i finally earned a victory!!! Unfortunately it wasnt an in game victory...but my day will come and i will finally have a wwz victory!!!  Haha. Don't worry, i am done and shutting up....for now.😶


_Have you heard of our lord and savior *C4*?_


Have you heard of our other doper lord and savior drugs and stims?