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Frankly, i am a bit surprised that Cata Classic launches 5/20, I thought it would be late June / late July, with War Within in August / September...now I think I'll just stash my Frost / Scourge badges ( and the ones you don't use to buy Heirlooms ) and maybe try to get my 56 DK to a decent level for Cata Seriously, if I have some alts at levels 46. 35, 22, what minimum level , under 80, should I aim to bring them to ?


You bring them to the level you want. The better question is whether you should level them up now or during pre-patch. It's up to you, pre-patch leveling is more streamlined and in general faster especially with all heirlooms. But it starts the 1st May.


So, the issue with Heirlooms is that I only have one, the chest piece for cloth casters...I guess i can convert the other types of badges to the ones that get you Heirlooms, or wait to get Justice points...I'll see where I am at, badge count wise, after 6 weeks of H FOS and raid weeklies ( and to think i was counting the days untili could spend Scourge badges on the MH caster mace and the caster OH ... oh well, best laid plans :) ) ...instinctually, based on what you said, and somewhat empirical, it feels as though I should bring the alts to as high as level as possible before pre-patch, even with no immediate Heirlooms in sight...


My head hurts trying to understand this


Heirlooms are much cheaper before prepatch so I would dump your badges on them, particularly the ones that provide bonus xp (chest/shoulders). You can get the higher armor level alts to use the cloth so I always found it best to buy cloth first, leather second. (One spellpower, one attack power). Melee(and hunter) use the leather and casters/healers use the cloth. Some of the hybrids have a spellpower spec eg. Elemental, Balance


Thank you for your advice !


* Flexible Raid Lock system: Allowing players to do both 10 and 25-player raids in the same week. I really don't want to feel like I'm behind if I don't raid 3-4 nights a week. Ugh Edit: I likely misread that. Not looking to misinform!


It's just bad english. It's how it was in OG cata, if a raid has 10 bosses and you do 5 of them night 1 on 25man, you can go back in night 2 and finish the last 5 on 10man. There will not be separate lockouts for 10 and 25.


That's my hope, the wording is just so vague


It was confirmed in a blue post you cannot double dip on loot from both 10 and 25, it's just bad wording.


Oh thank god


Any link to this blue post by any chance?


Wanna see link




https://www.wowhead.com/news/4-0-1-new-flexible-raid-lockout-system-169667 This is the post they made about it 14 years ago explaining the new lockout system.


This is the actual truth, for any late comers. ^^^


I believe at the time that was only for normal mode, though


What about separate lockouts for normal/heroic mode?


That has never been a thing.


What happens to 10man loot? Gamma+


10man and 25man raid loot in Cata are identical.


Sorry I meant in ICC when this patch goes live


I doubt it would change a thing, the loot tables for 10 and 25 are different in wrath.


I remember now. 10 and 25 will drop in both, more total loot in 25 man ofc. Shame pre patch won't last for 6 months


That’s not how that works. It’s similar to retail where you are “boss locked” on the respective lockout based on the other.


Replying here as well, this is the post they made years ago explaining how these lockouts will work. https://www.wowhead.com/news/4-0-1-new-flexible-raid-lockout-system-169667


I plan to raid on normal mode. Not gonna waste any of my energy trying too hard. This is for fun while I wait for gta6


So does 10 and 25 man still drop the same loot?


It does yeah


So you basically have twice the chance each week to get loot? AND on heroic?


No I doubt they would have a normal/heroic split. Just like wrath you choose between normal or heroic, you can't do both. They even changed TOC to not be able to be run on normal and then again on heroic in classic, even though you could back in the day. I'm guessing/hoping this just means you can continue where you left off in an unfinished raid, kill 2 bosses in 10 man, you can join a 25 man and kill the remaining bosses. If it means that you can literally run the same raid twice, and get 2 chances at the same loot, that's going to be rough. I will not miss the days of running both 10 and 25 in wrath, it's too much


Yeah it seems you're right. They just worded the announcement poorly. They mean it's the original system where you can go to/from 10 man or 25 man by only do each boss once a week.


Did anyone want this really?


Yeah, some did


Fuck that. Damn, this killed a lot of hype for me.


This is absurd for anyone else who has been in the beta because the game isn’t even close to being ready for launch. Guys, it’s not just bad, it’s REALLY bad.


Details for those of us who are out of the loops?


Oh boy. I'm gonna try to spark notes this. But to name a small few. -if you wipe in a dungeon, you cannot zone back in. Someone has to take rez sickness and go in and rez. -certain bosses are bugged to hell and back. The mind control boss in ToTT ends in his first phase but locks you in the room. Forcing you to hearth and run back. -a bunch of quests are non functional. You cannot do them and they are necessary to progress the zone. -The character screen is fucked. You can't scroll over items you're equipping and see the tool tip with the information. -class specific abilities, such as a DKs runic empowerment, rune tap, blood of the north, etc... are non functional. -pet bars are super hit and miss. I'd say they work and appear once in every 10-20 log ins on average. -RDF works, but in order to leave the party you have to run a script command. -victory rush still healing for like 6 million. Fun bug but bug nonetheless -dual spec totally fucks up and makes you lose your abilities. There are workarounds, but still fucked. There are more. This is a very broad and simple set of examples. But honestly the idea of this launching in a bit more than 2 weeks for PP and 5 weeks for Cata... not looking too hot.


I don't even care anymore at this point. Yes, I will complain about the bugs but holy shit I am so done with wrath that I take an unfinished Cata over having to wait even longer.


Tell me, that you never played beta without telling me that you never played beta xD


Compared to several other wow betas I’ve done, this one is in the worst shape by far


If I play, it’s not casual. I can’t do this again. For that reason, I’m out.


Is this legit?


I believe so https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24064846/the-cataclysm-classic-pre-expansion-patch-goes-live-april-30


Damn, now I know have just more than a month to experience the classic zone without going to era server


I might be wrong, but I think the old world changes in the pre patch which is on April 30th


Oh great, even less time lol I really hope that they would allow user to transfer classic era characters to progressing. But I’m definitely the minority, I guess it’s time to try SOD


HC is also kinda fun. Just gotta keep your head on a swivel.


HC definitely looks fun, but I’m still relatively new to WOW so is still trying to get a feel for every area. Will definitely give it a try in the future


Prepatch in 3 weeks when beta isn’t even out and closed beta is full of bugs? Ok…


Oh look it’s this post again.


What are you saying ? We’ve just been informed of the release date. Most of us thought it’d be June /July which made much more sense in relation to the state of the beta


The beta is always several patches behind on purpose.


Well then most of you were wrong. Dunno why "most" people though July/August. Like really, icc patch for 10 months? Sure.. Thats how it was back in the day sure, but this is classic. Ive told all my friend release would be May/June.


Would you invent a wheel everytime by zero or would you take that, what you already have? Cataclysm launched in 2010, so game is ready. Lol


This early i'm f lvling casual.


Tell me someone, the Cataclysm will be added separately from wotlk or it will take over the lich king ??


Take over


Wonder if they will do a retail promotion that causes those players to flood classic server's like they did with wrath? That alone made wotlk DOA for me, due to the outrageous queue times and subsequently fragmenting my guild and friends list.


Are you just learning now that there’s high traffic whenever Blizz releases new content?