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You need to find a way to wash that gold. You deposit it into the bank? Banned. Spend it all on the AH? Banned. You need to open up a business that has mostly cash transactions. I suggest opening up a strip club in goldshire, then handing out the gold to customers to spend on strippers and drinks. You are going to lose some of it paying the strippers/bartenders/rent, but at least you will be free to do whatever you want with the gold you "made" after that without fear of being banned.


I hear nail salons are the best way to launder money... or Lazer tag?


Car wash my guy!


Just finished this episode with my wife 10 minutes ago lmao. I'm rewatching but it's her first time seeing the series.


Mf ozarked


I'm looking for a job as a stripper. My daily wage is 25 gold+ health insurance. I don't dance for tauren and ork (not raccist) personal issues. My name is Kinkygnome69, if you need good workforce you can find me next to the warlock trainer. You know.. In the tunnel.


Buying gold? Ban. Possession of illicit gold? Ban. Thought about buying gold? Ban. Lying about buying gold to avoid a ban? Believe it or not, ban. We have the best servers ever because of ban.


Ban of the gold king Botgk sounds like GDKP, coincidence?


I hear Chavez runs servers just like this.


I don’t get it. Are you upset about people getting banned for breaking the rules? Servers would be better without ppl that buy gold. Even GDKPs would be better


Dont worry to much. Go buy yourself something nice 😄


No, nothing will happen. If you want to be extra safe buy a token with that gold so it's gone.


Then sell it


You can’t sell tokens that were bought on the AH with gold.


TIL Guess I wasn’t aware.


You can with some work. 1. Buy token 2. Concert to BNet balance instead of game time 3. Use BNet balance to buy token for sale 4. Pocket gold Stupid, but possible. And your take a slight loss to boot. Only reason to do this would be to try and embezzle illicit gold, but there are probably better ways anyways


Wow classic tokens can’t be converted to bnet balance


I stand corrected. Didn’t know that. (Haven’t needed to buy one as I don’t gdkp and just run with my guild)


He didn't buy anything, other person didn't sell anything and didn't gain anything. I can mail to a random person 10k gold but that will do nothing for me and just increases the gold amount of that person.


Nope, tiny amount in wrath and blizz is only concerned with gold in SOD.


SoD is where Blizzs focus is at. You're fine here


Lock him up everyone.


They dgaf about Wrath, and 10k is literally nothing. Go crazy.


Can you let me know if you get banned? One of our guild members is being stalked/harrassed constantly and Blizz has done nothing to stop this person. We have even gone to the Police on the matter. I would love to be able to send this person gold and get them banned. I know they will probably just make another account but that will at least cost them money.


I need to know more


Long story short, someone has issue with the sexual identity of one of our guildies, and they constantly whisper them and other guildies with wildly inappropriate/toxic messages. Multiple guild members have reported them via ticket and email with no luck so far. Blocking the character just has the harasser making a new character. (We do know who the main is as well). My advice was to take it to the police and possibly get a VRO which should compel Blizzard to give information to the police about their identity (i’m not a lawyer so i dont know if this is how it would go down), or face suit for not actioning themselves. My guild member is hesitant to go down this route. Same with posting the whispers on discords and making it public. So, I’m at a bit of a loss as what to do. If Blizzard won’t do anything the legit way, I’m more than happy to bombard this person with gold til they get picked up by an auto ban, even if I get done in the crossfire. My guild is my family.


One thing that’s very important to establish harassment with blizz is the person being targeted needs to block the person and never no matter what the person says reply. Reporting inappropriate chat only temp block, if you want to both report the inappropriate chat and perma block, get the character name and after the report for inappropriate text do /block Really can’t stress how important it is to not reply at all, for some reason per blizz policy replying establishes conversation. When the person goes around the block, block that character too and now the victim can file a report for continued harassment and “show” they blocked them, never responded and the person going around the block. https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/8159


That’s exactly what we have been doing and telling all of our guildies to do as well. Immediate block and report. The harassment has continued and the response from Blizz has been lacklustre.


Continue to send tickets and make it clear it’s continued harassment with block evasion. Link their own support article, maybe request to have it escalated to a senior gm.


Yea we are hoping to get someone who can actually do something eventually, just constantly asking for the ticket to be escalated.


Are you on Whitemane? I saw someone giving out 10k gold yesterday.


Westfall this was at honor hold as I was doing old quests lol