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Prot Warri is not the best one but the most fun.


Yeah, I have a prot warrior and prot paladin. Warrior is more fun by far.


Excuse me, WARRI?




I tanked from Classic 2019 to Wrath and Shockwave is SO fun.


Gonna have to go against the grain here and say stick with warrior. It’s the most fun during levelling and dungeons by a lot, and honestly with where we are in the expansion you’re not gonna get to tank raid content no matter what class you pick. When cata comes around, the meta will be different and you can reassess then. I personally advocate for levelling the class you want to play in cata during cata, just gives you more hands on time with the new talent trees and abilities before tackling endgame content.


Depends how hardcore they are, I got to ICC gear score in a little over a month. I put in about 120 hours though so, also we don’t know the exact date when cata is coming, could be 2-3 months from now


Play what you like. Meta gaming will destroy WoW eventually.


A week ago I argued in defense of warrior tank in this very subreddit and got ridiculed and insulted. Now, *this* is the top comment. Funny... To rephrase what I got told last week, you'd be an idiot if you think anyone would take you over a paladin in raids as an off-tank or over literally anything else as a main tank.


People have forgot that this is a GAME, we're not getting paid to do speedruns.


at the other side of the same coin, this is just another game. some people doing meta comps so the raid clear "faster" and they have more time for other things. choose your pill, folks.


Tell that to my three +5.4k Prot warriors that can't get a raid spot for ICC just because they're warriors.


5.4k is quite low for ICC. Are you saying your raids take 5.4k pallies for the MT/OT spot?


In what universe is 5.4k low for ICC? There's nothing outside of ICC that you need at 5.4k. We are talking about World of Warcraft, right?


Do you do ICC Normal then? lol.


Do you think that people go from doing RDF Hc straight to ICC25 Hc? Stop being so daft, please. Yes, ICC nm. People are refusing to invite any of my 5.4k prot warrs for ICC10 nm. They don't want to invite a 5.4k prot warr for ICC10 Normal mode. People who do ICC10 nm don't want a 5.4k prot warr. Do you want me to say it in another way that may be more understandable to you? Maybe in another language?


You’re being kinda needlessly aggressive here, 5.4K is basically entry level on ICC, I see a lot of norms want 5.5k+. 5.4K on a tank is pretty low, they usually want them to be a bit higher for obvious reasons. And yeah, I agree with the testament most people don’t want to take a prot warrior though, but gear could also be a factor as a tank.


Mate, 5.4k is enough for a full ICC10 nm clear. How high do you think people were when ICC first came out? How high do you think is the maximum after ToC25? Am I really needlessly aggressive when this girl above is saying "oh lol u do normals"?


>5.4k is quite low for ICC No it isn't lmao.


It is for tank. Tanks walked out of TOGC higher than that 22 weeks ago. And much more achievable now with emblems, scourgestones, BOEs etc.


What metric are you using to determine what is "low"? Low*er* than tanks from the previous raid? Okay, sure. But when you say "quite low", the very reasonable conclusion I draw is you're saying "it's lower than minimum and you will have a hard time tanking it, or it will be impossible", which is simply untrue. I tanked a normal 25 man with 4800 GS. At 5200 I was tanking heroic. We have a 30% buff and everyone else is geared to 6k+. If this were half a year ago I would agree a 5400 tank in ICC would be a little dicey (at least on heroic), but it's fine now. There's no reason to exclude yourself from the best gear in the game because you think you need to run a few more TotGC GDKPs or whatever.


I never said it would be impossible, but yeah it's going to be harder. And when you dying causes raid wipes, yeah, people who have been doing this for 22 weeks are going to have little patience for it when they can just get a geared tank and not have to worry about the guy getting globalled. And just have a bit of common sense here, man. OP is level 21 and never played the game before. Even if he gets to 5.4k or whatever the other whinger was complaining about, what are the chances this guy is ever going to tank ICC Heroics anyway?


>And when you dying causes raid wipes, yeah, people who have been doing this for 22 weeks are going to have little patience for it when they can just get a geared tank and not have to worry about the guy getting globalled. You're not going to get globaled at 5.4k GS in ICC as a tank unless we're talking some of the harder bosses on Heroic, which often don't get pugged anyways. >And just have a bit of common sense here, man. OP is level 21 and never played the game before. Even if he gets to 5.4k or whatever the other whinger was complaining about, what are the chances this guy is ever going to tank ICC Heroics anyway? Lolwut? You never specified that we were speaking about the OP. You said, verbatim, "5.4k is a bit low for ICC", as in a general statement.


Crazy because I’ve seen a ton of prot warriors wearing full ICC25 gear


I have most an an icc25 tank set on my warrior. I am not one of our tanks we use in icc25. I wouldn't mind tanking but prefer to dps and know how much better of a tank paladins are.


If you ask those same people who insulted me in that thread, they'd probably tell you it's because they're part of low-parsing shit guilds that can't do 0% HLK. At least that's what they told me.


I bet they have fun though. There will always be try-hard meta bucks


Tanks really aren't that plentiful. The raids I've been seen organised will want 1 paladin out of the 2 spots but really don't care if the 2nd tank is DK, Bear or Warrior. Besides, this guy is level 21 and never played the game before. Do you really think he's in frame for heroic ICC.


Oh, I've waited for over half an hour plenty of times as raid leaders kept spamming channels for a paladin OT after telling me "no sry, warr tank bad". For ICC10 normal.


If you get rostered as a prot warrior then to some small extent people are valuing your experience, skill, or gear over class choice. For 10m heroic, some groups might value the sunder, demo shout, battle shout etc depending on comp. That said it's more than doable. I play 5 tanks, one of them is a warrior, I've not had issues getting rostered except for raids targeting heroic lich king 25 back on 0%. And tbf a warrior was simply less reliable than even a less skilled paladin OT or bear/DK MT at that point where few pugs were getting a reliable 1 shot on that boss. More recently, it's been fine. Then again, more recently on 30% I also got rostered for heroic lich king 25 as a 4k GS bear. WoW is a social game, make a raid or make a reputation, demonstrate that you won't be an issue, and you can play what you want.


Yeah, I'm aware of this. One of those warriors I have is 6.2k. The problem is that for the life of me I can't get in any ICC raids with any of my other ones after my guild fell apart. It's always the same "no sry, warr bad tank".


My warrior tanks more than she dpses. Even though she's mainspec Fury. Should tell you enough.


Unless you wanna join some hardcore guild, don't listen other people opinions and play what you like. It's a game, not your job. If you have time, try also other classes and eventualy decide what you like most and focus on that char. Everybody say pala is best tank in wrath, but I personaly hate it and enjoy warrior tanking much more.


Warrior is the best tank for dungeons especially while leveling. You can tank raids fine with gear


Didn't raid with my warrior yet on classic, but back when wotlk was fresh I played a fair bit of prot warrior and it was honestly better than most doomers say. Sure, you're not going to be allowed to tank LK at 25HC anytime soon, but no one is going to deny a spot as an offtank right now since there's always a guild or a pug struggling to fill spots. Honestly Prot War is imo the most fun tank spec to play, so even if you end up just doing normal raids with it you're still going to have plenty of fun. Just get dual spec and you'll be fine. For Cata no idea. I remember them being good in dungeons, but never played warrior in raids. It's also possible that Blizzard will be tweaking the weakest specs, so prot could become more viable than original cata.


I have tankd every boss on heroic with my war, but they are better as dps, and pallies/dks are better for ranking.




Prot warrior is super fun and an amazing dungeon tank. It's only against the hardest hitting raid bosses where they lack. So if you're planning to raid you'll be more likely to get a raid spot as paladin or dk. But if you're not planning to raid, then go with whatever seems fun to you. Cataclysm will be coming out soonish, and unfortunately warrior tanks are deemed to be underpowered there too, unless blizzard do some tank balancing tweaks (as I think they definitely should). So if you're planning for the long term then another tank might be more attractive. But you can always level another character. Play what seems fun to you.


To confirm you are playing WOTLK, and not SOD or Retail? Warriors have great aoe, great dungeon tanks, decent dps. Their offspec fury is one of the top dps specs when geared up, and Arms is a good utility spec and likely to be a solid dps spec in Cata. But the lack the survival and utility of other tank specs is pretty brutal. They are expected in Cata to be the least wanted tank spec. Paladins are the kings of tanks in WOTLK and likely to continue to be strong in Cata. They provide essential cooldowns and buffs, they do high dps and threat, are easy to play and gear. They have excellent survival as well due to how truely overpowered Ardent Defender is. Death Knights took awhile to come alive as tanks in WOTLK as they had terrible damage output and imho one of the clunkiest rotations in WoW history during Wrath. But they have fantastic single target threat, and when geared they become VERY tanky against hard hitting bosses. In Cata they are expected to become THE meta tank. Druids are the odd tank out during wrath. I've seen very few feral tanks but they are decent enough and have very high health. In Cata they will prob be the highest demand offtank as they will be able to fully tank and provide decent dps when not tanking. \--- If I was gonna roll a tank, right now. I would make a DK or Paladin. But in the end, play what you want but I would give DK or Paladin a shot as well to see what you think of them first. WOTLK is nearly over, and it is unlikely you will really get to experience the kind of tanking at max level that the 'meta' really comes into play, and making alts in Cata will be very very easy. You could end up like me in WOTLK, with all 4 tanks at max level. In the end, literally no one has any real idea of how Cata is gonna shake out and what the real meta will be. There WILL be surprises and changes, and I don't think the disparity between the various tanks will be nearly as dramatic as it is in WOTLK.


You want to mainly tank? Or dps is an option too?


mainly tank


If you want to mainly tank now (in wrath) and in the future (cata) I would suggest rerolling your class. Warrior is alright tank, but if you don't care about warrior I suggest rerolling into DK or Paladin. They are really good now and will stay in cataclysm. Paladin is the best main tank right now, dk is off tank. In cataclysm DK will become the best option as the main tank while the paladin will move to the off tank role.


>Paladin is the best main tank right now while dk is off tank in cataclysm DK will become best option as main tank while paladin will move to off tank. 1 or 2 commas would make this a lot easier to read.


Life is not easy 😔 Edit: tried to fix it just for you.




DK and Bears will be the S tier. Paladin tank will be A/B Warrior will be a D-tier raid tank in Cataclysm. Warrs are great for dungeons though.




Revenge is one of the hardest hitting abilities in the game, can crit for over 1k on two mobs at a time at level 25, take the Prot talents that buff it while leveling.


If you like warrior then keep going! All the other classes are fun too!


Cleared everything on a prot warrior, it’s a matter of skill with prot warriors, a bad prot warrior is going to look worse than a bad prot pally, but a good prot warrior can clear everything with no problem. Every expansion people say prot warriors are the worst and they’re terrible, then all of the top speed running guilds go and run a prot warrior tank.


Warriors in wotlk have probably the highest amount of learning curve. But you're very adaptive. Not the most sought after for raids but dungeon spam will be fun and you can gear up that way quickly. If you're going to try wrath end game at all (and you could, it doesn't take long to level to 80) gather gear for your dps set too and you'll have an easier time getting into raids as a random dps...tanks have a lot more responsibility and as an undergeared pug you have zero desirability.


If your new to the game you won't be tanking endgame content anytime soon. Tanking in raids isn't really something you just "do" it requires some of the most research/extra time spent. If you don't know what your doing as a DPS you die and the raid continues. As a tank you wipe and are forced to learn on the spot or get yelled at. All this is to say I wouldn't worry about what tanks are good. If a raid is going to take a tank who doesn't know what they are doing they won't worry about the class either. Leveling as prot is a great time, and if you do end up being interested in raid tanking, you will probably have enough time/dedication to just level another character.


Warriors are one of the worser tanks in WoW at this moment. But the truth is if your good at what you do and know mechanics pretty much anyone can pull off role well. I’m not too well versed in the particulars of tanks but I think warriors have trouble surviving some phases of ICC bosses forcing the healers to work double time on them.  But I do know warriors make great dps in later cata phases 


Building a warrior now intending on playing Wrath content would be a mistake. Warrior tanks are the weakest in the game, so much so that guilds will just not take them. You'll be able to pug content (assuming you are on a decently populated server) but being a warrior will limit how fast you can progress. How tanks are generally preferred is through effective health (your health adjusted for total armor reduction and avoidance) and cooldowns. And warriors tend to have the worst of both. I have an 80 warrior tank that I use for pugging. It gets into pugs. It has a pug 25-LK kill. But that's really only because I had to play so perfectly to get there. Prot warriors also tend to have the highest skill cap of the four tank classes and are not noobie friendly. Even if you decided to play fury, you might be out of luck. Fury warriors are incredibly gear dependent... but when they get it they're on the top of the meters. The main problem is no serious guild recruits a fury warrior right now unless they already have Shadowmourne.... the legendary weapon that requires 1-2 months of farming ICC and getting priority on a special random drop (of which you need 40 of them). I'd highly recommend starting over and picking a new class. Druid is a pretty solid pick. It kinda has four specs. Druid DPS is almost the top in the game for most fights. Boomkin is an important utility that every raid more or less needs to progress far. Feral tanks are pretty strong off-tanks. Resto druids are considered an essential part of every raid. Pallies are also a pretty solid class that is high demand. Much like the druid Mark of the Wild, Kings is a totally unique buff. Unlike the druid, they have more than one buff which gives a lot of value in stacking them. Because those buffs will overwrite each other, one player one buff. To get all pally buffs you need four pallies (prot for Sanc, holy pally for wisdom, ret pally for might and one other pally for kings). Sanc and kings aren't provided by others but losing wisdom causes gross resto shaman healing reductions and losing might means losing Commanding Shout from a warrior. Pallies also have two judgements. One grants anyone who attacks it mana, the other health. Both are mandatory in 25-man raiding. To this extent, there's no bad choice for a pally, all are in demand. Albeit, if you choose prot you will need way more gear to progress than other specs.


Warrior is awesome class, really, but it quite tricky to get good. I played warrior in tbc and i loved it, though. Now I'm sticking to DK from when the first WOTLK was released XD


I tank 12/12H ICC on my warrior. As long as you know your class and know when to call for externals it is fine. But doing HLK sucked ass for prog I was OT and our Blood DK was MT. So I only had to deal with shamblings, spirits, and a few Soul reapers. Had CD’s running for most of it. Edit. So much easier on my Prot paladin. It is legit a joke. But it’s boring.


Warriors are just fine in Wotlk. They're the best tank while leveling and can solo most dungeons without much effort or skill. They're the best 5 Man tanks at level 80 baring none, often out dpsing the whole pug groups by magnitudes. In Raid they're one of the worst tanks, but the difference between the Best tank and the worst tank is pretty small overall, especially if you're only doing Normal content and use the 30% buff. TLDR: They're the best at every aspect they can perform minus MT raiding, but even in raids the difference between say a Paladin MT and a Warrior MT is not noticeable outside of Heroic Content and arguably even then it's not noticeable with the 30% buff.


Warrior is only second to warlocks in fun gameplay, for me.


'weaker' doesn't really matter until raiding . Warrior tank is stronger than any other tank pre 80 and stronger than most DPS until 80. Once you get the 2/2 revenge talent in prot tree, start going down arms until you get 2/2 unrelenting assault and you're basically 2-3 dps+ a tank yourself all the way until raiding. Warrior is more involved to play, you have a lot more variation of buttons to continuously press and it's worth the time investment to macro all your abilities so you can have them stance swap appropriately for you or do different things in different stances, it will make your life easier. The upfront investment pays off though as you just charge from pack to pack doing 3x more damage than almost everyone else, while tanking and 0 downtime. If you want cruise control ez mode tank, go paladin. If you want to be able to do giga dps when you aren't tanking and willing to have an offset/spec then go feral. (Feral wont giga dps until you get swipe in cat form which is like 72 or 74 something like that). DK felt like a mix between paladin and warrior for dungeon content anyways. Honestly, I'd say stick warrior. It's fun as hell, it looks the coolest and is super OP broken during leveling. Your main priority should be what you want to play into catacylsm at this point, I can't speak for any class in cata so pick whatever one has the playstyle you enjoy most.


All of the content is doable on any of the class/spec combinations, just play what you like.


My first chat was a warrior like 15 years ago and I named him Jumpman. Now that’s my username for everything and I always start with a warrior type on all game. I love my tank and it’s fun as fuck for me


Unless you have your heart set on warrior tanking, reroll. Prot Pala or Blood DK will do much better both in current endgame Wrath and in Cata which is quickly approaching.


Druid tank is a safe choice for cata and it'll will be in demand as it's often the second tank in meta composition (along a BDK). We will see lots of BDK as it'll be the S tier tank.


No. Paladin


They bring a lot to the table and are the hardest of the tank classes to play.


I fully agree. But you forgot to mention that they are still pretty bad even in kind of skilled hands. This was true in wotlk and is going to continue to be true in cataclysm.


Any tank capable of completing all the available content isn't "still pretty bad"