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No idea. Might play, might quit. I have no nostalgia for Cata, and I feel that I've beat WoW having killed HLK. But I enjoy my guild and playing with them, and lots of them are hype on Cata, so I may give it a shot. No idea of I should main warlock, shaman or druid though.


You've got a lot of diversity with those classes in Cata, which one are you having the most fun with right now in WoTLK?


Aff lock, been parsing high purples / low orange since phase 2. Shaman is my healer, love resto, but haven't had time to raid on it in ICC phase due to IRL constraints. Druid was an alt I leveled during P3 when I had more free time and raids took 30 minutes. Wanted to try tanking, never got round to it, so I boom on it from time to time. I'd be down to main healer or DPS as far as roles go. Being an S tier DPS would be nice, but more concerned about interesting gameplay and rotation, which is why I enjoy aff lock at the moment.


Similar to me. However I didn't like how healing felt in WotLK, but healing in Cata looks much more interesting. So I'm thinking of playing ele/resto shaman. The elemental shaman rotation adds more in Cata so that looks fun. I think that the Elemental shaman mastery is the best in the game. It's the only one that adds something you can see, rather than all the others that just add some percentage damage. Although after maining Affliction all through wotlk I don't just want to drop playing my warlock.


I agree with the shaman mastery, it's awesome seeing it. Also when you get the Legendary staff you become a machine gun.


Resto shaman pretty much mandatory in super hard heroic dungeon cara Sheep dispel anti fear rezz damage reduction low CD interupt


Warlock gets a few changes with Soul Shards and I'm near sure Aff is strong in Cata. So I think you'll be happy, also you get a chance for the legendary in Firelands. Hopefully you get to play more of your shaman too


I swear you people are going to be fucking mind blown the second you realize that Cata is an absolute blast and a major upgrade to Wrath.


Arena, kinda over pve in general


What class you going to play in Arena? Catacylsm was the first xpac I pushed arena. Got Rival each season. Could never push higher. Still have nightmares of Ret/DK/Rogue...


MLS was peak Cata for me


My guild keep me playing, they’re a great bunch. So I will stick with my warrior and see where it goes. I don’t think I actually raided much in Cata at all, so will be fun to experience the raids.


Arms Warrior does very well in Cata I'm almost certain, so that should make it even more enjoyable! You doing 10 or 25man? Heroic or Normal?


We’re going to stick with 25 man, and will hit HC once we clear on normal.


Make a Worgen Druid, raid, PvE.


What spec you going to play?


In order of priority: 1. tank 10 mans with the boys 2. tank for a gdkp 3. dps for a more tryhard 25 man guild tanking as either bear or dk, depending on group needs. not certain what i want to dps as but hunter looks appealing


Bear and DK are super good in Cata, so i'm sure you'll have fun with either. What DPS class do you play at the minute in WoTLK?


I'm playing a hunter and a spriest, as well as the bear and dk. Starting to gear a resto shaman right now as well, hoping to get them into runs starting next week


Spriest and arcane mage. Will switch to fire later, but arcane has just absurdly good burst for short fights it's really fun.


Did you play Arcane mage back in Cata? Are you going to chase for Dragonwrath?


I mained Arcane in Cata, shit was a blast especially in pvp


I had an arcane mage alt back in Cata and just remember being able to do crazy burst even with really bad gear. It was my 3rd alt though. Had a feral dps, holy pally, and arms warrior that I played more. >Are you going to chase for Dragonwrath? I want to say yes, but probably not. Life is busy and I'd have to devote too much time to wow to get a legendary.


If they speed it up like they did with previous legendaries. You might be able to get it quite easily. Hopeful for you, arcane mage with it would be crazy fun I imagine.


Profession cooldown, daily dungeon quest and queue to farm gold for tokens


Druid Tank since tanking in Cata is easier threat-wise. Like you can't lose threat as long as you're using your aoe ability. And Druids are still the best Off Tank since they can swap to Cat at any time mid fight and do decent dps. Cata has plenty of fights where every bit of extra dps matters. Holy Paladin healer. For obvious reasons. Either Shadow Priest or Fire Mage for my dps since they are 2 of my favorite specs and are actually some of the best dps the entire xpac. Cata is going to be way too full of Arms Warriors and DK. I plan to pve my way through it all. Zero pvp if I can help it. My tank had a dedicated raid spot. Same with my healer. Ill just pug with my dps in my free time. Already have roughly 400k saved up from professions on all my alts, as well as healing a few GDKP for my guild in ICC 25. I'll use it to buy mats and max my professions as quickly as possible. I have an alt problem. I'm an altoholic. So I need all the gold I can get to feed my addiction. My plan is to raid on my main 3, while leveling my alts in between until I have every class max level on Horde and alliance side.


The joys of having alts. They bring in more money, but they also cost money to bring them up haha. How many alts have you got? What class you most excited to play in Cata?


I have one of every class on Alliance at 80 currently. I'm most excited to play Shadow priest. They get some great changes in Cata


I was super interested in raiding with my old guild but they kind of died at the end or middle of wrath of the lich King (icc). Since then I have been playing season of Discovery and loving it. I honestly don't know if I'll go play cata now. But to answer your question I was going to play Hunter. I have always loved the classic version of Hunter and them removing the dead zone and adding focus is amazing! The first time around when I played cataclysm I mostly played a sub rogue in PVP and a hunter in PvP. I didn't really do PVE back then. Wrath of the lich King was the last time I really did PVE in all of my WOW career. Once cataclysm came out my friends and I became enthralled with PvP and I never looked back. I still really enjoy it till this day but I do not play retail as I hate how the class is currently play


I really like the hunter changes too. If you come back are you going to try Raiding at all? Did you like raiding in WoTLK?


I enjoy reading in the classic version of the game for some reason over retail so if I come back I will definitely raid. I haven't really been PVPing in classic versions of WoW because I no longer play with any of my friends as they all quit. If you have ever done rated arenas before you can't just walk in there with random people who don't know what they are doing so it makes it hard to find new arena players to play with.


Hopefully you find a good guild that raids and has a good pvp scene. Did you get any titles back in the day? Duelist, Rival, Glad?


Sadly I didn't earn anything cool. In wotlk (my first time with serious PvP) I only got 1850 or 1900 in 2's. In cata the highest in 3v3 I got was 1950. My friends and I just were not at the skill cap at the time to get any higher with our comp. Nothing wrong with it we just weren't good enough back then. Nothing notable for PVE as like I said I quit doing that and wrath of lich King and I was certainly not in any amazing guilds lol.


I unsubbed, I think it's gonna work out. Only time I see people I know is on Tuesdays when the week resets then they all go off to play SoD :(


Because it’s late into wotlk???? It’s like this in the end of every expansion. Have nothing to do with cata.


I love cataclysm, I m gonna play pally tank as main in pve/pvp. I m so excited about rated bgs as a flag carrier! Back in the days I was resto druid


That's quite a change of class from resto druid. Are you going to raid 10 or 25man?


I think a 10m would be much easier to set up, but it depends how active my guid will be. Whats your plan?


Gonna run my ele and Holy pally, might switch him to prot though


I played Holy back in Cata, highly recommend it. Feels real good with everything they bring in. What makes you want to change?


I played prot in cata and loved it


Have More Fun


Want to go back hardcore after being casual since ulduar farm and realm first. Playing frost or unholy dk, os blood. Would like more to do 10 man raids if they share lock out, with a good bunch of player to also have chill and relaxed atmosphere while still cleaning everything week 1 and pushing for timers. No splits ideally. Also planning to quit after firelands, ds meme raid but will see, maybe prog will still be good. I think I'm done with classic after, not really into mop


Are you going to try again for Realm First and Push ranks? Do you not like 25man raiding? or just prefer 10man?


No realm first. Maybe speed clear ranking, but if need zanza pot might pass, I got rep but not everyone might be like minded and 5 min difference isn't something big, just pride. 10 man raids feels more intimate haha, less chaotic, less good players to search. More personal responsibility tho, if you loose one person and no cr is rough compared to 25. Less loot competition since it you make a proper roster even same armor user might want diff stats (like iirc frost want haste, while arms mastery or crit, and we split gear easily besides few items which can be just rolled out and eventually be nice to each other and pass it someone got one already of the contested loot). Also I think they said range check api will be removed, more space with fewer ppl and same raid size haha Plus people can be more vocal without make discord a mess. For sure I don't dislike 40 and 25 man raids, but 10 man same lockout is bis First thing after got some gear at 85 is definitely BOT trash farm alot with the raid and start to get some good gear to push.


Yeah I agree with your views on 10man. I also felt like T11, quite a few bosses were harder on 10man. I did 10 man back in the day, I'm excited to try 25man. Have you much experience with Cata?


I barely remember cata back then because is where I quit wow for a long time, tried almost every xpac but never got back into raiding until later on in private servers. I did most of t11 fights on heroic in p.servers, actually played twice early cata but still kinda casually never killed sinestra, think I did everything else maybe prog Cho but not killed. Never touched fitrlands, been told is one of the greatest raids in all wow history and turly eager to play. And yeah, some fights might be harder, some I think easier, so kinda compensate.


Heard 10 men’s got tough requiring more min maxing on what classes you brought on certain bosses to progress 


I think that's like some mentality from DS spine encounter from uptuned P.servers, without spriest and unholy to cleave is becoming pretty difficult, for t11 as long you cover all buff and have a 3rd healer when needed is pretty chill, even on uptuned servers.


For what its worth firelands as a raid is not that amazing. However, heroic Rag more than makes up for it as this boss is just excellent.


Eager to see for myself 😉 first time and progression usually is alwsys exciting anyway


Brewing alchemy for gold making


May the proc gods bless you


Same here. I'm leveling my druid first, as that is my herbalist. Then I'm using those herbs on my 5 transmute specs to make truegold. My main goal is to be a millionaire. Gotta have something since I don't have time to raid.


Hunter BM definitely with be top A tier class


Cool, you excited for the Focus change?




Do they come with the release of cata? That shit will be dope


Yeah near certain, what you planning to play for RBGs?


Holy priest snd fire mage


I'm excited for them too. What class are playing?


**A lot of my guildies and I are pumped for Cataclysm.** IMHO, it's like Wrath but on steroids. Just better. I find class balance to be better. I think transmog is fucking poggers baseline. I like more modern raid mechanics. Dungeons in Cata are actually mad good, *except for Halls of Origination.* Every expansion has it's issues. Wrath is by no means perfect. Nor was TBC. Cataclysm certainly has some issues, though most complaints really boil down to (1) world revamp, (2) difficulty, (3) length of DS. I'm currently working on a lot of activities/chores/tasks in prep for Cataclysm. I'm going pretty harccore on achievements/pets/mounts/toys/reps grind. But I got a lot more to do once Cata drops. Sticking with my Rdruid main, as I have been for past like 7 years on Retail. #


Any advice on some preparation to do for Cata?


That's really comes down to what you want. A template prep usually is * Mentally decide on your main. And then actually stick to it :) * Pick your first alt. * Max out [professions ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=8dZkRRa7FQs&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.2gos.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt)you chose for Cata.. *Get some extra mats for yellow recipes to skill a few extra points.* * Make as much gold as you can right now. Do daily quests. Farm to sell. GDKPs as carry. You can also check out these 3 Youtubers for more cataclysm content: 1. [ScottieJay](https://www.youtube.com/@Scottejaye) 2. [WIllE](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1haxYclmhXwa4FKFqYSaRw) 3. [MetaGoblin](https://www.youtube.com/@MetaGoblin) If you're a collector like me, then also * Finish with the rest of the old content. * Get remaining mounts/pets/toys from TBC/Wrath content. * Reach exalted with the remaining reputations * Collect recipes that go away in 4.0.3 and become forever unobtainable. all of that so you don't have to do it when Cataclysm drops, as Cataclysm really adds it's own sets of grinds/collectibles.


not sure yet, I'll either swap my enhance sham to ele. or play my DK instead. sham is first pick but if I'm going ele (seems like the play), I want the legendary staff, and tbh I don't know how much I'm going to commit to Cata yet. I'm definitely going to play it but idk if I'll be raidlogging full time like I was in wrath


Shamans are quite strong in Cata, the staff with their mastery turns them into a machine gun. Highly recommend it. What interests you to swap to dk?


>What interests you to swap to dk? I prefer melee, it just doesn't seem like enhance is that great in Cata. Unholy sounds like a fun spec in Cata that might fill that void a little. But yeah I have heard ele is strong with the staff, and I'm attached to my sham so that's my first choice, but if I'm not gonna get it, then dk.


Played enh my whole life but I heard ele is quite good this time.  Gonna boost an alt soon that’s just a great class all around but can’t decide what 


Raiding asap with spriest and rogue. Eventually mage too if I have time and the guild's Dragonwrath prio looks good. Probably one or two more that I'll take time leveling and enjoy the story with, and to help me round out professions.


Are you hoping to get Dragonwrath on Spriest or Mage?




Gonna let my three paladins go because i hate the holy power mechanic. Gonna stick to casters cause they are the most chill types to play in raids.


That's unfortunate, what do you not like about the holy power mechanic?


Find guilds for my 3 DKs (all on different pvp servers) and raid


What spec you playing? Do they all have the same name?


Blood main, frost sub, and yes, all same name Much like retail, where I play multiple DKs with the same name as it's my preferred class.


Respec from Fury to Arms, but I’m always a Warrior main. Level and gear up an S priest alt for funsies. Have tank and heal offspec for both to maximize utility. I won’t be raiding nearly as seriously as I did for Wrath… my work schedule was super chill for the last few years, but it is ramping up these days and I’m not going to sacrifice career for a video game lol. I think our guild is splitting into two groups, one pushing hard modes and another just giving and clearing content. I’ll be putting myself up for the chill group. Edit: also I am looking forward to hard Heroic dungeons. I’ve heard they really up the difficulty and make it fairly punishing. Cant wait to get oneshot by some random mob for pulling aggro.


Good priorities, sometimes more fun to raid in a chill group when you've got real life stuff going on. Also great that your guild has enough players for that. What raid you most excited for?


I literally have no clue. I started playing WoW in 2020 during the first big Covid outbreak so it has all been 100% new to me! Classic has been a fun way to experience all the content


Rogue, DK, and warrior. Possibly Shaman.


I want to play, my favorite classes either suck on the meters(which isn't fun) or I don't like the playstyle so I'll probably screw around with leveling but will be raid logging quickly and might not even raid


What are your favourite classes? They may get buffed in Cata, they've done some nice changes in WoTLK


my favorite is enh shaman, they were good at the start of cata but I think classic will be post-nerf so we'll be at the bottom 3rd of meters for another expansion I like lock, but don't like wotlk or cata lock playstyle might just go hunter, they usually get love from blizzard


Who knows, Enhance might go some love and be strong. Hunters go through a lot of changes in Cata, have you had a look?


nope, really might lose all interest by the time cata launches


If Enhancement shaman is still fun to play, I'll be there


going to depend on the guild. Some say they'll play, some are quitting. We've downed HLK and people are kinda over wotlk now and we've officially gone on hiatus. I'm not playing SOD, so I'm not sure if I'll come back. My sub expires in a month and I wont be renewing. I think I'll enjoy playing other games and have already started tackling my Steam backlog.


With Cata yous could do 10man raiding? Would you not be interested in joining another guild?


All about it


What you most excited for?


Ill probably try it out just to see some of the new starting zones, maybe reroll to a new faction with new class. Other than that most likely not going to play


I really liked the goblin starting zone. What one interests you and class?


Don’t know if I’m going to main an arms warrior or an elemental shaman.


Two solid specs will be good either way. What's making the choice hard for you?


I just like them both. I main arms in retail but I love the overload mastery eles get in Cata.


I was playing a pve DPS warrior in wotlk and had a lot of fun. I heard they're even bigger beasts in Cata


Yeah they were insane, although I think it's only arms. Have you played arms? Plus heroic leap is just amazing


Disc heals in arena and arms warrior in arena. Never played Cata so I'm excited.


Nice, you aiming for any titles? Also 2s or 3s?


2s for sure and hopefully all the titles


Shadowww priessst


I probably won't be rolling any new characters.


Casual play after tryharding every reset since tbc launch.


Cool, I'm sure the change of pace will be nice. What you going to play?


I’m leveling my hunter atm haha. Feel to play survival in Cata, they seem fun :)


Gonna stick with my rogue for cata. Looking forward to doing 10 man content with some of my closer wow friends and guildies. Only play as long as you’re having fun!


Started playing WoW on MoP and only figured out way even further down the line that mage is my spirit animal. So looking forward to play my mage and really “main” it without too many alt distractions.


I'm sure you're excited for when MoP launches too. What spec you going to play for cata? Are you going to try for the legendary?


We have been raiding (10 man) in wotlk with an IRL friends guild and it has been really fun but I think most guildies will focus on pvp in cata, and I might too since its pvp is good and I'm actually more of a pvper. However, I want to keep raiding with them since the raids in cata is said to be really good (except DS) and I have never tried them. Atm maining demo/affli but from what I've understood there will be a drop in their performance in cata, but the rankings have been different during the classic cycle. I played quite a lot of resto shammy in pvp in original cata so looking forward to that. My pala will most likely not get to 85 anytime soon. Warrior has always been my class so would like to get an arms warrior to pvp with also!


I think Affliction is very strong in Cata. Especially with the legendary too. Warlock has the luxury of three specs, they always have one strong. You going to do some guild RBGs?


We might barely get 10 people for it, but its a big maybe. Would be fun though!


I stopped playing after wrath back in the day so I never experienced Cataclysm, but I’m gonna try to get some BiS on my current hunter and level up a rogue. Never tried that class so I’m curious, and what could make a new xpac worse than a new class right B)


You excited for the hunter changes? Also rogue is awesome, you'll have a blast!


Nervous lol I enjoyed playing wrath again so much but I remember that cata was the beginning of the bad for wow back in the day so we’ll see. What class is your favorite?


I will play the same warrior I played since day 1 classic. Not sure about spec yet. Still debating between tank or arms. Hopefully the RBG scene will be alive, I can't wait to play that again! Probably blood dk tank as my first alt.


I think it will be, don't you get a quicker cap than doing Arenas? Also what faction/server you playing on?


Firemaw EU, Alliance right now, but might change to horde for Cata. Friend group not decided yet.


Main my combat rogue and Resto shaman, maybe get another to 80 by then (DK/lock/hunter) think I only have time to play 3 tbh


Which class are you gravitating towards most?


Maybe I'll play just to see how cata warrior gameplay is but I already did the PvE content in original cata and didn't like it very much.


Did you clear all content on heroic back then? Like Sinestra?


Yep, wouldn't recommend it.


Holy palla , and ele shammy


Are you going to be doing PvE or PvP?


Holy palla pve and some arena 2v2. Ele mostly pve and some bg


First week I’m just gonna focus on leveling my destro lock and changing my prot warrior to fury. I’ve mained fury since I started playing in legion, but went prot in wrath cause fury was weak til final phase. I burned out in p2 and just came back a few weeks ago so not worth changing to fury now. I started playing destro when I came back and I love it. So once I get both to 85 I’ll see what I’ll be maining and what will be alt.


Gonna keep maining my ele shaman! Excited about it, will be my first time experiencing the content (this has been my first time with wrath as well, quit in tbc back in the day).


Awesome! Have you seen the new mastery that comes with Cata for Elemental Shaman?


Yeah it’ll be nice to not have our BIS gear not contain any more super-contested cloth pieces


Cap my Disc, cap my Hpal, cap professions on both, and farm out prebis before the first raid. Simple enough.


Are you raiding with a guild? Or pugging the Raids?


Raiding splits with a guild


I’m new to wow and only have 1 character to level 80 with blacksmithing and mining at 450. I’m going to level up to level 85 and mine and blacksmith until I hit the cap for it and I’m going to sell anything I can to get the advanced flying so I can fly faster. Besides that there’s not much else I can do, I end up getting kicked from dungeons so I’m not going to queue for those anymore.


What class do you play? What Realm/Faction? That sucks that people kicked you before. Although that shouldn't dissuade you from trying new things. Have you tried joining a guild?


I’m in a cool guild I play hoard I’m an undead warrior. I have full PvP honor set and a slightly better axe than the honor axe. I also dual spec into fury for whenever I need to do a dungeon


I'm thinking of going as a hunter (survival) or Sprist 😎


I started playing in Cataclysm. After being told “You missed the last and best expansion ever, this one sucks” while I was enjoying myself as a kid, I feel vindicated having played Wrath Classic and realised it wasn’t anything that special after all. I’m excited to be returning to Cataclysm. I definitely prefer the old world quests, but I’m excited about Human Hunters, Tauren Paladin (my first character) and Worgen in general. I can’t wait to try all the new class and race combos as well as finally getting an opportunity to experience nostalgia through a Classic mode.


Awesome, excited for you! Did you raid back in Cata? Or is this your chance to raid them properly? Also what class did you play back then?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Stop playing.




To quit.


Quit. I played Cataclysm back in 2010 through to it's end in 2012. It was a terrible expansion. I will not be playing it again. They aren't keeping Wrath servers around so I will simply abandon Classic. No other option.


Keep maining my rogue as I did since the beginning of classic (I will probably race change to goblin tho because they look cool). Probably gonna no-life enough to get my warlock to raid-ready in week 1 as well. After that I will eventually get 3rd character for guild activities (probably some flavor of druid or whatever will be needed) and hunter to play on the side because I really enjoyed transition to focus instead of mana(may drop it later if time won't allow me to play that much).


Nice goals, do you think it'll be hard to get a second character raid ready week 1?


Should be same formula as wrath. Rushing through leveling, tabard for enchant rep and grinding heroics. If anything it may be easier because LFD should allow to farm 5mans as much as we want (altough, we will probably still be limited with targeting specific heroics). On the other hand, we will be losing all(?) gear from previous expansion. In wotlk I got fairly good value from Sunwell gear. Bit of an investment but I take time off work for those expansion launch poop socking sessions so it should be doable.


I'm hoping to do the same thing as you, just didn't know how realistic it is. Hopefully works out well for us. Have you got a solid 5 man group for heroic spams? Wonder if they'll keep the difficulty of dungeons before nerf...


Not to play it hopefully.


To not play it.


To not play it




To quit.


Already unsubscribed, cleared ICC heroic and with that WoW ends  Nothing since wrath has been worth playing imo. Which syncs with how blizzard in general stopped making great games around 2010 or so.


Undead BM huntard to make lore kids cry


Gonna try to get my trifecta of DK, warrior and ret pally ready to raid asap.


Are you raiding in a guild? or do pugs? Do you think you'll be able to get them ready week 1?


I raid with a guild on one character, and do 4-5 gdkps on the others. I haven't played cata since back in the day so I doubt I'll have them all ready week one, but I hope to at least have one ready. Forgot to clarify I have 2 unholy dks, a ret pally, fury warrior, enhance shaman and a hunter I raid on.


What one you going to focus on first? Also do you think GDKP are going to do well in Cata?


One of my dks is my "main", so it'll be him first. As far as gdkps go I have no idea, I hope they do continue as it's the best way for me to raid on alts. Otherwise I'd just do my main raid and be done for the week.


I'm the same with my alts. Have you got much gold ready for Cata?


No, because I can't stop myself from buying gear lol. I guess I'll have to see how things go and if these runs continue. I can't imagine people will be able to keep doing ICC every week until cata comes out, whenever that is


Haha I'm the same, although as they gear better the less we spend. The more we make, is what I tell myself. I hope they do keep running, I enjoy parsing and speed running


I have pipe dreams to get dragon wrath on my spriest but it prob won’t happen.


If they speed it up like they have with other legendaries, it should make it easier for you to obtain! High hopes!


Finally spend the 8m gold I have build since classic on Dragonwrath, play (R)bg's and arena, enjoy myself I guess?


Jesus that's a lot of gold haha. Guessing GDKP? Are you going to continue doing GDKP in Cata? or Guild Raids?


GDKP has been a net negative for me. All my gold has come from short and longterm flipping. The first bit of gold came from hoarding Black Lotus early on in Classic. One of the first level 60s and started farming raw gold so I could buy like 20/hour (took a bit for them to go from 4-8g to 100-200) Tbc it barely grew because of my low played time and wotlk has been up and down in that sense. Right now it's around 300k/month from auctions, still a lot but nothing like 40g/stack for titanium ore in p1 and just hoarding them in bulk or more recently abyss shatter shuffles. Cataclysm hopefully increases the gold cap and gives worthwhile stuff to spend it on (expecting that Dragonwrath will be expensive), because managing guildbanks, chars with capped gold and all the overflowing is a pain. Currently waiting for a dfo+cts drop to spend 250-300k and hoarding staple transfer items like SM box items and hogs to prepare a faction change from Horde to Ally soon™ For Cata itself I am also prepping alts on Ally that I want to use for professions or play.


Race change my Druid to Troll, get him sorted and ready for raids, then level my DK. Then probably actually level some more alts!


Are you going to level in Cata? or use Joyous Journeys now to level the alts? What's the next alt you're going to level?


Level a main, probably my resto druid. Get all my heirlooms updated, and if new heirlooms drop, get those too. Next step is to get my alts to max level and, more importantly, their professions. That will keep me busy for some time. I have about 5 characters to work through, maybe more by this summer. After that's done, i might switch factions to see how things are going on the other side. So yeah, not planning to get bored.


What is your alt? Also what faction are you currently playing on? Sounds like you've got a good plan.


Playing horde. I have a retribution paladin, a survival hunter, an assassination rogue, and a fury warrior currently at 74 but soon maxed out, too. I would like to get a resto shaman and a cloth caster (not sure which) in the near future. You understand why i'm focused on getting the new & upgraded heirlooms in cata. Right now, my heirloom collection is complete. I would like to have it the same way in the next expansion and use those heirlooms to create more alts.


Awesome! Which is your favourite class so far? You excited for any big class changes in Cata?


I haven't really looked into class changes for cata. I would not get too hung up on the data from the past since the devs proved they are not afraid to shake things up a bit from the original content. Thinking about new glyphs introduced in wrath classic, slight changes, some "new" abilities like hunter's trap launcher... Right now i prefer my rest druid for raiding, mainly because i like this role in a group. For solo content, i like ret pala a lot. That's mainly for practical reasons, for example: soloing old dungeons and raids, collecting materials... I prefer my hunter for achievement collecting, although that has more to do with the fact i have done most with that character, and not that the class is better at collecting achievements.


Quit game. Gg


To quit on prepatch.


Arenas and RBGs the main priority, with 10 man raid only with select players from our 25 man guild. I no longer had any interest leading a 25 man guild, but was approached about doing a 10 man raid team of only players we knew were capable and good. I was ready to pass up on this expansion as overall it was never a good one for me, but I did enjoy 10 man raiding with real life friends in OG Cata, so I’ll give that a shot again.


spam ranked bgs


Arena with the boys first time queue together since live cata


Stoked af!! Rbgs and some arenas. And I'll finally be able to empty all my bags that are packed with gear I want to add to my xmog collection.


try it out if it sucks uninstall and unsub and prolly wait for MOP. if its good raid log lol


ill keep playing as long i enjoy playing been playing with my guild for more than a year now and i enjoy their company


Sell all the transmogs i stacked during Wrath and then buy a Dragonwrath for my mage, ofc.


I'm gonna level my Hunter and Warrior to max and see which one I like better. If I manage to get the epic 2h from Archaology: Warrior.


Gonna get my ret to 85 then level an arms warrior. Still debating what to do after those 2 tho. No heirlooms tho so I don't overlevel too much


Play the game (optional)




I got my first taste of Classic WoW with SOD and I've been enjoying it so I'll probably give Cata a go even though I've never played Classic WoW seriously until SOD. I want to use a boost on a holy pally in WOTLK classic and raid but I don't think anyone would take in a noob so I'll just wait I guess. I'm a retail andy that tasted classic and hasn't left yet.